ESO Gold Road The Second Era Of Scribing Quest And Walkthrough (2024)

Scribing is the new mechanic for ESO: Gold Road, but to learn about it, players must complete the questline, starting with The Second Era of Scribing.

Table of Contents

  • ESO Gold Road The Second Era Of Scribing Quest Objectives
  • How To Complete The Second Era Of Scribing Quest For ESO Gold Road?

The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)'s latest chapter, the Gold Road, adds a new mechanic, Scribing, which allows players to customize their abilities or skills for their skill lines using Grimoires. This customization extends beyond the Grimoires' functionality by allowing them to alter them to suit their needs, but they'll have to explore its questline to understand Scribing best.

This starts with The Second Era of Scribing quest, which begins in Skingrad as they take on a commission to investigate a magical anomaly at an unknown location. We've detailed everything about The Second Era of Scribing quest, highlighting its objectives and explaining how to complete it for ESO: Gold Road.

ESO Gold Road The Second Era Of Scribing Quest Objectives

The Second Era of Scribing is the first quest in the Scribing questline for the ESO: Gold Road chapter that will guide them through the mechanics and mastering of this feature. As it's required to have the Gold Road chapter to begin the quest, they can get the quest by locating Adept Inard Rimii by the Mages Guild or by finding a notice "On Behalf of the Mages Guild of all Tamriel" by the bridge leading to Skingrad City southeast of the Skingrad Vineyards Wayshrine for the quest to be active.

As such, players will investigate this matter with assistance from the Order of the Lamp as they explore an unknown location that may help them learn about Scribing. We've listed the objectives to help players during The Second Era of Scribing quest for ESO: Gold Road:

  • Talk to Adept Inard
  • Find Votary Nahlia
  • Enter the Sunnamere Study
    • Talk to Votary Nahlia
    • Investigate the Anomalies
    • Enter the portal
  • Find the Source of Unstable Magic
    • Talk to Votary Nahlia
  • 0/5 Close the Doors
  • Go to Votary Nahlia at the Altar
    • Talk to the Crow
  • Find a Replacement Crystal for the Altar
    • Return to the Altar with the Crystal
  • Follow the Crow's Instructions
    • Talk to the Crow
    • Talk to Votary Nahlia

How To Complete The Second Era Of Scribing Quest For ESO Gold Road?

With the quest active, they can either proceed to speak with Adept Inard Rimii to start the quest and immediately begin with the objectives. After explaining the "predicament" regarding "a magical anomaly" of "untamed power from an unknown source," the Mages Guild is keeping this "predicament" a secret for the time being while the Order of the Lamp has begun their investigations to "assess the danger" of this anomaly.

As they'll be assisting a representative of the Order of the Lamp, Votary Nahlia, on the matter, they can exhaust the dialogue to learn more about Votary, the anomaly's location, and the Order of the Lamp. Once this has been completed, he'll immediately summon a portal to take players to Sunnamere, where they must enter the Sunnamere Study to speak to Votary.

While conversing with Votary, they'll learn that she attempted to destroy the wall where the portal may be behind it, but "raw magical energy" came bursting through instead. Votary has another plan in mind as they'll need to enter the portal together, which requires two people to achieve for her to try to stabilize it before heading through the portal; they can exhaust the dialogue to learn more about the portal, Sunnamere and the Knights of the Order of the Lamp.

ESO Gold Road The Second Era Of Scribing Quest And Walkthrough (2)
ESO Gold Road The Second Era Of Scribing Quest And Walkthrough (3)

Before attempting to go through the portal, a few anomalies, a torn page, and a flickering image spawn in the study room to investigate. After identifying these anomalies, they can proceed to the portal that will teleport them "to a Distant Place" before beginning their investigations to find the "unstable magic" source at the unknown location.

As they explore this unfamiliar location, they will encounter various enemies, which they are to prepare themselves for in order to continue their investigations. Eventually, this will lead them to a battle with the first Animated Archmagus and the entrance to the Scholarium at the top of the staircase where heading inside is how they'll find The Scholarium Wayshrine.

Speak to Votary near the Wayshrine before moving to the next room, where they discover an area with an altar but no indication of their location where they can speak with Votary again. Voltary concludes that the "unstable magic" stems from multiple doors feeding the altar, for which they must close the doors to stabilize.

From Voltary's location, head down the corridor on the left side, as marked by the quest marker on the map, and enter the room. Upon entering the main hall, the five doors will appear as they must interact with each door to close it and return to Votary at the altar once completed.

As they approach Voltary and the altar, a crow appears beside it which they can speak to it to learn about this fascinating creature. In shock after what had happened to the altar, the crow will explain the location to be the Scholarium, for which they'll add that the altar needs a new focusing crystal, located in the east wing, as they mention the "rite of Scribing which the Crow will guide them through.

Head towards the east wing in pursuit of a replacement crystal for the altar, for which they can inquire with the Crow about what Scribing is. Unfortunately, the Crow doesn't have time to waste, and they can hastily find the crystal in the area marked on the map, where a few enemies are in the room, and return to the altar with a replacement crystal.

Interact with the "Unstable Altar" by placing the crystal into the empty locus, which unlocks the Wield Soul (World-Soul magic) Grimoire, and they can use the magic to focus on "a new creation." They'll also unlock a few Scripts, such as the Breach (Affix), Lingering Torment (Signature), and Magic Damage (Focus) Scripts, Scribing skills to customize their Grimoire.

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ESO Gold Road The Second Era Of Scribing Quest And Walkthrough (6)

With the Crow's instructions, they'll begin customizing their Grimoire using the unlocked Scripts and start crafting, in which they'll receive the Magical Soul (World - Soul Magic) Scribing skill, unlocking the Ink-Stained Fingers Achievement, and they can assign their newly created scribed skill.

They can then complete the quest by speaking to the Crow first to learn more about Scribing and further investigate the Scholarium's origins, founded by Archmage Ulfsild the Evergreen, who "perfected' Scribing and whom the Crow will serve as their mentor. Lastly, speak to Voltary, who can discuss learning Scribing from these "Luminaries," for which she'll head back to the Order with a report while players can continue exploring the Scholarium and mastering Scribing.

This concludes The Second Era of Scribing quest for ESO: Gold Road, which they are free to explore or continue with the next quest when speaking to the Crow. Additionally, they'll receive 332 Gold, a lore book on "How To Scribe," the Soul Trap, Orchid Purple Scribing Skill Style, and unlocking the A Patrol to Last a Lifetime Achievement.

ESO Gold Road The Second Era Of Scribing Quest And Walkthrough (2024)
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