Glossary of Useful Words from Practical Marshallese — (2024)

This post is based on Practical Marshallese by Peter Rudiak-Gould,a freely distributed, full-length textbook for learning the native language of the Marshall Islands. It has been used since 2004 as the official language manual for all volunteers in the WorldTeach Marshall Islands program, and it has formed the basis of language classes for Americans at Kwajalein Atoll. The 102 short lessons describe the grammar of the language in practical and familiar terms, and a glossary presents 1500 useful words.

The following is a glossary of about 1500 Marshallese words, in order of usefulness. These are all of the words introduced in the lessons of Practical Marshallese. It is designed so that you can sit down every day and learn a few new words. Since it is not in alphabetical order, it is not designed so that you can look up words either from Marshallese or from English. For this purpose, you should use the Marshallese-English Dictionary by Abo, Bender, Capelle, and DeBrum. However, for expanding your vocabulary, this glossary is more useful than the dictionary because it lists only useful words that are in current use, and omits rare words and words that are no longer used.

Some words are not fully listed in this glossary because they are covered in the book and/or require a lot of explanation. These are the words that are not listed:

Some words are different in the Eastern (Ratak) dialect than the Western (Rālik) dialect. When this is the case, ‘E:’ indicates a Eastern form and ‘W:’ indicates a Western form.

To understand the difference between ‘transitive’ and ‘intransitive’ verbs, see Lesson 88 and Lesson 89.

To learn how to correctly say words that start with two of the same consonant in a row, see Lesson 82.

aet yes jaab no jab (usually pronounced jeb) not, don’t, doesn’t ewōr or elōñ there is, there are ejjeḷọk there is none, there are none, there is no, there are no, none, nothing, nobody aolep all, every, everything, everybody juon (usually pronounced juōn) one, a, an etal go itok (E: wātok) come, arrive ṃōñā eat, food idaak drink, take (a pill or some other kind of medicine) ba say koṃṃool thank you ilo in, at im and in of iọkwe hello, goodbye, love eṃṃan (E: sometimes ṃōṃan) good nana bad, inedible ennọ (E: sometimes nenọ) tasty, tastes good, delicious, edible ṃōj finished, done Ex. Eṃōj mona = We’re finished eating jeḷā know, know how to, find out Ex. Ijeḷā = I know Ex. Ijab lukkuun jeḷā = I don’t really know/I’m not sure jaje or ñak not know, not know how to ripālle American person/people riṃajeḷ Marshallese person/people jān from, since, than, off ñan to, for, in order to jikuuḷ (from English) school, go to school (either as a student or a teacher), attend class ṃōn jikuuḷ school building kōṃṃan do, make, fix kōṇaan want, like, do often lo see, find maroñ can, may, might, possible mā breadfruit, breadfruit tree ni coconut, coconut tree meḷeḷe understand, disentangled, meaning, information Ex. Meḷeḷe in ‘ḷaddik’, ‘boy’ = ‘Ḷaddik’ means ‘boy’ Ex. Ta meḷeḷe in ‘laddik’? = What does ‘ḷaddik’ mean? men thing Amedka America, the United States ṃajeḷ The Marshall Islands, the Marshallese language rūkaki teacher, minister, priest rijikuuḷ student ioon on, on top of aebōj drinking water iar lagoon, at the lagoon, lagoon beach, at the lagoon beach lik ocean side of an island, at the ocean side of an island, beach on the ocean side, at the beach on the ocean side bwebwenato talk, have a conversation, chat bōk take, get, receive, minus (in arithmetic) ak or akō but, what about, or (when asking questions) ñe ej jab or (when expressing the idea of one or the other) āne island, islet, land brother (from English) brother sister (from English) sister ṃaṃa (from English) mom, mother baba (from English) dad, father jerbal work (in both the sense of ‘do work’ and ‘function’), job Ex. Ij jerbal = I am working Ex. Ej jab jerbal = It doesn’t work jokwe to live (as in, to live in a certain place) Ex. Ij jokwe ilo Ujae = I live on Ujae mour to live (as in, to be alive), life, alive, cured Ex. Emour = It is alive kiiō now jibboñ morning Ex. Ejibboñ kiiō = It is morning now in jibboñ in the morning raelep noon, afternoon Ex. Eraelep kiiō = It is the afternoon now in raelep in the afternoon jota evening, yesterday evening Ex. Ejota kiiō = It is the evening now in jota in the evening boñ night, last night Ex. Eboñ kiiō = It is night now in boñ at night ṃōñā in jibboñ breakfast, eat breakfast ṃōñā in raelep lunch, eat lunch ṃōñā in jota dinner, eat dinner kōrā woman eṃṃaan (E: ṃōṃaan) man ek fish kiki sleep, asleep, to live (in a certain place) raan day kilep (when modifiying a noun, kileplep for singulars and killep for plurals) big, fat Ex. Rekilep = They are big Ex. Juon ni kileplep = A big coconut Ex. Ruo ni killep = Two big coconuts dik (when modifiying a noun, jidikdik for singulars and jiddik for plurals) small, young Ex. Edik = It is small Ex. Juon ek jidikdik = A small fish Ex. Ruo ek jiddik = Two small fish leddik girl ḷaddik boy ajri child, kid, toddler lukkuun very, really, absolutely, totally Ex. Elukkuun eṃṃan = It is really good Ex. Elukkuun ejjeḷọk = There absolutely none ñe if, when (as if ‘when I leave,’ not for asking questions like ‘when are you leaving?’) tutu wet, get wet, take a shower, take a bath tutu iar go swimming or take a bath in the lagoon tutu lik go swimming or take a bath on the ocean side of an island jidik a little, a little bit kain (from English) kind (in the sense of ‘type,’ not ‘nice’), kind of Ex. Juon kain ek = A kind of fish Ex. Aolep kain = All kinds/All kinds of things āinwōt like (as in ‘it is like an apple’) Ex. Pako rej āinwōt ek = Sharks are like fish aolep iien always Ex. Aolep iien kwōj jikuuḷ = You always come to school bōb pandanus, pandanus tree aikuj need aikuj in need to, have to, should ewi where is it/him/her?, where is ___? Ex. Ewi ek eo = Where is the fish? eọñōd to fish, to go fishing armej person, people baḷuun (from English ‘baloon’) airplane wiik (from English) week allōñ month, moon iiō (from English ‘year’) year kajin language, language of, dialect, dialect of kajin pālle or pālle or Iñlij English language kajin ṃajeḷ or ṃajeḷ Marshallese language katak or ekkatak learn, study katakin teach kwōle hungry maro thirsty nañinmej sick, sickness, illness, disease ṃōṇōṇō happy, glad Ex. Iṃōṇōṇō in eọñōd = I am glad to fish būroṃōj sad illu (E: lilu) angry mejki sleepy mijak scared, scared of, fear Ex. Imijak baḷuun = I am scared of airplanes ṃōk tired ṃōk in tired of, tired from lale look, look at, watch letok give to me/us Ex.Letok juon ni = Give me a coconut lewōj give to you leḷọk give to him/her/it/them ṃōttan jidik soon, in a little bit ñāāt when? ta what?, do what? wōn who? ia where? etke why? jete how many? ewi joñan how much?, how big? raij rice pād to be located somewhere Ex. Ij pād ilo Majuro = I am in Majuro jipañ to help aelōñ atoll, single island (not part of an atoll), country ban will not, will never, cannot, unable, impossible Ex. Eban = It’s impossible Ex. Iban etal = I won’t go/I can’t go awa hour, time, time of the day, o’clock awa in ___ time for ___ Ex. Awa in ṃōñā = Time to eat bōktok bring aiboojoj beautiful (of things only, not people) iukkure (E: kukure) to play, game eṃ house, building iien time, time of, time for, chance, chance for Ex. Iien jikuuḷ = Time for school alwōj look at, watch rainin today ilju tomorrow, the future inne yesterday ippān with, with it/him/her (in the sense of ‘accompanied by’, not in the sense of ‘using’) Ex. Ej ṃōñā ippān Ali = She is eating with Ali Ex. Ij ṃōñā ippān = She is eating with him kōn with (in the sense of ‘using, by means of’), using, about, concerning because of, due to, caused by Ex. Bwebwenato kōn Amedka = Talking about America Ex. Jeje kōn pinjeḷ = Writing with a pencil kake (E: eake) with it (in the sense of ‘using it, by means of it’), about it, concerning it because of it, due to it, caused by it Ex. Bwebwenato kake = Talking about it Ex. Jeje kake = Writing with it lọjet ocean (in a general sense, including both the lagoon and the open ocean) jouj nice, friendly jouj im ___ please ___ Ex. Jouj im ṃōñā = Please eat kōnke because kajjitōk ask, question Ex. Kajjitōk ippān Alfred = Ask Alfred kilaj (from English ‘class’) class, grade (as in ‘first grade,’ ‘second grade,’ not as in ‘A/B/C/D/F’) kilaj juon/kilaj ruo/kilaj jilu/etc. first grade/second grade/third grade/etc. ḷōmṇak think (in both the sense of ‘think about something’ and ‘be of the opinion’) Ex. Ij ḷōmṇak = I am thinking Ex. Ij ḷōmṇak inaaj etal = I think I will go ḷōmṇak in plan to Ex. Ij ḷōmṇak in eọñōd rainin = I am planning to go fishing today metak to hurt (as in ‘my leg hurts,’ not as in ‘don’t hurt me’) Ex. Emetak = It hurts ṃanit custom, culture, manner ṃantin custom of, culture of, manner of ṃantin ṃajeḷ Marshallese culture/custom ṃantin pālle American culture/custom ṃane hit, spank, kill ___ ṃōk please ____ Ex. Itok ṃōk = Please come naan word oktak (jān) different (from), unusual roñ hear, understand what somebody says Ex. Ij jab roñ = I can’t hear/I don’t understand what you’re saying roñjake listen, listen to wia buy wia kake sell kōjerbal use, employ aebōj laḷ well (in the ground for drinking water) aebōj jimeeṇ cistern (for catching and storing rain water for drinking) baantuun water catchment (for catching and storing rain water for drinking) āt name etan name of, its/his/her name, ‘um…’ (when you’re pausing to think of something while speaking) Ex. Ijaje etan = I don’t know his/her/its name Ex. Etan ‘coconut’ ilo Ṃajeḷ? = How do you say ‘coconut’ in Marshallese? bōlen maybe, possibly, probably baamḷe (from English) family bok (from English) book al sing, song Ex. Al juon al = Sing a song bwil hot, get burned ṃōḷo cold (of things only) Ex. Eṃōḷo rainin = It’s cold today piọ cold (of humans only) Ex. Ipiọ = I’m cold jañin or jāñin not yet Ex. Ej jañin itok = She hasn’t come yet Ex. Ejañin bwil = It’s not hot yet ṃōn house of ṃōn jar church ṃōn tutu shower house ṃōn kuk cookhouse, kitchen ṃōn ṃōñā restaurant ṃōn wia store jeje write riit read keroro be noisy, chatter, talk noisily Ex. Jab keroro! = Be quiet! likūt put emaat none left, all gone, used up Ex. Emaat ni = There are no coconuts left mat full (of food after eating) Ex. Kwomat ke? = Are you full? oṇān or wōṇān price, price of, salary, salary of Ex. Jete wōṇān? = How much does it cost? Ex. Jete wōṇān rūkaki? = How much do teachers get paid? peba paper, card wa boat, canoe, any vehicle wōt only, just, still Ex. Juon wōt = Only one Ex. Rej ṃōñā wōt = They are still eating ekwe okay then, well then, well, then bar again, also, else bar juon one more, once more, another aō swim ibwij high tide Ex. Eibwij = It is high tide pāāt low tide, shallow Ex. Epāāt = It is low tide alen or katten time (as if ‘one time, two times,’ not as in ‘what time is it?’), times (in arithmetic) Ex. Iaar etal ñan Ebeye jilu alen = I went to Ebeye three times juon alen or juon katten once ruo alen or ruo katten twice bar juon alen or bar juon katten again lōñ alen many times, often bwijin many, school (of fish), flock (of birds) Ex. Bwijin kajjitōk = Many questions Ex. Juon bwijin in ek = A school of fish Ex. Juon bwijin in bao = A flock of birds jaṃbo take a walk, stroll around, wander around aimlessly, go on a trip, trip, travel, voyage, journey jet some, a few bar jet some more, some other jet ien sometimes ṃool true, sure, tell the truth Ex. Kwōj ṃool ke? = Are you sure?/Really? Ex. Ña ij ṃool = I’m sure/I’m telling the truth Ex. Kwōj ṃool = You’re telling the truth/You’re right (Note: to say ‘I’m not sure’ say ‘Ijab lukkuun jeḷā,’ NOT ‘Ijab ṃool’) riab false, lie Ex. Eriab = It is false Ex. Ej riab = He is lying Ex. Ña ij riab = I’m lying/Just kidding nōṃba (from English) number piik (from English) pig tiṃa ship (noun) tọọl (from English) towel taḷa (from English) dollar wōt rain, to rain Ex. Ewōt = It is raining rọọl to leave (in the sense of ‘go away’, not in the sense of ‘leave something somewhere’) Ex. Raar rọọl inne = They left yesterday ālikin or ṃōjin after ṃokta before, first ṃokta jān ____ before ____ Anij God bao bird, chicken bao in mejatoto bird (specifically) bao in laḷ chicken (specifically) bwebwe crazy, stupid iññā or iiūñ yes (alternate forms of ‘aet’) jijet sit, sit down ki key ḷak lock, to lock, locked joḷọk throw away, take off (an article of clothing), quit, get rid of, break up with, get divorced from, spend, waste Ex. Joḷọk ek eo = Throw away the fish Ex. Joḷọk iien = Waste time Ex. Joḷọk keroro! = Quit talking/Be quiet! kappok or pukot look for, search for jāān (from English) cent, money mej die, dead meḷọkḷọk forget Ex. Imeḷọkḷọk = I forget pād wōt stay taktō doctor, see a doctor Ex. Iaar taktō inne = I went to the doctor yesterday ṃōn taktō hospital, medical dispensary peḷḷọk open, unlocked kapeḷḷọk to open ti tea ruṃwij late, slow juon men something aolep men everything juon armij somebody aolep armij everybody juon jikin somewhere aolep jikin everywhere jar to go to church, to attend a church service, to pray kọọt steal amiṃōno handicrafts, make handicrafts alikkar clear, obvious Ex. Ejañin alikkar = It isn’t clear yet/It hasn’t been decided yet/We’re not sure yet irooj chief, king lerooj chieftess, queen jikin place, place of/for Ex. Jikin tutu = Place for taking a shower jorrāān or problem problem, have a problem, hurt, get hurt, not working, out of order Ex. Ejorrāān = It’s broken Ex. Ejjeḷọk jorrāān = No problem Ex. Kwonaaj jorrāān = You’ll get hurt kāāl new, fresh ṃor old (of things only) rūtto old (of people only), adult kidu dog kuuj cat ṃōkaj or eṃṃōkaj (E: ṃōkaj or ṃōṃkaj) fast, on time, early Ex. Ṃōkaj ñan iien jikuuḷ = On time to school nuknuk clothes ruuṃ (from English) room, space peen (from English) pen pen hard (in both the physical sense and the sense of ‘difficult’) pidodo easy, soft pilawā flour, bread pinjeḷ pencil teeñki flashlight tata -est ending, to the utmost, extremely Ex. Kileptata = Biggest Ex. Eṃṃantata = Best, extremely good ḷọk -er ending Ex. Kilepḷọk = Bigger Ex. Eṃṃanḷọk = Better wūnto (from English) window wailōj (from English ‘wireless’) talk on a short-wave radio, use a short-wave radio dekā rock, stone, pebble, boulder, gravel babu lie down bait or ire to fight ebooḷ there are many Ex. Ebooḷ armej = There are many people eiiet there are few, not very many Ex. Eiiet armej = There are not very many people bōkḷọk take something to somewhere Ex. Bōkḷọk ki eo ñan Tenita = Take the key to Tenita etetal walk iiep basket jutak stand up kajutak to raise minit