The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)

A-10 Monday, April 22, 2024 THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN THE WEATHER Rain Thunder- storms Snow Ice Jet Stream Warm Fronts: Cold Stationary 110s 100s 90s 80s 70s 60s 50s 40s 30s 20s 10s 0s -0s Detroit to Year date 2.07" Month to date 0.15" Yesterday Trace Santa Fe Area to Month date 0.13" Yesterday Trace Las Vegas Area to Month date 0.40" Yesterday Trace Taos Area Moderate 7.8, Severity Allergens Allergens High 8.7, Severity Santa Fe Albuquerque Today Sunny. 73 Humidity (Noon) Wind: SSW 20 mph Tuesday Sunny. 78 47 Humidity (Noon) Wind: SW 15 mph Thursday Partly Cloudy. 70 42 Humidity (Noon) Wind: SW 30 mph Saturday Partly Cloudy. 68 44 Humidity (Noon) Wind: WSW 25 mph Yesterday Today Tomorrow City City Alamogordo Albuquerque Angel Fire pc Artesia mc Carlsbad mc Chama Cimarron pc Clayton pc Cloudcroft Clovis mc Crownpoint Deming pc Espan ola pc pc Farmington Fort Sumner mc Gallup Grants pc Hobbs mc Las Cruces pc High in Death Valley, Calif.

Low in Peter Sinks, Utah Sunset Today 7:43 p.m. Tuesday 7:44 p.m. Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Moonset Today 5:40 a.m. Tuesday 6:03 a.m.

Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Venus Rise 5:57 a.m. Set 6:45 p.m. Jupiter Rise 7:23 a.m. Set 9:13 p.m.

Uranus Rise 7:20 a.m. Set 9:12 p.m. Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Anchorage cl mc sh Atlanta ra Baltimore cl Bangor pc Billings mc pc Bismarck pc pc Boise mc pc Boston mc ra mc Charlotte ra pc Chicago pc sh Cincinnati mc mc Cleveland pc sh Dallas pc Denver pc mc mc Des Moines pc sh Detroit pc pc sh Fairbanks pc mc mc Flagstaff Helena mc pc Honolulu pc sh sh Houston mc pc pc Indianapolis pc sh Kansas City mc Las Vegas Los Angeles pc mc pc Louisville pc mc Memphis Miami sh pc Milwaukee pc sh Minneapolis sh sh New Orleans mc New York City mc Oklahoma City pc Omaha mc pc Orlando pc sh Philadelphia mc Phoenix Pittsburgh cl mc pc mc Richmond pc Salt Lake City pc pc San Antonio mc pc mc San Diego mc mc mc San Francisco pc pc Seattle mc mc Sioux Falls mc pc St. Louis sh Tampa pc Trenton mc Tulsa pc pc cl Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Amsterdam ra ra ra Athens ra cl cl Baghdad mc ra Beijing pc ra Berlin ra ra cl Bermuda ra cl ra Bogota ra ra ra Cairo pc Copenhagen pc sn mc Dublin pc ra mc Frankfurt ra ra Guatemala City ra ra Istanbul ra ra ra Jerusalem pc Johannesburg pc pc pc Lima mc cl London mc ra ra Madrid Mexico City ra ra ra Moscow cl ra cl Nassau pc ra New Delhi pc pc ra Oslo mc pc mc Paris ra pc mc Rio Rome ra ra Seoul ra mc Stockholm sn cl cl Sydney ra Tel Aviv ra pc mc Tokyo mc ra cl Toronto cl ra Vienna pc mc ra Full Apr. 23 Last Q.

May. 1 New May. 7 First Q. May. 15 Saturn Rise 4:28 a.m.

Set 3:50 p.m. Mars Rise 4:46 a.m. Set 4:30 p.m. Mercury Rise 5:41 a.m. Set 6:17 p.m.

Moonrise Today 6:48 p.m. Tuesday 7:47 p.m. Wednesday 8:49 p.m. Sunrise Today 6:21 a.m. Tuesday 6:20 a.m.

