Research Guides: Center for the History of Microbiology/ASM Archives (CHOMA): Timeline of the Society (2024)


Society name change approved: becomes effective 12/27 (name change forJBdefeated)

First meeting of the American Board of Microbiology

JBto accept notices of academic vacancies

Committee on Monographs discharged

Archives deposited in Lilly Library at Indiana University

Division of Virology created (separates from Medical Bacteriology, Immunology and Virology)

Dues increase to $15 (Sustaining Members to $100) to enable enlargement ofJB&AM

First photo appears inBacteriological News

National Registry of Microbiologists established

Committee onInterscienceConferences

First survey of colleges and universities offering degrees in bacteriology or microbiology

First Handbook for the Society written by E.M. Foster


FirstICAAC; proceedings published asAntimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy--1961

Editorial Office established; Robert Day hired as Managing Editor of Publications

AAM establishes the Committee on Postdoctoral Programs for Public Health and Medical Laboratory Microbiology (CPEP) and Civil Service Standards Committee (both are sub-committees of Council on Education and Laboratories)

Page charges initiated inJBandAM

HQ to handle rental/sales of scientific films

Society hires professional financial counsel (Brundage, Story & Rose)

Society sponsors (withONR) Symposium on Marine Microbiology

New Branch: Arizona


8th International Congress in Montreal; H.R. Cox,Lederberg& SecretaryGerhardtto represent Society

Headquarters moves to Ann Arbor in its own building

Financial structure of the Annual Meeting reorganized

CPEPreplaces Council on Education and Laboratories; sponsors first conference on post-doctoral education;

AAM Latin American Fellows Program begun


Bacteriological NewsbecomesASM News

First Foundation for Microbiology Lectures

Branch Rebate program initiated

ABM establishes Ethics Committee

Eastern Missouri branch expands to include entire state, becomes Missouri branch. Missouri Valley branch now smaller


Society acquires full publishing responsibility for publications program from Williams and Wilkins

Dedication of newATCCBuilding during Annual Meeting

History of Microbiology Conference at Indiana

American Board of Microbiology establishes certification program for microbiologists in medical and public health fields

Latin American Visiting Professor Committee organized by AAM

First programs are approved byCPEP(Centers for Disease Control and University of Washington)


First New Brunswick lecture

Constitutional revision: membership to require BS in microbiology or related field; corresponding membership deleted; bylaw re disposition of assets moved to Constitution

ICAACheld with 4th International Congress of Chemotherapy; co-sponsor is International Society of Chemotherapy, with cooperation of Infectious Disease Society of American

First post-"grandfather" certification by ABM

Proposal put forth for "full-time, employed, elected Secretary;" rescinded in 1967

New Branch: Hawaii (leaves Northern California-Hawaii)


Joint Committee of ASM and AAM appointed to evaluate future plans for the two bodies (see 1967, 1968)

Meetings Board established (Constitutional Amendment)

Committee on International Activities

9th International Congress, Moscow:Sarles, Porter andHousewrightrepresent ASM

New Branches: New Mexico (leaves Rocky Mountain), South Carolina


Journal of Virologybegins; journal options proliferate

Joint Committee (see 1966) proposes combining headquarters operations for ASM and AAM; relocating HQ to D.C.; hiring Executive Director. Approved by Council and BOG

Publications Office moves to Bethesda

Publications Board establishes policy that "ASM publications overall shall be budgeted so as to pay their own way."

Motion to discharge Committee Advisory to Ft.Detrickdefeated. Discussion continues into 1968

NRM begins to publishThe Loop


First Executive Director hired (AsgerLanglykke)

Headquarters moves to D.C.: 1913 I St. purchased; Academy operations also move to I St., following death of AAM Secretary G.I. Wallace

Joint Committee ofASM-AAMrecommends merger of the two bodies. Will require Constitutional revision (see 1970)

American Board of Microbiology becomes American Board of Medical Microbiology (ABMM)

AAM Committee on Laboratory Standards created (see also 1970)