minute ṃōkade to be really good at something Ex. Eṃōkade eọñōd = He is really good at fishing tallōñ climb pako shark ettoon (E: sometimes tōtoon) dirty, messy erreo (E: sometimes rōreo) clean karreo to clean, clean up ettōr (E: tōtōr) to run pija (from English) picture, drawing, photograph, drawing, to draw, to take a picture, to get one’s picture taken pileij (from English) plate niñniñ baby waini brown coconut (older than a green coconut), copra wōtḷọk (E: buñḷọk) fall, fall down likatu beautiful woman, beautiful (of women only) ḷakatu good-looking man, good-looking (of men only) ije or ijiiō here (near me, but not near you) ijin here (near both of us, in between us, or around us) ijōṇe there (near you, but not near me) ijo there (near neither you nor me) ijjuweo there (far away) ie there (in the sense of, ‘the place we are talking about’) ex. A: Iaar etal ñan Mejit. = I went to Mejit B: Kwaar ta ie? = What did you do there? āinwōt juon the same, never mind, it doesn’t matter baru crab eo here you go (said when giving something to someone) dān water, any liquid dānnin ni coconut juice wiiken (from English) weekend kāḷọk to fly, to jump, to jump out of a boat into the water baankek pancake jinoe start, start it jinoin beginning, beginning of kakkije rest, relax, take a break, recess, go to recess keemem traditional party held on an infant’s first birthday, to attend or put on such a party, birthday party menninmour animal kōto wind ekkōtoto (E: sometimes kōkōtoto) windy kweilọk meeting, to have a meeting, to attend a meeting libbukwe shell (as in, the shells you find on the beach, not the shell of an egg) ruuḷ rule ṃakoko (in) unwilling (to), refuse (to), really not want (to) nabōj outside nabōjin or ālkin outside of ettōñ (E: tōtōñ) laugh, smile rup break, broken tebōḷ (from English) table, desk tōñal sweet turọñ spearfish, go spearfishing waḷọk happen, occur, appear, rise (of the sun or the moon) tulọk to dive, to dive down, to set (of the sun) jipeeḷ (from English) spell, spelling uno medicine, paint bwe so-so Ex. Eṃṃan mour? Ebwe = How’s it going? So-so. aō my/mine aṃ your/yours/ (for one person only) an his, her/hers, its ad our/ours (including the person being spoken to) am our/ours (not including the person being spoken to) ami your/yours (for more than one person) aer their/theirs naip (from English) knife ___ in laḷ next ____ Ex. wiik in laḷ = next month ___ eo ḷọk or ___ eo last ____ (in the sense of ‘previous,’ not last in a list) Ex. wiik eo ḷọk = last week kiil or kiili to close, to memorize kilōk closed, memorized Ex. Ekilōk = It is closed bwe because, so that Ex. Bwe kwōṃōṇōṇō = Because you are happy Ex. Bwe kwōn ṃōṇōṇō = So that you will be happy aḷ sun ettoḷọk (E: sometimes tōtoḷọk) far away pinana (from English) banana kain rot or kain rōt (E: kain rot) what kind? __ rot or __ rōt (E: __ tor) what kind of ___? Ex. Ek rōt = What kind of fish? tonaaj (from English) donut jañ cry, make a noise, be played on the radio kōrkōr small outrigger canoe, paddled or with a sail tipñōl larger outrigger canoe, with a sail luuj (from English) lose wiin (from English) win māj eye, face, mask, snorkeling mask, glasses tūrak (from English) truck, car uwaak answer (noun or verb), reply wōd coral, coral reef, coral head iakiu or baseball (from English) baseball volleyball volleyball basket basketball outer island (from English) or aelōñ ko ilikin outer islands aolepān all of it, all of ___, the whole ___ Ex. Aolepān = All of it/The whole thing Ex. Aolepān wiik = All week aolepāer all of them bōd wrong, error, mistake, make a mistake, fault Ex. Ebōd = It is wrong Ex. Kwaar bōd = You are wrong/You made a mistake Ex. Aṃ bōd = It’s your fault joḷọk bōd I’m sorry, to apologize jiṃwe correct, right, straight kajiṃwe to correct, to straighten doon each other ippān doon together, with each other jako gone, missing, lost, disappeared kōjām door, gate jiṃaat (from English) or mālōtlōt smart jukwa sugar, use sugar kab and also kajoor strong, powerful kweet octopus laḷ ground ilaḷ on the ground le informal word used at the end of a sentence when talking to a woman or girl Ex. Kwōj etal ñan ia le? = Where are you going, girl? ḷe informal word used at the end of a sentence when talking to a man or boy Ex. Kwōj etal ñan ia ḷe? = Where are you going, man? liṃa informal word used at the end of a sentence when talking to more than one woman or girl Ex. Iọkwe liṃa = Hi girls ḷōṃa informal word used at the end of a sentence when talking to more than one man or boy Ex. Iọkwe ḷōṃa = Hi guys ewi toon? how long? (in the sense of ‘how much time?’) ṇaṃ (E: jokwajok) mosquito peet (from English) bed tiṃōṇ demon iturun next to, close to wūt flower, flower headdress wōjke tree bwiro preserved breadfruit (a common food) keememej remember Ex. Ij keememej = I remember eet? what’s the matter?, what’s the matter with it? jibwe to take, to grab būbū grandma jiṃṃa grandpa jook shy, embarrassed, ashamed kōḷḷā to pay, to get paid kōmat to cook mat cooked (not raw) kūbwe feces kwōpej (from English) garbage ḷotak to be born retio (from English) radio tāākji (from English) taxi teej (from English) test, exam, take a test pāātḷọk tide going out (getting lower) ibwijtok tide coming in (getting higher) kaṇaṃṇaṃ mosquito coil kabbōl to turn on (a light, lamp, etc.) kun to turn off (a light, lamp, etc. jabdewōt any, anything, anybody marok dark kinaak to tell on, to report someone to an authority figure bọọj (from English) boss, leader bar head, head hair bōran head of, head hair of, tip of ebwe there is enough et do what? inepata worry, worried, upset Ex. Jab inepata = Don’t worry jea (from English) chair jitto western half of an island jittak eastern half of an island joob (from English) soap joob in tutu soap for bathing joob in kwaḷkoḷ soap for washing kijeek fire cousin (from English) cousin kōppojak (ñan) to get ready (for), to prepare (for), (also a euphemism for going to the bathroom) ṃōn kōppojak or bathroom (from English) outhouse, bathroom pā hand, arm pedped reef, foundation ippa with me, in my opinion Ex. Eṃṃan ippa = It’s good in my opinion/I like it ippaṃ with you (talking to only one person), in your opinion ippān with him/her/it, in his/her/it opinion ippād with us (including the person being talked to), in our opinion ippām with us (not including the person being talked to), in our opinion ippāmi with you (talking to more than one person), in your opinion ippāer with them, in their opinion tōmak believe Ex. Ij jab tōmak eok = I don’t believe you Ex. Ij tōmak bwe kwōnaaj bar itok = I think you will come back wōn turtle bōjrak stop erri where are they?, where are ___? deḷọñ to enter, to go inside diwōj to exit, to go outside kọkkure to mess up (something), waste, break (a rule), violate jimattan half, half of kōn menin so (as in ‘I was sick, so I didn’t go to school’), therefore joḷọk iien or kọkkure iien waste time karjin (from English) kerosene ke or (synonym to ‘ak,’ for asking questions like ‘man or woman?’), marker used to indicate a yes/no question kein thing of, thing for Ex. Kein tutu = Things for taking a shower (bucket, dippet, etc.) kein jerbal tool kein iukkure (E: kein kukure) toy kein jikuuḷ school supplies kein kajuon/kein karuo/kein kajilu/etc. first/second/third/etc. laḷ in the world, the Earth ḷain (from