Wednesday 6:18 a.m. 8 a.m. Mon. 2 p.m. 8 p.m.

2 a.m. Tue. Yesterday Today Tomorrow Las Vegas mc Lordsburg pc Los Alamos pc Los Lunas Portales mc Raton mc pc pc Red River pc pc Rio Rancho Roswell mc Ruidoso pc Santa Rosa mc Silver City Socorro or Taos Tucumcari mc Univ. Park pc White Rock pc Zuni High in Animas Low in Pecos Sunday Partly Cloudy. 64 37 Humidity (Noon) Wind: WSW 25 mph Friday Mostly Sunny.

69 43 Humidity (Noon) Wind: WSW 25 mph Wednesday Partly Cloudy. 75 48 Humidity (Noon) Wind: SSW 20 mph Tonight Partly Cloudy. 46 Humidity (Mid.) Wind: 20 mph Extreme Very High High Moderate Low 1 10 8 6 4 2 0 Forecast Today's 25 Sunday's rating 40 to Month date 0.41" Yesterday 0.09" Los Alamos Area to Month date 0.28" Yesterday Trace Albuquerque Area date 0.55" month Normal to date 2.49" Normal year to 2.30" Last year to date Year to date 1.29" Month to date 0.10" Yesterday 0.00" Santa Fe Airport Precipitation in 2012 high Record in 2018 low Record Normal Santa Fe Airport Temperatures ALMANAC Midnight through 6 p.m. Sunday AREA RAINFALL WATER STATISTICS The following water statistics of April 16th are provided by the City Water Division (in millions of gallons). Total water produced from: Canyon Water Treatment Plant: 4.960 Buckman Water Treatment Plant: 1.293 City Wells: 0.0 Buckman Wells: 1.007 Total production: 7.259 Total consumption: 8.655 Santa Fe reservoir inflow: 13.02 Reservoir storage: 266.26 Estimated reservoir capacity: 20.84% A partial list of the City of Santa Fe's Compre- hensive Water Conservation Requirements currently in effect: No outside watering from 10am to 6pm from May 1 to October 31.

For a complete list of requirements call: 955-4225 AIR QUALITY INDEX 0-50, Good; 51-100, Moderate; 101-150, Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200, Unhealthy; 201-300, Very Unhealthy, 301-500, Hazardous Source: POLLEN COUNTS Source: TODAY'S UV INDEX The UV index forecasts the ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun. The higher the number the more risk of sun damage to your skin. 7 DAY FORECAST FOR SANTA FE NEW MEXICO WEATHER Shown is today's weather. Temperatures are today's highs and tonight's lows. Gallup 7 38 79 81 53 Sil lver City 73 47 STATE EXTREMES SUNDAY NEW MEXICO CITIES Weather (w): cl-cloudy, fg-fog, hz-haze, mc-mostly cloudy, pc-partly cloudy, r-rain, rs-rain snow, s-sunny, sh-showers, sn-snow, ss-snow showers, t-thunderstorms WIND TRACKER NATIONAL WEATHER The Northeast will see mostly clear to partly cloudy skies with isolated rain, highest temperature of 70 in Cahokia, Ill.

The Southeast will experience partly cloudy skies with isolated showers and thunderstorms, highest temperature of 92 in Sebring, Fla. In the Northwest there will be partly cloudy skies with the highest temperature of 76 in Medford, Ore. The Southwest will see mostly clear to partly cloudy skies with the highest temperature of 101 in Needles, Calif. WEATHER HISTORY April 22, 1989 Twenty-seven cities in the central United States reported record high temperatures for the date. The high of 96 degrees at Omaha, Neb.

