See You Again - makimahater911 - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Jujutsu Kaisen is a series created by Gege Akutami

Based on the events of The Butterfly Effect by RandomWriter102

I own nothing.

September 26th, 2018

1:14 AM

Yuta felt ridiculed.

There was definitely some sort of a higher power playing a sick joke on everyone.. Yet again.

Of course on the day he was set to take his flight back from Kenya to Japan, and reunite with all the friends he had made almost a year ago, it would be raining.

Even in the case that this was, in fact, not some sort of sad*stic prank, and most people would be right in assuming that nature just runs its course in setting the mood in scenarios like this..

Yuta still felt extremely mocked.

However, things were slightly different this time around.

Sure, last time this happened was when he left Japan back in January of this same year, sure, the weather was pretty much of the same caliber as right now.

But this time he wouldn’t be abandoning his friends in the search of self improvement in this quite literal cursed world.

He’d be reuniting with them.

All of them.. Minus the already expelled third years, but most of the ones he was with already!

Panda, Inumaki, despite not talking much; Fushiguro, and the new first years..

And especially with…

‘AGH! Snap out of it, Okkotsu-’ The copy technique user thought to himself.

It’s not like this was the first time his thoughts inadvertently went back to his.. Best friend, of course, especially during the time he was supposed to be sleeping, where it would just be himself, his thoughts, and the mattress giving much needed rest for the hard day, and even though Kenya was especially arid, he had also gone through some very heavy nightly rain, especially during the season.

But in any case, if he could count the times this same exact thing has happened on his stay in Africa alone with his fingers he’d probably need… hundreds of times more than even Ryuomen Sukuna had, that’s for sure..

Don’t get him wrong, he’d be lying if Okkotsu said he didn’t miss everyone dearly, as necessary as this whole trip would have proven to be.

He missed his home.

The silly banter between Inumaki and Panda, even if it mostly consisted of teasing him and.. And the shenanigans they’d all get into with the third years, even if they had all been expelled prior to his leave. On top of that, he couldn’t wait to make the acquaintance of his new lowerclassmen, having already been familiar with one of them, of course, that being Megumi Fushiguro.

But again, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss one person in particular..


‘Great, face’s heating up again.’

Yuta never actually caught himself in the act of remembering his closest.. Acquaintance, that said he was one hundred percent certain that having gotten the chance his prediction would most likely be correct; his face felt hot as a kettle.

Welp, no more hiding around the bush now- To be frank the picture of Maki Zen’ins smile has been burned into his mind the second this train of thoughts got started to begin with.

The young sorcerer shifted from his back to his side on the bed, his gaze now focusing on the heavy rain aggressively making its presence known against the window glass.


‘What a stark contrast’ The sorcerer thought to himself, feeling himself pout. Contrary to the rain causing havoc outside, Zen’ins smile could not be further from the sight bestowed upon him. He’s thought about this same topic many many times over, so Yuta feels fully confident in comparing the warmth Maki’s smile gave him to that of a warm summer evening.

The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced you could actually put a kettle next to his cheek and it’d reach a boiling point.

Yeah- He was most excited to see one person in particular again, that was for sure.

In reality there was never any doubt about it, Yuta himself just felt too embarrassed to admit it.

His eyes now focused on the pitter-platter, more akin to thuds and slaps really, of the raindrops making contact with the surfaces just beyond these walls.




God how much Yuta despised the rain, it just dampened everything down; the mood, your clothes, it was just too darn depressing, how anyone could enjoy something so annoying and inconvenient was beyond him.

His mind simply did not have good affiliations with this watery death from above.


Well, except for..

January 10th

7:26 PM

It was exactly one week before Yutas expedition to enlightenment into unknown lands, with quite frankly an unknown ally, if you could even call him that, Miguel was essentially forced into this, being between training him or executed most likely.

Yuta didn’t know the first thing about the country he was gonna spend the next half a year or so in, much less the person he was gonna spend most of his time with.

