UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (2024)

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (1)



















UNIS Board 2001

Academic workgroups

Staff at UNIS

Report of the Directors 2001

Styrets beretning 2001

Regnskap, noter


Courses 2001

Svalbard Science CentreSvalbard Forskningspark


The Students Annual Report

Department of Biology

Department of Geology

Department of Geophysics

Department of Technology

Scientific publications etc.

Guest lecturers

Annual ReportÅrsmelding

The UNIS cabin at Cape Laila.UNIS-hytta på Kapp Laila.Photo: Katja Weigel










Wind, precipitation and temperatureyear 2001 in Longyearbyen

Vind, nedbør og temperatur i Longyearbyen år 2001

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (2)


Director of Faculty Kjell A. Sælen,University of Bergen (Leader)

Deputy Member: Head of Administration SiriJansen

Professor Noralv Bjørnå, University ofTromsøDeputy Member: Deputy Director RigmorBjørkli

Professor Dag Hessen, University of OsloDeputy Member: Director Toril Johansson

Professor Steinar Nordal, Norwegian Uni-versity of Science and TechnologyDeputy Member: Professor Sverre OlaJohnsen

Director Viva Mørk Kvello, SvalbardrådetsRepresentativeDeputy Member: Executive officer Jan OveScheie

Associate professor Trond Dokken, UNIS,Staff Representative (Spring term)Head of Security and Logistics Fred S.Hansen, UNIS, Staff Representative(Autumn term) and Deputy Member(Spring term)Deputy Member: Olafur Ingolfsson (Autumnterm)

Martin Berg, Student RepresentativeObserver: Student Åse Hjetland Bringedal(autumn term)

Academic workgroup in Arctic Biology:Associate Professor Fredrika Norrbin, University of TromsøProfessor Yngve Espmark, Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyAssociate Professor Torsten Solhøy, University of BergenProfessor Hans Petter Leinaas, University of OsloAssociate Professor Ketil Eiane, UNISStudent Gunnar Rise, Student representative

Academic workgroup in Arctic Geology:Professor Jürgen Meinert, University ofTromsø Associate Professor Sverre Ola Johnsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Professor Eirik Sundvor, University ofBergenProfessor Jon Ove Hagen, University of Oslo Professor Ole Humlum, UNISStudent Tore Humstad, Student representative

Academic workgroup of Arctic Geophysics:Professor Cesar La Hoz, University ofTromsøAssociate Professor Berit Kjeldstad,Norwegian University of Science and Technology Professor Tor Gammelsrød, University ofBergenProfessor Jan Erik Weber, University of OsloAssociate Professor Fred Sigernes, UNISStudent Niels von Festenberg Packisch, Student representative

Academic workgroup in Arctic Technology:Associate Professor Torbjørn Eltoft, University of TromsøProfessor Arne Myrvang, Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyProfessor Jakob J. Stamnes, University ofBergenProfessor Kaare Høeg, University of OsloAssociate Professor Per Johan Brandvik,UNISStudent Lisa Ström, Student representative

UNIS Board 2001


From left: Ole Jørgen Lønne, ÅseHjetland Bringedal, Kjell Sælen,Lasse Lønnum (director), Viva MørkKvello, Steinar Nordal, Dag Hessen,Noralv Bjørnå.

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Administration:Study Counsellor Jan Gunnar BrattliOffice Manager Helen Fossmo FlåDepartment Secretary Wenche GuldbergDepartment Secretary Marianne Hatlestad(from November)Librarian Berit JakobsenDirector Lasse LønnumStudy Counsellor Eystein MarkussonSenior Executive Officer Ingrid Vinje

Technical staff:Chief Lab Technician Gerd Irene AndersenIT-Engineer Gunnar AskeEngineer Stefan Claes (from November)Engineer Jørn DybdahlHead of Safety and Logistics Fred SkanckeHansenJanitor Frithjof KildalCleaner Tove Kaldbekken LarsenEngineer Knut Sandaker

Department of Arctic Biology:Assosiate Professor Ketil EianeProfessor Ingibjörg Svala JonsdottirAssociate Professor Rolf LangvatnAssociate Professor Ole Jørgen LønneAdjunct Professor Bjørn Gulliksen,University of TromsøAdjunct Professor Rolf Arnt Olsen,Agricultural University of Norway

Department of Arctic Geology:Associate Professor Trond Dokken (untilAugust)Assistant Professor Mona Henriksen (August– November)Professor Ole HumlumProfessor Olafur IngolfssonAssociate Professor Ida LønneAssociate Professor Tine Rasmussen (fromOctober)Adjunct Professor Jenö Nagy, University ofOslo (until August)Adjunct Professor Ron Steel, University ofWyoming, USAAdjunct Professor Anders Solheim,Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (fromAugust)

Department of Arctic Geophysics:Professor Tor Gammelsrød (until February),Adjunct Professor, University of Bergen(from August)Professor Yngvar GjessingAssociate Professor Dag Lorentzen (fromAugust) Adjunct Professor Jøran Moen, University ofOsloAssistant Professor Frank Nilsen (until June),Associate Professor (from June)Professor Niels Reeh (until June)Associate Professor Fred SigernesAssociate Professor Trond Svenøe (untilJune)Adjunct Professor Asgeir Brekke Adjunct Professor Arne Foldvik (untilAugust)Adjunct Professor Ove Havnes

Department of Arctic Technology:Associate Professor Per Johan BrandvikAssociate Professor Knut V. Høyland (fromAugust)Associate Professor Arne Instanes (untilAugust), Adjunct Associate Professor,Instanes AS (from August)Adjunct Professor Elis Holm, University ofLund, Sweden (from November)Adjunct Professor Sveinung Løset,Norwegian University of Science andTechnology

Externally financed researchers:Research Fellow Magne Andersen Drage,FBT-financed (from September)Research Fellow Christian Jaedicke, NFR-financed (until July)Research Fellow Leif Egil Loe, NFR-financedPost.doc. Angelique Prick, EU-financed (fromJune)Research Fellow Ragnheid Skogseth, NFR-financed (from August)Post.doc. Audun Stien , EU-financed

UNIS Staff 2001

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (4)


The University Courses on Svalbard (UNIS) were established in the form of abeneficial trust on 18th January 1994 by Norway’s four mainland universities.Thus 2001 was the eighth full year of operation. Again in 2001 the range of coursesoffered was impressive and the number of students finding their way to the farnorth was more than ever before. Research was another field of high activity asreflected in the larger external funding, the number of scientific papers published,and UNIS representation in no less than three short-listed projects under theCentres of Excellence scheme.

Studies developmentThere are four lines of study at UNIS: Arctic Biology, Arctic Geology, Arctic Geophysics, andArctic Technology. The year saw consolidation of the offerings with few new titles. Even so, in2001 tuition was given in 38 subjects, compared to 35 in 2000. Nineteen of the total are atmaster’s or doctoral level. Our students have the pleasant habit of achieving good results andfewer than 1 per cent fail to graduate. Students taking a full year of courses amass on average19 Norwegian credits. The Directors hope to increase activity on master’s and doctoral subjectsfrom now until 2006.

Student statisticsThere were 272 students taking courses or working on master’s or doctoral projects in 2001.The workload corresponds to 118 full student years and is the highest figure ever recorded atthe Institution. There were 59 years of study at undergraduate level, and 32 on higher degrees.UNIS is blessed with a high complement of international students who made up 58.5 per centof the student body. More than half the international students come from Scandinavia, and alltogether 21 nationalities were represented in the year.

Research activityThe year saw 31 students working on master’s degrees at UNIS. They come to us on aprogram sponsored by a university in Norway or abroad and are assigned a tutor here inaddition to their home university tutor. In 2001 there were 21 master’s and diploma candidatesand two graduates took a PhD. The continuing expansion of research affiliations with the otherNorwegian and international universities continues to be a vector of development. UNIS staffcontributed to 40 publications under referee schemes. A number of research staff hold centralpositions in EU projects and part of the reason is that the Institution has achieved the status ofMarie Curie Training Site for auroral research. In connection with the processing of applica-tions under the Centres of Outstanding Research scheme, funded by the Norwegian ResearchCouncil, all three proposals sponsored by UNIS were promoted to the second round.

Public relationsThe Directors are adamant that active efforts continue to be made to advertise the attractionsof a course of study at UNIS. Again in 2001, the Svalbard Seminars were held jointly with theNorwegian Polar Institute and the County Governor of Svalbard. These took place in Januaryand February. Patronage was excellent with 50-150 in the audience on each occasion. Duringthe Research Days in September an Open Day was held with lectures, equipment presentations,and popular experiments. UNIS is the favoured venue of many scientific conferences andseminars and in 2001 four such arrangements were held.

OrganisationThe formal organisation of UNIS is into four Departments supported by the Administration.Department leaders join the Institute Director on the Executive Committee. Academicworkgroups with representation from the affiliated universities meet once a year and act as thedepartments advisary counsils

StaffOne new position was established in 2001 as a computer applications consultant. At year’s endthere were 14 persons working full time on the scientific staff, and another 11 associateprofessors and research fellows with reduced obligations. The technical staff comprised 6.6positions and the administration seven persons.

UNIS campusThe main UNIS building was completed in 1995 containing the laboratories, class-rooms, largeauditorium, library, canteen, 30 offices and reading cubicles for 100 students. There is a great

Report of theDirectors 2001

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (5)


dearth of lab space and offices for staff, visiting lecturers, researchers, and fellows. Thesituation will persist until we can move into the Svalbard Science Centre in December 2005.

At year’s end UNIS had 24 residences for the use of staff. With the increase in researchactivities at the Institution the Directors find it imperative to continue to appropriate fundingfor residential investment.

The Student Union in Tromsø is in charge of residences for students at UNIS and hasrefurbished four old mining dormitories in Nybyen. The Union can now offer 120 units.During 2002 a new building project will commence to bring the total student accommodationto 144 units in 2003.

It is absolutely vital to UNIS activities that we are able to offer students satisfactoryaccommodation. The Directors are therefore keen to continue the good relations we enjoy withthe Student Union in Tromsø.

FundingFunds for operations and investments are appropriated to UNIS over the budget of theMinistry of Education and Research. In 2001 these funds totalled NoK 37 968 000, of which NoK 33 708 000 was committed to operations. The Annual Accounts for 2001 show that 50 percent of goods and services are purchased from the local community. The operating account forthe year reports a deficit of NoK 215 590. After allowing for financial incomes and expensesand extraordinary items the net surplus is NoK 69 518. This operating surplus will be carriedforward to the free reserve. The Trust had a posted capital at 31st December 2001 of NoK 59 410 429, of which NoK 48 905 234 represents the UNIS buildings and NoK 1 296 645 is


The mountain “Hjortfjell” will form a magnificent setting, varying during the seasons, for the newScience Centre.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (6)


the founding capital and free reserve. In 2001 the Institute Director received a salary of NoK 420 853. The Chairman of the Board of Directors received NoK 20 000 and the otherDirectors a bursary of NoK 10 000.

Going concernThe Annual Report and Accounts as presented are based on the assumption of continuedoperation. This assumption is based on the predicted budget surplus in 2002 and the UNISlong-range Strategy Plan for 2001-2010. The Institution is financially in a sound position.

Working environment and staffSickness absence recorded in 2001 constituted 152 working days. UNIS has an arrangementwith Longyearbyen Hospital to provide an institutional health service. No incidents oraccidents at work causing material damage or personal injury were reported in 2001.

The UNIS main building was constructed in 1995 to high environmental standards. Modernconstruction techniques, careful selection of materials and appropriate technical systemsprovide a good internal climate.

As far as we know, there is nothing to suggest that operations at UNIS in any way pollute theexternal environment.

Directors’ commitmentsDuring the year the UNIS Directors held five meetings, three of them in Longyearbyen. TheDirectors considered 51 separate issues. Among the most important were the new StrategyPlan for 2001-2010, the Budget, and the new building plans.

Looking forwardWork at the Institution in coming years will concentrate heavily on design of the UNIS spacesin the Science Centre and the anticipation of expanded external funding for research projects.One very important task prior to the erection of the new premises will be to find flexiblesolutions for the increasing level of activities at UNIS. Under the terms of the Storting resolution to expand activities at UNIS the Directors will engage in active and constructivediscussions with the Ministry of Education and Research on the matter.

Longyearbyen 30th of March 2002

Kjell A. Sælen Steinar Nordal Åse Hjetland BringedalChairman Vise Chairman

Viva Mørk Kvello Dag Hessen Noralv Bjørnå

Ole Jørgen Lønne Lasse LønnumDirector

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (7)

7Universitetsstudiene på Svalbard (UNIS) ble etablert som en stiftelse 18. januar1994 med de fire norske universitetene som stiftere. 2001 var åttende hele driftsårfor stiftelsen. Kurstilbudet har i 2001 vært stort og antallet studenter det høyestenoensinne. Forskningsaktiviteten har også i 2001 vært høy noe som ogsågjenspeiles i økte eksterne bevilgninger, antallet vitenskapelige publikasjoner ogat UNIS var involvert i tre søknader som gikk videre til andre runde om såkalteSentre for fremragende forskning.

Utvikling av studietilbudetUNIS har fire studieretninger: Arktisk biologi, Arktisk geologi, Arktisk geofysikk og Arktiskteknologi. I 2001 ble studietilbudet innen de fire studieretningene konsolidert og i liten gradutvidet. Mens det i 2000 ble gitt undervisning i totalt 35 emner, ble det i 2001 gitt undervisningi 38 emner, hvorav 19 er på hovedfa*gs og doktorgradsnivå. Studentene ved UNIS oppnårgode resultater og har mindre enn en prosent stryk til eksamen. Laveregradsstudentene tar igjennomsnitt 19 vekttall pr år. Frem mot 2006 ønsker UNIS å øke aktiviteten på hovedfa*gs- ogdoktorgradsnivå.

StudenttallTil sammen 272 studenter fulgte undervisning, eller arbeidet med hovedfa*gs- og doktor-gradsoppgaver i 2001. Dette tilsvarer en studentaktivitet på 118 studentårsverk og er dethøyeste noensinne ved institusjonen. Av dette var 59 årsverk på lavere grad, 32 på hovedfa*gsog doktorgradsemner og 27 årsverk i forbindelse med hovedfa*gs- og doktorgradsoppgaver.Ved UNIS er det et stort innslag av utenlandske studenter, og denne studentgruppen utgjordei alt 58,5 % av studentmassen. Over halvparten av de utenlandske studentene kom fra Norden,og i alt 21 nasjoner var representert i 2001.

Styrets beretning2001



Det relieffaktige Hjortfjellet vil utgjøre en praktfull bakgrunn – varierende etter årstiden, – for dennye Forskningsparken.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (8)


ForskningsaktivitetI 2001 var det 31 studenter som arbeidet med sin hovedfa*gsoppgave ved UNIS. Dette skjer isamarbeid med et universitet i Norge eller i utlandet. Studentene får oppnevnt en veileder vedUNIS og har i tillegg en veileder ved sitt hjemmeuniversitet. I løpet av 2001 tok 21 hoved-fa*gsstudenter sin hovedfa*gs- eller diplomoppgave og det ble avlagt 2 doktorgrader. Utviklingog videreføring av forskningssamarbeidet med de norske universitetene og andre norske ogutenlandske forskningsinstitusjoner er en prioritert oppgave. I 2001 var UNIS- ansatte medfor-fatter på 40 publikasjoner med referee-ordning. Flere forskere er sentrale i EU-prosjekter vedbla. at institusjonen har fått status som såkalt Marie Curie Training Site innen nordlys-forskning. I forbindelse med prosessen rundt søknadene til såkalte Sentre for fremragendeforskning som finansieres av Norges forskningsråd, gikk alle tre søknadene UNIS varinvolvert i videre til andre søknadsrunde.

Annen virksomhetStyret ser det som viktig at det fortsatt arbeides aktivt med formidling ved UNIS. Også i 2001ble det i januar/februar arrangert såkalte «Svalbardseminar» i samarbeid med Norsk Polar-institutt og Sysselmannen på Svalbard. Oppslu*tningen var meget god med mellom 50 og 150tilhørere hver gang. Under Forskningsdagene i september ble det arrangert åpen dag medforelesninger, visning av utstyr og eksperimenter. UNIS tiltrekker seg mange fa*glige konfe-ranser og seminarer, og i 2001 ble det i alt avholdt fire slike.

OrganiseringUNIS er organisert med fire fa*gavdelinger, en teknisk avdeling og en administrativ avdeling.Avdelingslederne utgjør sammen med direktøren institusjonens lederteam. fa*gutvalgene forhver av de fire studieretningene med representasjon fra universitetene møtes en gang i året ogskal fungere som rådgivende organ for avdelingene.

StabenDet ble opprettet en ny stilling som edb-konsulent i 2001. Ved årsskiftet 2000/2001 utgjordeden vitenskapelige staben 14 personer på full tid, samt 11 med professor II/førsteamanuensisII tilknytning. Det var en teknisk stab på 6,6 stillinger og en administrativ stab på 7 personer.

UNIS-bygget, boliger og studenthyblerUNIS-bygget stod ferdig i 1995 og inneholder laboratorier, undervisningsrom, et stort audito-rium, bibliotek, kantine, 30 kontorer samt lesesalsplasser for 100 studenter. Det er stor knapp-het på laboratorier, kontorer til ansatte, gjesteforelesere, gjesteforskere og stipendiater. Dennesituasjonen vil vedvare frem til vi kan flytte inn i Forskningsparken i desember 2005.

Ved utgangen av 2001 disponerte UNIS 24 boliger til sine ansatte. Med økende forsknings-aktivitet ser styret det som viktig at det fortsatt bevilges midler til investeringer i boliger. Studentsamskipnaden i Tromsø har ansvaret for hybler til UNIS-studenter og har puss*t oppfire gamle gruvearbeiderbrakker i Nybyen slik at de i dag kan tilby til sammen 120 hybler. Iløpet av 2002 vil det bli påbegynt ett nytt byggeprosjekt slik at den samlede boligmassen forstudentene tidlig i 2003 vil utgjøre til sammen 144 hybler.For UNIS’ virksomhet er det helt avgjørende å kunne gi studentene tilfredstillende boforhold,og styret legger stor vekt på å videreføre det gode samarbeidet med Studentsamskipnaden iTromsø.

ØkonomiMidler til drift og investeringer for UNIS bevilges over budsjettet til Kirke-, utdannings- ogforskningsdepartementet. I 2001 var bevilgningen på totalt kr 37 968 000, hvorav kr 33 708 000gikk til drift. Regnskapet for 2001 viser at 50% av varer og tjenester kjøpes lokalt. Driftsresul-tatet på årsregnskapet for 2001 viser et underskudd på kr 215 590. Etter finansinntekter/finanskostnader samt ekstraordinære poster viser regnskapet et driftsoverskudd på kr 69 518.Driftsoverskuddet settes av på disposisjonsfondet. Stiftelsens egenkapital pr 31.12.01 var på kr 59 410 429 hvorav kr 48 905 234 utgjør institusjonens bygningsmasse og kr 1296 645utgjøres av grunnkapital og disposisjonsfond. I 2001 er lønn til direktør utbetalt med kr 420 853. Styrehonorar er i 2001 utbetalt med kr 20 000 til styrets leder og kr 10 000 til styretsøvrige medlemmer.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (9)


Fortsatt driftÅrsoppgjøret er avlagt under forutsetning om fortsatt drift. Til grunn for antagelsen liggerresultatprognoser for 2002 og UNIS langsiktige strategiske plan for 2001-2010. Institusjonen eri en sunn økonomisk finansiell stilling.

Arbeidsmiljø og personaleSykefraværet var i 2001 152 dagsverk. Institusjonen har avtale med Longyearbyen Sykehus ombedriftshelsetjeneste. Det er ikke forekommet skader eller rapportert om alvorlige arbeidsuhelleller ulykker i 2001 som har resultert i store materielle skader eller personskader.

I UNIS bygget som ble oppført i 1995 er det stilt store krav til innemiljøet. Moderne bygge-metoder, materialvalg og tekniske løsninger gir et godt inneklima.

UNIS kjenner ikke til at stiftelsens drift forurenser det ytre miljø.

Styrets virksomhetI 2001 har styret for UNIS avholdt 5 møter, hvorav tre i Longyearbyen. Det er i alt behandlet 51saker. Viktige saker som ble behandlet i 2001 var ny strategiplan for 2001-2010, budsjett ogplanene for nybygg. UNIS har i 2001 arbeidet videre med omdannelsen av stiftelsen tilaksjeselskap.

Veien videreArbeidet ved institusjonen de nærmeste årene vil være preget av utformingen av UNIS’ areal iForskningsparken, og en forventet økning i eksternt finansierte forskningsprosjekter. En sværtviktig utfordring frem mot realiseringen av nybygget vil være å finne fleksible løsninger forinstitusjonens økende aktivitet. I henhold til Stortingets vedtak om en økning i aktiviteten vedUNIS vil styret ha en aktiv og konstruktiv dialog med Utdannings- og forskningsdeparte-mentet om dette.

