AMAZING News 9/15/13 (2024)

Malmordowas originally published in the July 1946 issue of “The Shadow Magazine.” A sinister figure that haunts the sewers of New York, that is Malmordo. A crime figure of international repute has brought his hoards of ratlike minions to America to begin a new wave of crime. Thus, The Shadow will pursue the world’s most desperate criminal.This story stands out among the other 1946 pulp mysteries of The Shadow. This and an earlier story, “Crime Out of Mind,” stand as the top two Shadow stories of the year. Of course, 1946 wasn’t known as a strong year for Shadow tales, so perhaps bestowing that title upon this story isn’t all that much of an honor. Of the weaker tales for that year, there were “The Banshee Murders” in which no murders took place, “Crime Over Casco” in which The Shadow casually reveals his most closely guarded secret to near-strangers, and “The Curse of Thoth” which showed definite traces of heavy-handed editing.

Things really went downhill in August of 1946, when long-time author Walter Gibson left the magazine series and Bruce Elliott took over the writing tasks for the next two years. The following month after “Malmordo” brought readers “The Blackest Mail,” a Shadow story which Bruce Elliott butchered so badly that I can still barely consider reading it again. Yes, 1946 was not a good year for The Shadow. But “Malmordo” made things a bit brighter for the year as a whole.The story opens on a fog-covered pier along the North River. A banana boat, the Steamship Santander, lies at anchor. A gypsy named Panjo is seeking birds that have been smuggled in on the Santander. Parrots, macaws and similar birds are regularly being smuggled from South America into New York Harbor. But this time, there are no birds. The birds are all dead; killed by huge rats. Why does Panjo seek exotic birds? That’s just one of the many things that is revealed later in the story.

Inspector Joe Cardona is also down at the pier; he patrols the docks looking for stowaways that have been slipping into port. Little does he realize that this simple old hulk carries not only stowaways who are sneaking into the country from Europe, via South America, but it also contains other bizarre passengers, as well. There are the huge rats that are bigger than the cats…

Click here to read the rest of John Olsen’s indepth Shadow Review
Double Novel reprint $12.95

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We are happy to announce the release ofThe Only Game in the Galaxy!Order it nowor from your local bookseller.

In a galaxy of cutthroat companies, shadowy clans and a million agendas, spy agency RIM barely wields enough control to keep order. Maximus Black is RIM’s star cadet. But he has a problem. One of RIM’s best agents, Anneke Longshadow, knows there’s a mole in the organisation. And Maximus has a lot to hide.

Also in this series:Mole HuntandDyson’s Drop

ISBN: 9781925000061
Publication date: September 2013
Extent: 333 pages
Format: B format paperback
Price: AUD $19.95
Category: Science fiction (space opera)
Age guide: 12+

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About the Author

Together with Michael Pryor, Paul is the co-editor of the highly successful fantasy series, The Quentaris Chronicles; he has also contributed seven titles to the series as an author. Paul’s other works include The Jelindel Chronicles,The Earthborn Wars trilogy and The World of Grrym trilogy written in collaboration with Danny Willis. Paul has been the recipient of several awards, notably the inaugural Peter McNamara, the A Bertram Chandler, the Aurealis, and the William Atheling. He has been short-listed for many others, including the Speech Pathology Australia and Ditmar awards. Paul has worked as a pub bouncer, served time in the commandos, has a black belt in both tae kwon do and ju jitsu, was a kickboxer, and trained with the Los Angeles Hell Drivers.

Key selling points:

  • Multiple award-winning Australian YA author.
  • Third book in a trilogy
  • Aimed at boys from 12+.
  • Strong male and female characters
  • Merchandise offered: bookmarks
  • Author touring schools and conferences
  • Book #1 received fantastic reviews. Fran Knight in Magpies said: “A quirky turn of phrase, combined with a large dose of humour will attract readers who like something extra with their SF”
  • Meredith Tate in Bookseller & Publisher had this to say: “Bitingly clever and imaginative, it’s like a cross between The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Total Recall and Dexter”
  • Fran Atkinson chose Mole Hunt as Pick of the Week in The Sunday Age: “Don’t bother trying to acclimatise. There’s no meandering here, just a full throttle shove that leaves the reader in the calculating hands of 18-year-old Maximus Black, who comes from a long line of madmen, murderers and megalomaniacs”.

