The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

Mo. jDcaiii Entires ANNOUNCEMENT Local Notice Diwih Notices Milli'K 'ID PlIiDKIiH I iAl, A ap1- to Previous Puzzle Out-ot-Town (KlK -Mniutnv iiimNiImk, l'i I) 111. lilit.l lor the mri-itl llctioil Atomic Power I Judge Junks Bond iSuit No Explanation Birds ond Beasts Franklin, Toon, llikti Kelimil ItilllilMiR, IS CfiM'e. will llr'CKU I I II Tin -ao mumliis. t'rb iuuh, i Hie lliinlln County H.mi.l nf fduca- Kill llii.w.rll HI M'lliv C'iok.

MM1 H(J ymii, Hiir-vivmI ly ti ilituiilitfiN, hits I.mlv l'lfil('r Lpc. Mi Itulv HlrtCN, (if Niihhvlllr Mr Hcsmp liver, Arthur, 111 Mis Kcie IK Mrs Htrlla Rmditiiil. Trim. p.uis, DfV. It (ink, Hcutuvlllr.

Kv mil) lllc. lit. I. local IiurMlo; liuluc. Mrs.

Mr Miinm 'mis ol iu; huivivcd Itv Ron, W. A Ki'iiukiin, II era. Mra Rlicluc Mla Pliye Ho. tic llllil Mil. Men II! Hum us 1 liruiiirr, Itimtuk ail of Full W'mih.

Ti s.i-. 2 isiand- Itnn, Jioiner Bmwti'riws. nuiieriuien-dent. at. He llariln ('ounly Conrl-hnuse liKsetiifiit.

Havnnniih. until 2o m. on February Any liidi received aiter this lime will be mid retnrnnl nnonened all n'tiev w'M he opened A Jli.l (luinnKe suit was (lis-1 fessiona 1 Ixntdsman's net a bonds-missed yesleriliiy K'lst tin: in requiled to reneipt liams liondinK company, for tlie nmnry collect from with failure to clve a receipt nndia tlietit. Kurhart failed to do tins, and read puiillcly. Utiles contrary In nous I 1' Mo.llcy 'A (l i ill 4 Vi tl-nety Lion's Huilds 7 Ireland llailiihtcrs.

unal-m tunii KeniHlnit aie al lm- KiHiik- Speed Urged Gore Says Allies Look to America, May Fall to Reds ly CHARLES L. FONTE NAY the HtHlUtes of the Htate ol inui" llll nun nil liihimi, nfi.vulnn. Mum Where funeral services Will 'e. inciiioum loca, iiing mi huh it may wit hdraw a b.d tor ACROSS 1 in sh. r- hi; Horned i unnmint 9 Metal 12 (Yntui plant 1 1 (Kjuman Indian Individual IS Radio audience with navlnsr a.

fine, lioth in said nerinil of thirty days alter tne Also under the act, a bondsman at 10 .10 liy Hev. J. U. Wolle. The turn of tne state proiesmona npeiilns of his bid.

i lionilmnan's l.iw. The suit was dinmlssed by Plans Htid specifications mav be obtained from Hanker to Havre, Architects and Knulnrers, H.U la not allowed to pay olf a fine, Royce snid. Earhnrt did this, lie said, Royce said Fall was not allowed Brown Taylor of jjencral sessions llMiiilllrrn. Mrs, Kutip lloum, UM rrinrt'iHrul, Trr.n und Mrs. Ol-1 in Him.

Arthur, III. 2 ten-mini, I'nrt liinU sml Aiclui' Conk, llftl nullum fipiinii. 4.r uriinilrlularcn. Ui'inulns arr nt Hie resKlciu'o fit Jr sn Cook. Hcnrler-nmll.

Kuni'iid Inmi MhiIimiii PiiiuthI Heine. 211) Oh Hickory Mlvd Wednunday mrn-lint II o'clurk conducted Hrv limner lifunie nnd Itev, Horsee Jriiklna (irtndnnns will si-rvn pallbrarera liitrniirnt Uniry Msriin County Madison Ku-nrriil Hume DlriTiorn. (OX -Suddenly at dry. Fchrunry 11. SaU-iiin 93.

Survived by brother 8 Reposes lUIicalh 9 Violent slr.i I'S. Kind of moth III Arrow poison 30 Sr (nule Commerce Title niilldmll. Mempnis to make a telephone cull to his lollotim wtll please ftere a.s pallbearers. Honorary, (ooite Hiuith-son, t'apt. T.

I'. Hciidi'ison. 1'cic. Amis, 1. P.

Hiil.taui, Dr. Harry liuiice, Dr. T. C. hli'f, l'r, J.

o. Wnikcr, II. ii, C'lianiiell. Jurtuc Wallace Hnilth. illiam Moss, B.

Hrlciis. Active, Jne I'lnkrr-ton, Hu-wurt Cauipuel, Juhn Hen-ilt'rann, lo-iims Fleming. C'hnrll' Hawyer. 'I lico Dr. H.

iialhman. Joe llolshouser, lnter-inent Ml. Hope Cemetery. Franklin Memorial Chapel Funeral 1 1 (ape The federal government inust he railed in on development of atomic! power if the United Stntrs Is not to oc this race to Russia as it didj the emtrllite nice, Sen. Albert Liorcj employer in South from the county jail, althougn he.

re 17 I mallets 18 Landed 4i Money 47 Toward the shelleied Mile 48 Old Irish castle 50 Venetian magistrate 51 Unbleached 52 Card game French article quested to do this and to call col lect so that the charge would not be put against the jail. 31 Hum 3.1 Man's nnine 35 fliih 40 Simpler 4.r Anglo-Savon king's council Tennessee. Two sets of plans ami specifications will he furnished to. each ouallficd contractor bidding. Additional plans and specifications shsll he paid for by the contractor.

All Plans and specifications Issued free shall be returned to the Architect complete and unmutilatcd after opening of bids. Proposals shall be made to Include all work complete under a General Contract. Qualified bidders must be licensed contractors In the State of Tennessee able to execute a contract of this IS Is tiriMM 19 llydrocarbuni 21 Let it stand 23 Musical properly 10 Coral island 22 Kind of salts 24 Vats 25 Musical Instrument Sheriff Tom R. artwright has Boyd J'rire, Lebanon, and several mecej nun nephews. Funeral said prisoners are, allowed to make calls to arrange for persons to send money so they can pay their ill be Bt I D.m.