Longyearbyen 30. mars 2002

Kjell A. Sælen Steinar Nordal Åse Hjetland Bringedalleder nestleder

Viva Mørk Kvello Dag Hessen Noralv Bjørnå

Ole Jørgen Lønne Lasse Lønnumdirektør

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (10)


RESULTATREGNSKAPTekst Note 2001 2000Driftsinntekter og driftskostnaderDriftstilskudd fra KUF 33 708 000 31 340 000Investeringstilskudd fra KUF, utstyr 1 260 528 1 801 340Investeringstilskudd fra KUF, boliger 2 594 614 2 561 613Eksterne prosjektinntekter 3 781 588 2 058 914Øvrige inntekter 1 797 945 1 264 041

Brutto driftsinntekter 43 142 675 39 025 908

Eksterne prosjektkostnader 3 781 588 2 058 914

Netto driftsinntekter 39 361 087 36 966 994

Lønn og sosiale kostnader 3 17 620 622 15 168 174Avskrivninger 2 3 855 142 4 362 953Felt- og toktkostnader 6 179 194 5 619 632Øvrige driftskostnader 1 11 921 719 12 459 744

Sum driftskostnader 39 576 677 37 610 503

Driftsresultat -215 590 -643 509

Finansinntekter og finanskostnaderFinansinntekter 335 976 449 669Finanskostnader 50 868 53 686

Netto finansinntekter 285 108 395 983

Resultat før ekstraordinære poster 69 518 -247 526

Årets over-/underskudd 69 518 -247 526

Disponeringer:Til/ fra annen egenkapital 69 518 -247 526


Note 0: RegnskapsprinsipperÅrsregnskapet er satt opp i samsvar med regn-skapslovens regler og er utarbeidet etter norskeregnskapsstandarder og anbefalinger til god regn-skapsskikk.• Tilskudd fra Kirke-, utdannings- og forsk-

ningsdepartementetTotalt tilskudd til drift og investering fra KUFer mottatt med 37.968.000. Derav er 4.260.000ført i balansen som ”investeringstilskudd”.Tilskuddet blir inntektsført i takt med årligeavskrivninger.Driftstilskuddet er ført etter bruttometodensom egen inntektspost i resultatoppstillinga.

• Eksterne prosjektinntekter /prosjektkostnaderInntektsføring på eksternt finansierte prosjekterskjer i takt med kostnader på tilhørende prosjekt.

Note 1: Øvrige driftskostnader2001 2000

Fraktkostnader kr 195 009 218 184Vareforbruk kr 85 195 114 204 Kostnader vedr. lokaler kr 2 053 112 2 299 479Fremmedtjenester kr 972 233 1 571 025Bibliotekkostnader kr 1 188 733 1 017 488Kontorkost., tlf, fax kr 932 643 945 765Drift kjøretøyer kr 361 054 328 655Undervisningsmateriell kr 484 201 755 316 Reisekostnader kr 3 107 913 2 780 990Forskningstøtte og stip. kr 1 500 821 1 403 799Annonser/profilering kr 343 005 413 781Kontigenter/forsikring kr 290 388 166 739Diverse kostnader kr 407 411 444 310Sum øvrige driftskost. kr 11 921 583 12 459 744

Note 2: DriftsmidlerStiftelsen UNIS har i perioden 1993-1997 overtattdriftsbygning og tilsammen 20 boliger fra SvalbardSamfunnsdrift A/S. Svalbard Samfunnsdrift A/Svar byggherre for bygningene og mottok tilskuddtil oppføringen. Eiendomsretten til bygningene eroverført vederlagsfritt til Stiftelsen UNIS og innførti balansen i 1997, med motpost ”utsatt inntektsfør-ing på investeringstilskudd, boliger”. Ved overtakelse av boligene er det i avtalenmellom Stiftelsen UNIS og Svalbard SamfunnsdriftA/S en klausul om tilbakeføring av boligene/leilighetene ved varig reduksjon av boligbehovet.


UNIS-bygget 4 boliger 238 5 leiligheter 5 leil/6 boliger 2 leiligheter 1 leilighet 1 leileilighet Hytte Hytte Hytte SUM

Ferdig år aug-95 jan-94 jan-95 jan-97 des-98 jan-99 des-00 apr-98 aril-95 arpil-97

Avskrivningssats 4 % 4 % 4 % 4 % 4 % 4 % 4 % 4 % 4 % 4 %

Kostpris 42 423 484 5 074 721 4 960 431 7 994 711 2 460 000 875 000 825 000 82 000 130 000 40000 64 865 347

Bokført verdi 31.12.00 33 260 012 3 653 799 3 769 928 6 715 557 2 263 200 805 000 825 000 73 252 100 100 34 000 51 499 848

Årets avskrivninger 1 696 939 202 989 198 417 319 788 98 400 35 000 33 000 3 280 5 200 1 600 2 594 614

Akkumulerte avsk. 31.12.01 10 860 412 1 623 911 1 388 921 1 598 942 295 200 105 000 33 000 12 028 35 100 7 600 15 960 113

Bokført verdi 31.12.01 31 563 072 3 450 810 3 571 511 6 395 769 2 164 800 770 000 792 000 69 972 94 900 32 400 48 905 234

Note 3: Avskrivninger bygninger:

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (11)


Tekst Note 2001 2000 EIENDELERAnleggsmidler Bygninger 2 48 905 234 51 499 848 Utstyr og inventar 2 3 095 841 2 241 823 Andeler Svalbardhallen 5 1 1

Sum anleggsmidler 52 001 076 53 741 672

Omløpsmidler Varebeholdning 108 790 103 143 Debitorer 3 244 744 554 958 Andre kortsiktige fordringer 4 201 492 250 089 Betalingsmidler 3 854 327 5 098 752

Sum omløpsmidler 7 409 353 6 006 942

SUM EIENDELER 59 410 429 59 748 613

GJELD OG EGENKAPITAL Egenkapital Grunnkapital 200 000 200 000 Annen egenkapital 1 096 645 1 027 127

Sum egenkapital 1 296 645 1 227 127

Avsetninger med forpliktelse:Utsatt innt.føring på invester.tilsk.,utstyr 5 453 900 2 454 428 Utsatt innt.føring på invester.tilsk.bygg 2 47 205 234 49 799 848

Sum langsiktig gjeld 52 659 134 52 254 276

Kortsiktig gjeld:Leverandørgjeld 1 368 611 3 767 646 Skyldige offentlige trekk og avgifter 1 458 614 1 179 912 Annen kortsiktig gjeld 2 627 425 1 319 653

Sum kortsiktig gjeld 5 454 650 6 267 210

SUM GJELD OG EGENKAPITAL 59 410 429 59 748 613

BALANSE PR. 31.12. 2001

Utsatt innt.føring på investerings-tilskudd bygninger 31.12.00 49 799 848

Inntektsføring av investerings-tilskudd boliger 2001 - 2 594 614

Utsatt innt.føring på investerings-tilskudd bygninger 31.12.01 47 205 234

• Utstyr og inventar Økonomisk levetid for teknisk/vitenskapelig- ogdatautstyr er satt til 2 år mens inventar ogkjøretøyer er satt til 5 år. Utstyret er avskrevetetter saldometoden.

Tekn./vit utstyr Kjøretøy Inventar Datautstyr SUM

Avskriv.sats 50 % 20% 20 % 50 %

Kostpris 31.12.00 1 006 606 287 08 300 229 647 906 2 241 823

Anskaffelser 2001 934 394 0 216 409 963 743 2 114 546

Avskrivning 2001 632 412 57 416 83 551 487 149 1 260 528

Bokf. verdi 31.12.01 1 308 588 229 665 433 087 1 124 501 3 094 841

I tillegg har Stiftelsen overtatt vederlagsfritt de driftsmidler som ble

anskaffet i 1993.

Utsatt innt.føring på investerings-tilskudd utstyr 31.12.00 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 454 428

Investeringstilskudd 2001 . . . . . . . . . + 4 260 000Innteksføring av investerings-

tilskudd utstyr 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1 260 528Utsatt innt.føring på investerings-

tilskudd utstyr 31.12.01 . . . . . . . . . . . 5 453 900

Note 3: Lønn og sosiale kostnaderUNIS har i 2001 lønnet 33 fast ansatte .

2001 2000Ordinære stillinger 10 046 744 9 309 009Arbeidsgiveravgift 389 401 273 987Arbeidsgivers andel pensjon 535 497 534 453 Andre ytelser 481 884 372 551

Note 4: Andre kortsiktige fordringer:Reiseforskudd ansatte 118 375Fordringer ansatte 45 029Forskudd leverandører 38 088Sum andre kortsiktige fordringer 201 492

Note 5: Andeler Svalbardhallen(anleggsmidler)Av velferdsmessige hensyn for ansatte og studen-ter er det tegnet andeler i «Svalbardhallen A/L»for kr. 50.000. Andelene er nedskrevet til kr. 1,- ,da andelene ikke har noen omsetningsverdi.

Note 6: GodtgjørelserLønn til direktøren er utbetalt med 420 853Arbeidsgivers andel pensjon direktør 28 829Andre ytelser direktør 43 500

Styrehonorar er utbetalt med kr. 20.000 til styretsleder og kr 10.000 til styrets øvrige medlemmer.

Virksomheten revideres av Riksrevisjonen . Detutbetales ingen revisjonshonorar.


UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (12)


Administrative staff

Technical staff

Scientific staff

Adjunct professors

Research fellows


Administrativt ansatte

Teknisk ansatte

Fast vitenskapelig ansatte

Professor II



Guest lecturersGjesteforelesere

1999 2000 2001199819970










0 10 20 30 40 50 60






Production in Student-labour years(1 year equals 20 Norwegian credits)categorised on teaching levels.

Produksjon av studentårsverk (ettårsverk = 20 vekttall) ved UNIS1997-2001, fordelt på undervisnings-nivå.

Student nationality categorised asNorwegian Nordic and non-Nordicstudents 1997–2001.



Master/Ph.D. work



Hovedfa*gs- og doktorgrads arbeid







1999 20001997 1998 2001

Publications etc at UNIS 1997–2001.

Publikasjoner etc. ved UNIS1997–2001.

Norwegian students

Nordic students

Non-Nordic students

Norske studenter

Nordiske studenter

Ikke-nordiske studenter







1999 20001997 1998


Workforce in man-labour years accor-ding to occupational category atUNIS 1997–2001.


Årsverk ved UNIS 1997–2001 fordeltpå stillingskategori.

Totalt antall studenter ved UNIS1997-2001 fordelt på norske, nordiskeog ikke-nordiske.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (13)


Emner undervist 2001 / Courses taught 2001

Course Course name Credits (ECTS) Semester No. ofNo. students

AS-101 Arctic Safety and Survival 1 (3) spring and

autumn 79

AB-201 Terrestrial arctic biology 5 (15) autumn 15

AB-202 Marine arctic biology 5 (15) autumn 14

AB-203 Arctic environmental management 5 (15) spring 27

AB-204 Polar ecology and population biology 5 (15) spring 17

AB-301A Marine benthic fauna of Svalbard 3 (9) autumn 15

AB-302 Flux of matter and energy from sea to land 3 (9) spring 9

AB-306 Arctic flora, phytogeography and bioclimatology 3 (9) spring 11

AB-311 Biotelemetric methods 3 (9) spring 12

SUM Arctic biology 32 (96)

AG-201 The geology of Svalbard 5 (15) autumn 17

AG-202 Arctic marine geology 5 (15) spring 14

AG-204 The physical geography of Svalbard 5 (15) autumn 17

AG-205 Seismic exploration 5 (15) spring 11

AG-301 Arctic terrestrial and marine quaternary

stratigraphy - excursion 2 (6) autumn 19

AG-302 Geometry and kinematics of

foreland fold and thrust belts 3 (9) spring 12

AG-303 Sequence stratigraphy:A tool for basin analysis 2 (6) autumn 17

AG-304 Glacial and periglacial processes 3 (9) spring 22

AG-305 Glaciology 2 (6) spring 19

AG-306 The quaternary climate history of the arctic 3 (9) autumn 9

AG-308 Sedimentary facies analysis

- From processes to systems tracts 3 (9) spring 21

AG-309 Quarternary climate records and climate models 2 (6) autumn 9

SUM Arctic geology 40 (120)

AGF-207 Space activity and remote sensing 5 (15) autumn 11

AGF-210 The middle polar atmosphere 5 (15) autumn 4

AGF-211 Air/ice/sea interaction 5 (15) spring 19

AGF-212 Processes in snow and ice 5 (15) spring 17

AGF-213 Polar meteorology 5 (15) autumn 11

AGF-214 Polar oceanography 5 (15) autumn 8

AGF-301 The upper polar atmosphere 5 (15) spring 9

AGF-304 Radar diagnostics of space plasma 5 (15) spring 9

AGF-330 Remote sensing and advanced spectroscopy 5 (15) spring 8

SUM Arctic geophysics 45 (135)

AT-204 Thermo-mechanical properties of materials 3 (9) spring 8

AT-205 Frozen ground engineering for arctic infrastructure5 (15) spring 6

AT-206 Arctic water resources 5 (15) autumn 10

AT-207 Pollution in the arctic 5 (15) autumn 19

AT-307 Arctic offshore engineering 2 (6) autumn 8

AT-309 Cold regions field investigations 3 (9) spring 16

AT-310 Heat and mass transfer 3 (9) autumn 2

AT-311 Fate and modelling of pollutants in the arctic 3 (9) spring 13

SUM Arctic technology 29 (87)


UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (14)


The Svalbard Science Centre will host a rangeof activities and institutions with differentvisions and agendas. What these activitiesshare however is the determination toachieve, not simply specific space needs andeconomies of joint use, but also scientificbenefits from the collocation of the academicenvironments in Longyearbyen, servicebenefits to external users of Centre facilities,as well as benefits to the local communityand general public. The quest for scientificsynergies will be embodied in the archi-tecture and space assignments in existing andnew buildings.

In June 2001 the National Building Adminis-tration (Statsbygg) invited selected competi-tors to bid for the Svalbard Science Centreproject. The following architectural officestook part:

Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNAL,OsloA3 Arkitektkontor AS, HarstadKHR AS Arkitekter, CopenhagenArkiplan AS, TrondheimPer Knudsen Arkitektkontor AS, TrondheimBorealis Arkitekter AS, Tromsø

The competition sought to define the idealsolution for a new building connected withthe pre-existing building in relation to theoverall goals of the project.

The following criteria were important inevaluating the competitive submissions:architectural expression and volume assign-ments relative to existing buildings andlandscape; utility and functional require-ments; space economies and space efficien-cies; technical superiority of concepts; appro-priate climatic and environmental solutions;and level of operational and investmentcosts.


Following a long and thorough evaluation ofthe submissions the «Svalbarskt» entry byJarmund/Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNAL,Oslo was nominated the winner. The winning submission features an attrac-tive academic setting: an enclosed campuswith spaces for discourse, close proximities,and good contact between users. The buil-ding is integrated with the pre-existing unitswherever possible to form a coherent organi-sation. The architects have sought in theirdesign to create a complex that clearly signi-fies an academic environment in a challeng-ing climate.

Altogether this was an exciting project thatsuccessfully addressed the relevant concernsand the architectural issues involved. Theproject is flexible in terms of functional dis-position, and volumes are varied and disper-sed to suit the location. The project seemsrobust in terms of possible changes in spaceneeds and functional criteria.

The winning submission successfully achie-ves the competition goals of academic syner-gies and smooth transitions with the pre-existing UNIS building.

Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS have many otherprestigious projects to their credit, includingthe new Administration Block for the Gover-nor of Svalbard and the College of Architec-ture in Oslo.

The timetable for realisation of the SvalbardScience Centre is as follows:

2002: Outline and preliminary projects 2003: Detailing and foundations start2004: Construction start2005: Possession in December

Facing north / Fasade mot nord.


UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (15)


Svalbard Forskningspark

Svalbard forskningspark består av forskjelligevirksomheter med ulik bakgrunn for pro-sjektet. Felles for virksomhetene er imidlertidmålsetningen om i tillegg til å tilfredsstillekonkrete arealkrav samt arealøkonomiseringved sambruk, å oppnå fa*glige synergieffektergjennom samlokaliseringen av de akade-miske miljøene i Longyearbyen, hensiktsmes-sighet for eksterne brukere av virksomhet-enes tjenester, lokalbefolkningen ogpublikum. Målsetningen om fa*glige synergi-effekter skal tydeliggjøres gjennom arkitek-turen og arealdisponeringen i eksisterende ogny bebyggelse.

I juni 2001 inviterte Statsbygg til en begrensetprosjektkonkurranse om Svalbard Forsk-ningspark. Følgende arkitektkontorer deltok:Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNAL,OsloA3 Arkitektkontor AS, HarstadKHR AS Arkitekter, KøbenhavnArkiplan AS, TrondheimPer Knudsen Arkitektkontor AS, TrondheimBorealis Arkitekter AS, Tromsø

Gjennom prosjektkonkurransen ønsket man åfinne fram til den best mulige løsning av etnybygg i tilknytning til eksisterende bygningi forhold til de overordnete målsetningene forprosjektkonkurransen.

Følgende kriterier ble vektlagt under evalue-ringen av konkurransebesvarelsene: arkitek-tonisk uttrykk og masseoppbygning i forholdtil eksisterende bebyggelse og landskap,bruksmessige og funksjonelle krav, arealøko-nomi/arealeffektivitet, teknisk gode løs-ninger, klima- og miljøriktige løsninger samtdrifts- og investeringskostnader.

Etter en lang og grundig evaluering av deinnkomne forslag ble bidraget «Svalbarskt»fra Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNAL,Oslo kåret som vinner av konkurransen. Vinnerprosjektet tilrettelegger for et godt aka-demisk miljø, en innvendig campus medplassdannelser for samkvem, nærhet ogmulighet for god kontakt mellom brukerne.Bygget søkes integrert best mulig med eksis-terende bygningsmasse for å skape en samletorganisasjon. Arkitekten ønsker at byg-gets design skal tydeliggjøre et akademiskmiljø i et barskt klima.Totalt sett er dette et spennende prosjekt somhar et klart grep om situasjonen og det arki-tektoniske konseptet som er valgt. Prosjektethar fleksibilitet i forhold til funksjoner, og haren variasjon i volumoppbygningen tilpassetstedet. Prosjektet vurderes som robust i for-hold til å kunne takle endringer i rom- ogfunksjonskrav.Vinnerforslaget er godt i forhold til konkur-ransens målsetning om fa*glige synergieffek-ter, med god tilkopling til eksisterende UNIS-bygg.Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS har vunnet mange pre-stigefylte prosjekter tidligere bla. det nyeadministrasjonsbygget til Sysselmannen påSvalbard og Arkitekthøgskolen i Oslo.

Tidsplan for realiseringen av Svalbard Forsk-ningspark:2002: Skisseprosjekt og forprosjekt 2003: Detaljprosjekt og oppstart grunnarbei-der2004: Oppstart byggearbeider2005: Innflytting i desember

Facing south / Fasade mot sør.


UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (16)


The UNIS Library

The UNIS Library provides the portal to aworld of information for scientists and stu-dents at UNIS and the research staff at theNorwegian Polar Institute in Longyearbyen.Although the exact number of visitors is notknown, there were 234 registered patronswho used the lending services more thanonce in 2001, almost the same as in 2000. Thetotal number of card-holders at UNIS and theNorwegian Polar Institute is 318.

The Library was open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.most working days with the librarian on-callat the reference desk on 210 days in 2001.Other duties of the librarian included provid-ing set books for sale to students, archivemaintenance, and publication lists for theAnnual Report.

In 2001 there were 2278 over-the-counterloans, which is an increase from 1662 in 2000.

Interlibrary loans (articles and books, etc.)increased to a total of 1141 in 2001 (990 inter-library loans were recorded in 2000).Libraries outside Norway helped with someof these loans (75 in 2001). Our self-supplyrate is still low compared to other institu-tions.A total of 145 documents in the UNIS Library

were requested by libraries elsewhere, andmost of the requests were processed here.

The Library subscribed to 142 periodicals(representing a total of 1400 registered issuesof journals, etc.) and 10 newspapers, while520 books, theses, etc. were registered inBIBSYS in 2001. Additionally, a total of 186records were verified and registered in theAnnual Report for 2000.

Due to the high turnover of library users, thetask of training and assisting new patronsand dealing with reference questions is veryimportant.

The UNIS Library has been a member of thePolar Libraries Colloquy since 1996, and inJune 2000 the UNIS librarian was elected amember of the Steering Committee of thePolar Libraries Colloquy (June 2000 - June2002). The librarian has represented UNIS onthe BIBSYS Council from 1995 onwards.

For more detailed figures, see the library’swebsite: www.unis.no/library/. Click«About the UNIS Library».


Diving into information.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (17)


The StudentsAnnual Report

As the study counsellor said when he presen-ted UNIS at my home university: ”We maybe the smallest university in the world, butwe have got the largest laboratory in theworld!” – referring to all the work that a stu-dent at UNIS will be doing outdoors. Thecombination of such a small university withsome of the best lecturers in their field, theunique Arctic ”laboratory environment”, andthe pint-size, big-hearted city of Longyear-byen where we live, are sure to provide ayear you will not forget!

StudiesYou will spend a lot of time outdoors in the“laboratory” as a student at UNIS. There youwill be looking at peculiar features of theArctic environment, taking samples of snow,ice, plants, animals, soil, measuring activityin the atmosphere, exploring the sea, andmuch more. All this on excursions that“normal” students can only dream about! Weget around using snowmobiles, helicopters,planes, boats, cars and by foot. AlthoughUNIS is a Norwegian institution, all thelectures are held in English. In 2001 we hadstudents from 21 different countries, e.g.Tibet, Japan, Canada, USA, Brazil andAustralia. But still most of our students comefrom Europe, predominantly from Scandina-via.

The Student DemocracyAt the beginning of every term a GeneralMeeting is held to elect the Study Council(SC). The GM is the highest organ in theStudent Union (SU), which comprises all thestudents. The Council oversees the dailywork of the Union, including upkeep of ourtwo cabins and touring equipment, manage-ment of funds, holding Norwegian coursesfor non-Scandinavian members, arrangingparties, and representing the students in theformal administration of UNIS.

The students have one representative on theUNIS Board of Directors, which is thegoverning body of the University. On theBoard we have a vote, just like the otherDirectors. We are also represented on the Exe-cutive Committee, which handles the dailybusiness of the University. Thanks to thisrepresentation and the comparatively smallsize of the Institution, the voice of students atUNIS is really heard.

The Study Council also publishes a hand-book for the new students, the UNIS StudentSurvival Kit (USSK), which will tell you moreabout what to expect and what to do besidesstudying when you come to UNIS. Thishandbook is updated when needed.