Out now:Gamers’ Rebellion

Tark and Zyra finally make it out into the real world … but things are not quite what they expected. When Zyra is captured by the Designers, Tark finds himself among a group of teenage rebels. It seems like everyone has an agenda, and Tark and Zyra are to be the pawns in other people’s power games. They soon discover the sinister uses to which the game is being put and the shocking way it is all operated— with dozens of kidnapped children wired directly into the mainframe, their brains keeping the whole thing going. Will Tark and Zyra be able to free these children? Will they be able to save the characters within the game from the people who created them? Will they even be able to remain in the real world? Or will the Designers’ plans for world domination win out?

Also in this series:Gamers’ QuestandGamers’ Challenge

ISBN: 978-1-921665-97-4
Publication date: June 2013
Extent: 246 pages
Format: Portrait
Price: AUD $16.95
Format: B format paperback
Age guide: 11+

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AMAZING News 9/15/13 (4)
About the AuthorGeorge Ivanoff is an author and stay-at-home dad residing in Melbourne. He has written over 30 books for children and teenagers, two of which are on the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist. George has also written for numerous magazines and anthologies, including Trust Me!and Doctor Who, Short Trips: Defining Patterns.

Key selling points:

  • George Ivanoff is willing to promote his work
  • Third title in the Gamers trilogy
  • Strong male and female characters
  • Set in a game environment. Perfect for reluctant readers
  • Experienced author who has written over 30 books for children and teenagers
  • A combination of popular genres — science fiction and fantasy

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AMAZING News 9/15/13 (5)Distributed by Macmillan Distribution ServicesAMAZING News 9/15/13 (6)Australian schools and exclusiveNZ distributor
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SEPTEMBER • 11TH • 2013

Halloween ContestReaders have always been drawn to tales of death, terror, madness and the supernatural…what is your story?Writers must submit a 250 word short horror story Upon email submission, we ask that writers tweet @startpublishing confirming his/her submission. Start Publishing will randomly select five stories for Michael J. Martinez author of Daedalus Incident to choose one winner. Martinez is going to critique the winner’s horror story and give special writing tips.The winner’s horror story will be featured on the Start Publishing blog and the November issue newsletter. Winner will also be able to select one FREE eBook from the Start Publishing/Night Shade Books catalog.The winner will be announced on Start Publishing’s Twitter and Facebook pages on October 31st. Stay tuned!Deadline for all submissions: October 21, 2013Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All

By Laird BarronBest Horror of the Year Vol 5
By Ellen DatlowReanimators
By Peter RawlikZero Point
By Neal AsherDaedalus Incident
By Michael J. MartinezAMAZING News 9/15/13 (8)AMAZING News 9/15/13 (9)AMAZING News 9/15/13 (10)Martha WellsQ. What’s on your Netflix queue?
A. I don’t have a queue, but I’ve been mainly working my way through their collection of TV mysteries, new and old. Luther is one of my big favorites, along with Inspector Lewis, Vera, Amber, Psych, and I’m waiting for them to get the first season of Elementary so I can watch it againQ. What’s your all time favorite book?
A. Gaudy Night, by Dorothy SayersQ. What was the last eBook you bought?
A. It was Kate Elliott’s Cold Magic, which I bought as a birthday gift for a friend. (I’ve already read the whole trilogy.)Q. What is your most valuable writing tip to aspiring writers?
A. Everyone works differently, everyones creativity is different. Don’t worry if things that everyone else seems to do don’t work for you; everyone’s writing brain is different.Q. What are you up to now?
A.I have a Star Wars novel, Empire and Rebellion: Razor’s Edge coming out on September 24, and a YA fantasy, Emilie and the Sky World coming out next year, but right now I’m catching up on short stories that I need to write and trying to figure out what novel I want to write next.Words from JarredI want to thank you all personally for helping to make this transition as smooth as possible, it has been a bumpy ride for all of us. Throughout this short journey, I have spoken with many authors, agents and other freelancers. Thank you for both your positive feedback and your criticism.With that being said, I am very pleased with the turnaround thus far. Our new eBooks that have come out under Start Publishing’s management have done very well in the marketplace. We continue to actively acquire new content, as well as establish new marketing techniques for our strong backlist. Night Shade Books is in a very healthy state.This quarter we have released Neal Asher’s much anticipated Zero Point, the second book in his The Owner trilogy, Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of The Year Volume 5 (one of Night Shade’s strongest titles, year after year), and the critically acclaimed book The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All by Laird Barron. We also launched two debut novels, Michael J. Martinez’s Daedalus Incident and Pete Rawlik’s Reanimators.Additionally, our team is working hard on the marketing and sales front. We have a plan for each and every title we release, and I have a great team who is actively executing these plans. Start Publishing will continue to publish great books; we welcome all of your feedback! Once again, we thank you for your support!AMAZING News 9/15/13 (11)Jarred G. Weisfeld
President of Start Publishing

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AMAZING News 9/15/13 (13)Start Publishing
609 Greenwich St 6th Floor
New York, NY 10014


eFanzinesNew issues at eFanzines, and Nova Award announcement

Mon Sep9,2013 8:31am (PDT) . Posted by:

“Bill Burns” efanzines

Added today athttps://efanzines.comare:

John Purcell’s Askance #29

Issues 53-56 of Garry P Dalrymple’s Transcendental Basenji Sermons and

The September issue of John Thiel’s Surprising Stories is now on line at
his site.