Wednes-ilsy, Si'Ki'Hvn Funeral home, anon. The body at the furienil home. Friends will serve as pu 11- Taylor gave no reason why the si i it was dismissed after the bonding company failed to present a defense to the charges in court. He heard the case Monday in the civil division of general sessions court. Robert C.

Royce attorney for James C. Kails of York, S. said lie immediately filed an appeal to circuit court. Kails testified in court Monday he paid Roy Earhnrt, fljii'i't Williams Honding company, $104 for getting him out of jail on Dec. 10.

He was charged with being drunk and resisting arrest. Mulled Criminal Charge Ho said $35 was for the bond fines and not be required to pay a u-ia-ri. Contractor shall state his license Murfreesboro, Tenn, CASON Feb. 11. 15, James Cason, ave n.

Survived by Ills wife, Mrs. Madcllncns Park Cason; i sons, Dr. John Cason, Murfreesboro, Dr. James Cason, Berkeley, Calif Mr. Cason Is at Wouilfin Memorial Chapel, wher funeral services will be held at 'J ni.

Wednesday by Hev. 1'aul Llewllyn. Interment, Everareen Cemetery Woodlm Memorial Chapel 111 rharae. pi ofessional bondsnmn, James Cason DAVIS Monday evunlns, Feb. 10 1H58, at her home.

drove number and the number of calendar days lie will require to execute the work. ran. noniiK uavls. Hue ki yearn. Hurvlvrd hy sister.

Mrs I.yda Fisher, Nashville, 3 Each bid shall be accompanied by a certilied check nr cashier check nephews. Hcmulns are tl the rnapei ol Hracev Welsh 2407 on a solvent bunk, or a bidders bond executed by the bidder and W'est Fhd Ave. where services will be held Wednesday niornlna nt 10 a Surely Company licensed to do MURKREESBORO James Cason, 92, of 611 N. Maple retired Murfreesboro died yesterday morning In Rutherford hospital, after a long Illness. Kuneral services will be nt 2 p.m.

today at Woodfin Memorial chapel with the Rev. Ralph Llewellyn officiating. Burial will be In Ever business In Tennessee In the sum Hiiil here lust And, Gore warned, if Russia wins, Western Europe may forced into the Soviet orbit. ('lore (ipoko the annual forum and seminar of the Nashville, chapter, American Institute of Ranking, nt the Noel hotel. His talk followed a reception mid banquet.

"Their eoal Is nearly exhausted," said Cote of Western Europe. -They htive depended heavily on the oil of the Middle Kast. Suez Shocker "The Suez crinis allocked them Into rrali.ation of their position. Th Soviet is viporou.Hly, ambitiously. rrii5plnply, pushinR lor control of Middle Eastern oil.

"The Western European power have, turned and place their horss for the future in U. S. development of atomic power." If Russia, gains control of the Middle East before the United State develops atomic power, he Mid, the Western European nations must turn to Russia for the atomic reactors to turn the wheels of their Industries or the United fie and the. remainder of the five per cent of the amount of the bid. The bond shall guarantee luiiuucieo oy filias fihaw and H.

Clvde Hale. Pallbearers will be. Board nf Directors. I.ake-.hore Home for the Aned. and Chester Orcen.

Interment at Ever-Rreen Cemetery MnrfrefuOnrn money was for the fine. that if the Is accepted, a con The charges were paid off after tract will be entered Into and the performance of It properly secured Kails failed to appear in court Trim. Br a ey 1 hC'o I c. direction 24 Male rat 27 Church vcres 29 Poems 32 34 Plentifully 36 East Indies island 37 Lead sulfide 38 Places 39 Dutch painter 41 Indian weight 42 Roman bronze. 44 In a lint I 46 Votes 49 Pheafant broods I 53 Fourth Arabian caliph i 54 Lathe part 56 Seine 57 V'oody plant 58 Site of Taj Mahal 59 Lock and 60 Rowing implements '61 Neuter (ab The successful bidder shall also be required to execute a Performance Jan.

G. i 13 hi k. 17 IS I 1 I I I I -3 a -f- vrfy rv nr 5 If TF5S I ZZZ ry ir so pi ft zz nri kl 1 I 1 1 1 1 HOOVER Tuesday momliig Feb, 11. Bond In the amount of one hundred Lebanon, Tenn, HARALSON-Tiresday afternoon. Feb 11.

1DS8. at a Lebanon home. Mrs. Sallle llewaiey Haralson, aue S.l years. Survived by Iwo liaunh-ters.

Mrs. Huftis Tatnm and Mrs. W. F. Neiil of Lebanon; one sun, Jim Haralson of Mount Juliet: Hi grandchildren.

27 great-grandchildren. Kianains are at Llgon and Hobo funeral home where services will be held Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 12. 1Dj8 at 1 o'clock, conducted by Bio, Frnent Hlshrrs. Active pallbearers: Thomas Haialson, Raymond Haralson, Oeorge Haralson, lvie Haralson.

Vesta Haralson, Gordon Haralson. Janies Elvm Neal, Hubert Tatum. Randolph Tatum. Interment: Wilson County Memorial (lardens. Llgon and uobo.

Lebanon, directors green cemetery. The body is at the funeral home. Mr. Cason was a native of Rutherford county, son of Favor and Mary Cason. He attended Cumberland university at Leba Boyce said he spoke to William Wilson, assistant district attorney general, about possible criminal action against the bonding company.

Royce said that under the pro per cent ilOO'i) of the contract price. The Hardin County Board of Education reserves the rleht to reject any or all bids submitted and to waive Bny Informalities in bidding. Awards will be made on the lowest and belt bidder, If awarded. Hy order of Hardin County Board insti at ju flock, at a local in-lliinary, Mrs. Ludle Btroud Hoover Survived by husband, K.

Hoover, 3 sons, Janies, Hurton and Frank Hoover all of Nashville. Mother. Mrs. Ada Stroud. 3 sisters, Mrs.

C. E. West, Vero Beach, Fla Mrs. W. F.

Leftwich. Detroit. Mich; and Mrs. Lola Clenhorn. Nashville 4 brothers.

Jesse and (ieume Stroud both of Nashville, Frank Stroud ol Antluch. Btroud, St. Louts, Mo. 2 grandchildren Remains rest at the funeral home of Phillips Robinson Co. Complcle funeral ar-raniiemeiits will be announced later.

I'lilllhu Robinson Directors. non. He marnea iliss Madelienc Park Nov, 19, 1904. She survives. Survivors, in addition to his wife, include, two sons, Dr.

John Cason, Murfreesboro, Dr. Jamea Cason, Berkeley, and four oi Education. HOMER SNODORASS. Sunt. Hardin County Board of Edmatlon Savannah, Tennessee Mrs.

A. C. Lehew FRANKLIN, A. C. Lehew, 52, of the Hillsboro community, died yesterday morning at the Williamson county hospital after several weeks of Illness.

Funeral services will be at 10:30 States must supply Western Europe with coal and oil from its Cemetery Mounmenr MT. OLIVET 5 Oravxt lot In the Hillsboro Community (Williamson County) LFHEW In a Franklin hospital Tuesday mornlns, Feb. 11. luss. Mra.

Leola Lecornu Lehew. a.c (2 years. Survived by husband. A. C.

Lehew Hillsboro; mother, Mrs. WUl.e Kins Lecortiu of Lebanon. Tenn 2 daughters, Mrs ('enrae Lee Fewltt and Mrs. Ken- IU .1 ll.Wn,,.. I own dwindling reserves.

"The Soviet Union is juet ns di uartien of llosnels, A 1 a- 1,.. SlatOU lermineu iu sua wmn John E. McCarthy Sr. John Edward McCarthy 5J, Eller and Olsen atone company employe of 1907 Eleventh died at 8:03 a.m. yesterday in Gen- am, tomorrow at Franklin Memorial clin pel.

The Rev. Keith Bar 3 Lost Found NOTE Services Tomorrow low and Rev. Carter Johnston lieill noli, nutii inn fii'vin Lehew of Hlllshoro; Lost between Broad nd Church will officiate, and burial will be in end of Jan, Rears H. 2 si'ters. Mrs.

Mitchell Claiborne In atomic power as in lul 1 he first ho said. He Beeauae of this, he said, he was added that larpc reactors are unable to tret a bill through con-necessary for the development ofifiress providing for federal de-power, and two Russian reactors' velopment of atomic power for use now under construction are only In federal installations, times larger than the largest beinc1 "private power has admitted it Reward. C'V For Rev. J. W.

Evans of Castalian Ppnniis, Tenn and LAKOFF At a local hospital Monday mornln, Frb. 10, J368. Linda Kay Lakoff. aeed years Daush-tei of Lincoln L. Lakoff and Mrs Jean Herndon Lakolf.

tirand-dauthter of Mr. Mrs. (leorne Herndon. and Mrs. Kimene l.akotf all of Nashville.

Serines 10 am, Wednesday, Cosmopolitan Funeral Home, Dr. A. 1.. Currle Pallbearers, R. T.

Stanton. K. Hickman, Clifford Bates. Pierce Duller, Rot Manning and Waller Leaver Jr. Interment Wood-lnwn Memorial Park.

Remains at Cosmopolitan Funeral Home. Wilson County Memorial liospital of incer. Lebanon. Tie body is at the fu- Service, wdl be at 10 a m. ia neral home morrow at Buena Vista funeral Mrs Lehew.

the home, 1503 Buchanan st. Carmack Mrs. Robert White. Lebanon DOO Collie, male, answers to brothers, Ewlne Lecornu. Funtlac Boyd will officiate and burial will built in thm country.

cannot develop atomic power Lcola Lecornu. was a native of Core was Introduced by County be in Johnson cemetery on Smitn Springs road. Tho body is at the Funeral services for the Rev. J. W.

Evans, formerly of Nashville, will be at Pilgrim Emanuel Baptist church, 1111 Division at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow. Judge Beverly Rriley, He was ac SHANE blown, b.ack. white. Le-moni acres, nenerous reward.

CA 8-510 i'OPCOA r-- Blue." Fetway HeaTis'la" bel. exrhansrd throuuh error Nnkley Hesiaurant. Friday, coat lcftUurk label, CY 2-0421. DOG Blue lick hound, black spot-led, blue ticks. Iast Karo Bend aectlou near Lebanon.

Liberal reward. VE 2-8105. funeral home. A native of Davidson county, companied by his daughter, miss Gore, a student at Vandcr- MeCARTIIV-Tuesday at :0.1 am Services will be Mr. McCarthy was the son of tho Feb.

11. 1958 at a local Infirmary. John Edward McCarthy, ave bi Mich, Joe Lccurnu. Nashville. Russell Lecornu.

Lebanon. Leman lecornu of llartsville. 3 grandchildren. Remains are at Franklin Memorial Chapel, 1021) West Main where luneral services will be conducted Thursday morning at 10 30 by Rev. Keith Harlow and Rev.

Carter Johnston Honorary pallbearers. Dlt Garner. Ivey Hara.son. Joe Harry Phillips, Brown Kinnard. C.

81mpklns. Glenn Brown. Roy Jones. Hillary Crockett, James Carroll. Frank Gray William Miller.

T. C. Fox, Jack Whitfield. Benton Hnbns. Floyd Vest.

C. Brown, J. W. Oreer. O.

Haury. Alfred Lunn. Active- Otto Green. conducted by said (Jore. "It is too costly.

"We are depending on the profit motive to keep' America ahead in a field in which the prospects ahead for several years are not profitable. Private enterprise has made a fine contribution in the field, but it is not enough. "While they cannot afford to late Patrick and Maggie Johnson years. Survived by wile. Mrs.

Ma ic Gatlln McCarthy. Sun. John Ed hilt university. Power Quarrel "The interminable quarrell'' between private power and public power. Gore aaid, "is the millstone McCarthy.

He was educated In the public schools here. ward McCarthy, alep-dauatiter, Trousdale county. She had lived in Williamson county since 1928. Her parents were Mrs. Willie King Lecornu of Lebanon and the late J.

L. Lecornu. She was a member of the Methodist church. In addition to her husband and her mother, survivors include two daughters, Mrs. George Lee Pewitt and Mrs.

Kenneth Holt, both of the Hillsboro community; a son, Calvin Lehew, Hillsboro and Se-wanee. two sisters, Mrs. Mitchell Claiborne, Castalian Springs, and Mrs. Robert White, white. lan Besnle Male.

Otter Cr-ea P.d. leb. Reward. CY 8-4518 Mrs, Mab.e Morgan, sister Miss An About 28 years ago, he married Maggie Gatlln of Davidson county, nie McCarthy; brother Doualas McCarthy, all of Nashville. Remains are at the Buena Vista Funeral who survives.

DOG Lost black, white, tan, hound, iopg ears, tug Reward, (all CY 2-133. make the necessary effort to de Home. 1503 Burianan where services will be Thursday at I') Other survivors are a son, John Edward McCarthy a step velop atomic power, American Gene Olvens. Zack Green.