FundingThe Student Union receives financial supportfrom UNIS and we can apply for additionalfunding from the Student Union in Tromsø.These funds go towards maintenance andrenewal of cabins, sleds and touring essenti-als. Sleds are available on a modest hire basis,and you will also be asked to leave a deposit.Other touring gear is available at no charge tostudents. Some of the money also goes tocovering unlucky students’ medical bills,where you pay the basic fee of kr 220 and theStudent Union picks up whatever is left afteryour private insurance.

Social calendarSo – what is there to do, except study, up hereon the top of the world? UNIS is actuallycloser to the North Pole than to the nearestMcDonald’s – a fact that a lot of us appre-ciate. Although Longyearbyen will satisfymost of your civilised needs, it is not a badquality to be able to see the beauty in the sur-rounding mountains and mighty glaciers,and enjoy the eerie world of the polar night.

Within a 45 minute walk from Nybyen, thepart of the city where the students live, thereare several interesting ice grottoes and caves,there is wonderful skiing, rambling, andkayaking – and of course you can always gosomewhere by snowmobile. On the islandthere are more snowmobiles than inhabitants,and some of the students pair up to buy one.It is also possible to rent a skidoo if you wantto take a longer trip, for instance to the eastcoast, the land of the Polar Bear.

If outdoor activities do not interest you, oreven if they do, Longyearbyen alwaysbeckons with its rather intense night life,especially when you compare it to other citiesof its size. There is also a large, active sportsclub, you can attend the choir, work for theRed Cross, join a band or volunteer to helparrange our big fun events: the Polar JazzFestival and Sun Festival.

Many former students of UNIS have neverquite managed to get the experience out oftheir blood, and keep coming back for more – again and again. The close fellowship withstaff and lecturers, the spectacular surroun-dings and the incredible excursions make“the Svalbard experience” something toremember.


Hitchhiking in the ski-scooter tracks.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (18)


The Department of Arctic Biology offerseducation and performs research in ArcticBiology/Ecology in both marine and terres-trial environments. In spite of this broadrange of biospheres and the relatively smallsize of the Department we have a coherentand unifying research strategy. This year wehave chosen to highlight research in Terres-trial Plant Ecology within the Department.

Arctic Terrestrial Plant EcologyThe Arctic terrestrial environment is usuallycharacterised as harsh and stressful to all lifeforms. Low temperatures are not the onlysource of the stress, however: drought condi-tions, the extremely short period available forprimary production, the slow turnover ofnutrients, and the sudden shifts in the weat-her are all contributing factors. As we wouldexpect, the plants that thrive here have seve-ral adaptations that enable them to survive,grow and reproduce. The main focus of plantecological research at our Department is onpopulation biology and adaptations, or life-history strategies among Arctic plants, theprimary producers. This is fundamental toour understanding of plant community pro-cesses and the ecology of other trophic levels(herbivores, predators, scavengers), and theresilience of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems toenvironmental change.

At first glance the sparse, low-growing Arcticvegetation all looks alike to the untrainedeye, but whoever takes time for a closer lookwill quickly discover how diverse it is, evenon a small scale. Arctic vegetation is compo-sed of a variety of growth forms (mosses,lichens, dwarf-shrubs, grasses, sedges, otherherbs), and even within these broad catego-ries great variety will be seen among the spe-cies. In other words, the plants show manydifferent ‘solutions’ to the problem of survi-val on the Arctic land mass and one of ouraims is to understand this variety and iden-tify the factors that are most responsible forshaping life here. To this end we collaboratewith scientists at the University of Tromsø,the Swedish University of Agricultural Scien-ces at Göteborg University, the IcelandicInstitute of Natural History, and ColoradoState University. We approach the questionon different scales: on a circumpolar scalewhere different patterns among plant popu-lations (population structures, physiologicaland genetic diversity) are studied in relationto climate, herbivory and glaciation history;and on much smaller spatial scales, wherefunctions and processes are studied withinand between populations.

One aspect of plant strategies is resourceacquisition and how the resources are alloca-

ted to different life-history functions, i.e.growth, reproduction, storage etc. Mossesand lichens acquire most of their nutrientsfrom above via rainwater, mist droplets anddry deposition, while vascular plants dependheavily on processes in the soil. The time theplants have for acquisition of resources iscritical for the timing of reproduction. Thegrowing season in unfrozen soils extendsover little more than two months on Sval-bard. With this in mind it is not hard tounderstand why most Arctic plants have along life span, of up to hundreds or eventhousands of years. Once they have establis-hed themselves, it may take many yearsbefore they start reproducing and, becausereproduction is unsuccessful in most years, itcan take an extremely long time before theycomplete their life cycle. In this context, thevery existence of a small number of annualspecies in the Arctic is even more fascinating.The establishment of successful offspring isanother critical process. Even though theshort Arctic summer is the time of most bio-logical activity, it is also important to consi-der winter conditions, because the long win-ter season puts serious constraints on plantlife, and the summer conditions are largelydetermined by the distribution, thickness andduration of the snow cover. Therefore,changes in winter conditions may have aneven greater effect on terrestrial plant lifethan changes in summer conditions.

Another aim of terrestrial research within theBiology Department is to understand inter-actions between plants with different growthforms and plant interactions with other trop-hic levels. Mosses are an important compo-nent of Arctic vegetation and they have alarge effect on other plant growth forms, bothdirectly and indirectly, by altering the physi-cal properties of the soils by their insulationcapacity. For example, the depth of the activelayer in summer is strongly reduced by con-tinuous moss cover and becomes shallowerthe thicker the moss mat is. The role of mos-ses in Arctic vegetation is the focus of a Ph.Dproject jointly supervised by the Universityof Aberdeen, Centre for Ecology and Hydro-logy, in Banchory, and UNIS.

The Arctic plants sustain large populations ofherbivores, some of which are stationarywhile others are migratory. These in turn sus-tain different types of predators. Our studiesover large productivity gradients on theCanadian tundra have shown that even atthe extreme end of the gradient in the HighArctic, three trophic levels are sustained:plants, herbivores and predators. Migratoryherbivores build an important link betweenthe Arctic and other biomes and through

Arctic Biology

By Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir

The arctic vegetaion has very low sta-ture and only at a close look can thesurprisingly high diversity amongthe plants be discovered.


UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (19)


them environmental changes in one biomemay be projected upon another. This wasclearly seen in Canada where a degradationof low arctic goose grazed ecosystemsoccurred after a dramatic increase in goosepopulations caused by changes in conserva-tion policy and land use at goose winteringgrounds. On Svalbard, goose populations

have increased during the last decades forsimilar reasons. The aim of an upcoming EUproject involving UNIS as one of 13 partnersis to study the consequences of Europeanland use and bird conservation on goosegrazed ecosystems on Svalbard in a context offuture climatic change.

Title: The role of plant-herbivore-parasite inter-actions in the regulation of Svalbard reindeer.Collaborating institutions: Center of ecologyand hydrology (CEH), Scotland, University ofOslo, Norwegian College of Veterinary medicineFinancing: UNIS, CEHDuration: 1996-2002UNIS: Rolf Langvatn

Title: Population biology of red deer, - environ-mental effects and demographic processes.Collaborating institutions: University of Oslo(UiO)Financing: UNIS, UiO, Norwegian ResearchCouncil, Norwegian Institute of Natural Rese-arch, Directorate for Nature ManagementDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Rolf Langvatn

Title: Effect of climate warming on tundra vege-tation, The International Tundra Experiment,ITEX.Collaborating institutions: Agricultural Rese-arch Institute and Icelandic Institute of NaturalHistory, Iceland, Göteborg University, SwedenFinancing: Icelandic Science Foundation, CarlXVI Gustafs 50-års fond, UNISDuration: 1994-2003UNIS: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir

Title: Population ecology of clonal tundraplants: impacts of herbivores, climate and glaci-ation historyCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø, Swedish University of Agricultural Sci-ences at Balsgård, Colorado State UniversityFinancing: UNIS, National Science FoundationDuration: 1999-2002UNIS: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir

Title: Terrestrial trophic dynamics in the Cana-dian Arctic.Collaborating Institutions: University of BritishColumbia, Vancouver Canada, Swedish Univer-sity of Agricultural Sciences at Umeå and Upp-sala, Stockholm University, Göteborg University,Lund University, University of Joensuu Finland,University of Tromsø, University of Bergen,McGill University, Canada.Financing: Swedish Polar Research Secretariat,UNIS, various othersDuration: 1999-2001UNIS: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir

Title: Quantitative aspects of biodiversity in theArctic: Vegetation differentiation, species diver-sity, diversity of life forms and reproductionstrategiesCollaborating Institutions: Home institutionsof participants in AB-306Financing: UNISDuration: 2001UNIS: Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir

Research Projects

Water is the most limiting factor forplant life in Svalbard. Vegetation isonly found where the substrate is sta-ble and water is not immediatelydrained away.

Thick mats of mosses and lichensdevelop in coastal areas wherehumidity is relatively high and wheregrazing by reindeer is absent or atlow intensity.



UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (20)


Title: Image analysis techniques in quantitativemarine benthic ecologyCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsøFinancing: UNISDuration: 1997-UNIS: Ole J. Lønne

Title: Arctic fjords, an ecosystem approachCollaborating institutions: University of CapeTown, Norwegian Polar InstituteFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001UNIS: Ole J. Lønne

Title: Sympagic communitiesCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science, NorwegianPolar InstituteFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001UNIS: Ole J. Lønne

Title: Population dynamics of zooplankton inthe North SeaCollaborating institutions: University of Cali-fornia San Diego, University of BergenFinancing: UNISDuration: 1997-2002UNIS: Ketil Eiane

Title: Distribution of zooplankton in relation tobiophysical gradients associated with frontalsystemsCollaborating institutions: University of Kiel,GermanyFinancing: UNISDuration: 2000-2002UNIS: Ketil Eiane

Title: Population dynamics of Calanus spp. inenvironmental gradients in Arctic fjordsCollaborating institutions: University of Ber-genFinancing: UNISDuration: 2000-2002UNIS: Ketil Eiane

Title: Zooplankton communities under diffe-ring advective influence in coastal areas onSvalbardCollaborating institutions: Norwegian PolarInstitute (NP), University of Kiel, GermanyFinancing: NP, UNISDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Ketil Eiane

Graduates 2001Cand.scient.

Title: Diet analysis of harbour seals in the PrinsKarls Forland area of SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagenStudent: Signe May AndersenSupervisors: Kit Kovacs (Norwegian PolarInstitute), Per Rosenkilde (University of Copen-hagen)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Food-preferences of sympagic amphipodsfrom arctic iceCollaborating institutions: University of Ham-burgStudent: Carolin E. ArndtSupervisors: Ole Jørgen Lønne (UNIS), Ange-lika Brandt (University of Hamburg)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Distribution of zooplankton in relation tobiophysical gradient associated with frontalsystemsCollaborating institutions: Christian AlbrechtUniversity of KielStudent: Malin DaaseSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Michael Spind-ler (Christian Albrecht University of Kiel)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Does availability of resources influence ongrazing strategies in female reindeer?Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science (NTNU)Student: Snorre HenriksenSupervisors: Bernt-Erik Sæter (NTNU), RonnyAanes (Norwegian Polar Institute), Rolf Lang-vatn (UNIS)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Does female plumage ornamentation sig-nal parental quality in the snow bunting (Plec-trophenax nivalis) Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science (NTNU)Student: Morten IngebrigtsenSupervisors: Yngve Espmark (NTNU), ArneMoksnes (NTNU), Rolf Langvatn (UNIS)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Effect of day length on spatial and tempo-ral patterns of behaviour og Svalbard reindeer(Rangiferei tarandus platyrhynchus)Collaborating institutions: Fredrich-SchillerUniversity, JenaStudent: Elke LindnerSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), StefanHalle (Fredrich-Schiller University, Jena)Finished: Autumn 2001

Title: Carbon and nitrogen cycling in SassenValley, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiT)Student: Stian RøbergSupervisors: Sigmund Spjelkavik (Longyear-byen Lokalstyre), Bjørn Solheim (UiT)Finished: Spring 2001

Graduate students 2001Ph.D.

Title: Reduction in the Arctic ice cover; sourcesfor and pathways of ice faunal production inthe Svalbard regionCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science, TOTALFINA-ELFStudent: Carolin E. ArndtSupervisors: Geir Johnsen (NTNU), Ole J.Lønne (UNIS)

Micro-topography and nutrientavailability are important in shapingconditions for plant growth in theArctic as illustrated by the effects ofthis piece of driftwood at Norden-skiöldkysten.


UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (21)


Title: How soil fauna influence plant-microbialcompetition for N in arctic ecosystemsCollaborating institutions: Lancaster Univer-sity, UK, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology(CEH), ScotlandStudent: Stephen DuttonSupervisors: Richard Bardgett (Lancaster Uni-versity), René van der Wal (CEH), Ingibjörg S.Jónsdóttir (UNIS)

Title: The role of mosses in high arctic vegeta-tion: competition, facilitation, herbivoryCollaborating institutions: University of Aber-deen, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology(CEH), ScotlandStudent: Jemma L. GornallSupervisors: Sarah J. Woodin (University ofAberdeen) René van der Wal (CEH), IngibjörgS. Jónsdóttir (UNIS)

Title: Ecology of Bryozoa in Svalbard watersCollaborating institutions: University ofGdansk Student: Piotr KuklinskiSupervisors: Jan Marcin Weslawski (Universityof Gdansk), Bjørn Gulliksen (UNIS/Universityof Tromsø), Ole J. Lønne (UNIS)

Title: Mechanisms of density dependence inNorwegian red deerCollaborating institutions: UNIS, University ofOslo (UiO) Student: Leif Egil LoeSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), Nils Chris-tian Stenseth (UiO), Atle Mysterud (UiO)

Title: Biology and ecology of marine cold-waterspecies in the ArcticCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiT), TOTALFINAELFStudent: Sten R. RichardsenSupervisors: Bjørn Gulliksen (UNIS/UiT), OleJ. Lønne (UNIS)

Title: Diversity and nitrogen fixation of cyano-bacterial communities in terrestrial arctic eco-systemsCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiT)Student: Matthias ZielkeSupervisors: Rolf Arnt Olsen (UiT/UNIS)


Title: Marine soft-bed communities along envi-ronmental gradients in KongsfjordenCollaborating institutions: University of OsloStudent: Tormod Glette HansenSupervisors: Ole J. Lønne (UNIS), John S. Gray(UiO)

Title: On the structure of benthic soft-bottommacrofauna at Jan Mayen; A comparison of dataretrived by Van Veen grab samples and videorecording using ROVCollaborating institutions: University of Ber-gen (UiB)Student: Trine MolandSupervisors: Torleiv Brattegard (UiB), Ole J.Lønne (UNIS)

Title: Analysis of succession of a rocky bottomcommunity in SmeerenburgfjordenCollaborating institutions: Fredrich-SchillerUniversität - JenaStudent: Ulrike BartkeSupervisors: Ole J. Lønne (UNIS), Bjørn Gullik-sen (UNIS/UiT), Winfried Voigt (Fredrich-Schil-ler Universität - Jena)

Title: A compasison of different benthic techni-ques (underwater photographs, video-recor-ding and handpicking) in Isfjorden, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsøStudent: Tore Magne HoemSupervisors: Ole J. Lønne (UNIS), Bjørn Gullik-sen, (UNIS/UiT)

Title: Dynamics in Calanus spp. populations inArctic fjords.Collaborating institutions: University of Ber-gen (UiB)Student: Gyda ArnkvernSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Dag L. Aks-nes (UiB)

Title: Life strategies and massive blooms inLimacina helicinaCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiT)Student: Charlotte GanneforsSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Bjørn Gullik-sen (UNIS/UiT), Stig Falk-Pettersen (Norwe-gian Polar Institute)

Title: Population structure and tropic interacti-ous in polar cod (Borealis saida) in fjord on Sval-bard.Collaborating institutions: University of Oslo(UiO)Student: May ArnbergSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), Stein Kaartved(UiO)

Title: On the echinoderm fauna around Spitz-bergenCollaborating institutions: Christian AlbrechtUniversity of KielStudent: Rupert KrappSupervisors: Ole J. Lønne (UNIS), MichaelSpindler (Christian Albrecht University of Kiel)

Title: Makebevoktning og sang hos hanner avsnøspurv Plectrophenax nivalis, på Svalbardsett i relasjon til deres foreldreinnsats.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Science and Technology (NTNU)Student: Marie LierSupervisors: Rolf Langvatn (UNIS), Yngve Esp-mark (NTNU), Arne Moksnes (NTNU)

Title: The importance of Advective Processesfor the Zooplankton community in Arctic Fjord(Kongsfjorden, Svalbard)Collaborating institutions: Christian-Albrecht-University of KielStudent: Sünnje Linnèa BasedowSupervisors: Ketil Eiane (UNIS), MichaelSpindler (Christian Albrecht University of Kiel)

Students analysing the diversity of thevegetation at Nordenskiöldkysten.


UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (22)


The Arctic Geology research vision for theperiod 1999-2003 as presented in the 1998issue of the UNIS Annual Report is still thebackground for both tuition and researchwithin the Department of Arctic Geology. In2001 the Department offered 12 courses: fourat level 200 and eight at level 300. The level200 courses making up the one-year studyprogram (20 Norwegian credits, equal to 60ECTS) were offered in their present form forthe eighth time. We have continued to worktowards greater consistency within the level300 courses and a stronger theoretical profilematching ongoing research activities. Theeight level 300 courses (duration from 2 to 5weeks) offered for master’s and doctoral can-didates represent a total of 20 credits.

Our academic staff numbers four full-timefaculty and three associate positions. Avacant position in Geology was filled duringthe autumn by Associate Professor Tine L.Rasmussen. Specialising in Marine Geology,she came to us in place of Associate ProfessorTrond Dokken, who has taken up a positionat the new Bjerknes Centre for ClimateResearch (University of Bergen). AssociateProfessor Ida Lønne was on sabbatical leaveat the University of Boulder, Colorado, USA,in autumn 2001. Her position was filled on atemporary basis by Mona Henriksen (Uni-versity of Bergen) who took care of educa-tional issues most successfully. Adjunct Pro-fessor Jenö Nagy (University of Oslo) endedhis engagement with UNIS in 2001, follow-ing several years of excellent service. AdjunctProfessor Anders Solheim (NorwegianGeotechnical Institute) was appointed duringthe autumn 2001, developing a new courseAG-206 Marine Geological and GeophysicalStudies, which will be launched in springterm 2002. In June 2001 Angélique Prick(Belgium) joined the Department on a two-year Marie Curie Fellowship, funded by theEuropean Commission (Project: Rockweathering in high latitude environments).In cooperation with the University ofGothenburg and in collaboration with theUniversities of Stockholm and Alberta, aPh.D student working on the Late Glacial andHolocene Climate and Environmental Variabilityon Svalbard joined the Department in August.Finally, on 1st December 2001, we saw theclosing date for applications for a new Nor-wegian funded Ph.D scholarship at theDepartment. The successful candidate willstart his/her project during spring 2002.

The Department thus continues to attractnew professional blood although guest lec-turers still remain a vital resource for imple-mentation of the extensive range of coursesoffered. These visitors are frequentlyinvolved in ongoing scientific projects, and

these partnerships help build commitmentand improve the predictability and continu-ity of the teaching. The contact with visitingauthorities is also of immense value to ourstudents, who in this way get a first-handinsight into the sorts of research conductedon Svalbard and other Arctic regions.

During 2001 the staff at the Department ofGeology were actively engaged in severalresearch projects. A number of projects werecontinued from the previous year andseveral new projects were initiated, asreported here and on our webpage. A fewexamples of ongoing research at the Depart-ment are described in brief below.

One recently started project studies the cli-mate and vegetation history of Svalbard overthe past 10 000 years. This investigation isbased on high resolution analyses of lakesediment cores collected from lakes in west-ern Spitsbergen. Six lakes in the Isfjordenarea were cored during the 2001 field season,and new cores will be collected from theBrøgger peninsula, south of Kongsfjorden, inspring 2002. A range of tests, includinganalyses of diatoms, biogenic silica, chirono-mids, macrofossils, C/N ratios and CN con-tent, will be applied to the sedimentsequences to trace shifts in the ecosystemover time. These records will help usdecipher climatic evolution and reveal thepattern and timing of early/mid Holocenewarming, Neoglacial cooling, Little Ice Agechanges, and temperature variability duringthe past 150 years.

Another research project is based on a seriesof case studies of the moraines of temperateglaciers in Norway, from which an allostrati-graphic model is suggested as a conceptualguide for the field analysis of ice-contactdeposits, based on outcrop sections, as wellas seismic or ground-penetrating radar pro-files. Allostratigraphic mapping of the inter-nal facies architecture of marine morainesreveals the development history of ice-con-tact sedimentary systems. This new methodof high-resolution analysis of the dynamicstratigraphy of moraines provides importantinformation on the ice-front behaviour,glacier dynamics, and regional climaticvariations.

An avalanche investigation project was ini-tiated in 2001, making use of automatic digi-tal cameras and automatic meteorologicalstations, to investigate modern snow covervariations in the landscape aroundLongyearbyen. This project was prompted bya tragic snowslide in February 2001. Theavalanche killed two persons near the town.The extensive mountain plateaus around

Arctic Geology

By Ole Humlum

Glacier at Magdalenefjorden (NWSpitsbergen) with large lateralmoraines deposited during the LittleIce Age stage.


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Longyearbyen act as source areas for driftingsnow during the winter, and this redistribu-tion of precipitation is significant foravalanche activity and related phenomenasuch as glacier mass balance. On a more localscale the thickness of the snow cover is alsoan important determinant of ground temper-atures, due to its insulating effect, and there-fore also the ground temperature and per-mafrost depths in the region. Also the plantcover is influenced by the thickness andduration of the snow cover: During winterwhen the snow protects from physical windabrasion and low temperatures; and duringthe growing season when surviving snowpatches act as water reservoirs. A researchmodel of snow cover, permafrost depth,active layer, growth temperatures and soforth is being constructed from the dataobtained from this field-based project.

