If I’m not me then who am I? - VanCanTheTinMan - 原神 (2024)

It was a calm evening. Well as calm as it could get on Tatarasuna. Kazuha could sense the calmness from beyond the heavy air filled with electro specifically produced for the furnace and he felt the agony in the air. As they walked through the ruins that were once considered a town they felt unease all around. There were broken, unidentifiable pieces of furniture scattered around like the residents had left in a rush all those years ago.

Heizou and Kazuha were on Tatarasuna to investigate some ‘mysterious occurrences’ that had been reported. At first they weren’t all that concerning but when Heizou heard of all the bandits who lost their minds well…his intuition practically screamed at him. The criminals were all discovered close to Tatarasuna mumbling nonsense. What they had in common, other than their locations when found, were the words and the mysterious burn marks. Most of what they said was complete nonsense but in between…the words that Heizou had heard so far were ‘betrayal’, ‘human’ and ‘why’. As for the burn marks, Heizou concluded was due to them coming in physical contact with the Mikage furnace. He brought the matter up with Kujou Sara but she brushed it off despite Heizou NEVER being wrong about these kinds of things. In his opinion, Kujou should really start listening to her most successful doushin but it’s not like he could say that to her face. So here he was, walking alongside the samurai, who he had been crushing on for little over a year, on his way to investigate on his own. After all, what Kujou didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her…right?

They made their way through the suffocating electro aura but were frustrated to see that the furnace was located on a floating island in the middle of the place. In the center of the island was an ominous glow and Kazuha couldn’t help but feel it was…unnatural. Not meant to be. To top it off, the bridges were broken making it difficult to access the place. Heizou let out a frustrated groan. “There, there detective, I’m sure there’s an easier way up there. Let’s start by setting up camp outside of the harmful environment and then figure things out from there. Besides…this place feels…wrong”. Kazuha shivered slightly as he closed his eyes, focusing on the wind. “Wrong how?” Heizou inquired in that fascinated tone of his. “I can feel so much sorrow, so much regret but also…malice. Something happened here” Kazuha mumbled but Heizou heard it clearly anyway. “The air is filled with tatarigami energy as well. This might be a supernatural phenomenon. They did as the samurai suggested and set up camp just outside of the oppressing air of Tatarasuna.

They set up a camp to the south of Tatarasuna. They packed light due to Heizou wanting to lay down, in order to avoid Kujou Sara’s wrath for as long as possible, and Kazuha’s nature as a drifter. They split up, Heizou setting up a fireplace while Kazuha gathered firewood. They lit the fire and fished while Kazuha stood guard. They grilled the fish and ate together. It tasted surprisingly well for something that wasn’t deep fried in Heizou’s opinion but maybe it had something to do with a certain samurai who helped make it.

They were getting ready to sleep when Kazuha poked Heizou and gave a sign to be quiet. “Someone’s nearby” Kazuha whispered, despite knowing he wouldn’t be heard if he spoke normally since not everyone had his excellent hearing. He was perfectly composed, but alert and Heizou felt a bit hot in the face seeing this focus on the normally gentle face. “Who? Treasure hoarders?” Heizou asked , although his intuition didn’t approve of his answer but he had to say something to divert his attention from the attractive man in front of him. “No it’s…I’m not sure actually. I hear no heartbeat nor do I hear breathing but there’s a voice carried by the wind. They seem to be arguing by themselves” Kazuha seemed confused so the detective took initiative. “Could it be a recording? Maybe some fontainian left something here?” Heizou asked, already forming theories. “Perhaps but I doubt it. I don’t hear the static quality normally followed by such technology” Kazuha answered, clearly thinking hard. “Well then, dear ronin, shall we take a closer look?”

They walked along the beach for a few minutes before Kazuha pulled Heizou into cover. There on the beach was a person. A person with a ridiculously large hat that had extravagant decorations. He was short, about the same height as them but his physique lacked the muscle the duo had built up due to their experience in combat. Their clothes resembled Inazuman fashion but had some foreign elements. Either from Natlan or Sumeru the detective guessed. All in all, the person didn’t look like a threat, although that meant little to the detective who had long ago learnt not to judge people’s strength based on their looks. The person was pacing and…speaking..? Perhaps they were one of the people who had lost their minds here.