For readers in the British Isles, Steve Green sends this notice:

Voting has opened for this year’s Nova Awards, honouring achievement in
British and Irish fanzines?

Any sf fan resident in the UK or Eire can vote, provided they’ve read at
least six eligible fanzines. They can vote via an online form, and
there’s a list of known eligible issues at the Novacon website (most of
which are available to read at eFanzines, of course).



Sept 10 2013

CAN-CON 2013 announces Brendan Myers as Special Musical Guest

CAN-CON 2013, The Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature, welcomes Dr Brendan Myers as Special Musical Guest. CAN-CON will be held on October 4 to 6, 2013 at the Minto Suites Hotel, 185 Lyon Street North, Ottawa. This year CAN-CON hosts the Aurora awards.

Dr. Brendan Myers is a singer/songwriterof folkish, myth-telling, and silly songs. His performances of his own work and covers have been enjoyed in North America and Europe at pubs, festivals, conventions, parties and camp fires. Brendan’s “The Island,” a CD recording of some of his songs over the last twenty years, has sold-out, and he is in the process of joining SOCAN and making it available for download. When not serenading, Brendan can be found either at CEGEP Heritage College where he is a professor of philosophy and humanities, or writing and promoting his non-fiction and self-published fiction books.

CAN-CON is Ottawa’s premiere Science Fiction and Fantasy gathering celebrating the written word. This yearly event brings together readers, writers, scientists, publishing professionals for panel discussions, workshops, presentations, readings, book launches, networking opportunities and to have fun. CAN-CON is a function of The Society for Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature.

The Aurora Awardsare presented annually by the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association. The award categories include literary works, art work, fan activities, and are given out at gala awards banquet.

Please see more details.

Please contactcan.spec.lit@gmail.comwith any questions.


Sept 9 2013

CAN-CON 2013 announces Peter Watson and Jeffrey M. Manthorpe as Special Guests

CAN-CON 2013, The Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature, welcomes scientists Peter Watson and Dr Jeffrey M. Manthorpe as Special Guests. CAN-CON will be held on October 4 to 6, 2013 at the Minto Suites Hotel, 185 Lyon Street North, Ottawa. This year CAN-CON hosts the Aurora awards.

Peter Watson is Emeritus Professor of Physics at Carleton Universitywith an extensive teaching and research record. Just some of his research includes quark modules, muonic atoms, higgs phenomenology, broken colour models, nuclear matter, neutrino phenomenology, ultra-cold neutrons, gamma-ray bursts and pulsars. He is an experienced public educator.

Jeffrey M. Manthorpe is an Assistant Professor of Synthetic Organ Chemistry at Carleton University. His research focused on the development of new asymmetric methodology and applications to biology relevant molecules, both natural and unnatural. When not in the lab he enjoys spending time with his Newfoundland dogs, cycling, rock climbing, playing hockey and listening to music. He enjoys public education and sharing science.

CAN-CON is Ottawa’s premiere Science Fiction and Fantasy gathering celebrating the written word.This annual event brings together readers, writers, scientists, publishing professionals for panel discussions, workshops, presentations, readings, book launches, networking opportunities and to have fun. CAN-CON is a function of The Society for Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature.

The Aurora Awardsare presented annually by the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association. The award categories include literary works, art work, fan activities and are given out at gala awards banquet.

Please see more details.

Contactcan.spec.lit@gmail.comfor more information.


VIZ Media’s Haikasoru imprint is proud to announce that author Ken Liu’s short story, “Mono no Aware,” collected in the anthology THE FUTURE IS JAPANESE, has won the 2013 Hugo Award for Best Short Story! Haikasoru is first imprint in the U.S. dedicated to offering some of the most compelling contemporary Japanese science fiction and fantasy in translation for English-speaking audiences.

THE FUTURE IS JAPANESE, edited by Nick Mamatas and Masumi Washington, is an anthology collecting science fiction from, as well as about, Japan from some of the world’s best genre writers. “Mono no Aware” tells the tale of the last Japanese survivor aboard an American space habitat after an asteroid has destroyed the earth, and this is the 2nd story for which Ken Liu has won a Hugo Award.