Finally, a detailed research program on rockweathering in high latitude environmentswas initiated in summer 2001. Frost weather-ing of bedrock is highly important in perma-frost environments, and has been studied byscientists for about a century now, both in thefield and in the laboratory at various

research institutions. The mechanisminvolved in frost shattering was for manyyears thought to be the dilation of freezingwater, but this process requires a very highsaturation level in order to induce a shatter-ing effect. New experimental results indicatethat cryogenic suction is the mechanism thatmost likely causes shattering at the tempera-tures and moisture conditions that occur innature, where full water saturation is rare.Near Longyearbyen a detailed research pro-gram on rock weathering, rock temperaturesand rock moisture content has been insti-gated at a location accessible on a daily year-round basis, making detailed observationspossible.

Master’s degree students at the Departmentof Geology studied various issues related toactive layer development, permafrost, icewedges, the relation between rock glaciersand debris-covered glaciers, glacial geomor-phology at a surge-type glacier, englacialdrainage systems in polythermal glaciers, thedynamics of surge-type glaciers, and the geo-morphic impact of snowmobiles. Furtherdetails of M.Sc projects are given below.

Title: «Temporal and spatial variations in circu-lation of deep and intermediate water masses inthe North Atlantic region since 150 kyr BP».Collaborating institution: Woods Hole Oceano-graphic Institution, Aarhus University, Geologi-cal Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Amster-dam Free University, The Netherlands, RostockUniversity, Germany, Cardiff University, UK.Financing: UNIS, University of Rostock, CardiffUniversityDuration: 1999-UNIS: Tine L. Rasmussen

Title: LAMSCAN: Detecting Rapid Environ-mental Changes through Studies of AnnuallyLaminated Sediments in Northern Scandinaviaand the Faeroe Islands: Linkages to the NorthAtlantic Ocean.Collaborating institution: Lund University,Stockholm University, Sweden, NorwegianPolar Institute. Financing: UNIS, Lund University, StockholmUniversityDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Tine L. Rasmussen

Title: Linking land and sea at the Faroe Islands:Mapping and understanding north Atlanticchanges (LINK)Collaborating institutions: University of Lund,University of Copenhagen, Geological Survey ofDenmark and Greenland, Faroese Museum ofNatural History, University of St.Andrews(Scotland)Financing: Danish Natural Science ResearchCouncilDuration: 1999-2002UNIS: Tine L. Rasmussen, Ole Humlum

Title: Mapping snow cover duration,avalanches and other geomorphic processes byautomatic digital cameras, Longyeardalen, Sval-bardFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Monitoring surface climate and activelayer temperatures in various landforms aroundLongyearbyen, SvalbardFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Research Projects

Sorted circles at Kvadrehuksletta,NW Spitsbergen. This periglacialphenomenon was produced by activelayer processes above permafrost atshallow depth.


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Title: Isotopic composition of modern precipita-tion in Longyearbyen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Niels Bohr Institute,University of CopenhagenFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Modeling energy balance, surface temper-atures, active layer depth and permafrost thick-ness around Longyeardalen, SvalbardFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Monitoring surface climate and activelayer temperatures in various landformsaround Longyearbyen, SvalbardFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: The climatic and palaeoclimatic signifi-cance of rock glaciersFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2005UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Holocene geomorphic activity in coastalGreenland at glacier equilibrium line altitudesCollaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagen, Arctic Station (Greenland)Financing: Danish Natural Science ResearchCouncilDuration: 1999-2002UNIS: Ole Humlum

Title: Late Weichselian ice sheet dynamics inthe coastal regions of western and northernSpitsbergen.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Agricul-tural University, University of Tromsø.Financing: UNISDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Ólafur Ingólfsson

Title: Holocene glacial and climate history ofAlexander Island, AntarcticaCollaborating institutions: Göteborg Univer-sity, Lund UniversityFinancing: Swedish Natural Sciences ResearchCouncilDuration: 1999-2002UNIS: Ólafur Ingólfsson

Title: Late Quaternary glaciations of the KaraSea area, Yamal and Yugorski Peninsulas, west-ern Siberia. Collaborating institutions: Göteborg Univer-sity, Sweden, University of Illinois at Chicago,USA, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russia.Financing: Swedish Natural Sciences ResearchCouncilDuration: 1998-2002UNIS: Ólafur Ingólfsson

Title: Reconstructing late Pleistocene history ofArctic coastal zone, based on origin of massiveground ice.Collaborating institutions: Earth CryosphereInstitute, Russia.Financing: Swedish Natural Sciences ResearchCouncilDuration: 1998-2001UNIS: Ólafur Ingólfsson

Title: Late Quaternary glacial history of Sever-naya Zemlya, Arctic RussiaCollaborating institutions: Göteborg Univer-sity, Lund University, Sweden, Institute of Arc-tic and Alpine Research, University of Illinois atChicago, USAFinancing: Swedish Natural Sciences ResearchCouncil, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat,National Science Foundation (USA), UNISDuration: 1999-2002UNIS: Ólafur Ingólfsson

Title: Sediment transport during and after thelast deglaciation and its effect on the develop-ment of a high-arctic arid landscape, Svalbard Collaborating institutions: University ofBergenFinancing: UNISDuration: 1997-2003UNIS: Ida Lønne

Title: The dynamics of marine glacier termini asread from moraine architectureCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Ida Lønne

Title: Norwegian Ocean Climate Project(NOClim)Collaborating institutions: University ofBergen, University of Tromsø, Norwegian Mete-orological Institute, Nansen Environmental andRemote Sensing Center, Norwegian Polar Insti-tuteFinancing: Norwegian Science FoundationDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Trond Dokken

Title: International Marine Global ChangeStudy (IMAGES)Collaborating institutions: Several nationsFinancing: Norwegian Science Foundationfinancing the Norwegian membershipDuration: 2000 - UNIS: Trond Dokken

Title: Brine generation and deep water forma-tion in the Barents Sea (Storfjorden and adjacentslope) – present and pastCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Financing: UNIS, UiBDuration: 1999-2002UNIS: Trond Dokken

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Title: Sea level control on turbidite accumula-tions, the Battfjellet formationCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, University of WyomingFinancing: WOLF-consortiumDuration: 1995-2003UNIS: Ronald Steel

Title: Rock weathering in high latitude environ-mentsCollaborating institutions: European Commis-sionFinancing: European Commission (Marie CurieFellowship)Duration: 2001-2003UNIS: Angélique Prick

Graduates 2001 Cand.scient

Title: Internal drainage of some subpolar glaci-ers on SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Odd Harald HansenSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Stein-ErikLauritsen (UiB), Jon Ove Hagen (UiO)Finished: Autumn 2001

Title: Geomorphology and processes in themarginal zone of Drønbreen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Martin BergSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Atle Nesje(UiB)Finished: Autumn 2001

Title: Glacier dynamics and surge at Bjuvbreen,Kjellstrømdalen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University of Oslo(UiO)Student: Sofia ÅsbergSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Jon OveHagen (UiO)Finished: Autumn 2001

Graduate Students 2001Ph.D.

Title of project: Late Glacial and Holocene cli-mate and environmental variability on Sval-bard.Collaborating institutions: Göteborg Univer-sity, Stockholm University, University ofAlberta, EdmontonStudent: Sofia HolmgrenSupervisors: Ólafur Ingólfsson (UNIS), BarbaraWohlfarth (Stockholm University)


Title: Stratigraphy and sedimentary environ-ments during the Jurassic-Cretaceous transitionon Spitsbergen, based upon foraminiferCollaborating institutions: University of Oslo(UiO)Student: Birgitte BrattebøSupervisors: Jenö Nagy (UNIS/UiO)

Title: The oxygen isotope stratigraphy ofLongyearbreen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Åse Hjetland BringedalSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Atle Nesje(UiB)

Title: Lille Istids Maksimum i Van Keulenfjor-den; deglasiasjonsdynamikk og sedimentasjonunder tilbaketrekningenCollaborating institutions: University of Oslo(UiO)Student: Marit CarlsenSupervisors: Ida Lønne (UNIS), Jon Ove Hagen(UiO)

Title: Glacier dynamics at Höganesbreen, Sval-bardCollaborating institutions: University of Oslo(UiO), Store Norske Spitsbergen KulkompaniStudent: Thomas ChareyronSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Jon OveHagen (UiO)

Title: Ice wedges as a palaeoclimatic indicatorin Adventdalen, Svalbard Collaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagenStudent: Jon Willaing JeppesenSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Hanne H.Christiansen (University of Copenhagen)

Title: Ugledalen rock glacier response onHolocene climatic variations, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagen Student: Sisse KorsgaardSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Hanne H.Christiansen (University of Copenhagen)

Title: Influence of the snowpack on vegetationand active layer thickness, Adventdalen, Sval-bard Collaborating institutions: University ofCopenhagenStudent: Mette OhtSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Hanne H.Christiansen (University of Copenhagen)

Title: The Geomorphic impact of snowmobilesaround Longyearbyen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Lund UniversityStudent: Malin Elisabeth PerssonSupervisors: Ole Humlum (UNIS), Jonas Åker-man (Lund University)

Rock weathering research site nearLongyearbyen.


UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (26)


IntroductionThe Arctic Geophysics Department spe-cialises in four fields of teaching andresearch: Oceanography, Meteorology, andMiddle and Upper Polar Atmosphere.Together they cover the vertical column frombelow the sea to the solar wind in near space.The emphasis is on polar geophysical phe-nomena with global implications, such asocean currents, weather systems, and atmos-pheric radiation. The Department has fourfull professorships covering the specialistfields. There are also four adjunct professorsin 20 per cent positions in Oceanography,Middle Atmosphere, and Upper Atmosphere(two positions). The second adjunct professorin Upper Atmosphere is funded by theAndøya Rocket Range. In 2001 there weretwo alterations in the full-time staff: FrankNilsen took the position in Oceanography,and Dag A. Lorentzen took the position inUpper Polar Atmosphere. In 2001, theDepartment had 7 Ph.D fellows and 9master‘s students doing their research atUNIS.

TeachingThe Geophysics Department currently offerssix undergraduate and four graduatecourses. All courses except one count as 15ECTS credits, the exception being a graduatecourse for nine ECTS credits. The courses areaimed at students with a geophysics back-ground, and introduce them to processes andtheories related to the Arctic environment.Fieldwork is an important element in themajority of the courses given, and the stu-dents get hands-on experience in instrumentoperation, data collection, and analysis offield data.

ResearchThe Arctic Geophysics Department at UNISengages in a broad range of Arctic research.The Department is in charge of the dailyoperations of the Auroral Station in Advent-dalen. This optical research station has 25instruments and 17 collaborating institutionsin eight different countries. The Station

serves as a platform for research and teach-ing in middle and upper polar atmospherics.The focus of the research is on plasmaphysics processes in the ionosphere andmagnetospheric boundary processes, com-bined with temperature measurements in themesosphere. The Research Station is activelyinvolved in research campaigns in collabora-tion with the EISCAT radar, and serves as anoptical ground support station for rocketcampaigns.

Mesospheric temperature logs have beenkept at the Auroral Station for almost 25years, constituting one of the longest timeseries in the world for this type of measure-ment. The Geophysics Department does thequality assurance on the readings, as well asanalysis of the data. The temperature recordsare important both in a global context, andfor our understanding of the interactionbetween the upper and middle atmosphere.In this connection we actively use data fromthe SOUSY radar located near Longyearbyen,and the LIDARs located at the Koldewey Sta-tion in Ny-Ålesund.

A new generation of spectral imagers hasbeen developed at the Geophysics Depart-ment. The instruments detect spectral signa-tures of any target at high spectral and spa-tial resolution. Two of the units are nowdeployed by the Fishery Institute in Tromsø,and at the Institute of Physics in Lhasa, Tibet.The Geophysics Department has conductedseveral airborne campaigns in order to iden-tify possible applications. The classificationof ice, melt water, vegetation, etc., provides afew of the potential uses. A new version ofthese spectral imagers with a faster framerate (30 fps) is being constructed in coopera-tion with Statoil for airborne classification ofbedrock layers on Svalbard.

The Geophysics Department initiated a newproject for the determination of energy trans-fer of the solar wind plasma to the Earth’smagnetosphere/ionosphere system in 2001.This PROTONICS project utilises two low-light, high sensitivity spectrometers – onelocated near Longyearbyen and anotherlocated in Ny-Ålesund – measuring hydro-gen Doppler profiles in the Aurora. The mainobject of the project is to establish linksbetween the ionospheric signatures of auro-ral hydrogen emissions in the daysideAurora, and the spatial and temporal varia-tions of the reconnection process at the day-side magnetospheric boundary. The solarwind plasma feeds the Earth’s magnetos-phere and ionosphere with energetic parti-cles, which in turn cause anomalies in the

Arctic Geophysics

By Dag A. Lorentzen

Image of the 1/2m focal length Ebert-Fastie spectrometer at the Auroralstation in Adventdalen, Svalbard.(1) is shutter, (2) instrumenthousing, (3) cooler for the photomultiplier tube, (4) tripod, (5) photo multiplier amplifier anddiscriminator, (6) light protectivecell, (7) high voltage supply, (8) driver to shutter motor, and (9) stepper motor connected tograting shaft.


Panel (B): Three-dimensional opticaldiagram of the spectrometer. (1) isentrance slit, (2) concave mirror, (3) grating, (4) exit slit, (5) collector lens, (6) photomultiplier tube, and (7) broadband ordersorting filter.

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ionospheric plasma densities. As the processcan disrupt important commercial and mili-tary satellite systems, it is therefore vital tofully understand the entry mechanisms ofthis energetic plasma.

In the project designated EnvironmentalResearch in Tibet, three new instrumentsdesigned to record atmospheric, global anddiffuse global radiation were installed on theroof of the Institute of Physics, University ofTibet, in Lhasa, at 30 N and 3,700 metres alti-tude. Two five-channel instruments for UVradiation and an imaging spectrometer werealready installed at the site. This instrumen-tation is similar to the package operated atUNIS. One of the objects in the Tibetan pro-ject is comparison with similar data fromSvalbard at 78 N.

Postgraduate Norsang Gelsor uses the datacollected for his Dr. Scient thesis in Physics,and Gylsang Drunma uses the data on solarradiation and atmospheric radiation to testand develop radiation models for the TibetanPlateau as part of her master’s degree inMeteorology. In his work for a similardegree, Wang Lha is applying a numericalclimate model to study possible climatechanges in Tibet due to green-house effects.

One of our doctoral candidates, ChristianJaedicke, worked on issues related to snowdrift and drift formation around buildingsand snow accumulation as a function oftopographical features. He defended isdoctoral thesis at UNIS in October. Anotherdoctoral candidate, Hans Olav Hygen, hasbeen working on problems related to soundpropagation in the atmosphere under differ-ent atmospheric conditions. He defended hisdoctoral thesis at UNIS in May.

In another project, Cand.Scient student OlaBrandt has studied climatic changes andvariations in mass balance on glaciers in Ice-land, based on historical distribution of ashlayers. He finished his Cand.Scient degree inMay. Another candidate, Alexei Stulei, hascorrelated data from tethered soundings inthe atmosphere at up to 1000 metres altitudeand data from satellites, to study momentumexchange and heat exchange in the marginalice zone. He completed his master’s degreein May.

The Geophysics Department takes part instudies of variability and exchanges in theNorth Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. Focus is onseasonal and other variations in waterexchange between the Norwegian Sea,Greenland Sea, Arctic Ocean and contiguoussea areas.

The Geophysics Department is also involvedin the project Dense Water Production Processesin Storfjorden. The main objectives here arerelated to modelling, first of the ice anddense water formation process, then of out-flow and entrainment, and finally of the gen-eral circulation in the fjord, to study its sea-sonal exchange with the surroundings andthe effects on the exchange of the processesthemselves. Global climate modellers con-sider these very same processes on a largerscale to be crucial to the response of theatmosphere-ice-ocean system to external per-turbations. The present project aims to shedlight on the working of the ice-ocean systemby developing and testing representations ofdense water formation and outflow from abasin where observations provide usefulparameters for system behaviour. The projectwill use available hydrographical and sea icedata from extensive surveys in combinationwith conceptual descriptions from earlierinvestigations in order to quantitativelymodel formation and outflow of dense waterfrom a marginal sea. The study area is Stor-fjorden, which due to its limited size offers asuitable test bed for model representation ofcrucial climate processes.

Research into processes in the coastal andfjord areas on Spitsbergen has continued in2001, with participation on excursions by ourpartner institutions and in connection withour own teaching excursions. An extendedfield program was conducted in Van Mijen-fjorden to support the Joint US/NorwegianStudies of Ice/Ocean Interaction in Frozen Fjords.Experiments were performed during aperiod of strong freezing. Under-ice turbu-lence was studied with the help of anadvanced ROV, and a program on ice physicswas conducted. A collaborative project wasalso started with Store Norske SpitsbergenKulkompani in which ice thickness distribu-tion and historical time series of the ice coverin Van Mijenfjorden are the main projectobjectives.

Fig. 1. Panel (A): Fig. 2. Seasonalmesospheric OH airglow winter tem-perature trend over Svalbard 1980 -2001. The daily mean temperaturesare plotted as small dots. The mon-thly mean temperatures are plottedfor December (triangles) and January(circles). The seasonal averages (filledcircles) have the standard deviationplotted as error bars. The dotted colorline represents the linear trends.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (28)


Title: Monitoring Atlantic inflow north of Sval-bardCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Financing: UNIS, UiBDuration: 1999-UNIS: Tor Gammelsrød, Frank Nilsen

Title: Dense water production processes in Stor-fjordenCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Tor Gammelsrød, Ragnheid Skogseth

Title: Atmospheric accreation and icingCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norwegian Defence Construction Ser-viceFinancing: Norwegian Defence ConstructionService, Norkring, Statnet, TelenorDuration: 2001-2004UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Magne AndersenDrage

Title: Snow metamorphosis and distribution inFinlandCollaborating institutions: University ofHelsinki, FinlandFinancing: University of Helsinki, FinlandDuration: 2001-2004UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Tari Oksanen

Title: Mass balance and climate on glaciers inIcelandCollaborating institutions: University in Ice-landFinancing: University in Iceland, UNIS, Univer-sity of BergenDuration: 2000-2004UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Ola Brandt

Title: Environmental research in Tibet Collaborating institutions: MeteorologicalBureau Lhasa, University of BergenFinancing: Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Nor-wegian Agency for Development Cooperation Duration: 1995-UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing

Title: Sound propagation in the atmosphereCollaborating institutions: Norwegian DefenceConstruction Service, University of Bergen,Norwegian University of Science and Technol-ogyFinancing: Norwegian Defence ConstructionService, UNISDuration: 1995-2001UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Hans Olav Hygen

Title: Study of snowdrifts and snow storagearound buildings and constructionsCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Financing: Narvik University College, UiB,UNISDuration: 1997-2001UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Thomas Thiis

Title: Snowdrift and snow accumulation incomplex landscapesCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norwegian University of Science andTechnology Financing: UNIS, Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 1998-2001UNIS: Yngvar Gjessing, Christian Jeadicke

Title: Air-ice-sea interaction in the West Spits-bergen CurrentCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 1998-2001UNIS: Peter M. Haugan

Title: Variability of exchanges in the NorthernSeas (VEINS)Collaborating institutions: University of Ham-burg, Germany and 19 European InstitutionsFinancing: European Union MAST programmeDuration: 1997-2001UNIS: Peter M. Haugan, Tor Gammelsrød,Vigdis Tverberg

Title: ProtonicsCollaborating institutions: University ofAlaska, Fairbanks (UAF)Financing: UAF, UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: Auroral substorm and the magntosphericbundary layerCollaborating institutions: University of OsloFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: A national project for studying solarwind-magnetosphere coupling in the polar cuspregionCollaborating institutions: University of Oslo,University of TromsøFinancing: Norwegian Research Council, UNISDuration: 1997-2001UNIS: Jøran Moen, Fred Sigernes

Title: ESR-studies of atmospheric dynamics inthe polar cleft regionCollaborating institutions: US Air ForceResearch Laboratory, EISCAT, RutherfordAppleton LaboratoryFinancing: Norwegian Research Council, UNISDuration: 1999-2000UNIS: Jøran Moen

Title: Studies of the upper polar atmosphereFinancing: UNISDuration: 1999-UNIS: Jøran Moen

Title: Studies of temporary and spatial varia-tions in particle precipitation and current sys-tems in the polar cleft regionCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, University of OsloFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Jøran Moen, Kjellmar Oksavik

Research Projects

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Title: On the effect of athmospheric forcing andtopography at the Vøring PlateauCollaborating institutions: University ofBergenFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 1996-2001UNIS: Frank Nilsen

Title: Measured and modelled tidal circulationunder ice covered Van MijenfjordenCollaborating institutions: Institute of MarineResearchFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen

Title: Isdannelse og isvekst i Van MijenfjordenFinancing: Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkom-pani , UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Knut V. Høyland

Title: Long-time variation in the Svinøy sectionCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norsk HydroFinancing: Norsk HydroDuration: 2000-UNIS: Frank Nilsen

Title: Atlantic water in Spitsbergen fjords: Howinstability processes in the West Spitsbergencurrent influence fjord ecosystemsCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norwegian Polar InstituteFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen

Title: Objectiv analysis applied on mappingoceanic and atmospheric scattered dataFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Ingo Bethke

Title: Atmosphere / Ice / Ocean interactionstudiesCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, University of Washington, McPheeResearch Company, Norwegian Polar InstituteFinancing: National Science Foundation, UNISDuration: 2001-2005UNIS: Frank Nilsen

Title: The ecological effects of climate fluctua-tions and change: A multi-disciplinary and inte-grated approachCollaborating institutions: University of Oslo,Norwegian Institute of Natural Research, Insti-tute of Marine Research, University of Iowa,National Center of Atmospheric ResearchFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2001-UNIS: Frank Nilsen, Rolf Langvatn

Title: Monitoring of OH rotational temperaturesin the mesosphereCollaborating institutions: University of Alaska(UAF), Embry-RiddleFinancing: UAF, UNIS, Embry-Riddle, MaxPlanck InstituteDuration: started in 1980 - UNIS: Fred Sigernes

Title: Imaging spectroscopy by planeFinancing: UNISDuration: 1998-UNIS: Fred Sigernes

Title: Proton precipitation on the daysideCollaborating institutions: University of Alaska(UAF)Financing: UAF, UNISDuration: 1998-UNIS: Fred Sigernes, Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: Multiplatform observatories of the polarmiddle and upper atmosphere at the AuroralStation (campaigns)Collaborating institutions: The Auroral Stationand its partners. See haldde.unis.noFinancing: Multiple institutionsDuration: 1993-UNIS: Fred Sigernes, Dag A. Lorentzen

Title: Rocket-instrumentationCollaborating institutions: University ofTromsø (UiT)Financing: UiT, UNISDuration: 2000-UNIS: Fred Sigernes

Title: Imaging spectroscopy of Spitsbergenmountain rocksCollaborating institutions: StatoilFinancing: UNIS, StatoilDuration: 2001-UNIS: Fred Sigernes

Graduates 2001Ph.D.