Ber.ton DOO-Black, white, tan Bc-stle Jjoji Hunan. Roy Vest. B. B. Sweeney.

Lcaland Ln, hewsid CV Fi.p Carol her. Johnny I'ewltt. a conducted by liro. earmark! Hviyd. Honorary pallbearers: Elders' the Rev.

E. M. Brown, the Rev. S. H.

Simpson, the Rev. William Pitts and the Rev. J. T. Pot-ton, Rurial will bo In Greenwood cemetery.

The body Is at Pat-ton Rrothers funeral home, 1300 South st. Mr. Evans, 70. died Saturday at the home of a daughter, Miss Mable Morgan; sister. Miss Annie.

McCarthy; and leadership in this field Is so vital that our whole people cannot afford failure." Atomic power for electrical en and Deacons of tne Scifiled bi Church of Christ. Active; O. A I Personals Franklin. Tenn. Office Supplies AL 4-3368 PROMPT DELIVERY GRIFFIN SUPPLY COMPANY brother, Douglas McCarthy, all of Lebanon; four brothers, Ewlng Le lion, Jess Jones, Milton Shock- MeARTIH'R Tuesday morning Feb Nashville, II, ia.i8 st h.r home in Beech CARTLAND NURSERY AND KINDERCARTEN icy, iiurion

I'ecu Johnson and Kcrmit P. Hudbcrrv. Inter ergy ia not economical in thif Grove. Tenn Mrs. Ramsev Arthur a TS Venrs KillllV.O ment Johnson Cemetery, Smith cornu, Pontine, Joe Lecornu Nashville, Russel Lecornu, Lebanon, and Leman Lecornu, Harts-ville; and three grandchildren.

country, Gore because the United States still has some re Sl; Road Duei.a V.sta Fu-i Mrs. A. W. Beckwith FRANKLIN, A. W.

hcial Hoine, AL 4-7511. bv dauthter, Mra Ed Insured. Open 6 to Train's Rc'ih'.' Ter.n one sister. j- personnel, hoi h.n Same Iocs-Mrs Acme Wiles. Nsshulle- I ti.m 8 years il'ill road Harry Re.j 1K5 O.irt ai-d A serves of coal and oil.

Rut in other Evans afternoon. Feb I free nation whose friendship is n.ams ar at HariKiln Meinona vital to this country, atomic power chapel. Wist Main s'. where niece In Athens. Ala.

He had suf-feied from a heart ailment the is economical because It is their past five years). only prospect for power to keep Beckwith, S3, of Franklin, died Sam Thomas Pomeroy yesterday afternoon at the Harris Services for Sam Thomas Bftor a- lnK erov, Si, retired emplove of Chemical company, will be at 111 Euneral servieea will be 'at 10:30 a m. today at Pc'ttus, Owen and'am' today at Franklin Memorial Wood funeral home, 4506 Charlotte i chapel. The Rev. J.

E. Wolfe will ave. I officiate and burial will be in Mack V. Craig will officiate and Mount Hope cemetery. The body Piano, 8-Week Courses fl ASfilCAL POF'ULA!) aressive tjtandard Methods Csr-, 'yn Allen, A.N3.Ultl.

CH J-4S44 SITTERS NEEDED White By Hour With car Or lire In while mothers irk, Haby ling Service CY CV 7-4H04 A native of Limestone county, services lll be conducted Wed-riesdav afternoon at 2 30 o'clock by Rev A Faxon f-iisli. Pallbearers; hor.orary Will Jam'snn. Bramle't Tul.oss. A. Mararia'l.

J. Wilson. Judge Jerre Hy. Hillary Crockett. Will Holt, John Holt Johnny Prlmm, Dan Stevens: active Nrphews and grand nephews.

Interment Hope cemetery Franklin Memorial luneral going. Want on Winning Side 1 "The American position In the world la based in a large part on confidence In our aupeiior might and productive capacity," he said. "In this cold war, many a nation wants to be on the side of the winner." Although he spoke primarily' on graveside services will be at," i tne luneral home. The Travis Nursery and Kirdcrgartcri 1803 Fatherlsnd St AV 3-1124 Jnpec'on Fully insured Louisville, Ky. SHANNON Mrs.

Minnie Knapp. it 10. 13 at his resilience. ampbell Road Mad' on. Mm Connico Parsons, ace 82 years, humud by wile.

Mrs. Tealle tile Phens Parsons; Mrs Hi.yl Haptonstall. Sin Diego. sons, William 11. 8r ban Diego, Paul E.

Parsons, Gordon parsons, NashviI.e. Virgil f. Parsons, Pcttus. Texas. 15 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren: sisters.

Mrs. Culler Dyer, Texarkana. Texas, Mrs. George Weils, Decatur, Ala brothers, C. A.

Parsons. Nashville. Walter Parsons, Roanoke. Vs. Remains art at the Eastland Fu-nenl Home, 04 Oaualin Road.

Leaving tne chape) at 1 30. funeral services will be at the Firs; liaptlsi Church in Madison Wednei. Cay at 2 o'clock, conducted by Oscar Nflon Pallbearers-Maurice Norman. William eian-irs, Mack Persons, George Par-suns. B.

Hoaers. Chester Psrf.ons, Clarence Parons, John Roberts. Interment. Mt Oliv. Cemetery.

Eastland Funeral Home A.N SOUND HI-FI MUSIC COMMUNICATION PACINC Foi Homa For Business for Industry ELECTRA Alabama, he began hia ministry at Poplar Creek Baptist church In Alabama, and subsequently organized and built Mount Pisgah Raptist church in Alabama. In 1923 he moved to Nashville and served as pastor of Shlloh Raptlst church, Mount Gilead Raptist church and Pilgrim Emanuel Baptist church, all in Nashville, and First Raptist church In Franklin. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Laura Evans, and a son, Robert E. Evans of Wisconsin.

Louisville. Kv her residence. 8in-ii Bay. Fib 19SJ at 3 Wifei VV Mrs. Beckwith, the former Miss Mary Macon, was a native of Williamson county.

Her parents were Capt. John B. and Sallie Reams Macon. Her husband died In 1924. Survivors Include a son, W.