was an April record and the high of 100 degrees at Lubbock, Texas equaled their record for April. NATIONAL EXTREMES SUNDAY NIGHT SKY NATIONAL CITIES WORLD CITIES Alamogordo 78 56 Albuquerque 80 52 Carlsbad 79 49 Clayton 80 47 Clovis 76 50 Espan ola 79 45 Farmington 79 48 Hobbs 74 48 Las Cruces Las Vegas 76 44 Los Alamos 71 49 Pecos 74 41 Raton 75 43 Roswell 80 50 Ruidoso 71 48 Santa Fe 73 46 Truth or Consequences 81 53 Taos 73 40 Boise Boston Dallas Los Angeles Minneapolis New York Phoenix Seattle Washington D.C. Guadalajara La Paz Mexico City Monterrey Hermosillo St. Louis San Francisco Omaha New Orleans Miami Las Vegas Denver Chicago Billings Atlanta Albuquerque By Jennifer McDermott and Michael Hill The Associated Press ALBANY, N.Y. Nature wraps bananas and oranges in peels.

But in some modern supermar- kets, bagged or wrapped in plastic too. For Judith Enck, the epitome of pointless plastic. The baby food aisle is similarly distressing for her, with its rows and rows of blended fruits, vegetables and meat in single-use pouches that have replaced glass jars. Less than of plastic is recycled. Most is buried, burned or dumped.

Recycling rates for glass, aluminum and cardboard are far higher. Plus, cardboard and paper packaging are biode- gradable. The global theme for Earth Day on Monday is planet vs. plastic. Plastic production continues to ramp up globally and is projected to triple by 2050 if nothing changes.

Most of it is made from fossil fuels and chem- icals. As the world transitions away from using fossil fuels for electricity and transportation, plastics offer a lifeline for oil and gas companies as a market that can grow. The Earth Day movement is calling for end of plastics for the sake of human and plan- etary People are increasingly breathing, eating and drinking tiny particles of plastic, though researchers say more work is necessary to determine the effects on human health. Mil- lions of tons of plastic wind up in the ocean each year. This week, thousands of negotiators and observers representing most of the nations are gathering in Ottawa to craft a treaty to try to end plastic pollution.

Plastic is everywhere in modern society. evident whenever you go grocery shopping, said Enck, a former Environmental Protection Agency regional administrator who now heads up the advocacy group Beyond Plastics. There are things shoppers can do if they want to use less plastic. On a recent trip to the Honest Weight Food Co-op in Albany, Enck bought almond butter and yogurt in glass containers. She asked for her to be wrapped in paper and not placed in a plastic bag.

She steered clear of bagged carrots and breezed past the lettuce packed in what she calls She keeps reusable shopping bags in her car, a common practice in New York after the state banned plastic carryout bags several years ago. small steps make a difference because big supermarkets notice when people ask for less packaged material. our kids pay attention. If shop- ping with us and you talk about why reaching for the glass jar rather than the plastic jar, an opportunity for she said. AP: How do you avoid plastic packaging and products at the grocery store? tell everyone not going to be perfect, but do the best you can and focus on things you buy most often.

I just could not keep buying those plastic orange juice jugs. what I did on the juice was, I bought a really nice glass pitcher with a lid on it. for juices and lemonade, I only buy the frozen concentrate. You avoid the plastic altogether. It takes a little bit of time to melt it and add three cans of water.

But most people can manage AP: Many shoppers start in the produce aisle. What are some tips? bring reusable cloth produce bags because I want to use those thin plastic bags. So if I need a couple of apples, a couple of avocados, put them right into my reusable produce bag. I try to buy loose carrots rather than carved carrots in little plastic bags. I will never, ever buy bananas if in a plastic bag.

real dilemma is the fresh berries. Now they do come in No. 2 plastic, which is supposed to be AP: What do you do when plastic is unavoidable? crackers, you can recycle the outside box if cardboard, but then usually a plastic bag inside or a waxy bag that you recycle. But you can use that waxy bag or those little plastic bags if you have pets. I have a pet, but my friends use bread bags and chip bags when they pick up pet poop.

So why buy pet poop bags, you can just save those. do use regular trash bags. I knock myself out on that. I try not to it up. If you can reduce your waste generation, not buying as many bags.

I think very important to com- post at home if you have the AP: Where have you seen improvement? household goods aisle. I am excited about the changes. For detergent, you can get concentrates. I only use powder in the dish- washer. I strongly recommend that people avoid the plastic pods.