Title: Sound propagation in the atmosphereCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and ScienceStudent: Hans Olav HygenSupervisor: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Snowdrift and snow accumulation incomplex landscapes Collaborating institutions: University ofBergenStudent: Christian JaedickeSupervisor: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS)Finished: Autumn 2001


Title: Mapping of ashlayer in Myrdalsjøkul, Ice-land, as a measurement for massbalance andicedynamics – with comparison to an icecoretaken at Lomonosovfonna –99.Collaborating institutions: University ofBergen (UiB)Student: Ola BrandtSupervisor: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS/UiB)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Comparison of ice classification done byplane and satelliteCollaborating institutions: Danmarks TekniskeUniversitetStudent: Mikael LüthjeSupervisors: Fred Sigernes (UNIS), Leif ToudalPedersen (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)Finished: Spring 2001

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Title: Measurements and evaluation of OH-air-glow spectraCollaborating institutions: University of Bergen(UiB)Student: Kristian Pagh NielsenSupervisors: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS/UiB), FredSigernes (UNIS)Finished: Autumn 2001

Title: Atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), Struc-ture during cold air outbreake (CAO), withinthe Marginal ice zone (MIZ) both observationaland modelling study.Collaborating institutions: University of Bergen(UiB)Student: Alexei StuliySupervisor: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS/UiB)Finished: Spring 2001

Graduate Students 2001PhD.

Title: Atmospheric accreation and icingCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, Norwegian Defence Construction Ser-viceStudent: Magne Andersen DrageSupervisors: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS/UiB)

Title of project: UV modelling and validation ofUV models for Tibethian PlateauCollaborating institutions: University of Bergen(UiB)Student: Norsang GelsorSupervisors: Fred Sigernes (UNIS), JakobStamnes (UiB)

Title: Snow metamorphosis and distribution inFinlandCollaborating institutions: University ofHelsinki, FinlandStudent: Tari OksanenSupervisors: Yngvar Gjessing (UNIS/UiB)

Title: Studies of temporary and spatial varia-tions in particle precipitation and current sys-tems in the polar cleft regionCollaborating institutions: University ofBergen, University of OsloStudent: Kjellmar OksavikSupervisors: Jøran Moen (UNIS/UiO)

Title: Dense water production processes in Stor-fjordenCollaborating institutions: University of Bergen(UiB)Student: Ragnheid SkogsethSupervisors: Tor Gammelsrød (UNIS/UiB)


Title: Currents and water mass fluxes betweenNovaya Zemlja and Franz Josefs Land 1991-1992Collaborating institutions: University of Bergen(UiB)Student: Øyvind LeikvinSupervisors: Tor Gammelsrød (UNIS/UiB),Frank Nilsen (UNIS)

Title: Diagnostics and notification of the expan-sion phase of magnetic substormCollaborating institutions: University of Oslo(UiO)Student: June LundeSupervisors: Dag Lorentzen (UNIS), JøranMoen (UiO/UNIS)

Title: Investigation of the polar cap boundary byEISCAT and opticsCollaborating institutions: Universitetet i Oslo(UiO)Student: Carl Petter NielsenSupervisors: Jøran Moen (UiO/UNIS), EspenTrondsen (UiO)

Title: Cosmic radiation, space weather, and radi-ation exposure of civil air crew.Collaborating institutions: Lund UniversityStudent: Bjarte Gees SolheimSupervisors: Jøran Moen (UNIS/UiO), DagLorentzen (UNIS), Carl-Erik Magnusson (LundUniversity)

Title: Monitoring sea ice fluxes through FramStraitCollaborating institutions: University of Bergen(UiB)Student: Karolina WidellSupervisors: Tor Gammelsrød (UNIS), AstridMarie Nerbø Dahl (UiB)

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TeachingThe Arctic Technology Department expandedits courses in 2001 to offer four level 200courses (total 20 credits) and four courses atlevel 300 (12 credits). This makes the courseload in the Department roughly comparablewith the sister departments at UNIS. Furtherexpansion is in train, and in spring/summer2002 three new level 300 courses (7 credits)will be offered. The level 200 courses com-bine to form a full year of study in ArcticTechnology and the option to specialise for aM.Sc or Ph.D degree based on level 300 stud-ies.

The Department is relatively small by UNISstandards, with two associate professors andthree adjunct professors on staff. This reflectsthe still young age of the Department. Whenfully established in a few years it is intendedthat Arctic Technology will have doubled itsstaff to roughly the level of the other depart-ments.

In 2001 Arctic Technology taught 31 studentson level 200 courses and 41 master’s degreecandidates doing level 300 courses. The aver-age attendance on the lower series was 10and all courses went ahead as scheduledwith excellent results. Teaching of the under-graduate courses combines lectures, field-work and laboratory exercises.

Arctic EngineeringThe Department offers a full-time program inArctic Engineering which combines coursesin Frozen Ground Engineering, Arctic WaterResources and Ice Mechanics. Students followa unique program of lectures and fieldworkand laboratory practice. The work performedin our ice-laboratory, where mechanical prop-erties of frozen ground and ice samples are

tested, is only one example. Fieldwork oftengoes ahead despite severe climatic conditionsand operating in this harsh environmentgives the student valuable skills which arenot directly documented on the degree certifi-cate. We also note with great satisfaction thatUNIS graduates are sought-after candidatesfor key positions in local industry on Sval-bard and on the mainland.

Arctic Environmental Technologyand ChemistryThe Department also offers a full-time pro-gram in Arctic Environmental Technologyand Chemistry, focusing on pollution in theArctic. The courses making up the programcan be heavily technology-biased, but wealso encourage students to include offeringsfrom other departments, to form an interdis-ciplinary Arctic Environment program. Manystudents from the other departments at UNISalso follow our courses in EnvironmentalTechnology. A new level 300 course AT-311Fate and Modelling of Pollutant in the Arcticwas offered for the first time in 2001 andfilled to capacity. The twelve hard-workingstudents earned excellent marks. In 2002another new 300 course in EnvironmentalTechnology will be offered called AT-312Radioactive Pollution on Svalbard.

ResearchThe faculty staff continued to work on estab-lished research programs at UNIS and a fewnew studies were initiated. The projects aredetailed later in this section.

Examples of research studies in the Depart-ment include: The fate of oil spills in an Arcticenvironment and possible countermeasuretechniques; levels and spreading of persistentorganic pollutants (reindeer, sea ice, tundra,seaweed); and spreading and effects of pollu-tion from local mining industry.

Oil spills in an Arctic environment, for instancethe waters around Svalbard, can be expectedto behave significantly differently than oilspills in warmer waters, like the North Sea.The differences in spreading, evaporative loss,emulsification, dispersion and other factorsadd up to important modifications inoperational oil spill contingency planning.

There are a range of potential sources of oilspills in and around Svalbard, including fish-ing boats and freighters, tourist ships, andleakage or seepage from oil depots on land.As the new Environment Act for Svalbard

Arctic Technology

By Per Johan Brandvik

Experimentswith oil in Sveato study oil-sedimentinteractions.


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(Norwegian Public Reports NOU 1999:21) sorightly points out: an oil spill from a largecargo carrier could have a massive andunwelcome impact on the fragile ecosystemsof Svalbard.

UNIS and SINTEF’s Applied ChemistryDepartment are combining forces on a pro-ject sponsored by Store Norske SpitsbergenKullkompani to analyse different oil spill sce-narios related to coal transportation in VanMijenfjorden. The project looks at a wholerange of parameters: weathering propertiesof different bunker fuels, evaluation of recov-ery systems and strategies, and full-scale test-ing of oil spill booms and absorbants andother gear. The project will continue in 2002.

The Department’s research in frozen groundand permafrost engineering focuses on theeffects of climate change on Arctic infrastruc-ture and the permafrost response to environ-mental and industrial loads, with a specialemphasis on the physical properties of oil-contaminated soils. Research on ice-mechan-ics focuses on in-situ measurements of thethermomechanical properties of first-year seaice, and monitors the ice conditions off thenew jetty at Cape Amsterdam in Svea. Strain,temperature, motion, weather and currentsare all monitored. The aim is to identify howenvironmental factors such as wind, currentsand thermal expansion of the ice inducestresses in the sheet and its resultant motion.The Arctic Engineering Department alsocooperates with the Arctic GeophysicsDepartment in studies of general ice condi-tions in Van Mijenfjorden. Our graduate students and doctoral candi-dates make important contributions to theresearch done by faculty staff in the Depart-

ment. During the year there were 11 graduatestudents working on a master’s degree in theDepartment. Here is a brief specification ofthe projects:• Modelling of the oil spills and contingency

measures in the Arctic with emphasis on thePechora Sea region, Northwest Russia

• Characterisation of acid drainage as a func-tion of melting process from tailings depositon permafrost in Bjørndalen, Svalbard

• Modelling permafrost temperature responseto short-term (annual) and long-term (50year) variations in meteorological data

• Leakage of water-soluble components fromArctic oil spills

• Temperature regime and permeability of atailings deposit on permafrost in Bjørn-dalen, Svalbard

• Field investigations and numerical model-ling of snow cover in the De Geer valley,Svalbard

• Leakage of toxic water-solvable componentsfrom different oil types during an oil spill inan Arctic environment

• Studying persistent airborne pollutants bysampling and analysis at the Longyear glac-ier

• The effects of sea ice loads on the coalexport jetty at Cape Amsterdam, Svea.

Several of the master’s degree projects havefocused on topics important to the local com-munities on Svalbard and were performed inclose cooperation with national and localindustry. The master’s degree projects werecarried out under the guidance of supervi-sors from UNIS, the Norwegian University ofScience and Technology (NTNU) in Trond-heim, other universities and colleges, andindustry.

Characterisation of icerigde in the mariginal-ice-zone south of Hopen.PHOTO: SVEINUNG LØSET

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Title: Pollution from mine tailings on SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Store Norske Spits-bergen Kullkompani (SNSK)Financing: SNSK, UNISDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik, Arne Instanes

Title: Level and transport of polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCB) in the Arctic (reindeers, char,snow/ice, tindra and seaweed)Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Instituteof Air Research Financing: UNISDuration: 2000-2003UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik

Title: Level and transport of heavy metals fromlocal industry on Svalbard (river water, tundraand seaweed)Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Geot-echnical Survey (NGU)Financing: NGU, UNISDuration: 2001-2003UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik

Title: Permafrost response to industrial andenvironmental load Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Geot-echnical Institute (NGI)Financing: Norwegian Research Council, NGIDuration: 1999-2003UNIS: Arne Instanes

Title: Arctic oil spills on Russian permafrostsoilsCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Geot-echnical Institute (NGI), Moscow State Univer-sity, Earth Cryospher Institute, MoscowFinancing: Program for research and highereducation, co-operation programme for EasternEurope, NGIDuration: 1998-2002UNIS: Arne Instanes

Title: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA)Collaborating institutions: University ofAlaska Fairbanks, Moscow State University,Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada, Norwe-gian University of Technology and Science,Norwegian Polar InstituteFinancing: Ministry of the EnvironmentDuration: 2000-2004UNIS: Arne Instanes

Title: Leakage of water soluable componentsfrom oil spilled in Arctic environmentCollaborating institutions: SINTEFFinancing: UNIS, SINTEFDuration: 2000-2002UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik

Title: Resistant organic pollutants on Svalbard –sampling and analysis of ice samples from glac-iers on Svalbard.Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Instituteof Air Research (NILU)Financing: UNIS, NILUDuration: 2000-2001UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik, Ole Humlum

Title: Oil spill contingency for Arctic areasCollaborating institutions: SINTEFFinancing: UNIS, SINTEFDuration: 2000-2001UNIS: Per Johan Brandvik

Title: Ice ridge-pipeline interactionCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science, Technical Uni-versity of St. Petersburg, RussiaFinancing: Norwegian Research CouncilDuration: 2001-2003UNIS: Sveinung Løset, Knut V. Høyland

Title: Measurements of structures in ice(STRICE)Collaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science, Ship modelbasin in Hamburg, Helsinki Technical Univer-sity, Luleå Technical University, TechnicalResearch Centre in Finland, Cambridge Univer-sity and Geophysical and glasiological environ-mental laboratory, GrenobleFinancing: European UnionDuration: 2001-2003UNIS: Sveinung Løset og Knut V. Høyland

Title: Konsolidering av skruisCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science, St. PetersburgTechnical University, RussiaFinancing: UNISDuration: 2001-2004UNIS: Knut V. Høyland

Graduates 2000/2001Ph.D.2000

Title: Measurements and simulations of consoli-dation in frist-year sea ice ridges, and someaspects of mechanical behaviourCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science (NTNU)Student: Knut V. HøylandSupervisors: Sveinung Løseth (NTNU/UNIS)Finished: Autumn 2000


Title: Winter water balance for Isdammen, Sval-bardCollaborating institutions: Stavanger Univer-sity CollegeStudent: Klaus KlungelandSupervisors: Ånund Killingtveit (UNIS) Finished: Autumn 2000

Title: Modelling permafrost temperatureresponse to variations in meteorological dataCollaborating institutions: Universitè deMarne-la-VallèStudent: Fabrice CalineSupervisors: Arne Instanes (UNIS), BrunoSportisse (Universitè de Marne-la-Vallè)Finished: Autumn 2000

Research Projects

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Title: Modelling of the oil spills and contingencymeasures in the Arctic with emphasison thePechora Sea regionCollaborating institutions: St. Petersburg StateTechnical University (SPTU)Student: Victoria BrojeSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), A. I.Alkhimenko (SPTU)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Design, fabrication and installation ofmodularized platform for the Pechora SeaCollaborating institutions: St. Petersburg StateTechnical University (SPTU), StatoilStudent: Svetlana ChafrovaSupervisors: Sveinung Løset (UNIS/NTNU),Karl N. Shkhinek (SPTU), Ove T. Gudmestad(Statoil)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Estimation of loads exerted by sea ice onthe quay at Kapp Amsterdam, the Van MijenfjordCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science (NTNU)Student: Per Olav MosletSupervisors: Sveinung Løset (NTNU/UNIS)Finished: Spring 2001

Title: Impacts of climate change on Arctic infra-structure: Case study on Svalbard AirportCollaborating institutions: Uppsala UniversitySchool of EngineeringStudent: David MjurekeSupervisors: Arne Instanes (UNIS), Allan Rodhe(Uppsala University)Finished: Autumn 2001

Title: Distributed snow modelling and verifica-tion in a High Arctic catchmentCollaborating institutions: Vrije Universiteit,Amsterdam (VU)Student: Jorien Elisabeth VonkSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS),Ånund Killingtvedt (NTNU/UNIS), HankLingeman (VU)Finished: Autumn 2001

Graduate Students 2001Ph.D.

Title: Ice ridge – pipeline interactionCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science (NTNU), St.Petersburg Technical UniversityStudent: Pavel LiferovSupervisors: Knut V. Høyland (UNIS), SveinungLøset (NTNU/UNIS)


Title: Characterisation of acid drainage as afunction of melting process from tailing depositon permafrost in Bjørndalen, SvalbardCollaborating institutions: Norwegian Univer-sity of Technology and Science (NTNU)Student: Eva HolmSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), EilivSteinnes (NTNU)

Title: Dissolution of water soluable componentsfrom an arctic oil spillCollaborating institutions: Chalmers TekniskaHögskolaStudent: Martin Anders NeldenSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), Kata-rina Abrahamsson (Chalmers)

Title: Studying airborne pollution by samplingand analysis from the Longyear glacierCollaborating institutions: Åbo AkademiStudent: Pia Carolina NorrgårdSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), OleHumlum (UNIS), Carl Ehlers (Åbo Akademi)

Title: Oljeforurensing i Arktis; Karakteriseringav oljenedbrytende bakterier isolert fra tundrasom er fourenset med oljesølCollaborating institutions: University of Bergen(UiB)Student: Irja Roiha SundeSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), LiseØvreås (UiB)

Title: Temperature regime and permeability of atailing deposit on permafrost,SpitsbergenCollaborating institutions: Uppsala UniversitySchool of EngineeringStudent: Helen Eva SundströmSupervisors: Arne Instanes (UNIS), NicholasJarvis (Uppsala University)

Title: Oljeforurensing i Arktis; Kartlegging avdiversiteten og sammensetningen av bakter-isamfunn i tundra som er kontaminert medoljesølCollaborating institutions: University of Bergen(UiB)Student: Synnøve YndestadSupervisors: Per Johan Brandvik (UNIS), LiseØvreås (UiB)

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35• Scientific publications in reviewed journals

by full-time faculty

• Scientific publications by adjunct professors

• Scientific publications «in press»

• Reports, published abstracts, etc.

• Popular scientific publications

• Presentations (oral or poster)

Guest lecturers

Scientific publications2001


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Scientific publicationsin reviewed journals by full-time faculty

Andreev, A.A., Manley, W.F., Ingólfsson, Ó. & For-man, S.L. (2001). Environmental changes on Yugor-ski Peninsula, Kara Sea, Russia, during the last12,800 radiocarbon years. Global and PlanetaryChange. 31, 1-4, 255-264.

Bagøien, E., Kaartvedt, S., Aksnes, D.L. & Eiane, K.(2001). Vertical distribution and mortality of over-wintering Calanus. Limnology and Oceanography. 46,6, 1494-1510.

Bais, A.F., Gardiner, B.G., Slaper, H., Blumthaler,M., Bernhard, G., McKenzie, R., Webb, A.R., Seck-meyer, G., Kjeldstad, B., Koskela, T., Kirsch, P.J.,Grobner, J., Kerr, J.B., Kazadzis, S., Leszczynski, K.,Wardle, D., Josefsson, W., Brogniez, C., Gillotay, D.,Reinen, H., Weihs, P., Svenøe, T., Eriksen, P., Kuik,F. & Redondas, A. (2001). SUSPEN intercompari-son of ultraviolet spectroradiometers. Journal ofGeophysical Research - Atmospheres. 106, D12, 12509-12525.

Beuchel, F., & Lønne, O.J. (2001). Populationdynamics of the sympagic amphipods Gammaruswilkitzkii and Apherusa glacialis in sea ice north ofSvalbard. Polar Biology. (DOI 10.1007/s00300-001-0329-8).

Chuvilin, E.M., Naletova, N.S., Miklyaeva, E.S.,Kozlova, E.V. & Instanes, A. (2001). Factors affect-ing spreadability and transportation of oil inregions of frozen ground. Polar Record. 37, 202, 229-238.

De Robertis, A., Eiane, K. & Rau, G.H. (2001). Eatand run : anoxic feeding and subsequent aerobicrecovery by Orchomene obtusus in Saanich inlet,British Columbia, Canada. Marine Ecology ProgressSeries. 219, 221-227.

Eiane, K. & Parisi, D. (2001). Towards a robust con-cept for modeling zooplankton migration. Sarsia.86, 6, 465-475.

Elliot, M., Labeyrie, L., Dokken, T. & Manthe, S.(2001). Coherent patterns of ice rafted debrisdeposits in the Nordic regions during the lastglacial (10-60 ka). Earth and Planetary ScienceLetters. 194, 1-2, 151-163.

Fetzer, I., Lønne, O.J. & Pearson, T. (2001). The dis-tribution of juvenile benthic invertebrates in anArctic glacial fjord. Polar Biology. (DOI10.1007/s00300-001-0345-8).

Grechishchev, S.E., Instanes, A., Sheshin, J.B.,Pavlov, A.B. & Grechishcheva, O.V. (2001). Thefreezing of oil-contaminated dispersed soils : labo-ratory investigations and their fabrics model atnegative temperature. Journal «Cryosphere Zemli»(in Russian).V, 2, 47-53.

Grechishchev, S.E., Instanes, A., Sheshin, J.B.,Pavlov, A.B. & Grechishcheva, O.V. (2001). Labora-tory investigation of the freezing point of oil pol-luted soil. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 32, 2-3, 183-189.

Hald, M., Dokken, T. & Mikalsen, G. (2001).Abrupt climatic change during the last interglacial-glacial cycle in the polar North Atlantic. MarineGeology. 176, 1-4, 121-137.

Henriksen, M., Mangerud, J., Maslenikova, O.,Matiouchkov, A. & Tveranger, J. (2001). Weich-selian stratigraphy and glaciotectonic deformationalong the lower Pechora River, Arctic Russia.Global and Planetary Change. 31, 1-4, 297-319.

Hjort, C., Bentley, M.J. & Ingólfsson, Ó. (2001).Holocene and pre-Holocene temporary disappear-ance of the George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Penin-sula. Antarctic Science. 13, 3, 296-301.