“Shut up! Archons, he’s gone, alright? Now shut up about exploring, you know it’s been too long” the person shouted, clearly pissed. “Why don't you keep your worthless thoughts to yourself vermin!?” Okay they were clearly insane. The duo looked at each other, Kazuha with concern and Heizou spinning his finger in circles next to his head to signal that this stranger was clearly batsh*t crazy. They decided to approached the person carefully but they didn’t seem to notice them. As Kazuha was about to greet them the person finally reacted. All of a sudden the person whirled around looking startled and before Heizou knew, everything went black as he felt a nasty shock.


When Heizou woke up he felt sore. At first he thought maybe he had pissed Kujou off a little TOO much this time but then he remembered. He opened his eyes and looked around seeing Kazuha next to him tied up. Ah, his wrists and legs were bound as well, how wonderful. They were in a cave lit up by a singular campfire. There was nothing else worth mentioning in the cave other than their belongings that were by the entrance. And- damn it the visions were out of reach as well. He looked around some more, there wasn’t much growth which meant they were probably pretty close to the Mikage furnace but not quite in Tatarasuna since the air felt normal. He couldn’t feel the wind which mean the cave opening didn’t face south, since the wind was blowing north last he checked. Of course that was just speculation, he wasn’t sure how long he was out but his intuition told him it had only been an hour or so.

After a few minutes Kazuha woke up. Just as Heizou was about ask him about his well being a new presence entered the space. “It’s rude to sneak up on someone you know?” The person from the beach said, looking disinterested to say the least. “I’d say it’s pretty damn rude to tie up people who are looking to help you” Heizou retorted, instantly feeling annoyed. “I don’t need your help nor do I need pity” the figure spat out with disdain, although there was disbelief in his eyes. “Did you even hear yourself? You were talking to yourself like a maniac. And not in the ‘listing things out loud’ kind of way but in the ‘one sided conversation’ way” the figure scowled at Heizou’s words but it was almost like he wasn’t mad at the detective but someone else. Before things escalated, Kazuha interrupted. “May I ask who you were talking to?” Ever the polite samurai. The figure just scoffed. “It’s none of your business. You were spying on me, damn mortals” those words made Heizou backtrack a bit. So they were likely not mortal, great, just great. He looked at Kazuha who had a reassuring look on his face. Hm. Seemed he didn’t sense any malicious intentions from this stranger who had tied them up. How peculiar.

All of a sudden the stranger's eyes were distant and his facial expressions changed to annoyance. They didn’t say anything, just turned around, but it was clear they were communicating in some way. The detective and samurai waited patiently, one observing with interest and the other out of politeness. Then the stranger shouted: “He is NOT him!!! I don’t care how much he looks like-“ Kazuha felt the shift in the air. The wariness was replaced with sorrow. Longing. Grief. “-and DON’T YOU START. No I’m not going to force the information out of- besides I promised Kusanali I wouldn’t act out. No, I don't have a better idea”. The stranger sighed heavily before sinking down to the floor of the cave. They reached their hand up to their face and pinched the bridge of their nose.

Heizou cleared his throat, seeing that the stranger seemed to have forgotten their presence. The stranger startled slightly and looked at them with narrowed eyes. That’s when Heizou got a good look at the stranger. It was clearly a male. He had short hair, it was indigo and styled in a jellyfish cut. He had sharp, blue eyes that seemed to be able to kill with looks alone. They couldn’t, since if they could Heizou would probably be dead by now. He had a delicate face and a permanent frown on his face. In short…he was beautiful. Heizou felt slight blush but shook his head quickly, thankfully it seemed no one noticed.