A. Johnson. Franklin: three sisters. A. McPherson, Tailor Triune cemetery, Triune, Tenn.

The body Is at the funeral home. Mr. Pomeroy died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mra. Lillian Fuller, 4701 Park following a lengthy illness. A native of Wlliiamson county, ine aie james rs, eir.snnoo Mr. l-'. Mens Su.ts rerr lie exps the peacetime use of atomic en VZ ,7 i. nittn i Arcade. AL t-1Vi ergy, Gore digressed at the be Jaekvin, Mis Richard 8 Harr C'oidwater. Ohio and Mrris ginning of hia talk to urge, that Mrs.

Ethel Richie, Miss Phye Bos Mr. Pomeroy was educated In the WAVF It SO Ma. bice or mach.iiriess. 0 Tir.t-uu -h'n? AH -CADK BKWrv SiiRiP. 8S.

L'D'taus Eirr. Panama Citv. FU bv sis grihi'childrcii. tuncra; Williamson county schools. In'fick and Mrs.

Merrie Fields, ail of President Eisenhower assure the people that the federal covern'ment W. dn-sdav, leb 12. at. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY will use its power to avert a de Mack Connico Parsons 1000, he married the former MissFort Worth, Texas; a brother, Dohle Purkett, who died In 1920.Vyrn Rostick, Fort Worth, and Other survivors are three granddaughters, ters. Mrs.

Thomas Pack, Mrs. Joel 1914 West End pression. "The psychological factor In an Services for Mack Connico Par- economic upturn or downturn is lam. from the funeral! CHII.n CARE Home. Lfliiisvllle, Ky and N'ir tvppf.

Center Mrs thrdral nt the A siimptiun at :.0 tVr'V lc'le BELMONT NURSERY" DitHsson, Tenn. 2 CV 3-M37. cy i-nsn WI BB-Monday evening. Feb 10. WILL'pAV Va.SH FOR la.iS.

a' Ins home. Arch L. Dlat! fmi Karat t'p aae IS sears Survived by wife. WMNf-IrlN Ar (O 817 Church D. Troxler and Mrs.

Karl Cox Sr. i Patrick A. Sullivan Advertise rritnt vitally important," he said. "If 1,1 macninist. oi jvi.iui- one lias confidence in the future' wl1" 2 pm today at irst A 5 A a 5 Baptist church, Madison.

inree sons, c. ana u. Pomeroy; grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. he buys that new automobile Tho Rev. Oscar T.

Nelson will one has uneasin. ss, invcM- irs. Axie irns verto. cat will be at and risk taking are leis Mrs Clianes Massage 44-3-2454 son Mrs Claudie Hoot Gas is OK in Balloons, But Not in Your Stomach James C. Marshall Services for James C.

Marshall. Uneasiness feeds upon it-: 'nv'1 cemetery, oony iis at Eastland funeral home, 904 lla.v hnlh rtf Ilr-lrnil ments tailed, self. "A Requiem high mass for Patrick Anthony Sullivan. 70. will be sung at Holy Name church, 521 Woodland at 9:30 a.m.

today by Father Charles O'Donnell. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. The rosary was recited last night by the Knights of Columbus at Phillips-Robinson funeral home, 2707 Gallatin road. PO ML ROY Monday afternoon Fe.j 10 at the resilience of iil, daughter. Miss Lillian Fuller.

4701 Fain ham Thomas Pomeroy. huryived by djugniers, Mrs Thomas Pact, Mis. Fuller Mrs Joe D. Troxler. and Mrs Karl Cox.

Br sons I and C. Pomeroy; 24 grar.dcml-iiren: 20 greal-giandcnthirrn. Remains are at the ol I'ettu. Caen Si Wood. 4'm Charh tte ave here services will be held Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock conducted bv Bro.

Mack Craig. The loiluwliig will p.euse serve as pallbearers, honorary P.khland Coun Gallatin road. retired employe of the Du Pont our economy teeters in a e.eor.orin... mil him' SI ,,11 l.trSOILS "ICO HI mC tin yon plant, will be at 31 a.m. aiich grandchildren Remains HtU) CAR are at Taylor Funeral Home wr.ere: MT.

P.sat. luneral lervices will be conduct-1 ed ednesday afternoon. Frb. 12. BAi.Ysn ISO vi'liui oclocx.

by Rev home Nights, espen-Burns Interment Union eme'ry rnrrd teferin CY Fernres under the directors of lor Funeral Home. I CHILIlRKN EPT IRONINO i jDav. hour or ck off Cul- today at Cosmopolitan funeral home, 2505 West End ave. The Rev. J.

Harold Stephens and Mr. Sullivan died at hls home be so helpful as for the President I bin son Paul E. Parsons of the United States to say Campbell road, Madison, after government would take what' steps He ill about ace necessary to prevent a depres-i tlvc "a.vs slon I A native of Giles county, I he a. a son of Joel and Alice Recently, Nashville man said he sited to leel like a swollen halloon bfesuse so much fss formed in the Rev. V.

Henderson Barton' at 4113 Gallatin road Monday cil No. H. Jr order C.AM, i nompson otat.on, i enn. lat.n r.a,i CA S-43: will officiate and burial will be In! morning after an Illness of three Pigii, Bill MrCiird. Uienn.

Ed WII.MIN Tuesday niori'iis. F'b 11 ii r.O L't irl Iu MV tlMllc- Coleman. Claude Lampley, May iii-a Spring Hill cemetery. The body i weeks. Ho had undergone surgery ...1 V.r.r OUrt r.i Knob K4 Lx- i Right Parsons.

He was educated Ithere and came to Mnshville nhnnt ffiSrill cy s-4 George Wilson Lo is at tne funeral home. for a lung ailment at St. Thomas He was a native of Logan coun-. hospital and returned home last o.jJhier. Mrs.

Ms Siatiou. son Ct.a FRANKLIN, Tenn. -George Wil- CHILDREN KEPT Ms stomach. He said he wis in man il-ntt constantly due In pressure, Nt he ia piB.iml SVS-TUNH lo IhB Slit lit bbs ha emasini rehaf poi en-etsi h.s aneBls aSatn. SYS-IOM'.

is hclpinl gas ictims all aer Naihtdl Hloat alien vanishes in rn i-h. ty, Kentucky. In he married Friday. son, nan igM. he married the former srandi hlldre-i, nenia.ns are at Private home cy veteran, died yesterday morninglMiss Callie Pamnlm of Giles roun-i '7 ii 'I.

He moved rranaiin Memorial Ciiaoei. lo.a West Main si. where services CHILDREN KEPT to son of Patrick and Ellen Sullivan I. kid Hulmes, Jim Weimar, Honier Weimar Hersrnel Adams. Robert Adams Tmitsiun Cox.