Matter of fact, he just flatout knew very little about the trip itself. Satoru just said it was to regain his status as a special grade, but the full picture was muddy. Gojo gave him a glimpse of it, but the full intentions of the higher ups would never be crystal clear, in general not just in this case. Because when all was said and done, what stopped him from reaching his full potential in Japan?

‘Myself.’ the sorcerer thought to himself pessimistically.

‘It’s all my fault.’, he thought, ‘If only I could’ve been stronger, if only I could’ve just controlled my cursed energy..’

It sucked.

To still be considered a danger, that is, when all you wanted to do was hang out with your friends and save people. But he and Gojo knew, by ‘danger’ they just meant that he wasn’t a useful asset yet, a pawn in whatever game they needed playing.

But beyond that, it sucked to feel so powerless, so out of control of the situation, all because you couldn’t be strong enough..

It sucked.

Most of all, it sucked to have to be seperated for so long from the people he’d go so far as to call his family.

That’s what they were to him, at the end of the day.

He could always look to Panda and Inumaki for support and a quick laugh to lighten the mood up.

Although expelled already, he could always look to the third year's for advice, whether it be in life or sorcery related stuff, even Hakari would never stop drawing metaphors from gambling, that’s for sure, they were supportive and charming in their own unique way overall.

And Zen’in..

Zen’in was something else.

He'd spend time with her the most, absolutely. He’d spar with her the most, train with her every chance they could get, and although he'd get his ass kicked each and every time without fail, she was encouraging.. In her own unique, brutal way. But honestly..

She helped him grow to be the best he could be.

She was so endearing to him.


Yuta slapped himself as he remembered the warmth that Makis' smile brought him everytime he got to admire it.

It was extremely embarrassing, Maki was just his best friend!

Just a..



He looked outside the empty classroom he was sitting in. Classes were over hours ago, if you could even call them that, since for Yuta at least it was just another daily routine of getting his ass handed to him on a silver platter by Maki yet again.

Just the way he liked it.

Yuta cringed at himself for even thinking that.

The weather outside, unfortunately, was not matching his relatively good mood at the nostalgia of recent memories. It was raining and it was raining hard.

Just his luck..

And right on cue.

There she was to brighten up his life again.

“What’s on your mind, beansprout?” she popped up out of nowhere, discreet as always.

Yuta jumped. Her extremely low cursed energy already made it hard for him to feel her presence, but Maki had a talent for being able to move like a feather and get the jump on you, he knew that much from personal experience by now.

Him being so focused on the thought of her wasn’t helping either.

It certainly wasn’t helping his blushing, that was for sure, which he quickly tried to hide.

“Zen’in!” he almost squirmed. Despite his growth the past few months, both physically and mentally, Maki always found a way to make him recess back to the shy little kid he was when he first arrived at Jujutsu high, even if for but a fleeting moment such as this one.

“N-nothing much.. Just.. Thinking..” He excused, he obviously wasn’t gonna say what he was thinking about, his ears felt like they were on fire from his flusteredness as is-

“About?” she asked, stern as ever, although a hint of genuine curiosity hiding beneath her tone and expressions, her head tilt ever so slightly, or maybe it was raised to make herself feel higher?

Yutas face was at a boiling point now. “U-uhm…” He staggered.

Maki raised an eyebrow, what could this boy possibly be thinking about that could get him acting like this? The only times he’s seen him this flustered was when Panda would tease Yuta and him for just walking in close proximity, which would usually be followed up by a swift punch to the head to Panda from Maki’s part.. Wait-

Maki got an extremely intrusive thought, she herself may or may have not blushed. Was this idiot thinking about me?!’

Maki quickly shook her head so Yuta couldn’t notice and began to ask about it, or she’d get more flustered herself. Instead, she moved her sight onto the rain outside. She hopped off the classroom doorway she was leaning onto, making her way onto the desk Yuta found himself in.

“Weather’s nice.” Maki said, crossing her arms.