“I’m very, very grateful to the voters who have conferred this honor on me,” says author Ken Liu. “I wrote ‘Mono no aware’ because I loved the characters and the ideas that motivated them, and I’m glad to see these resonated with readers.”

“We are thrilled Ken Liu’s story, Mono no Aware, won the Hugo Award,” says Masumi Washington, Haikasoru Editor-in-Chief. “Succinctlyillustrating the Japanese concept ofmono no awarethrough the eyes of Hiroto, a man who was just a child when the world ended, the story is a wonderful introduction to this talented author. We invite readers to explore it along with a dozen other fantastic science fiction, fantasy and cyberpunk tales that are contained in THE FUTURE IS JAPANESE.”

The press release is attached for the full details! Cover artwork is also attached – please use the following copyright around the image if used:


Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to receive a review copy of THE FUTURE IS JAPANESE! Thanks!


Calgary, AB, September 6, 2013 (immediate release)

EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing has announced that submissions are open for Tesseracts Eighteen: Wrestling With Gods, edited by Liana K and Jerome Stueart.

For this new Tesseracts volume, the editors are seeking original short stories and poems which are “as diverse a representation of both real-world religions and faiths of fictional cultures as possible. Stories should not be looking to pass historical or cultural judgment, instead they should feature character-driven plots that include faith, doubt, miracles, spiritual journeys, and diversity of opinion within a faith.”

The Tesseracts anthology series is Canada’s longest running anthology. It was first edited by the late Judith Merril in 1985, and has published more than 500 original Canadian speculative fiction (Science fiction, fantasy and horror) stories and poems.

Some of Canada’s best known writers have been published within the pages of these volumes – including Margaret Atwood, William Gibson, Robert J. Sawyer, and Spider Robinson (to name a few).

Submissions should be emailed

For more information:

Or find details posted on the Tessracts Eighteen blog:

Release date:

Tesseracts Eighteen: Wrestling With Gods will be released in September 2014 in paperback and eBook formats.

About The Editors:

Liana K:
Liana K is an award-winning TV producer & writer who has also stepped in front of the camera as the co-host of the legendary late night show Ed & Red’s Night Party, the Canadian Comedy Award-winning this Movie Sucks!, and Ed the Sock’s I Hate Hollywood! An episode of I Hate Hollywood was lauded by mental health workers for de-stigmatizing mental illness. Another early episode was well-received for its look at religion in Hollywood.

Liana also provides commentary, reviews and video interviews for video game site She is co-columnist of 411 Mania’s “The 8 Ball”, and host/writer of Liana K’s Geek Download, heard weekly on the internationally syndicated radio program Canada’s Top 20. She has edited and contributed writing to a comic book mini-series: Ed and Red’s Comic Strip.
She has hosted and produced the Prix Aurora Awards ceremony three times. She is founder and chair of the Futurecon organization, which uses Science-Fiction and Fantasy elements to reduce various types of stigma and raise money for various charities.
Her stranger achievements include: modeling for videogames, having her superhero toy & art collection featured on TV’s Space channel, researching and presenting a paper on Mormon Cosmology in the Twilight Saga, and having a DC Comics character named after her. Liana is an avid cosplayer and her costume work made her the face of Western cosplay on Wikipedia.

Jerome Stueart
Jerome Stueart makes his home in the Yukon Territory. Hailing from Missouri and West Texas, Jerome came up to the Yukon to work on northern science fiction. He fell hard for the place. Stueart is a graduate of Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Workshop in San Diego (2007) and of the Lambda Literary Retreat for Emerging LGBT Voices (2013). He has been published in Fantasy, Geist, Joyland, Geez, Strange Horizons, Ice-Floe, Redivider, On Spec, Tesseracts Nine, Tesseracts Eleven, Tesseracts Fourteen and Evolve: Vampire Stories of the New Undead. He earned honourable mentions for both the Fountain Award and Year’s Best Science Fiction 2006. He co-edited Inhuman. As a cartoonist he was featured in the Yukon News, and as a journalist he wrote for Yukon, North of Ordinary, Air North’s in-flight magazine. He’s worked as a janitor, a trolley conductor, an embedded reporter in a remote northern research station, a Religious Education director, and a marketing director. He wrote five radio series for CBC, and one of them, Leaving America, was heard around the world on Radio Canada International. Jerome has taught creative writing for 20 years, and taught an afterschool course in fantasy and science fiction writing for teens for three years. He teaches a workshop he designed called Writing Faith in churches across Canada and the US.

Contact Information:
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Brian Hades


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