Nine Hud-sins and Allen Grc-orie. Dave and Howard Pomeroy. Karl Cox Jr Fdaard Doyle Troxler. Manley Fuller Chanel and James A Po.neroy. Intermeni Triune cemeiery.

Triune. Tenn Richland Council No. Hi Jr Order U. A will have charge of services at the srave. Petius-Oweu A Wood.

CY 2-JJS2. a i en is. i I'll 111 li'l'tJ: ai inn iniiiii: in a him. wno dien in J947. in he I Nashville In 1926, be conducted Thursday allernooa In liome Sullivan.

He attended St. Put an MISUIISI I hia tins new medicine helps enrich psle, antmic blond lhal needi Irna; sto cnnisins tuamin B-l lor opsel nerves In don't In nn aullerinS. Get Sva-lone Mr. Marshall retired 2(1 years rick's school and Hume-Fogg high nritn ssiu ym niarneii Tealle Stephens of tomorrow at Franklin Memorial 'Madison. She survives.

Hill cemetery. Snriiii Tenn MKhN Pi ago and lived for the last fiv Frannlin Memorial Chape), funrrai- rhnpel. Rurial will bc In Mrs. Parsons was a member of school, and had lived in Davidson county all his life. directois Woodbine.

AL -0Vn SWEDISH MASSAGE MtrlZ tV TnMN ta'SliLn" r-n-yry. Spring Tenn. The First Raptist church In Madl years with his daughter, Mrs. Herman F. Gray, of 1129 River-wood drive.

In Mcmar.sen I For more than 20 years he operated Sullivan's Department store ne.rh. m-ni Blmn. I I t.ooy IS at llie Mineral nome; tPOHKT.L Tue-rist afiernoon. Feo Ry sppolntment. Ca AL 5-9750 II IU--S ml I 10 1...

.1 lilt ivr.T Others aurviving are two eons. in Old Hickory. After his retire Infirmary. Garry Michael memory of Le.l, nickel. 5 Special Notices Second Chance at Youth James Marshall.

Nashville, and.ment 21 years ago he was in the tester ivjarsnan, t.ainsvillc. real estate business for a time survived by parents. Mr and Mrs Joseph Powell; s.stef. Cnthia I3' Ann Powell; brother. LaVr Thorn- of as Powell, all of Nashville: grand- lhal Di-atn cam.ot desiroy parnt.

Mr. and Mrs. Jo.eoh Woi Husoanj. dau.hter and and Mr. and Mrs.

John T. Powell. I atanuauahter. Others surviving: are a daughter. Mrs.

Roy Haptomstall, San Diego, four sons, William H. Parsons San Diego, Paul E. Parsons, Madison, Gordon Parsons, Nashville, and Virgil E. Parsons. I'ettus, Texas; two sinters, Mrs.

Cullev Dyer, Texarkana, Texas. a sister, Mrs. Ella Moss, JVillits, and two grandchildren. HEY, SWEET POPPA Cet my Valentine Candy at LYNN'S DRUG STORE 6.H Pheiby Aie. with Amazing new Creme Color lie is survived by a sister, Miss Manila Sullivan of Nashville; two nieces, Mra.

Katherlne Crim of Waynesburg. and Mrs. Ruth-ellen Griffin of f'hesire. Conn- all ol laiinsyillr, hy. Remain Colored Death Notices 1m are at Msrtin's.

20) Louise ave. Miss Mary Frances Walker A Viitrll l-PfllHAnt Infiia rm 1 i a a fx and Mrs. George Wella, Decatur, Saturday morning at the1 WonH Virile T-iKinrtc U. leaving at 0 hum. 0f li.a be.oveu me, e.

JV500 -DinetS Mass of the at the r.urch Mutlie Jones at Athens. a Rev I I'h Fnrmna and A. a Rev rnrmus Top, and Shampoo duu- two brothers. C. A.

Parsons, an uih'i in i-iuii I oi Mary Frances Walker, two 'M'Phcwg. J. v. Hamilton with the Naahville Internal r', of 0hio' nnd nf the Holv Rosary Nashville, and Walter Parsons, Tenn. i at HI o'clock.

Interment nue service aecountitiK branch. Hamilton of Nash- J. W. Eians. Icimeriy of Nashville I 'f I't'Tih.

Suiv.ud by dear wile. 1 aural It MOM SIMIE CABINEIS Kiaii. s.n, Robert Fvans t'UtrS CABINET fclluP Mllaauk.e. Wis; nieces. 4ln AL 4-03t: I Roanoke, 15 grandchildren land 17 great-grandchildren.

be at 10:30 a.m. today at Christ the King church Rurial will be at Mount Calvary cemetery. The body Is at Martin's UPHOLSTERING Ouahtv Services, CudRct Terms hom*o Charm Service. AL 4-S753 Linda Kay Lakoff Services for Linda Kav Lakoff. 9-Vear-old daughter of Unenin Mly Maine Jones.

Athens. Ala. -Mrs Nia.aie Kull.ll, Uitiiiliiiiham. Ala Luuiiiia Carrutnrrs. Louisville.

Ky and otiieis. nenneas Mr. T. Taylor ol Na.hvlile and others; dauuhter-ln-iaw. Mrs Mabel Evans, Miiaaukee.

Vn ot icr lelauvca and fritnds. His i Mrs. Minnie K. Shannon Funeral services will bc eon-; ducte.d In Louisville today for Mrs. funeral home, Louise ave 1 ir Educated at Cathedral I and Jean Herndon Ijilmrf u-m t.

Calvary cemetery. Thomas Lil-len. John Hobbs. Ksm Wal eri Kleve Zellhuber. Alex Cecil, will se-ve pallbearers Martins 303 Louise ave lilt 1-1375.

bi l. It S.N Monday morning. Kb 10. at 0) cl.ica at ht-home. 4111 Rd Pa ries Anthony Bulllvan.

age "0 'ri-i Hurvlved by on sister. Miss Mamie Bulllvan; nie es. Katherlne rim, Waynesboro. Pa and Ruth-ellen Onffin, Cheshire, Conn i two nephews. J.

W. Ham.ltoa. Jr. tairview Park. Ohio, and John Patrick; Hamilton of Nahvllle Remains rested at the funeral home UPHOLSTERING school, Miss AValker had been em-nt 10 a.m, todav at Cosm'nnnlltan ployed by the I Us since Aucust, Minnie Knapp Shannon, about 1HJ.

a native Nashvilllan who died at 2:05 p.m. Sunday at her home In EASIEST WAY to "Shampoo" Natural Color info Your Hair retrains art at I'attun Urothers Get "The Be-t For l.e Terms Funeral Home, where the lamilyi K-'b sale, sa: and chair lit sn will receive friends this i Wrdnes. CDOPER CH funeral home, 2505 West End ave. The Rev. A.