Yuta would assume Zen’in was being sarcastic, however Maki, always trying to be the most stoic person imaginable, didn't help him in figuring out if she actually meant that seriously or not. As a result he tilted his head, like that of a puppy being shown a new toy just for them, ever so curious and ever so innocent.

It was something that Maki caught in the corner of her eye, something she refused to acknowledge, but something she internally adored so so much about her fellow classmate.

Yuta really could be compared to a dog; kind, gentle, happy to be around, energetic. But just like a dog, when it came to its bite, its physical capability, he could also be extremely fierce. It was just that Yuta had a habit of holding back.

Maki felt like she was the one responsible for that habit.

And like a dog to a ball, no matter how many times you tried to push them away, they’d always come back, happy for the next time they got to be around you.

Part of Zen’in was glad for Yutas training expedition to Africa. There, it would just be him, a first grade sorcerer, and the soil, harnessing his true ability day in and day out, with no one to distract or hold him back.

But part of her, the stupidest goddamn part of her.

Oh, how much that part of the sorceress would miss having Yuta around.

Meanwhile, Okkotsu was trying his darndest to focus on the rain outside, because he knew the moment he took away the hand he was laying his chin on, would be the moment he allowed himself to peek at the girl next to him, and fall deeper into his embarrassing thoughts, and that would be the moment Maki would point out how red he was, and then ask him about it.

The sight ahead of him was far less inferior, not even a competition even, a direct contrast to the sunshine and warmth that Maki brought hi-

‘SNAP OUT OF IT!-’ Yuta scolded himself, he felt himself getting redder.

To avoid making a fool of himself any further, he merely focused on the rain.

God how much Yuta despised the rain, it just dampened everything down; the mood, your clothe-

“Y’know, I kinda like the rain.” Maki interrupted, she herself trying to snap herself out of her trance from the person next to each other.

If only these two knew how much of a similar predicament they were both in right now, nearly every second they were together for that matter.

Yutas eyes widened with surprise, a small part of him being relieved that at least he didn’t have to force himself to stare at something he despised and instead got to look at someone he lov- liked. As a friend, of course-

The copy technique users eyebrow raised slightly. “W.. Why’s that?” He asked, not only genuinely curious because it was Maki speaking.. That being the least important part.. Obviously.. But also because he wanted to know how anyone could genuinely find enjoyment in such weather.

It was wet,


and depressing.

But to Maki..

To Maki it made her remember the very few pleasant memories of the Zen’in clan she had.

Mai tended to be very afraid of storms when they were little, even when she didn’t want to admit it she always seeked out Maki for comfort, which she provided. It always enforced that protective feeling Maki has always felt over his sister.

Even without such storms, whenever it rained, if they weren’t forced into mundanely excruciating servitude around the house, she remembered reading stories to Mai, who again, was reluctant, insisting how she ‘grew out of it’, despite being some 8 years old.

But she wasn’t gonna open up about that to Yuta, who’re you kidding? Every slightly pleasant memory of the Zen’ins just brought back ten times worse ones, which would consequently remind her of her mission, her commitment to destroy the Zen’in clan from within that she explained to Yuta back in december.

But also, risking appearing vulnerable? Maki would rather die.

Maki took a mental step back as she realized maybe she shouldn’t have overshared.

“Nothing, just.. Good memories associated with it, is all” she responded, hoping to get out of the hole she almost dug for herself.

Great, now she was making it seem like she doubted herself, like she was second guessing or hiding something. ‘Dammit Maki!’ she scolded herself, forming a slight pout, trying her darndest for Yuta not to notice.

Yuta listened to every word Maki said with the precision of putting a needle through a thread on the first try.

‘Good memories? With rain?’

Yuta wondered if he was included in any of them as he thought back to any particular scenario where he and Maki were together during a storm of any kind.

He immediately cringed at himself and really did just contemplate slapping himself in the face for getting distracted so much at the thought of his classmate.

So there they sat, both sorcerers staring at the raindrops falling against the harsh surfaces outside of their reach, not paying attention as they were thinking about completely different things than what they were looking at, yet also both thinking about the same exact thing.