And you can recycle the card- board boxes from the powdered soaps. You have to get it in plastic. I also think the beverage aisle has some real opportunities for recycling. Better than most other AP: What could be done so shoppers have more options? nice thing about paper, cardboard, glass and metal is it can be easily made from recycled content. And it actually is recyclable.

You can put it in your recycling bin. And if it gets littered, the paper in the cardboard, in particular, stick around for centuries. we were to pass a strong packaging law to reduce plastic packaging at the state or national level, you would have packaging engineers think- ing about what happens after the packaging is used. Unless we adopt new laws, not going to change because the voluntary pledges by compa- nies are falling short across the board. the only way to solve GERALD ASSOCIATED PRESS Tortillas in plastic packaging near glass and plastic bottles last week at a grocery store in New Orleans.

A few simple steps can help reduce the use of plastic at the grocery store. By Kenneth Chang The New York Times The cost of a proposed NASA mission to gather rocks on Mars and bring them to Earth is spiraling upward and slipping further into the future. So last week, space agency officials asked for ideas on simplifying the mis- sion and trimming its price tag. bottom line is that $11 billion is too Bill Nelson, the NASA administrator, said during a news conference April 15. not returning samples until 2040 is unacceptably too The mission, known as Mars Sample Return, is central to the search for signs life may have existed on the red planet.

The idea is to bring samples of rock and soil to Earth so scientists can prod and poke at them using their most sophisticated tools. NASA had hoped Mars Sample Return would cost $5 billion to $7 billion and the rocks would arrive on Earth in 2033. But last fall, a review panel concluded the cost was likely to run from $8 billion to $11 billion. NASA officials said last week they agreed with that cost estimate, and, given budget constraints, the current Mars Sample Return mission would not be able to deliver the rocks before 2040. On Tuesday, NASA planned to issue a for seeking alternative plans from aerospace companies as well as experts within NASA, with pro- posals to be due May 17.

Of those, NASA would several of the proposals, with studies later this year. Then NASA would have to decide its next step. going to need to go off to some very innovative new possibilities for design and certainly leave no stone said Nicola Fox, the associate administrator for science mission directorate. is the Hail Casey Dreier, the chief of space policy at the Planetary Society, a organization that supports space exploration, said in an interview. Dreier said he had thought NASA would simply announce a delay, which would reduce the amount it was spending on the mission in a given year, while adding to the price tag.

The phase of Mars Sample Return is underway. Perseverance rover, which landed on Mars in 2021, has been drilling and collecting cylindrical samples of rock and soil in the Jezero Crater, which contains an ancient river delta. To undertake a mission that would move more quickly and at a lower cost, one idea might be to leave some of the samples behind on Mars. That would reduce the size and complexity of the spacecraft needed. If scientists were forced to choose which rocks they want most, think that will be some very, very lively and very exciting Fox said.

In February, Dreier wrote an essay about whether NASA could turn to Elon SpaceX for a cheaper robotic Mars Sample Return mission. mam- moth Starship rocket is being designed with the goal of sending people to Mars. answer is almost certainly Dreier wrote then. least, not anytime Cutting down on plastic in grocery stores NASA wants Mars rocks faster, for less The global theme for Earth Day is planet vs. plastic.

Plastic production continues to ramp up globally and is projected to triple by 2050 if nothing changes..

The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)


Who owns the Santa Fe New Mexican? ›

The Santa Fe New Mexican
TypeDaily newspaper
Owner(s)The New Mexican, Inc.
PublisherPatrick Dorsey
PresidentRobin McKinney Martin
8 more rows

What is the meaning of Santa Fe New Mexico? ›

The city's name means "Holy Faith" in Spanish, and is an abbreviation of La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asís ("the Royal Town of the Holy Faith of Saint Francis of Assisi").