Ingólfsson, Ó. & Norddahl, H. (2001). High rela-tive sea level during the Bølling interstadial inwestern Iceland : a reflection of ice-sheet collapseand extremely rapid glacial unloading. Arctic,Antarctic and Alpine Research. 33, 2, 231-243.

Irvine, R.J., Stien, A., Dallas, J.F., Halvorsen, O.,Langvatn, R. & Albon, S.D. (2001). Contrastingregulation of fecundity in two abomasal nema-todes of Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandusplatyrhynchus). Parasitology. 122, 673-681.

Jaedicke, C. (2001). Acoustic snowdrift measure-ments : experiences from the FlowCapt instru-ment. Cold regions science and technology. 32, 1, 71-81.

Lyså, A. & Lønne, I. (2001). Moraine developmentat a small high-arctic valley glacier : Rieperbreen,Svalbard. Journal of Quaternary Science. 16, 6, 519-529.

Lønne, I. (2001). Dynamics of marine glacier ter-mini read from moraine architecture. Geology. 29, 3,199-202.

Lønne, I., Nemec, W., Blikra, L.H. & Lauritsen, T.(2001). Sedimentary architecture and dynamicstratigraphy of a marine ice-contact system. Journalof Sedimentary Research. 71, 6, 922-943.

Manley, W.F., Lokrantz, H., Gataullin, V., Ingólfs-son, Ó., Forman, S.L. & Andersson, T. (2001). LateQuaternary stratigraphy, radiocarbon chronology,and glacial history at Cape Shpindler, southernKara Sea, Arctic Russia. Global and PlanetaryChange. 31, 1-4, 239-254.

Mysterud, A., Langvatn, R., Yoccoz, N.G. &Stenseth, N.C. (2001). Plant phenology, migrationand geographic variation in body weight of a largeherbivore : the effect of a variable topography.Journal of Animal Ecology. 70, 6, 915-923.

Mysterud, A., Stenseth, N.C., Yoccoz, N.G., Lang-vatn, R. & Steinheim, G. (2001). Non-linear effectsof large-scale climatic variability on wild anddomestic herbivores. Nature. 410, 6832, 1096-1099.

Mysterud, A., Yoccoz, N.G., Stenseth, N.C., Lang-vatn, R. (2001). Effects of age, sex and density onbody weight of Norwegian red deer : evidence ofdensity dependent senescence. Proceedings of theRoyal Society London, Series B. 268, 1470, 911-919.

Nielsen, K.P., Deehr, C.S., Raustein, E., Gjessing, Y.& Sigernes, F. (2001). Polar OH-airglow tempera-ture variations in the 87/88 Winter. Physics andChemistry of the Earth Part C-Solar-Terrestial andPlanetary Science. 26, 6, 405-410. Nielsen, K.P., Rottger, J. & Sigernes, F. (2001).

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Simultaneous measurements of temperature in theupper mesosphere with an Ebert-Fastie spectrome-ter and a VHF meteor radar on Svalbard (78degrees N, 16 degrees E). Geophysical Research Let-ters. 28, 5, 943-946.

Nielsen, N., Humlum, O. & Hansen, B.U. (2001).Meteorological observations in 2000 at the ArcticStation, Qeqertarsuaq (69o15’N), Central WestGreenland. Danish Journal of Geography. 155-158.

Paterson, W.S.B. & Reeh, N. (2001). Thinning of theice sheet in northwest Greenland over the pastforty years. Nature. 414, 6859, 60-62.

Reeh, N., Olesen, E.B., Thomsen, H.H., Starzer, W.& Bøggild, C.E. (2001). Mass balance parameterisa-tion for Hans Tausen iskappe, Peary Land, NorthGreenland. Meddelelser om Grønland - Geoscience. 39,57-69. ISBN: 87-90369-45-9.

Reeh, N., Thomsen, H.H., Higgins, A.K. & Wei-dick, A. (2001). Sea ice and the stability of northand northeast Greenland floating glaciers. Annalsof Glaciology. 33, 474-480.

Rike, A.G., Børresen, M. & Instanes, A. (2001).Response of cold adapted microbial populations ina permafrost profile to hydrocarbon contaminants.Polar Record. 37, 202, 239-248.

Säkkinen, H., Stien, A., Holand, O., Hove, K., Elo-ranta, E., Saarela, S. & Ropstad, E. (2001). Plasmaurea, creatinine, and urea : creatinine ratio in rein-deer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) and in Svalbardreindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) duringdefined feeding conditions and in the field. Physio-logical and Biochemical Zoology. 74, 6, 907-916.

Schmidt, K.T., Stien, A., Albon, S.D. & Guinness,F.E. (2001). Antler length of yearling red deer isdetermined by population density, weather andearly life-history. Oecologia. 127, 2, 191-197.

Scott, C.L., Falk-Petersen, S., Gulliksen, B., Lønne,O.J. & Sargent, J.R. (2001). Lipid indicators of thediet of Gammarus wilkitzkii in the Marginal IceZone and in open waters of Svalbard (Arctic). PolarBiology. 24, 8, 572-576.

Sletten, K., Lyså, A. & Lønne, I. (2001). Formationand disintegration of a high arctic ice-coredmoraine complex, Scott Turnerbreen, Svalbard.Boreas. 30, 4, 272-284.

Starzer, W. & Reeh, N. (2001). Digital elevationmodels of the Hans Tausen ice cap. Meddelelser omGrønland - Geoscience. 39, 45-56. ISBN: 87-90369-45-9.

Stenström, A., Jonsson, B.O., Jónsdóttir, I.S.,fa*gerström, T. & Augner, M. (2001). Genetic varia-tion and clonal diversity in four clonal sedges(Carex) along the Arctic coast of Eurasia. MolecularEcology. 10, 2, 497-513.

Thomsen, E., Rasmussen, T.L. & Hastrup, A.(2001). Calcareous nannofossil, ostracode, andforaminifera biostratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocenedeposits, Rhodes (Greece), with a correlation to theVrica section (Italy). Journal of Micropalaeontology.20, 2, 143-154.

Wal, R. van der, Brooker, R., Cooper, E. & Lang-vatn, R. (2001). Differential effects of reindeer onhigh Arctic lichens. Journal of Vegetation Science. 12,5, 705-710.

Wastegård, S. & Rasmussen, T.L. (2001). Newtephra horizons from Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 inthe North Atlantic : correlation potential for terres-trial, marine and ice-core archives. Quaternary Sci-ence Reviews. 20, 15, 1587-1593.

Scientific publications by adjunct professorsBahr, G. & Gulliksen, B. (2001). Variation of theepifauna on pier-pilings between 1980 and 1992near the city of Tromsø, Northern Norway. PolarBiology. 24, 4, 282-291.

Butt, F.A., Elverhøi, A., Forsberg, C.F. & Solheim,A. (2001). Evolution of the Scoresby Sund Fan, cen-tral East Greenland : evidence from ODP Site 987.Norsk geologisk tidsskrift. 81, 1, 3-15.

Butt, F.A., Elverhøi, A., Hjelstuen, B.O., Dimakis, P.& Solheim, A. (2001). Modelling late Cenozoic iso-static elevation changes in Storfjorden, NW Bar-ents Sea : an indication of varying erosionalregimes. Sedimentary Geology. 143, 1-2, 71-89.

Eidhammer, T. & Havnes, O. (2001). Size depen-dence of the mesospheric dust temperature and itsinfluence on the noctilucent clouds and polarmesosphere summer echo phenomena. Journal ofGeophysical Research - Space Physics. 106, A11,24831-24841.

Falk-Petersen, S., Sargent, J.R., Kwasniewski, S.,Gulliksen, B. & Millar, R.M. (2001). Lipids andfatty acids in Clione limacina and Limacina helicinain Svalbard waters and the Arctic Ocean : trophicimplications. Polar Biology. 24, 3, 163-170.

Foldvik, A., Gammelsrød, T., Nygaard, E. &Østerhus, S. (2001). Current measurements nearRonne Ice Shelf : implications for circulation andmelting. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans.106, C3, 4463-4477.

Frankenstein, S., Løset, S. & Shen, H.H. (2001).Wave-ice interactions in the Barents Sea MarginalIce Zone. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering. 15, 2,91-102.

Gäfvert, T., Holm, E. & Roos, P. (2001). Radionu-clide fluxes at a plant manufacturing dicalciumphosphate for domestic animals. Journal of Environ-mental Radioactivity. 54, 1, 61-73.

Havnes, O., Aslaksen, T. & Brattli, A. (2001).Charged dust in the Earth’s middle atmosphere.Physica Scripta. T89, 133-137.

Havnes, O., Brattli, A., Aslaksen, T., Singer, W.,Latteck, R., Blix, T., Thrane, E. & Troim, J. (2001).First common volume observations of layeredplasma structures and polar mesospheric summerechoes by rocket and radar. Geophysical ResearchLetters. 28, 8, 1419-1422.

Havnes, O., Li, F., Hartquist, T.W., Aslaksen, T. &Brattli, A. (2001). Mach cones in dusty plasmas inplanetary rings and in laboratory experiments.Planetary and Space Science. 49, 2, 223-229.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (38)


Holm, E. (2001). The Swedish nuclear dilemma.Journal of Environmental Radioactivity.52, 2-3, 113-115.

Johannessen, K., Gudmestad, O.T. & Løset, S.(2001). Drift of sea ice ridges in the Pechora Sea.Journal of Navigation. 54, 1, 81-96.

Jørgensen, L.L. & Gulliksen, B. (2001). Rocky bot-tom fauna in arctic Kongsfjord (Svalbard) studiedby means of suction sampling and photography.Polar Biology. 24, 2, 113-121.

Li, F. & Havnes, O. (2001). Shock waves in a dustyplasma : art. no. 066407. Physical Review E. 6406, 6,6407-+.

Lockwood, M., Fazakerley, A., Opgenoorth, H.,Moen, J., van Eyken, A.P., Dunlop, M., Bosqued, J.-M., Lu, G., Cully, C., Eglitis, P., McCrea, I..W., Hap-good, M.A., Wild, M.N., Stamper, R., Denig, W.,Taylor, M., Wild, J.A., Provan, G., Amm, O., Kau-ristie, K., Pulkkinen, T., Strømme, A., Prikryl, P.,Pitout, F., Balogh, A., Rème, H., Behlke, R., Hansen,T., Greenwald, R., Frey, H., Morley, S.K., Alcaydé,D., Blelly, P.-L., Donovan, E., Engebretson, M.,Lester, M., Watermann, J. & Marcucci, M.F. (2001).Coordinated Cluster and ground-based instrumentobservations of transient changes in the magne-topause boundary layer during an interval of pre-dominantly northward IMF : relation to reconnec-tion pulses and FTE signatures. Annales Geophysicae- Atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences. 19,10-12, 1613-1640.

Lockwood, M., Opgenoorth, H., van Eyken, A.P.,Fazakerley, A., Bosqued, J.-M., Denig, W.F., Wild,J.A., Cully, C., Greenwald, R., Lu, G., Amm, O.,Frey, H., Strømme, A., Prikryl, P., Hapgood, M.A.,Wild, M.N., Stamper, R., Taylor, M., McCrea, I.,Kauristie, K., Pulkkinen, T., Pitout, F., Balogh, A.,Dunlop, M., Rème, H., Behlke, R., Hansen, T.,Provan, G., Eglitis, P., Morley, S.K., Alcaydé, D.,Blelly, P.-L., Moen, J., Donovan, E., Engebretson,M., Lester, M., Waterman, J. & Marcucci, M.F.(2001). Coordinated Cluster ground-based instru-mentation and low-altitude satellite observationsof transient poleward moving events in the ionos-phere and the tail lobe. Annales Geophysicae - Atmos-pheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences. 19, 10-12,1589-1612.

Maynard, N.C., Burke, W.J., Sandholt, P.E., Moen,J., Ober, D.M., Lester, M., Weimer, D.R. & Egeland,A. (2001). Observations of simultaneous effects ofmerging in both hemispheres. Journal of GeophysicalResearch - Space Physics. 106, A11, 24551-24577.

McCrea, I. W., Lockwood, M., Moen, J., Pitout, F.,Eglitis, P., Aylward, A.D., Ceresier, J.C., Thorolfs-son, A. & Milan, S.E. (2001). ESR and EISCATobservations of the response of the cusp and cleftto IMF orientation changes (Erratum vol .18, no. 9,on page 1009, 2000). Annales Geophysicae - Atmos-pheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences. 18, 12, 1656.

McLaurin, B. & Steel, R.J. (2001). Fourth-ordernonmarine-to-marine sequences, Middle Castle-gate Sandstone, Book Cliffs, Utah. Reply. Geology.29. 188.

Milan, S.E., Sato, N., Ejiri, M. & Moen, J. (2001).Auroral forms and the field-aligned current signa-ture associated with field line resonances. Journal ofGeophysical Research - Space Physics. 106, A11, 25825– 25833.

Moen, J., Carlson, H.C., Milan, S., Shumilov, N.,Lybekk, B., Sandholt, P.E. & Lester, M. (2001). Onthe collocation between dayside auroral activityand coherent HF backscatter. Annales Geophysicae -Atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences. 18, 12,1531-1549.

Moen, J., Holtet, J.A., Pedersen, A., Lybekk, B.,Svenes, K., Oksavik, K., Denig, W.F., Lucek, E.,Søraas, F. & André, M. (2001). Cluster boundary-layer measurements and optical observations atmagnetically conjugate sites. Annales Geophysicae -Atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences. 19, 10-12, 1655-1668.

Moen, J., Sandholt, P.E. & Egeland, A. (2001). Pre-and post-noon asymmetry in dayside auroral activ-ity and convection related to solar wind-magnetos-phere interactions. Advances in Space Research. 27, 8,1363-1372.

Moen, J., van Eyken, A.P. & Carlson, H.C. (2001).EISCAT Svalbard Radar observations of ionos-pheric plasma dynamics in relation to daysideauroral transients. Journal of Geophysical Research -Space Physics. 106, A10, 21453-21461.

Muto, T. & Steel, R.J. (2001). Auto-stepping duringthe transgressive growth of deltas : results fromflume experiments. Geology. 29, 9, 771-774.

Nagy, J., Finstad, E.K., Dypvik, H. & Bremer,M.G.A. (2001). Response of foraminiferal facies totransgressive-regressive cycles in the Callovian ofnortheast Scotland. Journal of Foraminiferal Research.31, 4, 324-349.

Opgenoorth, H.J., Lockwood, M., Alcaydé, D.,Donovan, E., Engebretson, M.J., van Eyken, A.P.,Kauristie, K., Lester, M., Moen, J., Waterman, J.,Alleyne, H., André, M., Dunlop, M.W., Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., Masson, A., Fazerkerley, A., Rème, H.,André, R., Amm, O., Balogh, A., Behlke, R., Blelly,P.L., Boholm, H., Borälv, E., Bosqued, J.M., Buchert,S., Candidi, M., Cerisier, J.C., Cully, C., Denig, W.F.,Eglitis, P., Greenwald, R.A., Jackal, B., Kelly, J.D.,Krauklis, I., Lu, G., Mann, I.R., Marcucci, M.F.,McCrea, I.W., Maksimovic, M., Massetti, S.,Décréau, P.M.E., Milling, D.K., Orsini, S., Pitout, F.,Provan, G., Ruohoniemi, J.M., Samson, J.C., Schott,J.J., Sedgemore-Schulthess, F., Stamper, R.,Stauning, P., Strømme, A., Taylor, M., Vaivads, A.,Villain, J.P., Voronkov, I., Wild, J. & Wild, M. (2001).Coordinated ground-based low altitude satelliteand Cluster observations on global and local scalesduring a transient post-noon sector excursion ofthe magnetospheric cusp. Annales Geophysicae -Atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences. 19, 10-12, 1367-1398.

Plink-Björklund, P., Mellere, D. & Steel, R.J. (2001).Turbidite variability and architecture of sand-prone, deep-water slopes : Eocene clinoforms in theCentral Basin, Spitsbergen. Journal of SedimentaryResearch. 71, 6, 895-913.

Scott, C.L., Falk-Petersen, S., Gulliksen, B., Lønne,O.J. & Sargent, J.R. (2001). Lipid indicators of thediet of Gammarus wilkitzkii in the Marginal Ice Zoneand in open waters of Svalbard (Arctic). PolarBiology. 24, 8, 572-576.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (39)


Seidler, L. & Steel, R.J. (2001). Pinch-out style andposition of tidally influenced strata in a regressive-transgressive wave-dominated deltaic sandbody,Twentymile Sandstone, Mesaverde Group, NWColorado. Sedimentology. 48, 2, 399-414.

Shaw, G., Robinson, C., Holm, E., Frissel, M.J. &Crick, M. (2001). A cost-benefit analysis of long-term management option for forests following con-tamination with 137Cs. Journal of EnvironmentalRadioactivity. 56, 1-2, 185-208.

Skwarzec, B., Holm, E. & Struminska, D.I. (2001).Radioanalytical determination of Fe-55 and Ni-63in the environmental samples. Chemia Analityczna.46, 1, 23-30.

Smelror, M., Kelly, S.R.A., Dypvik, H., Mork, A.,Nagy, J. & Tsikalas, F. (2001). Mjølnir (Barents Sea)meteorite impact ejecta offers a Volgian-Ryazanianboundary marker. Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 38, 2-3, 129-140.

Vandenhove, H., Thiry, Y., Gommers, A., Goor, F.,Jossart, J.M., Holm, E., Gäfvert, T., Roed, J.,Grebenkov, A. & Timofeyev, S. (2001). Short rota-tion coppice for revaluation of contaminated land.Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 56, 1-2, 157-184.

Worsley, D., Agdestein, T., Gielberg, J.G., Kirkemo,K., Mork, A., Nilsson, I., Olaussen, S., Steel, R.J. &Stemmerik, L. (2001). The geological evolution ofBjørnøya, Arctic Norway : implications for the Bar-ents Shelf. Norsk geologisk tidsskrift. 81, 3, 195-234.

Scientific publications «in press»Albon, S.D., Stien, A., Irvine, R.J., Langvatn, R.,Ropstad, E. & Halvorsen, O. The role of parasites inthe regulation of a reindeer population. Proceedingsof the Royal Society London, Series B. (Submitted).

Carlson, H.C., Oksavik, K., Moen, J., van Eyken,A.P. & Guio, P. ESR mapping of polar-cap patchesin the Dark Cusp. Geophysical Research Letters. (Inpress).

Christiansen, H.H., Bennike, O., Böcher, J., Elber-ling, B., Humlum, O. & Jakobsen, B.H. The Zacken-berg delta : a Holocene environmental archive inNE Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science.

Eiane, K., Aksnes, D.L., Ohman, M.D., Wood, S. &Martinussen, M.B. Stage specific mortality ofCalanus spp. under different predation regimes.Limnology and Oceanography. (Accepted).

Eiane, K. & Daase M. Mass mortality of Themistolibellula. Polar Biology. (Accepted).

Forman, S.L., Ingólfsson, Ó., Gataullin, V., Manley,W. & Lokrantz, H. Late Quaternary stratigraphy,glacial limits and palaeoenvironments of the Mar-resale area, western Yamal Peninsula, Russia. Qua-ternary Research. (In press)

Huang, D., Moen, J. & Brekke, A. Magnetic conju-gate study on the substorm onset. Journal of Geo-physical Research. (Accepted).

Humlum, O. Modelling late 20th century precipita-tion in Nordenskiöld Land, central Spitsbergen,Svalbard. Norwegian Geographical Journal. (In press)

Humlum, O. Permafrost as a confounding factor indeglaciation studies : exemplified by observationson glacial recession during the 20th Century inCentral Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Arctic, Antarctic andAlpine Research. (Accepted).

Humlum, O., Hansen, B.U. & Nielsen, N. Meteoro-logical Observations in 2001 at the Arctic Station,Qeqertarsuaq (69 o15’N), Central West Greenland.Danish Journal of Geography. (In press)

Høyland, K.V. The consolidation of first-year seaice ridges. Journal of Geophysical Research. (In press).

Høyland, K.V. Simulations of the consolidationprocess in first-year sea ice ridges. Journal of ColdRegions Science and Technology. (In press).

Jaedicke, C. (2002). Snow drift losses from an Arc-tic catchment on Spitsbergen : an additionalprocess in the water balance. Cold Regions Scienceand Technology. 34, 1, 1-10.

Jaedicke, C. & Sandvik, A.D. High resolution snowdistribution data from complex arctic terrain : atool for model validation. Natural Hazards and EarthSystem Sciences. (Submitted May 2001).

Johansen, T.A., Digranes, P., Van Shaack, M. &Lønne, I. On seismic mapping of shallow sedi-ments in polar areas. Geophysics.

Mellere, D., Plink-Björklund, P. & Steel, R.J.Anatomy of a prograding Eocene shelf margin,Spitsbergen. Sedimentology.

Mellere, D., Steel, R.J., Blevins, M., Haas, P. &Rasche, A. The Misoa C3-C4 sands in LL652 LakeMaracaibo : high-resolution sequence stratigraphyfor field development. Bulletin American Associationof Petroleum Geologists.

Moen, J., Walker, I.K., Kersley, L. & Milan, S.E. Onthe generation of cusp HF-backscatter irregulari-ties. Journal of Geophysical Research. (In press).

Muto,T. & Steel, R.J. In defense of shelf-edge deltadevelopment during falling and lowstand of rela-tive sea level. Journal of Geology.

Muto, T. & Steel, R.J. Role of autoretreat and A/Schanges in the understanding of deltaic shorelinetrajectory : a semi-quantitative approach, used inCentral Basin, Spitsbergen. Basin Research.

Mysterud, A., Langvatn, R., Yoccoz, N.G. &Stenseth, N.C. Large-scale habitat variability,delayed density effects and red deer populations inNorway. Journal of Animal Ecology. (Accepted).

Nilsen, H., Esaiassen, M., Karsten, H. & Sigernes,F. VIS/NIR spectroscopy : a new tool for the evalu-ation of fish freshness? Journal of Food Science.(Accepted).