JV,AMnow published monthly

New dues/subscription plan: $15 minimum dues includes one journal subscription

Mail vote affirms motion to dissolveDetrickCommittee

DetrickCommittee proposes the establishment of Public Policy Committee; Council declines

Education Committee revises, publishes "Microbiology" issue ofAmerican Biology Teacher(see 1960)


National Registry Committee establishes certification for Specialists in Public Health and Medical Laboratory Microbiology

Harlow Hall Fund Award established by A&I Division

First statistical survey of membership

ad hoc Joint Training and Education Committee (Baldwin, chair) appointed


Infection and Immunityappears

Xth International Congress, Mexico City: RobertHungaterepresents Society. Resolution on Biological Warfare accepted by Council.Hungate, Shay, and Porter meet informally withSoviet scientists

Constitutional revision: Academy becomes part of Society (AAM, Inc., Delaware corporation, dissolved);

ICAACCommittee established; several changes in Council and CPC membership

Joint meetings ofICAACandIDSAapproved

New Committees: Environmental Microbiology; Status of Women; Information Science

Fiscal year shifted to July-to-June

Life Insurance plan for members initiated

Council approves Articles of Incorporation for ASM Foundation, Inc.; approved as 501(c)(3) by IRS in 197

Manual of Clinical Microbiologypublished by Society

Report of ad hoc Joint Committee (see 1969) proposes establishment of Board of Education and Training: L. Joe Berry chairs committee to evaluate report

Request for establishment of student chapter at Clemson leads to bylaw changes in 1971 permitting student chapters (First one is at Clemson.)


Board of Education and Training established.ABMM, NRM,CPEP, and Committee on Guidance for Training in Microbiology all become affiliated withBET

International Journal of Systematic Bacteriologytaken over by Society

CPC approves moving Publications Office from Bethesda to HQ

Constitutional revision: add BET chair to CPC; amendment process; term of office of president; member nominations for officers

ad hoc Committee on Clinical Microbiology (G.M. Needham, chair) appointed; reports in 1972

Agricultural and Industrial Division becomes Environmental and Applied Microbiology

Latin American Professorship Program initiated by AAM, funded by Foundation for Microbiology

Minimum dues now $20

ASM Newsbegins accepting ads

Bacteriological Proceedingsbegins using author-prepared copy; title changes toAbstracts of the Annual Meeting of the ASMin 1972; will no longer be distributed free to members

CPC rescinds policy that "publications overall be budgeted to pay their own way;" Purpose is to avoid excess (taxable) profits from ad revenue

Diamond Jubilee Committee appointed

ONR Lecture now ASM Lecture

New Branch: New York


ASM Newsbecomes monthly publication; first yearly index appears in December issue. First classified employment ads appear in January. Non-member subscriptions offered

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapybegins as journal.ICAACabstracts published separately

WaksmanFellowships for Graduate Education established

Pasteur Sesquicentennial at Tulane, co-sponsored by Society

ad hoc Committee on ASM Organizational Structure proposes new and expanded divisional structure

Tentative list of Divisions sent out withmembership renewals; divisions chosen by at least 150 will become established

ad hoc Committee on Public Affairs Policy appointed (Robert Williams, Chair)

Civil Service Standards Committee of AAM created, replaces similar committee ofABMM

Sustaining Member dues increased from $150 to $300

Council approves expansion of Foundation Lecture Program to allow for up to two lecturers per branch per year


Publications Office takes over handling of nonmember subscriptions toalljournals (previously done by W&W for all exceptAAC,IJSB&ASM News)

Conference Committee established

Public Affairs Committee established


ad hoc Committee to study future of Academy, relation to ASM (Rasmussen, Chair)

NRM establishes certification in Food, Dairy, and Sanitation Microbiology

Laboratory Standards Committee (see 1968) becomes ASM Committee

First BET Workshops at Annual Meeting

Advisory Committee on Culture Collections established


FirstASM-sponsoredConference, "ExtrachromosomalElements in Bacteria."