What is so special about Santa Fe, New Mexico? ›

Santa Fe is the site of both the oldest public building in America, the Palace of the Governors and the nation's oldest community celebration, the Santa Fe Fiesta, established in 1712 to commemorate the Spanish reconquest of New Mexico in the summer of 1692.

What is the circulation of the Santa Fe New Mexican? ›

As the newspaper of record for the cultural and political capital of New Mexico, The Santa Fe New Mexican has won numerous awards for its editorial excellence, community involvement, and design, and has a paid print circulation of 20K+ and website/digital readership with more than 1.75 Million unique visitors each ...

Who owns most of the land in New Mexico? ›

New Mexico is the #10 state with the most land owned by the federal government. The federal government owns 27.1% of all land in the United States, or 615.3 million of 2.27 billion acres.

What did Santa Fe used to be called? ›

Founded in 1610 by Gov. Don Pedro de Peralta, it was named Villa Real de la Santa Fé de San Francisco de Asis (Spanish: “Royal City of the Holy Faith of St.

What is the oldest town in New Mexico? ›

Acoma Pueblo is regarded as the oldest continuously inhabited community in the United States. Access to the Pueblo is difficult as the faces of the mesa are sheer. Before modern times access was gained only by means of a hand-cut staircase carved into the sandstone.

What does Santa Fe mean in the Bible? ›

Borrowed from Spanish Santa Fe (“Holy Faith”).

Why is it still called New Mexico? ›

New Mexico was originally a remote Spanish settlement first colonized in 1598 (22 years before the pilgrims and 9 years before Jamestown.). It was called "New Mexico" by the explorers and colonists since they came from Old Mexico. The Spanish name was "Nuevo Mexico" hence the English version.

What is crime like in Santa Fe New Mexico? ›

Violent crime rate in Santa Fe NM:

Santa Fe murders: 6 per 100,000 people. Violent crime rate in Santa Fe: 923 crimes per 100,000 people. Total violent crimes in Santa Fe (2020): 819. Chance of becoming a victim of violent crime in Santa Fe: 1 in 98.

What is the oldest capital in the US? ›

Santa Fe is not only the oldest capital in the United States but also the second oldest city. St. Augustine, Florida is the oldest being found in 1565 by Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles of Spain. Santa Fe is the second oldest being officially founded in 1607.

Is New Mexico older than Mexico? ›

New Mexico received its name in the 1500s, long before the present-day nation of Mexico won independence from Spain and adopted that name in 1821.

What is the racial makeup of Santa Fe New Mexico? ›

In 2022, there were 1.42 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (35.1k people) in Santa Fe, NM than any other race or ethnicity. There were 24.7k White (Hispanic) and 12.1k Two+ (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups. 53.1% of the people in Santa Fe, NM are hispanic (46.5k people).

Is Santa Fe New Mexico worth it? ›

Santa Fe is one of America's most historic, artistic, and fascinating cities. Known as “The City Different,” the nation's oldest state capital city is a place unlike any other in the world.

What is a trivia about Santa Fe New Mexico? ›

Santa Fe is the oldest capital city in the US

It also served as the capital of the Spanish “Kingdom of New Mexico,” the Mexican province of Nuevo Méjico, and as the principal city for the Spanish Empire north of the Rio Grande.

Who owns the compound in Santa Fe? ›

Mark Kiffin | The Compound

“Mark Kiffin, celebrated Chef, Owner and author of the Compound Restaurant won the prestigious James Beard Foundation award as Best Chef …”

Who lives in Santa Fe New Mexico? ›

Stars like Gene Hackman, Val Kilmer, Wes Studi, Julia Roberts, Shirley MacLaine, and Ally MacGraw have called or do call Santa Fe home. It's not uncommon to see famous people around town doing things ordinary people do.

Who is New Mexico owned by? ›

Colonized by Spain, the land that is now New Mexico became a U.S. territory following treaties signed with Mexico in 1848 and 1853. The territory did not become a U.S. state until 1912.

Who is the owner of Made in New Mexico? ›

Jonathan Rinkevich - Owner - Made In New Mexico, LLC | LinkedIn.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.