English) line, clothesline, line up, form a line ṃōttan ___ in (a certain amount of time), ___ remaining Ex. Ṃōttan ruo = Two left/two more ṃwilaḷ deep, profound pejpej shallow peeḷ (from English) bell ri- person of, person who, person who is (put before nouns, verbs, and adjectives) to long time Ex. Eto am jako = You’ve been gone for a long time uklele (from English) ukulele, to play the ukulele kautiej respect, to treat respectfully baro (from English) borrow innām ḷak ṃōj and then kadek poisonous (of fish), poisoned (from eating fish), intoxicated, drunk, get drunk ek in kadek poisonous fish dānnin kadek alcohol men in le- (with -tok, -wōj, and ‘ḷọk’) gift, present Ex. Juon men in lewōj = A gift for you kimej palm frond bọọk box enret (E: ālmen) how? Ex. Enret aṃ kōṃṃane? = How do you do it? ewi wāween or ta wāween how? Ex. Ewi wāween aṃ kōṃṃane? = How do you do it? bwilōñ or ilbōk surprised, amazed kabwilōñ or kailbōk to surprise, to amaze kekōb dipper ḷāibrāre (from English) library ṃaiḷ (from English) mile pātōre battery waj wristwatch wōnṃaanḷọk to go forward, to go on, to continue ebajeet? why? (always used by itself, never as part of a sentence) epaak close aṃwin to wash one’s hands bakōj (from English) bucket ṃoktata first (in a series of things) āliktata last (in a series of things) dike hate jaki mat kōjak joke, funny, strange Ex. Ekōjak = It’s funny Ex. Ij kōṃṃan kōjak = I’m making a joke/I’m just kidding jilkinḷọk send juuj (from English) shoe juujuj to wear shoes keinabbu papaya kiaj (from English) gas jeḷā ṃanit polite jaje ṃanit or ñak ṃanit rude kiiō kiiō wōt right now kūta (from English) guitar, to play the guitar lañ sky, weather mejatoto sky, air, climate ḷaaṃ lamp eḷap there is a lot, there is a lot of, a lot of edik there is not very much ne leg, foot (both the part of the body and the unit of measure) pakij (from English) package to rope, string wōtōr (from English) to order something over the radio buñniin tonight jọtiniin this evening raelepniin this afternoon jibboñniin or ke ejibboñ this morning Baibōḷ (from English) Bible būrinjibōḷ (from English) principal aḷaḷ wood, stick of wood iuṃwin under, for (a certain amount of time) jemjem to sharpen kōjparok to protect, to take care of, to treat gently, to conserve Ex. Kōjparok aṃ mour = Take care of yourself pojak ready keinikkan plant (noun) ḷa- informal word attached to the beginning of a male name, to refer to a man or boy in an informal, familiar, or affectionate way Ex. ḶaAli = Ali (referred to in an informal way) li- informal word attached to the beginning of a female name, to refer to a woman or girl in an informal, familiar, or affectionate way Ex. LiTonika = Tonika (referred to in an informal way) ṃarṃar necklace eṃṃōlolo (E: sometimes ṃōṃōlolo) cool (in the sense of ‘pleasantly cold’) uwe to get on (a boat, car, etc.), to ride to to get off (a boat, car, etc.), to come down, to climb down tōpar or tōprak to reach (a place), to get to (a place), to arrive at (a place) Ex. Raar tōpar Majuro inne = They got to Majuro yesterday kadik particularly, too (as in ‘too big, ‘too small,’ etc.) turun māj face aetok long, tall (of people) kadu (E: kanu) short, brief buḷōn mar or buḷōn wojke or buḷōn jungle jungle, forest eita? what’s happening?, what’s wrong? (always said by itself, not as part of a sentence) aujpitōḷ (from English) hospital bwilọk snapped, broken (of long thin objects, like pencils) aorōk important, precious, valuable kwalọk to show iwōj (E: wāwōj) go to where you are, come with you, go over to your house Ex. Ña ij iwōj = I’m coming with you kab cup kabkab use a cup kōnnaan or kōnono to talk kajjioñ to try (to) (in both the sense of ‘attempt to’ and ‘test something out’) Ex. Iaar kajjioñ bwiro = I tried some preserved breadfruit Ex. Iaar kajjioñ tallōñ ni eo = I tried to climb the coconut tree kien government, government of, rule, rule of Ex. Kien Ṃajeḷ = Government of the Marshall Islands kwaḷkoḷ wash laṃōj shout lọje stomach, belly kaṃool to make sure lọñi mouth ṃwil behavior pāāk bag tariṇae to fight a war, to fight in a war rūttariṇae soldier leen wōjke fruit pejtōbōḷ (from English) vegetable uṃṃa kiss unin reason, reason of, cause, cause of ta unin why? kijoñ often do something, usually do something Ex. Kwaar kijoñ ṃōñā ta ilo Amedka? = What did you usually eat in America? kanōk to pull āinwōt ___ it seems that ___ Ex. Āinwōt inañinmej = It seems that I’m sick/I feel sick Ex. Āinwōt ejjeḷọk ek = It seems that there are no fish/There seem to be no fish alikkar ____ it must be the case that ___, obviously ___ Ex. Alikkar enaaj wōt = Obviously it’s going to rain Ex. Alikkar eḷap aṃ jāān = You obviously have a lot of money/You must have a lot of money kaal (from English) call on the radio or telephone baṃ (from English) pump, to pump ikkij (E: kūkij) bite barāinwōt also di bone kōbaatat to smoke deñōt spank iu coconut seedling (when a coconut has hit the ground and started to sprout leaves), the meat of a coconut seedling (a common food) kāiuiu look for and gather coconut seedlings kọpe (from English) coffee, to drink coffee jen let’s Ex. Jen iukkure = Let’s play jemoot let’s go jiit (from English) sheet kadkad to throw ke (for some words) or bwe (for other words) that (as if ‘I know that I can’) Ex. Ijeḷā ke eṃṃan = I know that it’s good Ex. Kwaar ba bwe enana = You said it was bad kajjien identity of (used to make sentences like ‘I know John,’ ‘you know Mary’) Ex. Ijeḷā kajjien Rosemary = I know Rosemary kilin skin of raan on top of nājin child of, offspring of, so, of daughter of liḷḷap old woman ḷaḷḷap old man ennaan (E: nōnaan) or nuuj (from English) news nuujpeba (from English) newspaper ṇo wave Ex. Eḷap ṇo rainin = The waves are big today pata (from English ‘battle’) war pata eo kein karuo World War II pijek to defecate raut to urinate, urine talboon (from English) telephone, to call on the telephone tūrep (from English) trip, voyage, excursion wōdwōd to eat (for pandanus only) kea (from English) care Ex. Ij jab kea = I don’t care kein eṃ wall, side of a house kōkairir hurry up bọọti nose buruṃ broom, to sweep eddo (E: sometimes dedo) heavy, responsibility Ex. Aṃ eddo = It’s your responsibility jeṃaan a while ago (anywhere from a few months to many years) etto a long time ago (many years ago), in olden times iioon to meet (a person), to come across, to encounter, to find (without looking for the thing) ekkañ (E: sometimes kōkañ) sharp ekkōb (E: sometimes kōkōb) dull jāntōj (from English) sentence kọuwōtata dangerous loḷọk to visit ḷoñ ant ḷọñ fly (the insect) mejānwōd (E: jenọ) medium-sized clam with very brightly-colored inside, lives on coral piit (from English ‘beat’) dance (Western style), common type of dancing to Western music for holiday celebrations tipi (from English) TV, television, TB, tuberculosis pārōn (from English) parent (used only in the context of PTA meetings, school, etc.) kōbaḷuun to go to the airport and wait for an airplane to come abṇōṇō uncomfortable, bothered kaabṇōṇō to bother, to make uncomfortable baajkōḷ (from English) bicycle, to ride a bicycle iiaḷo (from English) yellow kūre (from English) gray kūriin (from English) or maroro green bilu (from English) blue būrawūn (from English) brown būrōrō red mouj white kilmeej black oran (from English) orange (the color or the fruit) baijin (from English) poison, poisoned, poisonous jālele meat for eating, meat course of a meal jibuun (from English) spoon kōjañjañ to play (a musical instrument) jikin kallib garden, farm kōkkāāl to change (in the sense of ‘switch,’ ‘replace’) kōkkāāl nuknuk to change clothes kommeḷeḷe to explain, to disentangle kaḷan (from English) gallon kāānjeḷ (from English) cancel, cancelled limo fun (adjective) ṃade spear ṃwijṃwij to cut, cut (as in, a small wound on the body) ṃwijbar to get a haircut, to cut someone’s hair rọọltok to return (to here) rọọlḷọk to return (to somewhere other than here) toḷ mountain, hill wōpij (from English) office būḷañkōj (from English) or kọọj blanket ajej to divide, to pass out (something to a group of people), divided by (in arithmetic) at (from English) hat atat to wear a hat ilo ien eo at that time, while ejabwe there is not enough ____ jekaro coconut sap (drunk as a beverage or used in cooking) jeṃlọk to end, ended, done, over jeṃḷokin end (noun) jeraaṃṃan good luck, lucky, fortunate, rich jerata bad luck, unlucky, unfortunate, poor kōjota eat dinner juub (from English) soup kakūtōtō to harass, tease, heckle kakilkil sunburned kate (E: sometimes kakkōt) to try hard, exert oneself, put effort into something, effort kapwor giant clam kuuṃ (from English) comb kalibbukwe look for shells lukwi real one Ex. Luwki eo = The real one lukkuun or ṃool in real Ex. Juon lukkuun in armej = A real person ḷait (from English) electric light ḷoon (from English ‘launch’) or buṃ-buṃ motorboat tok to me/us, towards where I am, towards where we are (put directly after a verb) wōj or waj to you, towards where you are (put directly after a verb) ḷọk to him/her/it/them, towards where he/she/it/they are, away from me and you (put directly after a verb) makmake favorite ṃōrō (from English ‘murder’) kill, murder, murderer piliṃ (from English) film (that you put in a camera, not that you watch) ruj wake up karuj to wake (somebody) up utiej high riutiej ‘high person,’ honored person, VIP ettā (E: sometimes tōtā) low wūjooj grass boriñ (from English) bored, boring booḷ (from English) full abwinmake afraid of demons, afraid of being alone at night būreejtōn (from English) president ainikien sound, sound of, voice, voice of bōkwōj bring to you, take to you diaka cart, wheelbarrow kọkweet look for octopuses mminene (W: imminene, E: miminene) accustomed to jamminene not accustomed to, not used to jerak to leave (in a boat), to leave (of boats only), to sail away, to hoist sail jerakrōk to go sailing kuḷuḷ co*ckroach lōñ up, up there Ex.: Epād lōñ = It’s up there laḷ down, down there Ex: Epād laḷ = It’s down there mājet (from English) matches jōmar (from English) summer, to spend a summer (somewhere) kattōr or tūraip (from English) drive pepe (in) decide (to), decision Ex: Iar pepe in rọọl = I decided to leave Ex: Aṃ pepe or Aṃ wōt pepe = It’s up to you/It’s your decision raj whale, dolphin tōprak results, success, successful Ex: Eḷap tōprak = It was very successful/It really worked Ex: Ejjeḷọk tōprak = There was no success/It didn’t work Ex: Ejañin wōr tōprak = There haven’t been any results yet/It hasn’t worked yet/ Ex: Etōprak = It’s successful/It works jidikin a little bit of (it), a piece of (it) ukot or ukōt to change (in the sense of ‘alter’) Ex. Iaar ukōt aō lōmṇak = I changed my mind wāween way, manner, way of, manner of Ex: Ilo bwijin wāween ko = In many ways papōḷōr (from English) popular eḷaptata especially, most of all, in particular aet current (in a body of water) Ex: Eḷap aet = There’s a strong current Ex: Edik aet = There’s not much of a current Ex: Ejjeḷọk aet = There’s no current bōt naughty, to be naughty, disobey, misbehave Ex: Ebōt = He is naughty Ex: Ej bōt = He is being naughty/He is disobeying kāālōt choose, elect eddeb (E:dedeb) to husk coconuts bwiin smell, smell of, it smells like ___ Ex: Bwiin bwiro = It smells like bwiro jaaṃ why? (always put after the pronoun) Ex: Kwōjaaṃ kōṃṃan iiep? = Why are you making baskets? uraak to move (oneself to a place) jodi (from English) zorries, flip-flops ka to cause to be (before adjectives), to cause to (before verbs) to look for (before nouns) Ex: Kanañinmej = To make sick Ex: Kabaru = To look for crabs kabbokbok to clap, applause kain ṇe like that (what you’re doing), do that (what you’re doing) kajjirere to make fun of, to laugh at, to ridicule ḷaita (from English) lighter ṃakūtkūt or eṃṃakūt (E: ṃakūtkūt or ṃōṃakūt) to move, to move around kōṃṃakūt to move (something) obrak full, no room left for people or things ok net pāāk (from English) back up rarō to clean up an area taiṇaṃ mosquito netting uṃ oven, underground oven uṃuṃ to bake kamminene to practice, to get used to kōmmālmel to practice, to test ko run away, flee aij (from English) ice dipen strong (of people only) ilowaan inside of jikka (from English ‘cigar’) cigarette, cigar jiṃa and a little bit more (put after numbers) Ex: Roñoul jiṃa = Twenty some/A little over twenty joiu soy sauce im men and an unnamed other person (often the spouse of the first person mentioned) Ex: Lisson im men = Lisson and his wife Ex: Elina im men = Elina and her husband moot or mootḷọk gone, gone away emootḷọk (for singulars), remootḷọk (for plurals) ago Ex: Juon iiō emootḷọk = One year ago Ex: Ruo iiō remootḷọk = Two weeks ago ṃare (from English) to marry, married pet pillow rinana outcast, criminal, delinquent, rascal taibuun (from English) typhoon, big storm etteiñ (E: tōteiñ) to fill up, put liquid in a container utaṃwe busy, unable to do something due to a prior obligation, in mourning after a death wōteḷ (from English) hotel, very big building ḷọk ñan to (in lists of things) Ex: Kilaj juon ḷọk ñan ralitōk = Grades one to eight wanlōñḷọk go up waḷọkḷọk go down bajjek just (after verbs, indicating unimportance) Ex: Ij jaṃbo bajjek = I’m just taking a walk edik wōṇān cheap eḷap wōṇān expensive ejjeḷọk wōṇān free (no charge) bōlōk leaf ekkōṇak (E: kōkōṇak) to wear, to put on (an article of clothing), to love entak to climb a coconut tree and retrieve green coconuts jedọujij (from English ‘trousers’) pants jōōt (from English) shirt jōōtōt to wear a shirt jiiñlij t-shirt likko skirt likko lowaan underskirt, slip jerkak to get up (in the morning after waking up) eṃṃoj (E: ṃōṃōj) to vomit kumi group, team, gang kuwata (from English) quarter (the kind of coin) tilekek or kūttiliek (E: kattilōklōk) to hide, to hide (something) make alone, by oneself, self (after pronouns) Ex: Eaar make jaṃbo = He took a walk by himself Ex: Kwe make = You alone/Yourself meram bright, light (adjective) ñi tooth ọọj (from English) horse reja (from English) razor, to shave ettōṇak (E: tōtōṇak) to dream, dream (noun), daydream tūkōt (from English) ticket kadede beforehand, already je or jeek(i) transitive form of ‘jeje’ (‘write’) ipeḷaakin around, surrounding bukwōn state, province, part of a country eddek or eddekḷọk (E: dedek or dedekḷọk) to grow, to sprout, to germinate rūttoḷọk to grow (of humans only), to grow up, to get older koba together, plus (in arithmetic) kobaik or kakobaik to put together, to join (something to something else) aidik or ainiñ thin (of things or people) būrae (from English) (transitive form: būraeik(i)) to fry kabbwilōñlōñ amazing, surprising anmiiñ left (the direction) anmooṇ right (the