Currie will officiate and burial will be at Wood-lawn Memorial park. The bodv Is uay. Irom until ten She lived with her mother Mrs. Akiics S. Walker, at Wood mont Terrace apartments.

UniisvUle. The services will be held at 9 $150 DEHT8-I am not responsible for debts mai.e by anyone other than myself Herbert Carter Mangrum. 110 Ravon Drive of I at the funeral home. a.m. in the linrrett funeral home Her father, C.

E. Walker Ray Ptnit, also survives. of Phllllps-Hoblnson where the rosary was recited Tuesday evening at I o'clock by Knights of o'cloik. Kuneral Thursday morning at It 30 oelcx-k at Emanuel Raptist church. Rev E.

Rtown. Rev. 8. II. Simpson, Rev.

Win. Pitts. Re J. Ration snd others officiating. Mothers of the church will serve as Ilower ladies Ministers will serve as honorary pallbearers and deacons as active Pallbearers.

Interment at (Ireen-wood Cemetery, l'alton Brothers. Directors. Columbus. Reijulem high mass will Linda died at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Vanderbllt hospital of a virus infection.

Linda lived with her mother and maternal Erandpnrents. Mr. and You're younger looking with a new hair rolorl Let Tims Creme Color Bhampcio revitalne your gray, drsb hair with the natural lustrous color nf youth or create eicitrinent with an entirely new glamouMui hair shade. So easy to svhicvt tnuty salon liair rolornn results at home in nie.e sninutei. Tints ii in creme ihampoo form tu softly condition as it genily kicks in color leaves hair soft, radiant, young looking1 Contains lanolin nd vitamin A for healthier looking, healthier growing hair.

No harsh look either berui Tintj is mmouis free. Today, try Tinti for second chanut at youth I HALE DRUG CO. Mrs. Georce W. Herndon.

of there, and at Cathedral of the Assumption at 0:30 a.m. Rurial will be In Cave Hill cemetery In Louisville. Mrs. Shannon waa the widow of Jamea K. Shannon, a Railway Express company ifficial who died in RT.8.

They had lived in Louisville since about 1916. Survivors Include four grandchildren, Mrs. Richard F. Johnson of Nashville, among them. Six greatgrandchildren also survive.

Mrs. Jasper McArthur FRANKLIN, Tenn. Mrs. Jasper McArthur. 75, former Franklin resident, died yesterday In Reech Grove.

at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Murphy, where she had lived for the past two veara. Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. today at Franklin Menioiial chapel. be al Holy Name church Wednesday morning at UO o'clock by Father Charles O'Donnell Pallbearers.

J. W. Hamilton 6r Otto lehnlnt. Dick Lucas, W. Hreliht.

John Conners. White. Thoms II. Pstlon. French.

Dr. W. Reynolds. O. Hofsietter.

Sr. W. llarry. F. Chrtsman, R.

M. Doss Interment Calvary Cemetery Phillips. Rohinsnn Co directors SHtt.NtV Monday morning Feb Richland ave. Mrs. Lakoff Is employed by the city health department.

A paternal Grandmother. Mrs. Eugene Lakoff of Nashville, alao Advertivemr.t survives. II). PUS at o'clock at a local Infirmary.

Hoaell Fields Sweeney, Mrs. Josephine B. Davis Draperies. Slipcovers Made to order 10 yesrg eyperleneed Mim VIOLA NAPIER. CA I-437S sign'painting Trt ck and window Rea. Ouaranteed CH J-9S6S UPHOLSTERING Court and Chair- SIS 50 Terms VK J-llflO ORFFN'S CA LEARN TO DRIVE DRIVKHS CO J-: Ss Bulldozer Grading D'. co Sofa and Chair Cleaned $7 "PECK" DONNELLY BR 1-31M-W LEARN TO DRIVE DRIVE RITE TRAININOC 11003 DIRT TOP" AND FIELD JtIlvered-PltII 50 CV I M7I UPHOLSTERING Terms 8W1NDEL AN3-2SH LEARN TO DRIVP EASY METHOD CY 7-0521 aced es years. Hurvlved by wile Services for Mrs. Jtvephine Hor- Mrs Eustatll Ellis Pweeney Dsughters, Mrs, Frances Hrandnn and Mrs. Anita Tucker both of Science Shrinks Piles Ney Way Without Surgery Find Healin; Substance That Relieves Pain, injr navis, 82, of Ivike Shore home.

Grove will he at 10 a m. todav Know Your Horoscope KINVIK Mr. Janes Arch iFisuti Klnrer. suddenly In Chi'sco. Ill formerly of 32J Indiana ave.

Nashville, Tenn nurvived bv daughter. Mrs. Willie Perkin nf Chicago. three sons. Aaron Kinrer of San Diego, Calf.

Fred and Joe Frank K.ner Na" i-vllle. Tenn two sisters. Mrs Fannie Cummins of Nashville. Tenn Mrs. Elvis Rooerson of 8t laius.

tour brothers. Willie. Curlew. Essrn Ktnzer of Ht Lniils Cohus Klnrer of Union Citv: II grandrhlldin; one son-in-law: one daiwhter-ln-law; four brothers-in-law: three sisters-in-law several nlereg and nephews: host of other relatives and friends F'uneral rthlo Wednesday at o'clock from Chspel. conducted by Rev.

William Watiflns and Elder Albert Cray. Re. 7.Brk Chealman He was member of Charles Tlllie Rmlth burial ssnclatlnn. Interment Ml. Ararat Cemetery.

Charles Tillie pmith -'iinetal Dtreclor. Wm II. Parks, Mar. Nashville, and Mrs Oayle Johns, ton. Bristol Tenn.

Brother, a. Sweeney. Hendersonvllle. Tenn at Bracey-Welsh funeral home. lila Broadway.

and I grandchildren. Remains are Stopt Itching at it Shrinks Hemorrhoids at Flnler Dorrls A- Charlton. West Fnd at Twenty Fifth Ave Funeral from the chapel Wednesday morning si 10. 30 o'clock, conducted by Silas F. Shaw and H.

Clyde will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen cemetery In Murfreesboro. The body is at the funeral a problem!" And among these the Re Dean Btroud. M-mbers of the Board snd Men's Bunday firhonl Class of Fast End Methn. home. Mrs.