Nielsen, K.P., Sigernes, F., Raustein, E. & Deehr,C.S. The 20-year change of the Svalbard OH tem-peratures. Physics and chemistry of the earth.(Accepted).

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (40)


Nozawa, S., Brekke, A., Manson, A., Hall, C.M.,Meek, C., Morise, K., Oyama, S., Dobashi, K. &Fujii, R. A comparison study of the auroral lowerthermospheric neutral winds derived by the EIS-CAT UHF radar and the TROMSØ MF radar. Jour-nal of Geophysical Research. (Accepted).

Plink-Björklund, P. & Steel, R.J. Sea level fallbelow the shelf edge, without basin-floor fans,Eocene Spitsbergen. Geology.

Rasmussen, T.L., Bäckström, D., Heinemeier, J.,Klitgaard-Kristensen, D., Knutz, P.C., Kuijpers, A.,Lassen, S., Thomsen, E., Troelstra, S.R. & van Weer-ing, T.C.E.. The Faeroe-Shetland gateway : LateQuaternary water mass exchange between theNordic seas and the northeastern Atlantic. MarineGeology.

Reeh, N., Oerter, H. & Thomsen, H.H. Comparisonbetween Greenland ice-margin and ice-core oxy-gen-18 records. Annals of Glaciology. (Accepted).

Stenström, A., Jónsdóttir, I.S. & Augner, M.Genetic and environmental effects on morphologyin clonal sedges in the Eurasian Arctic. AmericanJournal of Botany. (Accepted).

Stien, A., Irvine, R.J., Halvorsen, O., Langvatn, R.& Albon, S.D. The population dynamics of Osterta-gia gruehneri in reindeer : a model for the seasonaland intensity dependent variation in nematodefecundity. International Journal of Parasitology. (Sub-mitted).

Stien, A., Irvine, R.J., Ropstad, E., Halvorsen, O.,Langvatn, R. & Albon, S.D. The impact of gastroin-testinal nematodes on wild reindeer : experimentaland cross-sectional studies. Journal of AnimalEcology. ( Accepted).

Søraas, F., Aarsnes, K. & Oksavik, K. Ring currentintensity estimated from low altitude proton obser-vations. Journal of Geophysical Research. (In press).

Zielke, M., Ekker, A.S., Olsen, R.A., Spjelkavik, S.& Solheim, B. (2002). The influence of abiotic fac-tors on biological nitrogen fixation in differenttypes of vegetation in the High Arctic, Svalbard.Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research. (Accepted).

Reports, published abstracts, etc.Arndt, C.E. (2001). Feeding ecology of the Arcticice-amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii : physiological,morphological and ecological studies. OriginalEnglish ed. Diploma thesis - University of Ham-burg & University Courses on Svalbard. VI, 69.

Arndt, C.E. (2001). Die Nahrungsökologie des ark-tischen Eis-Amphipoden Gammarus wilkitzkii :physiologische : morphologische und ökologischeStudien. German ed. Diplomarbeit - University ofHamburg & University Courses on Svalbard. 89.

Brekke, A. (2001). EISCAT og inkoherent spred-ning. 442-446. In: Lillestøl, E., Hunderi, D. & Lien,J.R. (eds.). Generell fysikk for universiteter oghøgskoler. Bind 2, Varmelære og elektromagnet-isme. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget. ISBN: 82-15-00006-1.

Brekke, A. (2001). Kristian Birkeland og 200-kro-neseddelen. 343-344. In: Lillestøl, E., Hunderi, D. &Lien, J.R. (eds.). Generell fysikk for universiteter oghøgskoler. Bind 2, Varmelære og elektromagnet-isme. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget. ISBN: 82-15-00006-1.

Brekke, A. (2001). Studies of auroral E-Regiondynamics. Tohoku Geophysical Journal. 36, 140.(Abstract).

Brekke, A. (2001). The Universe. 153-165. In:Brune, D., Hellborg, R., Persson, B.R.R.& Pääkkö-nen, R. (eds.). Radiation : at home, outdoors and inthe workplace. Oslo : Scandinavian Science Pub-lisher. ISBN: 82-91833-02-8.

Chuvilin, E.M., Miklyaeva, E.S., Kozlova, E.V. &Instanes, A. (2001). Experimental study of oil con-tamination of frozen soils. 163-169. In: Proceedingsof the 2nd Russian Conference on Geocryology,Moscow, Russia, 6-8 June. (In Russian).

Chuvilin, E.M., Miklyaeva, E.S., Kozlova, E.V. &Instanes, A. (2001). Experimental study of oil pen-etration in frozen soils. 109-110. In: Proceedings ofthe International Conference «Mass and EnergyConservation and Transformation in the EarthCryosphere», Puchino, Russia, 1-5 June. (In Russ-ian).

Chuvilin, E.M., Miklyaeva, E.S., Kozlova, E.V.,Volkov, N.G. & Instanes, A. (2001). Influence offreezing on accumulation and redistribution ofhydrocarbon in soils. 267-272. In: Proceedings ofthe International Conference on Assessment andRemediation of Contaminated Sites in the Arcticand Cold Climate (ARCSACC), Edmonton,Canada, 7-8 May.

Crabaugh, J. & Steel, R.J. (2001). Tectonics and sed-iment supply in the generation of clastic wedges :the two-phase model revisited. AAPG AnnualMeeting, Denver. (Abstract).

Daling, P.S. & Brandvik, P.J. (2001). Weathering ofoils at sea : comparison between field data andmodel predictions. 91-110. In: Brebbia, C.A. (eds.).Oil spill modelling and processes. Southampton :WIT Press. ISBN: 1-85312-672-1.

Drage, M.A. (2001). Atmosfærisk ising - forstudie :delprosjekt 8 i FoU-programmet «Klima 2000 - Kli-matilpasning av bygningskonstruksjoner». Oslo :Norges byggforskningsinstitutt. 28. (Prosjektrap-port / Norges byggforskningsinstitutt ; 302-2001).ISBN: 82-536-0729-6.

Gammelsrød, T. (2001). Lecture notes on theAntarctic. UNIS AGF-214 Polar Oceanography.Longyearbyen : UNIS. 57.

Gammelsrød, T. (2001). Lecture notes on the ArcticOcean. UNIS AGF-214 Polar Oceanography.Longyearbyen : UNIS. 50.

Gammelsrød, T. (2001). University of Namibia,Faculty of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesDepartment of Natural Resources and Conserva-tion BSc Natural Resources, Year 3 PhysicalOceanography - FMS 3361. Bergen : GeophysicalInstitute, University of Bergen. 60.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (41)


Grechishchev, S. & Instanes, A. (2001). Cryogenicheat-mass transfer and ice segregation modellingfor oil-contaminated soils as for heterogeneousmedia. 17-18. In: Proceedings of the InternationalConference «Mass and Energy Conservation andTransformation in the Earth Cryosphere», Puchino,Russia, 1-5 June. (In Russian).

Grechishchev, S., Instanes, A., Sheshin Yu., Pavlov,A. & Grechishcheva O. (2001). Oily soils freezinglaboratory studies. 129-137. In: Proceedings ofSOYUZDORNII, vol. 200, Moscow. (In Russian).

Holm, E. (2001). The oceans. 187-203. In: Brune, D.,Hellborg, R., Persson, B.R.R. & Pääkkönen, R.(eds.). Radiation : at home, outdoors and in theworkplace. Oslo : Scandinavian Science Publisher.ISBN: 82-91833-02-8.

Humlum, O., Christiansen, H.H. & Mortensen, L.E.(2001). SCANNET excursion guide, Faroe Islands,November 2001. 14.

Hygen, H.O.K. (2001). On the relationship betweenlarge scale atmospheric circulation pattern andsound propagation on a local scale : an experimen-tal study. Bergen : Geophysical institute, Universityof Bergen. VIII, 214. (Reports in meteorology andoceanography ; nr 1-2001). Dr.Scient. Thesis. ISBN:82-90569-86-6.

Høyland, K.V., Jensen, A., Liferov, P., Heinonen, J.,Evers, K.-U., Løset, S. & Määttänen, M. (2001).Physical modelling of first-year ice ridges : part I :production, consolidation and physical properties.Vol. 3,1483-1492. In: Proceedings of the 16th Inter-national Conference on Port and Ocean Engineer-ing under Arctic Conditions (POAC`01) Ottawa,12-17 August.

Instanes, A. (2001). Arctic climate impact assess-ment : impact on Arctic infrastructure. 8. In: Presen-tation at the Workshop on Modeling and Scenarios,Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), Stock-holm, Sweden, 29-31 January. (Abstract).

Instanes, A., Markarova, M. & Leibman, M. (2001).Oil spills on permafrost : Russian experience andremediation techniques. 273-280. In: Proceedings ofthe International Conference on Assessment andRemediation of Contaminated Sites in the Arcticand Cold Climate (ARCSACC), Edmonton,Canada, 7-8 May.

Jaedicke, C. (2001). Drifting snow and snow accu-mulation in complex arctic terrain : field experi-ments and numerical modelling. Bergen : Geophys-ical Institute, University of Bergen. (Reports inMeteorology and Oceanography ; no. 3-2001).Dr.Scient. Thesis. ISBN: 82-90569-88-2.

Jensen, A., Løset, S., Høyland, K.V., Liferov, P,Heinonen, J., Evers, K.-U. & Määttänen, M. (2001).Physical modelling of first-year ice ridges : part II :mechanical properties. 3, Vol. 1493-1502. In: Pro-ceedings of the 16th International Conference onPort and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Condi-tions (POAC`01) Ottawa, 12-17 August.

Knutz,, P.C., Rasmussen, T.L., Kuijpers, A., Hall,I.R. & Zahn, R. (2001). Centennial iceberg dis-charges from western Europe prior to Heinrichevent 1 and the Younger Dryas : implications forclimatic feedbacks. University of Ulster, Interna-tional Conference and Field Meeting, Northern Ire-land, UK, 13-18 June.

Langvatn, R. (2001). Overvåkning hjortevilt – hjort: årsrapport region sør (Rogaland -Hordaland)2000. 15. (NINA oppdragsmelding ; 695). ISBN: 82-426-1232-3.

Langvatn, R. (2001). Overvåkning hjortevilt – hjort: årsrapport for Sogn og Fjordane 2000. 15. (NINAoppdragsmelding ; 696). ISBN: 82-426-1233-1.

Langvatn, R. (2001). Overvåkning hjortevilt – hjort: årsrapport region nord (Sør-Trøndelag) 2000. 16.(NINA oppdragsmelding ; 694). ISBN: 82-426-1231-5.

Liferov, P., Jensen, A., Løset, S., Iversen, G., Møl-mann, T. & Gudmestad, O.T. (2001). Loading andexport of oil from the Timan Pechora Region. 396-400. In: Proceedings : the 5th International Confer-ence on Development of the Russian Artic Offshore(RAO), St. Petersburg, 11-14 September.

Lokrantz, H., Anderson, T., Gataullin, V., Manley,W., Andreev, A., Ingólfsson, Ó. & Forman, S.L.(2001). Late Quaternary ice sheets and stratigraphyon Yugorski Peninsula, Arctic Russia. EuropeanUnion of Geosciences, EUG XI, Journal of Confer-ence Abstracts 6, 1, 215.

Lønne, I. & Nemec, W. (2001). The mode ofgrounding-line supply : its significance and recog-nition in marine moraines. Glacier-influenced sedi-mentation on high-latitude continental margins :modern and ancient. 40. In: International Sympo-sium : Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude continental margins : modern and ancient,University of Bristol. (Abstract).

Lønne, I., Nemec, W., Blikra, L.H. & Lauritsen, T.(2001). Sedimentary architecture and dynamicstratigraphy of a marine ice-contact system. 42. In:International Symposium : Glacier-influenced sedi-mentation on high-latitude continental margins :modern and ancient, University of Bristol.(Abstract).

Lønne, I., Nemec, W. & Lauritsen, T. (2001). Devel-opment of the Egge-Lyngås moraine, southern Nor-way : implications for glacier dynamics and sub-glacial sediment supply. 41. In: InternationalSymposium : Glacier-influenced sedimentation onhigh-latitude continental margins : modern andancient, University of Bristol. (Abstract).

Løset, S. (2001). Arctic engineering and environ-mental technology related to petroleum exploita-tion in Northwest Russia. 6. In: Comments : Con-cluding Seminar, The Research Council of Norway,Oslo, 24-25 September.

Løset, S. (2001). Iskvalitet. 13. In: Proceedings :Norwegian University of Science and Technology,Department of Structural Engineering, Seminar,Larvik, 17-18 November.

Løset, S. (2001). Research needs for the develop-ment of the Barents Sea. Vol.1, 71-85. In: Proceed-ings of the 16th International Conference on Portand Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions(POAC`01) Ottawa, 12-17 August.

Løset, S., Jensen, A., Gudmestad, O.T., Ravndal, O.& Eide, S.E. (2001). An Arctic shuttle barge systemfor loading of oil in ice. 192-197. In: Proceedings :the 5th International Conference on Developmentof the Russian Arctic Offshore (RAO), St. Peters-burg, 11-14. September.

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Løset, S., Jensen, A., Gudmestad, O.T., Ravndal, O.& Eide, S.E. (2001). Model testing of an Arctic shut-tle barge system for loading of oil in ice.Vol 1, 779-787. In: International Offshore and Polar Engineer-ing Conference (ISOPE), Stavanger, 17-22 June.ISBN 1-880653-51-6.

Moldestad, D.A. & Løset, S. (2001). The ski basestructure analyser. 7. In: Proceedings : the NordicMATLAB Conference, Oslo, 17-18 October.

Moros, M., Rasmussen, T.L., Snowball, I., Nielsen,T., Kuijpers, A., Dokken, T., Jansen, E. & McManus,J.F. (2001). The quartz/plagioclase ratio : a sensi-tive proxy for IRD input in the Northern NorthAtlantic? NGF Abstracts and proceedings, 2, 74.

Mukai, T., Blum, J., Nakamura, A.M., Johnson, R.E.& Havnes, O. (2001). Physical processes on inter-planetary dust. 445-477. In: Grün, E. et al. (eds.).Interplanetary dust. Berlin : Springer. (Astronomyand astrophysics library). ISBN: 3-540-42067-3.

Nilsen, F. (2001). On the effect of atmospheric forc-ing and topography at the Vøring plateau. Bergen :Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen. VI,131. Dr.Scient. Thesis. ISBN: 82-497-0024-4.

Nilsen, F., Skagseth, Ø. & Orvik, K.A. (2001).Oceanographic analysis – Svinøy. Norsk Hydroreport.

Pavlov, A., Instanes A., Sheshin, Yu. &Grechishcheva, O. (2001). Ice segregation in oil-con-taminated soils laboratory studies. 133-139. In: Pro-ceedings : the 2nd Russian Conference on Geocry-ology, Moscow, Russia, 6-8 June. (In Russian).

Porebski, S. & Steel, R.J. (2001). Delta types andthe sea level cycle. AAPG Annual Meeting, Denver.(Abstract).

Rasmussen, T.L., Oppo, D.W., Thomsen, E. &Lehman, S.J. (2001). Deep-sea records from the SELabrador Sea : timing of ice-rafting events duringthe last 150,000 years. International Conference onPaleoceanography ICP-VII, Sapporo, 16-21 Septem-ber.

Singsaas, I., Moldestad, M.Ø. & Brandvik, P.J.(2001). Analyser av oljeprøver fra malmskipet«John R» og forvitringsegenskaper til bunkersoljenombord. 31. (SINTEF rapport STF66 A01010).ISBN: 82-14-02274-6.

Singsaas, I., Ramstad, S., Brandvik, P.J. & Jensen,H.V. (2001). Beredskapsanalyse for etablering avoljevernberedskap i forbindelse med skipning avkull i Van Mijenfjorden på Svalbard. 64. (SINTEFrapport STF66 A00115). ISBN: 82-14-02279-7.

Singsaas, I., Ramstad, S., Brandvik, P.J. & Jensen,H.V. (2001). Forslag til beredskapsstrategier ogutstyrsvalg samt testing av utstyr ombord itaubåtene i Van Mijenfjorden på Svalbard. (SINTEFrapport STF66 A01100).

Skogseth, R. (2001). CTD and ADP data report.NOClim cruise LA0105, UNIS, 28 May-3 June 2001to Storfjordrenna, Svalbard Barents Sea with R/VLance. Longyearbyen : UNIS. 43.

Skogseth, R. (2001). CTD and ice core data report.NOClim helicopter cruise, UNIS, 6 April and 23April 2001 to Storfjorden, East Spitsbergen, Sval-bard with Airlift Helikopter Bell 212. Longyearbyen: UNIS. 13.

Steel, R.J. (2001). Shelf-edge deltas : a driver forshelf-margin accretion in the Eocene of Spitsbergen,AAPG Annual meeting, Denver. (Abstract).

Steel, R.J., Crabaugh, J. & McLaurin, B. (2001). Tra-verses in the fluvial core of Cretaceous clasticwedges, N. Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. GuideBook for the International Conference on FluvialSedimentology, Nebraska, August, 110.

Zielke, M., Ekker, A.S., Olsen, R.A., Spjelkavik, S.& Solheim, B. (2001). The influence of abiotic fac-tors on biological nitrogen fixation in differenttypes of vegetation in the High Arctic, Svalbard. 66.In: NARP Symposium : The Arctic on Thinner Ice,programme and abstracts, Oulu, Finland, 10-11May.

Zielke, M., Forney, L.J., Olsen, R.A. & Solheim, B.(2001). The influence of environmental factors onthe nitrogen fixation activity and diversity ofcyanobacterial communities in the High Arctic. 86.In: CYANOFIX workshop on Natural Communitiesof Nitrogen-fixing Cyanobacteria : New Techniquesfor Field Studies, programme and abstracts (Euro-pean Science Foundation), Bertinoro, Italy, 6-10November.

Popular scientific publicationsBrekke, A. (2001). Har Universitetet i Tromsø mis-tet sitt polare fokus? Article in newspaper «Trom-søflaket», 8 November. 16.

Brekke, A. (2001). Ett senter kommer og ett sentergår. Article in newspaper «Tromsøflaket», 22 Novem-ber. 17.

Björck, S. & Ingólfsson, Ó. (2001). Senkvartärglaciations- och klimathistoria på Antarktiskahalvön : i sällskap med orkaner och elefantsälar.Ymer. 121, 153-167.

Humlum, O. (2001). Vejret på lang sigt. Chroniclein newspaper Politiken (Denmark), 11. January. 5-6.

Langvatn, R. & Meisingset, E.L. (2001).Vekst ogalder hos hjorten. Hjorteviltet. 11, 1-11.

Lønne, I. (2001). Devonian on Svalbard. Longyear-byen : UNIS. 10.

Lønne, I. (2001). Excursion along the west coast ofSpitsbergen : field guide. Longyearbyen : UNIS. 90.

Lønne, I., Instanes, A. & Sandaker, K. (2001).Snøskredulykken i Chamonix, 6. februar 2001 : rap-port fra søk med georadar. Longyearbyen : UNIS.

Lønne, I., Instanes, A. & Sandaker, K. (2001).Snøskredulykken i Fardalen, Svalbard, 4. februar2001 : rapport fra søk med georadar. Longyearbyen: UNIS.

Lønne, I. & Stenvold, J.M. (2001). Coal-bearingstrata and coal exploration on Svalbard. Longyear-byen : UNIS.

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Mysterud, A. & Langvatn, R. (2001). Mye snø girfærre bukkekalver. Jakt, hund og våpen. 8, 58-60.

Mysterud, A., Langvatn, R. & Stenseth, N.C. (2001).Hjorteeventyret på Vestlandet : hvilke konsekvenserfår økende bestandstetthet og endringer i klimaet?91-96. In: R. Borgstrøm (red.). Delrapport I fra forskn-ingsprogrammet Bruk og forvaltning av utmark. NFR.

Nemec, W., Steel, R.J. & Lønne, I. (2001). Sedimen-tary facies analysis : from processes to systemstracts. Lecture illustration compendium, with exer-cises. Longyearbyen : UNIS. (Modified andupdated version). 340.

Presentations (oral or poster)Brandvik, P.J., Instanes, A., Steinnes, E., Holm, E.& Sundström, E.H. (2001). Characterisation of AcidMine Drainage (AMD) from mine waste rockdeposits on Svalbard. Proceedings of the 6th Inter-national Symposium on Mining in the Arctic,Nuuk, Greenland, May.

Camus, L., Richardsen S-R., Børseth J.F., GrøsvikB.E., Gulliksen B., Jones, M.B., Lønne, O.J., Regoli,F. & Depledge M.H. Biomarkers in the soft shellArctic clam Mya truncata : seasonal variability andimpact of PAH. Symposium : Pollutant Responsesin Marine Organisms, Plymouth, July.

Camus, L., Richardsen, S.-R., Børseth, J.F., Grøsvik,B.E., Gulliksen, B., Jones, M.B., Lønne, O.J.,Regoli, F. & Depledge, M.H. Biomarkers of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in Arctic marine inverte-brates, AMAP Conference, Tromsø.

Camus, L., Richardsen, S.-R., Børseth, J.F., Grøsvik,B.E., Gulliksen, B., Jones, M.B., Lønne, O.J.,Regoli, F. & Depledge, M.H. Biomarker Responsesand PAH uptake in Mya truncata following to oilcontaminated sediment in an Arctic fjord (Sval-bard). SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicologyand Chemistry), Madrid. (Poster).

Camus, L., Richardsen, S.-R., Børseth, J.F., Gullik-sen, B., Jones, M.B., Lønne, O.J., Regoli, F. &Depledge, M.H. Biomarkers in the soft shell Arcticclam Mya truncata : seasonal variation and impactof PAH, PRIMO, Plymouth. (Oral presentation).