direction) kọọnpiip (from English) corned beef, euphemism for peeping on someone jiroñ young woman (usually unmarried) likao young man (usually unmarried) bwe leftovers, what’s left, the rest jọọl (from English) salt, salty kalbuuj (from English ‘calaboose’) jail, prison, be in jail, go to jail, put in jail ikōtaan between kile recognize, realize wōr lobster kūriij (from English) grease, fat (noun) pinneep coconut oil ālikin raelep afternoon (as opposed to ‘raelep,’ which can mean both ‘afternoon’ and ‘noon’) ekōn used to (do something in the past) tibat teapot kōmpōlein (from English) complain uwaroñ annoyed (by noise only) wāto land tract (usually a strip of the island extending from the lagoon side to the ocean side, always with a name) weiḷ (from English) oil pair (from English) fired, expelled ae (transitive form ain(i)) to gather, to collect bok sand bokbok sandy, covered with sand bat slow aṃa (from English) hammer eo fishing line āj to weave kōdọ cloud ekkōdọdo (E: sometimes kōkōdọdo) cloudy, overcast jebta (from English) chapter (in a book or of a church) jiṇo snow kijdik mouse, rat maañ pandanus leaves (used for making mats and handicrafts) ṃan transitive form of ‘ṃanṃan’ (‘to hit, spank, kill’) parijet shore, beach rijerbal worker, employee, one of the three types of owners of land in Marshallese society (highest is irooj/lerooj, second highest is aḷap, lowest is rijerbal) ukood raw, to eat something raw wōtōmjej all, every kwaḷ transitive form of kwaḷkoḷ (‘to wash’) kij(i) transitive form of ikkij/kūkij (‘to bite’) kinej wound, scar kinejnej wounded dāp or ṃaj eel bọbo (transitive form bọur(i)) to catch bato (from English) bottle bwil chewing gum bọọk (from English) fork ___ eo juon (for singulars) ___ ko jet (for plural non-humans) ___ ro jet (for plural humans) the other ___ Ex: Ni eo juon = The other coconut Ex: Ni ko jet = The other coconut Ex: Ajri ro jet = The other children ejjeḷọkun wōt except for jānij trade, exchange, switch kōjatdikdik hope jilkinḷọk send kōpooj(i) (intransitive form kōpopo) to prepare (something), to get something ready kijerjer anxious makijkij often ṃōt what house? ṃupi (from English) movie, watch a movie pālele marriage, married rọñ hole tūraṃ drum wiaik(i) transitive form of ‘wia’ (‘buy’) kad transitive form of ‘kadkad’ (‘throw’) ebbōl (E: bōbōl) to shine rabōlbōl shiny bōtōktōk blood, bleed, menstruation ekkokowa (E: lejọñjọñ) juggle, juggling buḷajtiik (from English) plastic iju star, planet jarom electricity jekdoon ignore, no matter ___, it doesn’t matter jekdoon ta no matter what jekdoon ñe or āinwōt juon ñe even if, no matter if jekdoon ñe __, ak __ or āinwōt juon ñe __, ak __ even if ___, ___. even though ____, ____. Ex: Jekdoon ñe epen, ak inaaj high school = Even if it’s hards, I will go to high school Ex: Āinwōt juon ñe ewōt, ak inaaj eọñōd = Even if it rains, I will fish ḷḷao (W: eḷḷao E: ḷōḷao) seasick, nauseous kūrjin (from English) Christian, member of a church in good standing kwōdeak beard, moustache būrọro pregnant ṃṃool (W: eṃṃool E: ṃōṃool) thanked, to be thanked Ex: Koṃṃool = You are thanked/Thank you Ex: Kwōlukkuun eṃṃool = You are really thanked/Thank you very much Ex. Kwōbar eṃṃool = Thank you too kañ (E: kan) transitive form of ‘ṃōñā’ (‘eat’) pelaḷ sink down pelōñ float up to the surface peḷọk drift at sea, lose direction while traveling at sea, miss destination while at sea eppepe (E: pepepe) to float tūrabōḷ (from English) trouble lojen (from English) lotion (such as mosquito repellant or sunscreen) pijaik(i) transitive form of ‘pija’ (‘draw, take a picture’) karreoik(i) transitive form of ‘karreo’ (‘to clean’) didi bony akkọun (from English) charge to an account iiṃ fast bajinjea (from English) passenger ile string for stringing fish while fishing injin (from English) engine kwalọk mool tell the truth tūṃ to break, broken (of long, thin objects like string, grass, etc.) jāje machete, sword jeḷāḷọkjeṇ education, knowledge, conscious jajeḷọkjeṇ ignorance, ignorant, unconscious kanne to fill up (often said of plates being filled with someone’s portion of food) lep egg kwalọk kōn tell about kaluuj to make lose, to beat (somebody) at a game mālim permission, allowed, legal piiḷ tūrep (from English) field trip, field trip ships that deliver supplies to outer islands roba (from English) rubber, rubber tube at the end of a fishing spear teek what relation? Ex: Kwōj teek Jenita = How are you related to Jenita? wōdwōd covered with coral, teeming with coral wōtbai (from English ‘autobike’) motorcycle wūlio good-looking (of men only) aen (from English) iron, metal deel fan (noun) deelel (transitive form deel) to fan (verb) bu (transitive form buuk(i)) gun, to shoot kor (intransitive form W: eokkor E: kokor) to tie eḷaññe if añkō (from English) anchor, to anchor empiḷoob (from English) or kilin leta envelope inne eo ḷọk juon the day before yesterday jekḷaj the day after tomorrow kōmmour to give birth kaṃṃoolol to thank iuut (from English) or jọdikdik youth, young person kūrijṃōj (from English) Christmas ājmour health jipiij (from English) speech, to deliver a speech kwalọk naan to deliver a speech ello or ellolo (E: lelo or lelolo) intransitive form of ‘lo’ (‘to see, to find’) ṃaan front iṃaan in the front, in front of ṃaantata at the very front, first itulikin behind pāāñkōḷ bracelet pilo blind, not see well toṇ tune, melody kattoon to make dirty lōb tomb, grave joda unable to catch many fish, not very good at fishing wōda able to catch many fish, good at fishing wanlikḷọk, to go to the ocean side of an island wanarḷọk to go to the lagoon side of an island wanāneḷọk to go towards land, away from the sea wanmetoḷọk to go towards sea, away from the land jem transitive form of ‘jemjem’ (“to sharpen’) kobban contents, contents of Ex: Ejjeḷọk kobban = It’s empty al in jar hymn, song sung at church bar rocky area of a beach, reef, or lagoon (above water at least part of the time) bwidej dirt, land anōk to copy, imitate bōkā tide kūr(i) (transitive form: W: ikkūr, E: kūkūr) to call, to call someone to come, to summon bbōj (W: ebbōj, E:bōbōj) swollen bọun (from English) pound (unit of weight) door (intransitive form W: eddoor E: dedoor) to put (something) down, to leave (something somewhere) ilomej part of a Marshallese funeral āmej another part of a Marshallese funeral eoreak third part of a Marshallese funeral jjir (W: ejjir, E: jijir) slippery kaaj (from English) cards (for playing card games) kajjidede to guess kallib (transitive form: kalbwin(i)) to plant, to bury ke dolphin, porpoise ḷoor to follow lōke to believe in, to trust tōṃato (from English) tomato piknik (from English) picnic, to have a picnic tanij (from English) dance to channel from the ocean to inside of the lagoon, where large ships can pass through katoto (transitive form: katotoik(i)) to hang, to hang up tulōñin top, top of itulōñin at the top, at the top of tulaḷin bottom, bottom of itulaḷin at the bottom, at the bottom of kapin bottom, bottom of, western end of an island waan joñak example, for example bōtōn (from English) button, pill ute rain on Ex: Enaaj ute jaki eo = The mat is going to get rained on kijōr take an offer kōḷḷāiki(i) transitive form of ‘kōḷḷā’ (‘to pay’) baroik(i) transitive form of ‘baro’ (‘to borrow’) baab think, be of the opinion, suppose bujek to tie up one’s