Davis died at n.m sood Enthusiasm sensibly controlled will be potent factor In achieiement There are good rays for Concentration and hard work MII'T. it lo OCT. fl.lbral-Farmers. aeneulturallsts. handling coal, leather and milling are among the substantial, diversified activities under tine Haturn and sun aspects Re careful In icneral.

tlioiiih, for best results. Ol I. TO NOV. tl (Seorplo)-You'U probably enioy Hits strong but mixed day It nui force out your best qualities and put you on th- alert constantly. Vou can achieve nni ,1, gala tie ideas, openings nf value.

NOV. ti 10 IIIT. Be (list Cnurrh. Joseph Nalor, William H. Olliver.

T. K. Ransom, and Monday at hoiue following a Look In the section In ihl.h your hit ti. ili.y cones and Una what yuur outlook Is according to the stars. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 MSHdl lo AI'Klf, tit (Aries)-If flon I f.nd everythii.s soitg our way, Instead of complaining, arcepT the hindrances and "roiiKl-" spots graciously, then the t.leasanter things will have more b'tiefits.

Boms atrons sains are Indici'ed. AI'RIL 31 In MU (Taurual-A sturdy day, anh the Sun and Haiurn outstanitlcg Pianeta in auspicious positions, hole-nine, substantial. Use! il and situ, lies can achieve. Just don be csrele.s MV Ji la Jl NC 31 the lighter or rieatlie matters are likely Mnsa will serve as honorary pallbearers Aclln will bs Fdward Phearln: Oscar Creech, F.uene stroke Jan. 2.

She had been In poor health for tho last two years and had suffered severnl strokes. About 1M2. she was married to lesler. Frank Rutherford. W'lllam Fills Harvey Freeman.

Bland Wright, Ooy rarles, and raw tenet Farles. Interment Wood lawn Memorial Park, Finlry Dor ris Chsrltnn Co. more thoughtful and prudent, as the day VTil.KF.R-At 11 o'clock Monde eve- Ihe late Thomas Jefferson Davis, bueify and harness maker and hardware salesman of McMlnn-vllle, who died In ltMfl. Mrs. Davis moved to Warren cnuntv about IMS and then came to Nashville In New York, N.

Y. (Special) -For the first time science has found a new healinjr substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids, stop itch-inp, and relieve pain-without surgery. In one hemorrhoid esse after striking improvement" was reported and verified by doctors' observations. fain was relieved promptly. And, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place.

And most amazing of all -this improvement was maintained in cases where dorters observations were continued ever a period of many months! ln fact, results were so thorough that sufferers wort able make srneh stonihing Mute-ments as'Tiles have ceased to be ring, reb III. 1S.1S. at a local In to be ess lodav. but difficult lsues sufferer? were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid conditions, some of 1 0 to 20 years' standing. All this, without tho use of narcotics, anesthetics or astrin-penti of any kind.

The secret is a new healing substance (Rio-Dyne) -the discovery of a world-famous research institution. Already, Hio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parti of the body. This new healing substance is offered in nijipnsiloryoToinl-nenf. form called I'rrparalion II. Ask for Individually sealed convenient Preparation suppositories or Preparation II ointment with special applicator.

Preparation II is sold at all drug counters. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. v. Pat Off. llrmary.

Mls Frances Walker. 8he hard, Intiur l-ius ork Don fear the lavnrs tins weay Finances artistic professions, delicate Issues stress patience and meticulous care The roue h-and-rrsdr lasks are easier to msnaue. lUC. TO J4.Y si.rlrnrnl-Wc need not have many defects, no matter what our kind of occupation (work, siudv or olayi. Know what vou are about lake time to srranre thiie'S (hen to abend wi'h fnllh sml confidence net, even II not thoroughly understood you e-n do a food i.b all told.

sorviyed ny her mother. Mrs f. Walker cf Nashville snd father. E. WslkuD of Bay Pine.

Fla Jl St. tl la Jt I t.l aneerl-Taekle 1054. Remains are at Martin 3" Loui problems and everts wilh surenes, (nil PEOPLE Sunday evening en rnu'e to a local hospital. Mr. Oeorge Henry Peonies of 117 Church st Franklin, Tenn Survived hv wife.

Mrs Ida Pennies: dsiiThter. 'His OeorsiB Mel peonies; ons Wllll'm snd William Henry Peoples and Allen Bessie; strr.on. Thomas Flemlne step dsush'-r. Miss Ids Mai Murray; foor trsnddsmhiers: four erandsnns: brother. John Put.

ton; two aunts; two nieces- mo'hr an1 fsther-ln-lsw, Mr. and Mrs John Bill Pnynter one in-law: two sisters-in-law; 'ley brothers-in-law! friends. Mrs Oeorge Hamer and Mr. Frank Mur. ray; other relatives and friends His remains will be at home above Wednesday evening at clock Funeral Thursday afternoon st I o'clock at Prld'nee Bsn'I'l church st Franklin conducted hy Fldr Allen Wlnstead Interment at Franklin.

Patton Brothers, directors. READ WANT, ADS you will be surprised what you can accomplish If yen put doubt Bud need JSN. SI TO IHI. Ill Aquarius) A less worry behind you. Labor, trades rrienniy perinn oi self-reliance and ouirk anion neeniess ceays may be costly sin railroading, ir-ke sain.

JITV (4 la at'li. in i Direct H'stem. orianlratlon work and sound your attention, and energy In productive plsiinlnr are all fsovnred and will help Ave. Funeral Wednesday morning Feb 13. ID'S, leavlns al 10 o'clock Reo'tlem High Mass at Ihe rhuren nf Christ the Kins st 10 30 clock Interment Calvary Cemetery.

William J. Bhra John K. Shea. Thomas Bhea. Robert F.

Shea James A Shea. Jr John C. Bhea. Jne Bhea. Thomas Cunnlff and John Cunnlff, cousins of Miss Walker, will terse as pallbrsrers Msriin'.

201 Lou lit BR me 'otat rui' or efforts ItH TO M.SIICH iPl.eetl Take channels, but dun lose sight ni tne side Issues that seem unimportant but are essential Know what Is loins on snd ht your part should he. Al II PI'. (Vlrsol-Brush films l-i stride, bul not with blast or blare rfflrienee will hafl-ln-hand today with reMonsblene ss. and the answer still good Deeo study of propo- no clnriven lalenta. hrlnf them foraged aheie they tea do you snd others motei anions la encoutssed.

iilrV--lAA---ic'A aai asifcas.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.