Dokken, T. High resolution deglacial records in theNordic Seas and the North Atlantic : phase relation-ship between different oceanic proxies duringrapid transitions. International Conference :changes in climate and environment at high lati-tudes, University of Tromsø. (Talk).

Dokken, T. High resolution deglacial records in theNordic Seas and the North Atlantic : phase relation-ship between different oceanic proxies duringrapid transitions. The 7th International Conferenceon Paleoceanography, Sapporo, September.(Poster).

Gammelsrød, T. Havet, klimaet og ekstremvær.fa*gmøte, Skandinavisk avdeling i Zurich for-sikring, Longyearbyen, 22 April. (Lecture).

Gammelsrød, T. Physics of the Continental Shelf.Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mosambik,October. (Lecture).

Gammelsrød, T. Thermohaline circulation and cli-mate trends. China-Norway Joint Symposium onPolar Science, Shanghai, China, 30 July-3 August.

Hop, H., Gulliksen, B., Cochrane, S., Voronkov,A.Y., Kovaltchouk, N.A. & Beuchel, F. Changes indiversity and distribution of benthic marine organ-isms within Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Norske hav-forskeres forening, årsmøte, November.

Humlum, O. Active layer processes. Kartleggingog modellering av permafrostens utbredelse ihøgalpine miljø. (Mapping and modelling per-mafrost distribution in high alpine environments).NorFA-course in Southern Norway, 3-13 August.(Lecture).

Humlum, O. The climatic and geomorphic signifi-cance of rock glaciers. Kartlegging og modelleringav permafrostens utbredelse i høgalpine miljø.(Mapping and modelling permafrost distribution inhigh alpine environments). NorFA-course in South-ern Norway, 3-13 August. (Lecture).

Humlum, O. Permafrost. Nordic Hydrylogic Meet-ing 2001, Longyearbyen (UNIS). (Invited lecturegiven 8 December).

Humlum, O. Recent and Late Holocene Arcticenvironmental change : observational evidence.The 3rd International Conference on Cryopedology.Copenhagen, 20-24. August. (Invited keynote lec-ture given 23 August).

Humlum, O. Rock glacier active layer tempera-tures. 1st European Permafrost Conference. Rome,March. (Poster)

Humlum, O. The significance of rock glaciers forsediment transport in high-relief, high-latitudeareas. Changes in climate and environment at high-latitudes, Tromsø, 31 October – 2 November. (Lec-ture).

Ingólfsson, Ó. Constraints on the glacial and cli-mate history of the Antarctic Peninsula since theLast Glacial Maximum. Changes in Climate andEnvironment at High Latitudes, Tromsø, 31 Octo-ber – 2 November. Abstracts and Proceedings of theNorwegian Geological Society 2, 41.

Ingólfsson, Ó. Holocene changes in the Antarcticcompared to the Arctic : glacial and climate historyand phase relationships with the Arctic. Interna-tional Workshop, POLARCLIM : New Evidence forBiotic and Environmental Change in the Arctic.Svalbard, 5-9 September.

Ingólfsson, Ó. Late Quaternary environmental his-tory of Antarctica. Icelandic Natural History Soci-ety, University of Iceland, November. (Lecture).

Ingólfsson, Ó. Late Quaternary glacial and climatehistory of Iceland. International Workshop,POLARCLIM : New Evidence for Biotic and Envi-ronmental Change in the Arctic. Svalbard, 5-9 Sep-tember.

Ingólfsson, Ó. Late Quaternary glacial history ofsouthern Kara Sea area : stratigraphical evidencefrom Yamal and Yugorski Peninsulas. EuropeanUnion of Geosciences, EUG XI, Journal of Confer-ence Abstracts 6, 1, 218.

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Ingólfsson, Ó. & Hjort, C. Constraints on theglacial and climate history of the Antarctic Penin-sula since the Last Glacial Maximum. EuropeanUnion of Geosciences, EUG XI, Journal of Confer-ence Abstracts 6, 1, 93.

Ingólfsson, Ó. & Hjort, C. Otto Nordenskjöld’scontributions to glacial history : a bipolar effortwith a southern focus. Antarctic Challenges : His-torical and Current Perspectives on Antarctica :International Symposium, University of Göteborg,10-13 May. (Abstracts).

Instanes, A. (2001). Arctic climate impact assess-ment : impact on Arctic infrastructure.Workshop on Modeling and Scenarios, Arctic Cli-mate Impact Assessment (ACIA), Stockholm, Swe-den, January 29-31. (Presentation).

Instanes, A. (2001). Konsekvenser av klimaendring: hvor mye tåler vi? Arctic Climate Impact Assess-ment, oppstartsmøte Tromsø, 31.mai. (Presenta-tion).

Instanes, A. & Sundström, H.E. (2001). Tempera-ture regime and permeability of a tailing deposit onpermafrost in Bjørndalen, Spitsbergen. Proceedingsof the 1st European Permafrost Conference, Rome,Italy, March 26-28.

Jaedicke, C. & Sandvik, A.D. The influence of drift-ing snow on the location of glaciers on westernSpitsbergen. EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, 25-30 March.

Jónsdóttir, I.S. & Magnússon, B. ITEX in Iceland :vegetation responses to warming. ITEX Commu-nity Workshop, Salt Lake City, 14 November. (Oral,presented by Marilyn Walker).

Jónsdóttir, I.S. & Moen, J. Botany in the WestAntarctic region : from Carl Skottsberg to modernresearch. Antarctic Challenges : Historical and Cur-rent Perspectives on Antarctica : Proceedings froman international scientific symposium, Göteborg,10-13 May. (Oral, invited lecture).

Lorentzen, D.A. Auroral research on Svalbard.Workshop on cusp/polar cap ionosphere dynam-ics, University of Oslo, September.

Lønne, I. Bruk av georadar ved søk i snøskred. Sys-selmannen på Svalbard & Hovedredningssentralen,4 April.

Lønne, I. Development of the Egge-Lyngåsmoraine, southern Norway : implications for glac-ier dynamics and subglacial sediment supply. Glac-ier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude con-tinental margins : modern and ancient, School ofGeographical Sciences, University of Bristol, 29-30March.

Lønne, I. «Glacial Ghosts» : investigating fainttraces of high Arctic glaciations. INSTAAR seminarseries, 22 October.

Lønne, I. The glacial ghosts of the Arctic. Svalex-2001, 27 August.

Lønne, I. The mode of grounding-line supply : itssignificance and recognition in marine moraines.Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitudecontinental margins : modern and ancient, Schoolof Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, 29-30 March.

Lønne, I. Sedimentary architecture and dynamicstratigraphy of a marine ice-contact system. Glac-ier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude con-tinental margins : modern and ancient, School ofGeographical Sciences, University of Bristol, 29-30March.

Lønne, O.J. Arctic sea-ice communities : why arethey different from Antarctic ones. University ofCape Town. (Oral presentation).

Moen, J. Auroral signatures of dayside boundarylayer dynamics. 28th Annual European Meeting onAtmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Oulu,Finland, 19-24 August. (Invited).

Moen, J. HF backscatter from ionospheric cuspirregularities. Centre National de la Recherche Sci-entifique, CETP/UVSQ, Velizy, France, 5 Decem-ber. (Invited lecture).

Moen, J. Ionospheric signatures of dayside magne-tospheric boundary layers. AGU Chapman Confer-ence on The Low-Latitude Boundary Layer and ItsDynamic Interaction with the Solar Wind and Mag-netosphere, New-Orleans, Lousiana, 16-20 April.(Invited).

Moen, J. Magnetospheric boundaries and geomag-netic conjugate phenomena, China-Norway JointInternational Symposium on Polar Science, Shang-hai, China, 30 July-3 August. (Invited).

Moen, J. Svalbard som observasjonsplattform forromvær. fa*gpedagogisk dag, University of Oslo, 3January.

Moen, J. & Egeland, A. Challenges for futuresounding rocket investigations from Svalbard. 15th

ESA Symposium on European Rocket and BalloonProgrammes and Related research, Biarritz, France,28 May-1 June.

Moen, J., Holtet, J.A., Pedersen, A., Lybekk, B.,Oksavik, K., Østgaard, N. & Gustafsson, G. CLUS-TER observations related to postnoon auroral arcs.EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, 25-30 March.

Moen, J., Holtet, J.A., Pedersen, A., Lybekk, B.,Svenes, K., Oksavik, K., Søraas, F. & André, M.Cluster boundary-layer measurements and opticalobservations at magnetic conjugate sites. Fysiker-møtet 2001, Trondheim, 14-17 June.

Moen, J., Lockwood, M., Denig, W.F., van Eyken,A.P., McCrea, I.W., Carlson, H.C., Oksavik, K. &Nielsen, K.P. EISCAT identification of Polar CapBoundary Layer Dynamics. 10th International EIS-CAT Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 23-27 July. (Invited).

Neldén, M., Brandvik. P.J. & Daling, P.S. Charac-terisation of water-soluble components from oilspills at Arctic conditions. «HELCOM Oil-in-Iceseminar». Helsinki, October.

Oksavik, K. Har vi klær for romvær? fa*gpeda-gogisk dag, Bergen, 2 February. (Lecture).

Oksavik, K. Introduction to Norwegian spaceresearch. Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts,USA, 10 April. (Lecture).

Oksavik, K. Romvær til besvær. Realfa*gsdagen,Bergen, 15 March.

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Oksavik, K. Space physics in Norway. Center forSpace Physics, Boston University, Massachusetts,USA, 29 October. (Lecture).

Oksavik, K., Fritz, T.A., Zong, Q.G., Søraas, F. &Wilken, B. Sounding the magnetopause surface inthree-dimensions with Cluster/RAPID. 2001 AGUFall Meeting, EOS Transactions, SM22A-0795, SanFrancisco, California, USA, 10-14 December.

Oksavik, K., Søraas, F., Aksnes, A., Moen, J. &Wilken, B. The Svalbard archipelago : a window toCLUSTER. EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, 25-30 March.

Oksavik, K., Søraas, F., Moen, J. & Burke, W.J.Open and closed LLBL : optical and particle signa-tures. AGU Chapman Conference on The Low-Lati-tude Boundary Layer and Its Dynamic Interactionwith the Solar Wind and Magnetosphere, NewOrleans, Louisiana, USA, 16-20 April.

Oksavik, K., Søraas, F., Moen, J. & Burke, W.J.Optical and particle signatures of the low-latitudeboundary layer near noon : satellite and ground-based observations. EGS XXVI General Assembly,Nice, 25-30 March. (Invited).

Prick, A. Gélifraction et chutes de pierre : le pointsur les recherches récentes et quelques exemples duSpitsberg. Université de Reims, Institut de Géogra-phie, 17 December. (Invited lecture).

Prick, A. Les risques naturels dans la région deZermatt. Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 – CGRA(Centre de Recherche en Géographie et Aménage-ment), 12 December. (Invited lecture).

Prick, A. Rock fall and weathering processes in anarctic environment : preliminary results from aresearch project carried out in Longyearbyen. Sci-ence Day exhibition, UNIS, 12 October. (Poster).

Prick, A. Le Spitsberg vu par une géographe lié-geoise. Société Géographique de Liège, 19 Decem-ber. (Invited lecture).

Rasmussen, T.L., Oppo, D.W., Thomsen, E. &Lehman, S.J. Deep-sea records from the SELabrador Sea : timing of ice-rafting events duringthe last 150,000 years. International Conference onPaleoceanography ICP-VII, Sapporo, 16-21 Septem-ber.

Schellpeper, M. & Steel, R.J. (2001). A shelf-edgedelta-to-estuary couplet in the Early Eocene ofSpitsbergen. AAPG Annual Meeting, Denver.(Poster).

Sigernes, F., Nielsen, K.P., Deehr, C.S., Svenøe, T.,Shumilov, N. & Havnes, O. The Hydroxyl rota-tional temperature record from the Auroral Stationin Adventdalen, Svalbard (78°N, 15°E). The 28th

Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studiesby Optical Methods, Oulu, Finland, 19-24 August.(Invited).

Sigernes, F., Svenøe, T. & Deehr, C.S. OPTICS atthe Auroral Station in Adventdalen, Svalbard(78°N, 15°E). The 28th Annual European Meetingon Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Oulu,Finland, 19-24 August.

Sigernes, F., Svenøe, T. & Deehr, C.S. OPTICS atthe Auroral Station in Adventdalen, Svalbard(78°N, 15°E). China-Norway Joint Symposium onPolar Science, Shanghai, China, 30 July-3 August.

Steel, R.J. Models for deepwater sand deposition.Phillips Alaska, March. (Seminar).

Steel, R.J. Presented the Qualline Endowed Lec-ture Series, University of Texas at Austin. Septem-ber.

Søraas, F., Aarsnes, K. & Oksavik, K. A space-based DST-index estimated from low altitude pro-ton observations. Fysikermøtet 2001, Trondheim,14-17 June. (Lecture).

Søraas, F., Aarsnes, K. & Oksavik, K. Ring currentintensity estimated from low altitude proton obser-vations. 15th ESA Symposium on European Rocketand Balloon Programmes and Related research,Biarritz, 28 May-1 June. (Lecture)

Vontrat-Reberac, A., Marchaudon, A., Taylor,M.G.G.T., Lavraud, B., Fontaine, D., Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., Cerisier, J.C., Oksavik, K., Bosqued,J.M., Canu, P., Dunlop, M., Laakso, H., Décréau, P.,Fazakerley, A. & Rème, H. Detailed cusp study forvariable (mostly northward) IMF and quiet condi-tions. 2001 AGU Fall Meeting, EOS Transactions,SM22A-0804, San Francisco, California, USA, 10-14December.

Widell, K., Østerhus, S., Hansen, E. & Gammel-srød, T. Measuring the Fram Strait ice and freshwa-ter flux. NFR Climate and Ozon Programme,Bergen, 27-29 November.

Zielke, M., Ekker, A.S., Olsen, R.A., Spjelkavik, S.& Solheim, B. The influence of abiotic factors onbiological nitrogen fixation in different types ofvegetation in the High Arctic, Svalbard. NARPSymposium : The Arctic on Thinner Ice, Oulu, 10-11May.

Zielke, M., Forney, L.J., Olsen, R.A. & Solheim, B.The influence of environmental factors on the nitro-gen fixation activity and diversity of cyanobacterialcommunities in the High Arctic. CYANOFIX Work-shop on Natural Communities of Nitrogen-fixingCyanobacteria : New Techniques for Field Studies(European Science Foundation), Bertinoro, 6-10November.

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (46)


Aasen, Åge Vervarslinga på Vestlandet

Alm, Göran Stockholm University,Sweden

Andresen, Arild University of Oslo

Andresen, Steinar Fridtjof Nansens Institute

Arlov, Thor Bjørn Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Arntsen, Oivind Norwegian University ofScience and Technology

Asplin, Lars Institute of Marine Research, Bergen

Astakhov, Valery Institute for Remote Sensing Methods in Geology, Russia

Austegard, Atle University of Bergen

Ballantyne, Colin C. University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Berggren, Anne-Lise Geofrost Engineering A/S

Berndt, Christian University of Tromsø

Bjørnsson, Helgi University of Iceland, Iceland

Bjørnå, Noralv Tromsø Geophysical Observatory

Bogen, Jim Norwegien water resorces and energy administration

Brattegard, Torleiv University of Bergen

Brigham-Grette, Julie University of Massachusetts, USA

Bruland, Oddbjørn SINTEF

Camus, Lionel Akvamiljø AS

Cooper, Elisabeth Norwegian Polar Institute

Crawford, Robert M.M. University of St. Andrews,Scotland

Dale, Trine Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aqua-culture

de Lange, Tor University of Bergen

Derocher, Andrew E. Norwegian Polar Institute

Digranes, Per University of Bergen

Ditlefsen, May Kristin SINTEF

Dokken, Trond University of Bergen

Dowdeswell, Julian University of Bristol, UK

Egeland, Alv University of Oslo

Eiken, Trond University of Oslo

Eltoft, Torbjørn University of Tromsø

Elvebakk, Arve University of Tromsø

Falk-Petersen, Stig Norwegian Polar Institute

Finch, Ivan Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

Finseth, Jomar Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Flatberg, Kjell Ivar Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Foldvik, Arne University of Bergen

Forman, Steven L. University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

French, Hugh M. University of Ottawa, Canada

Fuglei, Eva Norwegian Polar Institute

Furevik, Tore University of Bergen

Gabrielsen, Geir Wing Norwegian Polar Institute

Geirsdòttir, Àslaug University of Iceland, Iceland

Gjevik, Bjørn University of Oslo

Goering, Douglas Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Grønnevedt, Martin Dahl University of Bergen

Gudmestad, Ove Tobias Statoil

Guio, Patrick University of Oslo

Haagensen, Per J. Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Hagen, Jon Ove University of Oslo

Hagen, Oddvar Region Hospital in Tromsø

Hamre, Johannes Institute of Marine Research, Bergen

Hansen, Alfred University of Tromsø

Hansen, Edmond Norwegian Polar Institute

Haug, Tore Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture

Haugan , Peter M. University of Bergen

Heia, Karsten University of Tromsø

Hoflandsdal, Endre Svalbard Community Services Company Ltd

Holm, Elis Lund University Hospital, Sweden

Hop, Haakon Norwegian Polar Institute

Hoppe, Ulf Peter Norwegian Defense Research Establishment

Huse, Geir University of Bergen

Høgda, Kjell A. NORUT IT

Isaksen, Ketil University of Oslo

Isham, Brett EISCAT

Jansen, Eystein University of Bergen

Jansson, Peter Stockholm University,Sweden

Jensen , Bjørn Munro Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Guest lecturers

Name Institution Name Institution

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (47)


Johansen, Bror SINTEF

Johansen, Tor Arne University of Bergen

Johansen, Torunn B. Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Johnsen, Geir Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Johnsen, Sverre Ola Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Kallenborn, Roland The Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Kangas, Tor-Villy University of Bergen

Kilander , Carl Erik The Gouvernor on Svalbard

Killingtvedt, Ånund Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Kjærnet, Torfinn Commissioner of Mines at Svalbard

Klementsen, Anders University of Tromsø

Knutsson, Sven Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Komorov, Olga Khitun Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Kovacs, Kit Norwegian Polar Institute

Kuhn, Michael University of Innsbruck, Austria

Kuvaas, Berit Statoil

La Hoz, Cesar University of Tromsø

Laberg, Jan Sverre University of Tromsø

Landrø, Martin Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Landvik, Jon Agricultural University of Norway

Lein, Berit Directorate for Nature Management

Leinaas, Hans Petter University of Oslo

Leppäranta, Matti University of Helsinki, Finland

Lockwood, Mike Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

Loeng , Harald Institute of Marine Research, Bergen

Lundén, Bengt Stockholm University, Sweden

Malaize, Bruno University of Bordeaux, France

Marchal, Oliver Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

McPhee, Miles McPhee Research Company, Washington State, USA

Mehlum, Fridtjof University of Oslo

Mienert, Jürgen University of Tromsø

Miller, Gifford University of Colorado, USA

Mjelde, Rolf University of Bergen

Myhren, Bjarte University of Bergen

Myrvang, Arne Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Mølmann, Truls Barlindhaug Consult AS

Nagy, Jenö University of Oslo

Nemec, Wojtek University of Bergen

Nesje, Atle University of Bergen

Nilsen, Jan Even Øie University of Bergen

Nordal, Inger University of Oslo

Norem, Harald Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Nøst, Ole Anders Norwegian Polar Institute

Pagel, Gajus Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Paulsen, Jan Erik Forecasting Division for Northern Norway

Presterud, Pål Norwegian Polar Institute

Ramstad, Svein SINTEF

Raustein, Elmer University of Bergen

Reed, Mark SINTEF

Reeh, Niels Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Renner, Udo Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Reymert, Per Kyrre Svalbard Science Forum

Roettger, Jürgen Max Plank Institut für Aeronomie, Germany

Roth, Mary Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Rønning , Jan Steinar Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Sand, Knut SINTEF

Sandven, Rolf Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Shkinek, Karl State Technical University of St. Petersburg, Russia

Shumilov, Nikita University of Tromsø

Siggerud, Erling PGS Reservoir AS

Siren, Pubu Environmental monitoring Section, Canada

Skeie, Paul STORM

Smedsrud, Lars Henrik University of Bergen

Sneli, Jon Arne Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Solheim, Anders Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Name Institution Name Institution

UNIS Annual Report 2001 - [PDF Document] (48)


Name Institution Name Institution

Solheim, Inger NORUT IT

Solhøy, Torstein University of Bergen

Sorteberg, Asgeir Norwegian Metrological Intistute

Spielhagen, Robert Alfred Wegner Institute, Germany

Spjelkavik, Sigmund Longyearbyen Lokalstyre

Steinnes, Eiliv Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Stenseth, Nils Christian University of Oslo

Stette, Gunnar Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Strømme, Anja University of Tromsø

Sundet, Jan Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture

Sundvor, Eirik University of Bergen

Svendsen, Harald University of Bergen

Svenning, Martin Norwegian Institute for Natural Research

Svenøe, Trond University of Tromsø

Sæltun, Nils Roar University of Oslo

Sæther, Ola Magne The Geological Survey of Norway

Søraas, Finn University of Bergen

Telebond, Turid Svalbard Community Services Company Ltd

Thiede, Jörn GEOMAR, Germany

Thorolfsson, Sveinn Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Totland, Ørjan Agricultural University of Norway

Tverberg, Vigdis Norwegian Polar Institute

Ulfstein, Geir University of Oslo

van der Wal , René Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory, U.K.

van Eyken, Tony EISCAT

von Quillfeldt, Cecilie Norwegian Polar Institute

Walløe, Lars University of Oslo

Weber, Jan Erik University of Oslo

Werner, Al Mount Holyoke College, USA

Winther, Jan G Norwegian Polar Institute

Wohlfarth, Barbara Lund University, Sweden

Zolotukhin, Anatoly State Technical University of St. Petersburg, Russia

Øritsland, Nils A. Norwegian Polar Institute

Østerhus, Svein University of Bergen

Øyvind A., Schnell University of Bergen


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