hair bwebwenatoon etto legend bōro throat, gills, seat of the emotions (like ‘heart’ in English) būrookraaṃ (from English) program, to put on a program dila nail (for building things) make iaan alone, by oneself bōnbōn (transitive form: bwin(i)) to count, arithmetic dāpdep (transitive form: dāpij(i)) to hold, keep, retain, control ine seed ito–itak go back and forth, wander around ninnin to suck, to nurse, breast, nipple jekōn (from English) second (unit of time) kōjjeḷā announce, announcement jitoob (from English) stove kalliṃur (transitive form: kalliṃur(i)) to promise kawōr to hunt for lobsters kaṃōj to finish lọmọọr (transitive form: lọmọọr or lọmọọren) to save, to rescue ḷak when (like ‘ke,’ but put after the pronoun) Ex. Reḷak lale, raar ilbōk = When they looked, they were surprised. lukwarkwar to chase ___ ḷọk hurry up and ____ niñ (when modifying a noun, jiniñniñ for singulars and jinniñ for plurals) small, young (synonym to ‘dik’) nitijeḷā legislative body of the Marshall Islands peij (from English) page pia (from English) beer pokpok to cough toḷọk westwards taḷọk (E: takḷọk) eastwards wōnṃae to go and meet wūjooj in lọjet seaweed unook to treat (a sickness, wound) with medicine kōṃakūt(i) transitive form of kōṃṃakūt (‘to move(something)’) iaraj taro ainbat (from English) iron pot, pot baiḷat (from English) pilot bwil (transitive form: bwill(i)) to push, to launch a boat from the beach eñjake to feel, feelings, emotions iaan of (for phrases like ‘one of the cups,’ ‘two of the men’) iaer of them ioḷap middle, at the middle ioḷapin middle of, at the middle of kōwainini look for and gather waini (brown coconuts), harvest copra, make copra jabōḷ shovel jebo tied scored in a game jebwābwe lost jọọb (from English) job, to have a job juur(i) (intransitive form: W: ijjuur, E: jijuur) to step on kanniōk meat, flesh kōpooḷ to go around something raanke to grate coconut meat out of a waini (brown coconut) for use in cooking karkar (kōrat) to take coconut meat out of a waini (brown coconut) in chunks for making copra kilaj (from English ‘glass’) mirror, look at oneself in the mirror kōtḷọk let, allow, let go, let go of, release kwōle nut mād ripe, to ripen mājmāj to wear a mask, snorkeling mask, or glasses ṃōrā dry ṃōttan part of, friend of ṃōttan nuknuk cloth i or ṇa i in, on, at kattoto time-consuming, take a long time reba (from English) river roro (transitive form: ruj or rooj) chant, to chant (to make good luck for fishing, etc.) rujān chant of Ex: Rujān eọñōd = Fishing chant errọọlọl (E: rōrọọlọl) to turn around in circles ettōñ dikdik (E: tōtōñ dikdik) to smile tu ia? where exactly? wajwaj to wear a watch kilōb (from English) baseball glove wōjḷā sail (noun) kakon (intransitive form: kakonkon) to put away jukwaik(i) transitive form of ‘jukwa’ (‘to put sugar in’) kōjañ transitive form of ‘kōjañjañ’ (‘to play a musical instrument’) uṃwin(i) transitive form of ‘uṃuṃ’ (‘to bake’) aenōṃṃan peace, peaceful, tranquil būraj (from English) brush, to brush anijnij magic anijnij(i) to make magic, to cast a spell buñbuñ famous ibwijleplep very high tide, spring tide, flood pāāt mōṇakṇak very low tide, neap tide barulep coconut crab (a very large, edible land crab) depakpak wide koṃbani (from English) company, corporation indeeo or ñan indeeo forever iur fast jọkkutkut not often, seldom, rarely jukjukun pād community okkadkad fishing by throwing a small net in the water from the shore kajin etto old Marshallese language (the way it was spoken a long time ago) kakeememej to remind kanooj very, really kiin jeṃaanḷọk recently kilaj (from English) glass menokadu sweat, to sweat ḷae smooth, of the lagoon or ocean ṃajeḷ (from English) muscle kaṃṃōkṃōk tiring, strenuous nañin almost nañin aolep almost all, most pinej to block penjak blocked, out of sight kalibubu to cover pok confused kapok to confuse riwut toy outrigger canoes, made for racing tipjek to trip kawōnwōn to hunt for turtles eju there are many (of insects only) uwi fatty and delicious (of fish only) kajiṃweik(i) transitive form of ‘kajiṃwe’ (‘to correct, to straighten’) kakūtōtōik(i) transitive form of ‘kakūtōtō’ (‘to tease, harass, heckle’) ṃōrōik(i) transitive form of ‘ṃōrō’ (‘to murder, kill’) ekkāāleḷ (E: kōkāālel) intransitive form of ‘kāālōt’ (‘to choose’) kajjirereik(i) transitive form of ‘kajjirere’ (‘to make fun of, laugh at, ridicule’) ukood (E: amej) raw, to eat raw ānbwin body kkar (W: ekkar, E: kōkar) to fit, fitting, appropriate, relevant ekkar ñan according to jekkar not fit, unfitting, inappropriate, ridiculous būḷāwūt (from English) plywood, wood for making houses iiāekwōj race, to race koko (from English ‘cocoa’) chocolate, hot chocolate baat smoke baatat smoky ekkāke (E: kōkāke) to jump up and down baaṃ (from English) bomb ilarak to fish by putting a line out from a boat while moving (trawling) ittūt (E: tūttūt) breast ittin breast of jaajmi (from English) sashimi, raw fish jāibo soup made from flour and water joba (from English) sofa, couch jok to land (of planes, birds, etc.) kabbūroṃōjṃōj sad, saddening kaṃo jealous, envious kanejnej to swear at (someone), to curse (someone) kubaak outrigger eokkutkut often kwarkor (transitive form: kor) to tie metoḷọk towards the ocean or lagoon, farther into the ocean or lagoon ṃae until, against nono (transitive form: no) to pound ṇaṃṇaṃ teeming with mosquitoes okjak (transitive form: ukwōj) fall over, turn over, capsize piteto (from English) potato pokake to obey uṃṃaik(i) transitive form of ‘uṃṃa’ (‘to kiss’) kōmmeḷeḷeik(i) transitive form of ‘kōmmeḷeḷe’ (‘to explain, to disentangle’) ṃwijit(i) transitive form of ‘ṃwijṃwij’ (‘to cut’) teiñ(i) transitive form of ‘etteiñ, tōteiñ’ (‘to fill up with a liquid’) kōṇak transitive form of ‘ekkōṇak, kōkōṇak’ (‘to wear, to put on (an article of clothing), to love’) ūlūl axe, hatchet kabwebwe (transitive form: kabwebweik(i)) to fool idid (transitive form: id) to sting diwōjḷọk or kadduojḷọk to graduate, graduation iọkiọkwe to greet, to say hello, to say goodbye kooṇtōreak (from English) contract jidiṃkij sudden, suddenly, in a hurry kōjjeṃḷọk to bring to an end, to spend time with people before leaving for a long time jikin uwe stairs, ladder, climb stairs or a ladder kōl way kilen or kiltōn way of kakijen to look for and gather food kallimjek (transitive form: kalimjek) to gaze, to gaze at, to stare, to stare at kauḷaḷo (E: kadeọeo) spider ānen to bail out water from a boat loñḷọk upwards laḷḷọk downwards lel to get hit Ex. Elel bōra = My head got hit illik (E: lilik) (transitive form: likūt(i)) to put, to consider (something as something) kallu (transitive form kalluuk(i)) to anger ḷwe pool, pond, lake, tide pool naṃ pond, lake, small secondary lagoon attached to the main lagoon of an atoll. maḷoñ to drown mera light (in weight) ṃōjṇọ weak ṃweiuk belongings, goods peejnej (from English) business taṃtaṃ blinded by the glare of the sun potak full of holes (of materials only) urōk to fish from a boat, bottom fishing joñan wōt juon the same size wātoḷọk or itoḷọk to go westwards wātaḷọk or itaḷọk (E: wātakḷọk or itakḷọk) to go eastwards wāniñaḷọk (E: wāniñeañḷọk) to go southwards wārōñaḷọk (E: wānrōkeañḷọk) to go northwards dānnin laḷ well water aōṇōṇ paddle, to paddle bōk eddo (E: bōk dedo) to take charge of, to take responsibility for bōk jikin to