“Oh right…you guys are here” the stranger said dumbly. Heizou snorted at their reaction which earned him a glare. “So…could you untie us maybe? Pretty please?” Heizou asked slightly impatient since he had been sitting still for a few minutes and was already feeling restless. The samurai didn’t have this problem, he simply sat calmly. “Why should I? You guys spied on me. I should report you to the authorities or something. Or better yet, beat the sh*t out of you. You’re lucky I’m being nice” they said looking annoyed. “THIS is you being NICE?” Heizou asked in disbelief, gesturing to the rope on his wrists. That’s when he processed something else. “Wait no don’t report this” he said with wide eyes. The stranger seemed to catch on, as they asked with amusem*nt: “Hm? Oh look who doesn’t want to face the consequences of his own actions”. Heizou huffed. “No it’s not that arghhh. Just so you know, since we approached in publicly owned territory there was no trespassing and we simply approached you and since I guess this counts as self defense there was no crime committed as long as you let us go now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up” Heizou said, just wanting to get out of the rope so he could move. “Hm. Very well, I suppose I can trust you, even if I couldn’t it’s not like you could beat me anyways. I’ll let you go but you have to answer something first” the stranger looked smug. “Fine. What is it?” Heizou asked impatiently. “If you’re not guilty of anything, why wouldn’t you want me to report you?” The stranger looked amused. TOO amused in Heizou’s opinion. “I- seriously!? That’s so irrelevant, the hell!?” Heizou started to blush slightly, feeling embarrassed. That’s when Kazuha, who had been observing the back and forth until now decided to speak up. “Heizou, maybe you should just say it. It’s not a huge secret or anything and I’d like to get these ropes off”. Heizou huffed but decided to relent with the weight of his friends’ (read: crush/love of his life) discomfort on his shoulders. “Fine! Okay fine. Look it’s just that…I work at the Tenryou commission where you would normally report these kinds of things and….I’m not really supposed to be here right now…I may have snuck away and if you report it well…I’d rather avoid my boss until I have results of the case…” Heizou shivered at the thought of Kujou’s wrath. The stranger froze for a second. Then he laughed so hard he had to hold his stomach. “That’s it!?” He teased while Heizou huffed in response.

After a while of teasing the stranger untied them (although he started with Kazuha and Heizou was 99% sure it was just to annoy him). “So what are you doing here if you’re not supposed to be here?” The stranger asked with a curious glint in his eyes. “Why should I answer?” Heizou repeated the stranger’s question from before mockingly. Heizou knew he was just being difficult at this point but it was too satisfying to get under this handsome stranger’s skin. Just as the stranger was about to cuss him out Kazuha, ever the peacemaker, stepped in once again. “What if we ask each other? A question for a question?” Kazuha suggested calmly, subtly glancing at Heizou with a stern look. Heizou gulped, though not because he was intimidated (okay maybe he was a LITTLE intimidated) but because that was incredibly hot. “Very well I suppose I can agree” the stranger said after seemingly thinking it over.

“Let’s start with something simple. What’s your name?” Kazuha smiled at the stranger. “I’ve gone by many names, though most of them have been discarded. I have no name but you can call me Wanderer I guess” the stranger said, rolling his eyes as if the question was the dumbest thing he had ever heard. “My turn, what are you doing here that you don’t want reported?” He looked expectantly at Heizou. “We’re investigating a case involving the Mikage furnace” Wanderer grimaced slightly at the mention of the furnace. “Okay then, why are YOU here?” Heizou asked. Wanderer hesitated. “I came on orders from my…guardian I suppose” Kazuha could tell it was true but Wanderer was still hiding something. “What do you know about the Mikage furnace? About Tatarasuna?” Wanderer inquired quickly. “Hm? The usual I guess? Used to be a prosperous village centuries ago but no one has been here since the people died from the negative effects of the furnace. No one knows where it came from” Heizou answered, curious as to why Wanderer asked such a question. Before either Kazuha or Heizou could get another word in Wanderer declared the questions were over before tilting his hat down and going into a seemingly meditative state. A lesser man would’ve thought he was sleeping but Heizou was the sharpest detective of Inazuma. They sat in silence until Wanderer spoke up, though he didn’t move from where he was. “I’m also going to be traveling around Tatarasuna so I suppose I could accompany you so you don’t kill yourselves” he said non chalantly. “And why would you do that?” Heizou asked suspiciously. “…I want to be a better person…” Wanderer mumbled quietly, though the other two heard him clear as day. They could tell the Wanderer wasn’t lying so they decided why not? They stayed the night in the cave despite having a camp close by since they were tired and worn out from the nasty shock the Wanderer gave them before.


Wanderer could hear the breathing of the two humans even out and concluded they were asleep now. Wanderer felt like an idiot. He wasn’t sure why he offered to accompany them. Maybe it was because Buer wanted him to be a better person. Maybe it was because they looked so pathetic.

He looks like Niwa... The voice of Kabukimono said sadly.

Maybe it’s because you’re more alike us than you’d like to admit. Maybe it’s because you’re not over Niwa no matter how much you pretend you are. Maybe it’s because you’re as pathetic as Kabukimono and as evil and cruel as the Balladeer. Maybe it’s because you’ll never change. The voice of Scaramouche said with a sad*stic glee.