Fifteen new Divisions established, officers elected

Acker replacesLanglykkeas Executive Director

Page charges in journals suspended


Diamond Jubilee:ASM Newsincludes Sustaining Member, Journal, and Branch histories; the New Society logo appears on medallion honoring the 75thanniversary

Microbiology-1974: First in a projected series featuring symposia proceedings (ASM andnon-ASM)

ASM Bookstore initiated: selected reviewed books fromASM Newsoffered to members at discount

NSF travel/admin grant to ASM for US/USSR Joint Working Group on Production of Substances by Microbiological Means

Meetings Department established under office of Executive Secretary

Appointment of Steering Committee to establish American Board of Immunology (ErwinNeter, Chair)

New Branch: West Germany


Journal of Clinical Microbiology

Wyeth Award (becomes Becton-Dickinson in 1978)

Forty-Year Club established

Placement Committee establishes separate rosters for women and minority applicants

ASM Bookstore discontinued

Special issues ofASM News: Education & Training (March); Publications (July)

IRS approves change from 501(c)(6) to (c)(3) status, provided two amendments to constitution are adopted

Committee appointed to clarify relations between Academy and ASM (particularly re BET), RobertHungate, chair


Dues increase to $28: $21 of that is Journal credit, $3 for membership, $4 forASM

Applied MicrobiologybecomesApplied and Environmental Microbiology

MycoplasmologyDivision activated

Membership reaches 25,000

First poster sessions at Annual Meeting (ICAACfollows suit in 1977)

Lilly Award age limit changes from 35 to 40; award increased from $1000 to $2000

American Board of Medical Laboratory Immunology (ABMLI) established

Academy by-laws revised (HungateCommittee); changes in effect 1977, including transfer of LatinAmerican Professorship Program to BET

Clinical Microbiology and Medical Mycology Divisions split off to form Division Group V


New Constitution establishes AAM on equal basis withother boards

Fisher Scientific Company Award for Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Branch Rebate programended

Fiscal year switched to Jan-Dec. (six-month budget necessitated for July-Dec, 1976)

ASM Foundation, Inc. dissolved (no longer needed after tax-status decision of 1975); replaced by Foundation Committee

Manuscript handling fee instituted ($35)

Society adopts resolution concerning regulation of recombinant DNA

Wyeth Award becomes Becton-Dickinson Award

First ASM Congressional Scientific Fellowship awarded

US/USSR Joint Working Group on Production of Substances by Microbiological Means holds three conferences, publishes proceedings

BET establishes Evaluation of Continuing Education Programs (ECEP) to qualify competent programs to award Continuing Education Units

ASM is approved by Liaison Committee on Continuing Medical Education as sponsor of continuing education programs (status unaffected by AMA's withdrawal fromLCCMEin 1979)

Latin American Professorship Program transferred from AAM to BET

PB and CPC agree that Society will not publish "conventional textbooks"


Bacteriologically ReviewsbecomesMicrobiological Reviews

Movement to hold meetings only in states which have ratified Equal Rights Amendment; Council establishes policy concerning action on "social, moral and political issues.”

Archives book collection moves from Lilly Library, Indiana University to Kuhn Library, University of Maryland Baltimore County

First Graduate Student Travel Grants to Annual Meeting (through Foundation Committee)

With new copyright law, authors must now assign copyright to ASM

BET seeks to establish Education Division; Meetings Board agrees to 3 trial paper sessions at 1979 Annual Meeting

Continuing Education programs, conferences accredited by Liaison Committee on Continuing Medical Education

ASM and American Society for Clinical Pathology form Joint Liaison Committee on Continuing Education

Movement to establish Board of Scientific Services

Mailing surcharge instituted for foreign member subscriptions

First Becton-Dickinson Award (formerly Wyeth)


Public and Scientific Affairs Board established

Manuscript handling fee abolished

ICAACholds joint meeting with International Congress of Chemotherapy

ASM contracts w/NIAIDto undertake extensive manpower survey of all members; results inASM News, 1982

Annual Meeting is in two parts: in L.A. for first section, in Honolulu for U.S.-JapanIntersocietyMicrobiology Congress


Search committee appointed to investigate new headquarters building

Mexico and Rio de Janeiro branches dissolved

Research Guides: Center for the History of Microbiology/ASM Archives (CHOMA): Timeline of the Society (2024)


What is the center for the history of microbiology ASM archives Choma? ›

ASM's Center for the History of Microbiology and Archives Collection includes records of the Society from its founding in 1899 to the present, including journals and proceedings of meetings; 9,000 volumes on microbiology and related topics; photographs of scientists and microbes; topical files on various aspects of ...