It was Maki who would break the silence once more.

“Get back stronger.”

Okkotsu couldn’t help but swing his head around and let out a confused ‘Huh?’ as a response. Maki sounded firm, convinced in whatever she was saying, as always. It was one of the things he admired most about her-

“I mean it.” she continued. “If you don’t get back stronger I’ll personally kick your ass myself!

‘Because I don’t want to keep holding you back.’ Zen’in thought, she was never going to admit that though.

‘Oh, so that’s what she was referring to..’ realized the other sorcerer in the meantime.

Yuta couldn’t help but smile brightly, something else Maki secretly admired whenever he did. Okkotsu always felt so reaffirmed by Maki, even if it was in her own unique, and definitely harsh, way, he understood her intentions.

She wanted him to be stronger.

It gave him a certain warm feeling that he only felt around Maki.

Maki, noticing the boy's smile, refused to get flustered any further, although her eyes did open up ever so slightly.

Said boys tone was soft and tender, like the ever so gentle kind hearted kid he proved to be,

That proved to have, despite how much she denied it, won the heart of Maki Zen’in.

“Of course..”

September 26th, 2018

6:15 AM

Yuta didn’t get much sleep, but that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary from every other day here.. And ever, as per usual thoughts of his companions left behind in Japan overloaded his mind.

But this time.

This time he was returning to them.

Whatever the motive, it didn’t matter to him, quite frankly it didn’t really register until now why exactly he was being summoned back earlier than expected.

All that mattered was that he was going to his friends again.

He and his teacher had to be ready early, so as to arrive up and ready for the rest of the day back in Japan upon sunrise. It was honestly for the better; Yuta never got much sleep, as previously stated, but this gave him ample opportunity to spend the rest of the day reconnecting with his friends.

And reconnecting with-

“Okkotsu!” A firm, strong voice called next to him.

He looked up to find his dark-skinned mentor for the past 8 months staring at him, unimpressed.

“I asked, Okkotsu, if you had everything accounted for?”

Yuta blinked twice before realizing he didn’t hear what he asked the first time around, and that he should probably answer before it got worse.

“Y-Yeah.. Of course! Everything I need is packed and I left the rest just like I found it!”

Miguel smirked, satisfied. He knew that Yuta, as well as proving to be an excellent student, on top of an already talented sorcerer, was a polite and organized young man. At this stage, he knew better than to doubt him.

“Thinking about your friends, are you not?” Miguel asked bluntly.

Yuta bit his inner cheek, was it really that obvious? I mean- What else could have him daydreaming like this, to be fair..

He tried to compose himself as he straightened his back and responded. “Y-Yes, Sensei!- My sincerest apologies-”


Yuta couldn’t help but loosen his shoulders and stare up at his teacher with his mouth slightly gaped open. Despite how much stronger he had become, despite how much he’d grown out of his shell, he could still find himself in awkward situations resembling that of when he first became a sorcerer.

Miguel followed up.

“The world, even without that of curses and sorcery, has already proved to be cruel. I taught you to appreciate your meals in life, so don’t apologize for doing so.” Miguel continued. He was firm, serious, but there wasn’t a tinge of disappointment in his tone. If anything, he seemed pleased that Yuta held this part of his life so close to his heart to begin with, he just worked in reinforcing the importance of that from time to time.

Yuta couldn’t help but form a smile now.

The uplift in his mood was all the response Miguel needed, giving a slight smile back, as they looked back forward, waiting for their ride to the airport.

Okkotsu was looking forward to the future. He’d come back to his friends on this day, stronger, just as he promised. He could be with them again, protect them, he had secured his place as a special grade so he could only go up from here.

The smile on his face became that of fondness and nostalgia as he looked to the floor, and then up, the first rays of light revealing themselves onto the young special grades' uplifted face.

‘See you guys soon’ he thought.

‘See you soon, Maki.’

See You Again - makimahater911 - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.