“Shut up” the Wanderer said half heartedly.

You’re just denying it because I’m right.

Wanderer clenched his fists in anger before letting go with a sigh. There was no going back now. He would just make sure these humans didn’t die and that was that. And if there was a case involving the furnace well…he would make sure the events of the past would not be repeated. For Niwa.

Wanderer’s meditative state was interrupted when he heard Niwa one of the humans stir. He suddenly realized he didn’t know what the white haired one was called. He heard him call the obnoxious one Heizou but his own name was never mentioned. The white haired one woke Heizou up gently and after a few moments they were ready to leave. They walked towards Tatarasuna, the humans in front and Wanderer a little behind. Of course he wasn’t too fond of following them like some lost puppy but he didn’t like the idea of turning his back to them either.

After walking for a while Wanderer heard a gunshot close by. The white haired human seemed to notice as well but Heizou didn’t seem too aware. The other tried helping him but he was going to get a nasty wound on his shoulder at this rate. Wanderer shot forward with the help of his vision before he even thought about it. He pushed Heizou on the ground but the bullet still hit him on his forearm. Well, he’d had worse so there was no harm done he supposed. He turned to where the sound came from and saw three fatui, one of which had the gun. He grinned a little before rushing towards them and defeating them in a couple of minutes. He landed on the ground gracefully before turning to the other two. They were both looking at him and Heizou especially. He stared wide eyed but he wasn’t looking at Wanderer’s face. His gaze was glued to his shoulder where he had taken a hit. Before the humans could say anything he just shrugged and gestured for them to keep going.

They kept walking, climbed one of the cliffs to get a closer look at the bridges. “Well I don’t see how we can fix it” Heizou said frustrated. “I could probably get across using my vision and a wind glider but… I’m afraid I can’t carry you across with that method” the other human said looking apologetic. “This is why it sucks to have an anemo vision but not having ‘launch yourself into the air’ abilities” Heizou grumbled before sighing. “I have to get across somehow but-“. Before he finished the sentence Wanderer came up to him and lifted him in a bridal carry. “Stupid weakling” he muttered as he flew him across the broken bridge to the floating island in the center of Tatarasuna. He put Heizou down on the other side but when he looked at his face he swore he saw a faint blush on his cheeks. He decided not to dwell on it since it was probably embarrassing. Not long after, the other human joined them. “Oh Kazuha! Never leave me with this grump again, I thought I’d die!” The redhead exclaimed dramatically as he flung his arms around Kazuha (so that’s his name). Wanderer just scoffed and followed when they kept going towards the furnace. “Hm, have you noticed the tatarigami seems…weaker than before?” Heizou asked Kazuha. “Yes I did though I assumed it was the shield surrounding us” Kazuha answered casually while all Wanderer felt embarrassment. Of course Kazuha would notice the small, nearly invisible electro shield he was maintaining around them. Heizou looked at him and grinned. “Awwh the grump has a soft spot!” He teased. “It’s not my fault you’re so weak I have to keep you from dying at every moment” Wanderer shot back.

After walking for about a half an hour (and a lot of banter) they finally reached the top. The tatarigami energy was so strong, they could feel it despite the shield surrounding them. When they reached the furnace it was practically overflowing with unnatural energy. Wanderer physically recoiled seeing it.

Oh? Are you really so weak you can’t handle the furnace? The same one you faced as Kabukimono?

‘Shut up’ Wanderer thought back.

…I’m scared… Kabukimono said.

Wanderer was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice Heizou getting dangerously close until he was standing by the furnace, reaching towards the furnace with his hand. Heizou’s hand was a centimeter away when Wanderer rushed toward him and gripped his hand with inhuman strength and yanked him harshly away from the furnace. He had seen firsthand what happened to others because of this monstrosity and he wasn’t eager to witness another. Unfortunately the momentum of Wanderer as he rushed there with his vision caused him to slam his back into the furnace. He groaned loudly as the energy from the furnace exploded and spread around. Everything slowed down as Wanderer looked at the two humans whose eyes were widened in shock. He used all the strength he could spare to enforce the electro shield around the two humans. The shield didn’t cover him completely and he felt the energy hit his very being but he persisted. He could take it, his body was created to withstand erosion. He had survived this before and he would do it again. That was the last thought he had before everything went black.