replace, to take the place of kaddeḷọñ to insert, to put in kadduoj to remove, to take out bōtab but, however kāitoktok-limo interesting jaaj (from English) to charge to an account jimeeṇ (from English) cement kajjiṃaatat to pretend to be smart, to act like you’re smart kappāllele to pretend to be American, to act like an American kōṃṃan __ ñan __ to make __ into __ kakilkil (transitive form: kakil(i)) to peel, to strip the scales off of a fish kau (from English) cow, beef kijoon to cross, to skip ḷat coconut shell mar bush, foliage, undergrowth marmar covered with undergrowth, overgrown meḷa to clear up after raining menono to breathe, heart ṃad busy, occupied, distracted kōṃad to keep (someone) busy, to occupy, to distract okaetok long fishing net, fish using a long fishing net ppakoko (W: eppakoko, E: pōpakoko) teeming with sharks riiñ (from English) ring tōṃa light bulb ūl fin on the back of a fish ūlin fin of Ex: Ewōr ūlin pako = Sharks have fins on their backs wiik (from English) wick kōjọ to light (a fire) bubu (transitive form: buuj(i)) to tie diak to tack (switch the sail over to the other side of the canoe) diede or dede earring akwāāl to argue jabōn kōnnaan saying, proverb jāāk (from English) check, to get checked jiṃor together joobob to use soap kaammijak scary, frightening kaṃōḷo party, to have a party, to attend a party kattu to dip (something in something) naan in kauwe advice, warning kepaak (transitive form: kepaak(i)) to approach kūḷu (transitive form: kūḷuik(i)) (from English) glue, to glue arin lagoon of māāṇāṇ warm, warmth, heat oṃ hermit crab orañḷọk to swallow waḷap large sailing canoe for open-ocean voyages tōñal to have diabetes nañinmej in tōñal diabetes rūtōñal person with diabetes waat? what boat? kankan intransitive form of ‘kanōk’ (‘to pull’) kajitūkin(i) transitive form of ‘kajjitōk’ (‘to ask’) atbọkwōj to hug deọ beautiful (of women only) baañke (from English) pumpkin būrotijen (from English) Protestant katlik (from English) Catholic debdeb (transitive form dibōj(i)) or wākar to spear, to pierce jaike scarce in fish jejjo few kōjato take shelter from the rain of sun jukkwe kind of small clam that lives in the sand kein kakeememej reminder, memento kuku to ride piggy-back lọmeto ocean (less common word than lọjet) lōt or lōta what woman? what girl? ḷōt or ḷōta what man? what boy? mọọr bait (noun) mọọrọr to use bait, to use as bait ṃañke (from English) monkey, naked rūṃwijbar barber nājnej keep as a pet piliet (from English) billiards tieta (from English) theater, play, to put on a play deñdeñ intransitive form of ‘denōt’ (‘to hit, to spank’) ebbōk (E: bōbōk) intransitive form of ‘bōk’ (‘to get, to take’) baar (from English) bar (in the sense of ‘saloon’) baak (from English) to park (a car) bukun iju constellation edjoñ to taste, to try (a food to see what it tastes like) Etao or Ḷetao legendary trickster in Marshallese folklore iaḷap period of the year with large tidal variations (high tides are very high, low tides are very low) idik period of the year with small tidal variations (high tides are not very high, low tides are not very low) aḷap honorable term for an old man, one of the three kinds of landowners in Marshallese society Ijitō (from English) Easter korak (transitive form: kor) to tie lāj cruel, mean ḷaim lime kōmaañ look for and gather pandanus leaves me or im that, which (in sentences like ‘the house that I live in’) mọ forbidden, taboo Ex: Emọ kōbaatat = Smoking is forbidden/No smoking ṃabuñ breakfast, to eat breakfast kōṃanṃanḷọk to improve naajdik to feed ob chest oḷip (from English) wolf wōrwōr fence, coop, pen for animals petpet to use a pillow, to use as a pillow taeo pimple ukok intransitive form of ‘ukot, ukōt’ (‘to change, to alter’) addi finger, toe, clamshell addin ne finger addin pā toe ekkā wōt usually bōtta bat (for baseball) anemkwōj free, freedom buñtobuñtak rock back and forth, sway back and forth bōbrae to prevent, to stop (someone from doing something) iia (E: sometimes jemaluut) rainbow dede ready ikkwetōr (from English) equator jāmin will not, will never kiju (E: kaju) mast kein kamool proof mālu sweet-smelling po- (with -tok, -wōj, -ḷọk) to arrive (in a boat), to lower sail tiikri (from English) degree tōrerein alongside, alongside of ejjino (E: jijino) intransitive form of ‘jino’ (‘to start’) rakij(i) transitive form of ‘rarō’ (‘to clean up an area’) abōḷ (from English) apple būrij (from English) bridge koṃa (from English) comma pidieet (from English) period (punctuation mark) iaḷ kadu shortcut eḷbōn (from English) elephant ekkapit (E: kōkapit) (transitive form: kapit(i)) to put oil on, to lubricate, to anoint kooḷ hair, feather ja in the meantime kọọjoj (transitive form: kọjek) to use a blanket, to use as a blanket jiij (from English) cheese kajjookok shameful, embarrassing jujen and so (put after a subject pronoun) Ex: Ijujen delọñ = So I went in. piin (from English) bean wawa to use a boat, to use as a boat ikkiil (E: kūkiil) intransitive form of ‘kiil(i)’ (‘to close, to memorize’) aepokpok complicated baj ña/baj kwe/etc. now me/now you/etc. (indicating that another person had been doing the thing, and now someone else is going to do it) bōk- (bōkaō, bōkaaṃ, etc.) fill (noun), just enough for dānnin kōmjaaḷaḷ tears (when crying) ātdik nickname aj thatching materials for traditional Marshallese houses ilọk go (less common than ‘etal’) ejjaromrom (E: jōjaromrom) lightning joñan size, size of lik lay (an egg) mab (from English) map ṇaet- (ṇaeta, ṇaetaṃ, etc.) to name piano (from English) piano wūdiddid to shiver ebbeer (E: bōbweer) to give up, get discouraged ak frigate bird ekōjk- (ekōjka, ekōjkaṃ, etc.) what is the condition of? bōjjāān (from English) percent debwāāl cross (noun) jarroñroñ deaf, hard of hearing karuwanene (transitive form: karuwaneneik(i)) to invite, to welcome ruwanene invited mijiḷ (from English) missile ōne (from English) honey wain (from English) wine alej to aim at būrọk (from English) frog batur crave meat, really want to eat meat after not having had it for a long time ekajet trial, to go on trial ṃōn ekajet courthouse aikiu common dish made from iu (coconut sproutling) ātāt (transitive form: ātoñ) to smell baal kind of coral found where the waves break on the ocean side reef bōran baal place where the waves break on the ocean side reef mañko (from English) mango nōbar to praise ṇae against pi (from English) bee akki- (akkū, akkūṃ, etc.) fingernail, toenail akkiin pe- (akkiin peiū, akkiin peiṃ, etc.) fingernail akkiin ne -(akkiin neō, akkiin neeṃ, etc.) toenail āindein so (in the sense of ‘in that way, thusly’) Ex: Āindein aer ba = So they say/That’s what they say ametōma Marshallese candy made from grated coconut meat and coconut sap bwebwe tuna Jaina (from English) China Jepaan (from English) Japan Iñlen (from English) England Jipeen (from English) Spain Būranij (from English) France Jāmne (from English) Germany aḷeḷe fishing by tying palm fronds together in a long line to catch fish, name of a museum in Majuro anidep box made of pandanus leaves, old Marshallese game using the same dak (from English) duck (the animal) annañ- (annañū, annañūṃ, etc.) shadow, reflection, image aj (ajū, ajūṃ, etc.) liver
Glossary of Useful Words from Practical Marshallese — (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.