Who is called the father of microbiology? ›

Anton van Leeuwenhoek is known as the "Father of microbiology". This is because he performed pioneering work on microscopy and observed minute living cells like bacteria and sperm using his microscope.

How did Robert Hooke discover the microorganisms? ›

At the Royal Society meeting of April 23, 1663, 'Mr. Hooke brought in two microscop- ical observations, one of leeches in vinegar, the other of a bluish mould upon a mouldy piece of leather'. In Micrographia, Hooke described the microscopic structure of a white 'mould spot' in great detail.

Is microbiology Society a publisher? ›

As a Society publisher, we are not for profit and everything we offer our community happens thanks to the revenue generated by publishing.

Who was the founder of general microbiology? ›

Microbiology essentially began with the development of the microscope. Although others may have seen microbes before him, it was Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch draper whose hobby was lens grinding and making microscopes, who was the first to provide proper documentation of his observations.

Who was the mother of microbiology? ›

Fanny Hesse (born Angelina Fanny Eilshemius, June 22, 1850 – December 1, 1934) is best known for her work in microbiology alongside her husband, Walther Hesse.

Who is the father of virus? ›

Martinus Willem Beijerinck

Father of virology. Martinus Willem Beijerinck (1851-1931) first discovered a pathogen that was smaller than a bacterium. He called it a virus and is therefore the father of virology.

Who found bacteria first? ›

Leeuwenhoek is universally acknowledged as the father of microbiology. He discovered both protists and bacteria [1]. More than being the first to see this unimagined world of 'animalcules', he was the first even to think of looking—certainly, the first with the power to see.

What is the golden age of microbiology? ›

The period of years between 1857 and 1914 is sometimes referred to as the “Golden Age of Microbiology”, because rapid advancements and discoveries made during this period led to the establishment of microbiology as a science.

What is the history timeline of bacteria? ›

Bacteria have existed from very early in the history of life on Earth. Bacteria fossils discovered in rocks date from at least the Devonian Period (419.2 million to 358.9 million years ago), and there are convincing arguments that bacteria have been present since early Precambrian time, about 3.5 billion years ago.

Which are the largest bacteria in the world? ›

The current largest known bacterium is Thiomargarita magnifica, described in 2022, at an average length of 10 mm.

Who finally disproved spontaneous generation? ›

Louis Pasteur is credited with conclusively disproving the theory of spontaneous generation with his famous swan-neck flask experiment. He subsequently proposed that “life only comes from life.”

What was the first microorganism on Earth? ›

But let's start with what we know about some of the very first living things on Earth. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, started out on Earth quite a while ago. Possible fossil examples have been found in rocks that are around 3500 million years old, in Western Australia.

Who is the publisher of the American Society for microbiology? ›

Through its publishing arm ASM Press, the society publishes books covering diverse topics. Wiley is co-publisher and distributor of the ASM Press books and ebooks.

What is the history of microbial culture collection? ›

Microbial culture collections are considered as libraries, but instead of books they hold microorganisms. The first culture collection was established by Prof. Frantisek Král in 1890 at the German University of Prague. After this collection, many culture collections established.

Who is the publisher of AIMS microbiology? ›

AIMS Microbology is an international Open Access journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, original papers in the field of microbiology. We publish the following article types: original research articles, reviews, editorials, letters, and conference reports.

When was the foundation of microbiology established? ›

Discovery of Microbes and the Dawn of Microbiology

The term microbiology was given by French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-95). Microbiology is said to have its roots in the great expansion and development of the biological sciences that took place after 1850. The term microbe was first used by Sedillot (1878).

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.