‘….ugh that HURT’

Heizou tried opening his eyes but closed them when he saw the sharp light. He had a huge headache and tried to piece together what had happened. Ah right, the furnace…oh Wanderer with the shield. Wait, wasn’t he outside the shield!? He felt worried out of his mind. Like sure, the guy was a bit irritating but he had saved Heizou twice now. Actually three times now not counting the help with getting to the island. He was so worried he couldn’t breathe. Wait. He wasn’t breathing…oh archons was he dead?

Hah! He’s awake. Are you proud of yourself? Do you feel accomplished for saving those humans? A condescending voice said in his head.

Heizou opened his eyes in surprise. It hurt but as he adjusted to the light it got more bearable. He looked around and felt in stomach drop when he saw the two people on the ground with him. A couple of feet away laid Kazuha unconscious and…himself!? Oh archons is he a ghost or something!? Is this an out of body experience? He knew they existed but didn’t expect it to be so literal. Everything felt so…wrong. He couldn’t piece anything together either, it’s like he didn’t have his intuition anymore and without it he felt so…lost.

Wait. You’re not one of us. Who are you? The voice asked with disdain.

“W-what?” Heizou’s eyes widened as he heard the voice coming out of his mouth. That was… not his voice. In fact, if it had sounded just a little more sarcastic it would’ve been the perfect impression of..!

He looked down. Those were…not his clothes. Or his hair or his body. Did they…switch bodies? He felt around his face and sure enough his moles were missing and his skin felt softer than before. He tried to pinch himself but was startled when he saw how hard he was pinching. It didn’t feel more painful than a normal pinch but he noticed the skin swelling. Alright so he was much, MUCH stronger now. That did make sense he supposed, since the Wanderer had pulled him away with more strength than Heizou thought possible earlier. He also, apparently, had a much higher pain tolerance. His head pounded.

Wait…are you Heizou? A much gentler voice asked. Heizou then realized these voices sounded like…Wanderer.

Obviously. Did you not pay attention to the realization or something!? The sharper voice asked, annoyed.

“Wait, who are you?” Heizou asked, confused. He knew Wanderer talked to himself but the fact that there were actual voices in his head…

Hmpfh, why should I tell you? You’re just a powerless worm.

Okay that kinda sounded like Wanderer. If it had the same…strange underlying way of showing care when speaking they would sound identical.

I’m Kabukimono!

“Alright then…hello Kabukimono” Heizou felt very awkward conversing with a voice in his head but what else could he do? “Do you maybe know what’s happening?” Heizou asked hopefully.


Okay great so he couldn’t do anything for now. He wondered if Wanderer knew what was happening.

Hey dumbass, do you maybe think you should, I don’t know, take the other two out of Tatarasuna!?

“What? But the tataragami energy doesn’t feel so oppressing anymore?” Heizou questioned.

Maybe you don’t feel it but I doubt the human bodies are doing well right now.

Heizou then realized that this wasn’t his body, of course it experiences things differently. “Why do you care anyways? I was under the impression you disliked both humans and Wanderer” Heizou asked curiously.

Hmph, it’s none of your business but if it gets you going quicker then…we are apart of ‘Wanderer’s’ psyche. While I don’t know why you’re in the body or why we are stuck here without him I don’t know but there’s a real possibility we’ll cease to exist if Wanderer doesn’t come back to this body soon. Or what’s even worse, we’ll be transferred to whichever human body he’s in now and I refuse to stay in a weak mortal body. Also don’t you like…care or whatever? Do you WANT them to die, you fool?

Heizou immediately stood up, realizing that even though Wanderer’s inner asshole self was…well just that, an asshole, he was also right. It’s clear that Wanderer is not human since he is apparently not mortal but also has no need to breathe so if Kazuha and Wanderer are really in danger he had to act quick. The question was how was he going to get them out of here? He could maybe carry one with difficulty so did he just have to choose one to drag back hoping the other wouldn’t be too harmed when he returned? How was he supposed to choose anyways? While he wanted neither to be harmed he had known Kazuha for longer but…he couldn’t be sure Kazuha was in his own body. Also how was he going to carry them away from the island? He may be in the Wanderer’s body but he sure as hell doesn’t know how to fly.

You’re overthinking it idiot. Do I really have to remind you you’re not in your own body? You should have enough strength to carry at least twenty people, you should be fine.

Heizou felt slightly irritated by the sass but he also felt disbelief. Twenty people!? Just how strong is this guy!? “Okay genius, but how the hell do you expect me to carry them from the island??” Heizou asked with a mix of annoyance and desperation.

Fly! Kabukimono helpfully supplied.

“I don’t know how” Heizou said, irritation starting to show in his (Wanderer’s?) voice. Huh he sounded a lot more like Wanderer when irritated.

I assume you can’t use electro either? The asshole asked (Heizou decided that if they weren’t going to give him a name then that’s all he can call him).

“Obviously not!? Besides he has an anemo vis- oh. Right he shocked us that one time. So I’m assuming that has something to do with him not being human?”

Wow how smart. It only took you like forever to figure it out.

“Shut up” Heizou was really starting to understand why Wanderer was so annoyed all the time.

If you’re really desperate you could just give me control you know.

Heizou felt like there were alarms ringing in his head. It was nice to know he was completely clueless without his intuition despite this being basic observation. “Why do I feel like that’s not a good idea? Besides you’re the one who’d ’cease to exist’ if we don’t save Wanderer”.

It almost sounded like the asshole was grumbling. Fine whatever, if I tell you how to use electro to travel through electrogana will you get on with it!?

Heizou figured the voice was reaching it’s limits and since it had been helpful in between the insults he decided to listen. He threw the two bodies over separate shoulders and carried them to the broken bridge they’d crossed before. He used elemental sight (thank god it’s the same for different people) and saw that there were strange purple glowing particles in the air.

Those are electrogana. Just ugh I don’t know, channel your energy towards it

Heizou did as he was told but instead of rushing forward he shot a blade of concentrated anemo energy towards the electrogana.

No you idiot! Don’t use the elemental energy, you’re not using the vision, you’re using the power at the core of your body. Channel all you can towards the electrogana.

Heizou tried again but nothing was happening. He eventually grew frustrated and just sighed. “Okay this is not working. I need to find a different way to cross. And I’m pretty sure a windglider can’t hold three people at once”.

Look if you let me have control I can carry us across.

Heizou hesitated. It was probably not a good idea to let an unknown voice possess him no matter how helpful it’s been. On the other end…he had to get across.

Sensing his hesitation the voice added: Look, you’ve got more leverage than me anyways. You’re a more powerful presence in here despite you not belonging here so you should be able to forcefully take control if necessary. It said reluctantly, clearly not wanting Heizou to know he was the stronger of them at the moment. Just give me control so we can be done with this. If the voice could roll it’s eyes it would definitely be doing that right now.

Heizou, while hesitant, agreed. He knew it was the best option even if it sounded risky. “Okay…how do I do that?”

Just like…ugh, this should come naturally but you are a weak mortal so I guess I’ll spoon feed you instructions. Heizou was really regretting agreeing to this. Just relax okay? Like you’re meditating or some sh*t. You want to reach an out of body mindset. You want to travel to the subconsciousness.

Heizou did as he asked. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to relax as much as possible. All of a sudden he felt movement. His eyes opened without him having to actually open them. The body harshly secured the two unconscious men on it’s shoulders and reached out to the electrogana with one hand. The hand started glowing with electro energy and they rushed towards it. They used another and were now a few feet from the ground. They landed harshly with on the ground creating burn marks on the ground.

There, you’re welcome weakling.

“Thanks I guess” Heizou deadpanned. After that strange experience he carried the two men to the cave they stayed in before. He laid them carefully on the ground before sitting opposite them. It was strange, he didn’t really feel physically tired or hungry despite it being hours since he last ate. Mentally he was exhausted so he laid down in order to sleep. That’s when he realized he wasn’t falling asleep no matter how he tried. “Uh why can’t I sleep?” Heizou asked.

Oh we don’t really need sleep. With Niwa I’d just close my eyes and pretend but with Nahida we can sleep! But it doesn’t work if we’re not in Sumeru… Kabukimono said.

Shut up. Don’t mention him, especially not to this mortal! The asshole said to, presumably, Kabukimono.

Heizou wondered why Kabukimono shouldn’t mention ‘Niwa’ to him but didn’t pry. He did, however, grumble before singing loudly. No sleeping!? What a nightmare!

If I’m not me then who am I? - VanCanTheTinMan - 原神 (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.