リスタートはただいまのあとで [Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de] (2024)

daph pink ♡

1,074 reviews2,906 followers

February 20, 2021

リスタートはただいまのあとで [Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de] (2)

I am weak. Send help.

    manga-hwa-hua yaoi


740 reviews

October 2, 2023

リスタートはただいまのあとで [Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de] (4)

Chàng trai 25 tuổi, Mitsuomi, sau khi bị đuổi việc ở Tokyo và trở về quê hương của anh ta tại một vùng quê nghèo và hẻo lánh. Vậy là đã sau 10 năm, khi Mitsuomi trở về mọi thứ trông vẫn như xưa, thứ duy nhất thay đổi là cuộc gặp gỡ với Yamato - chàng trai cùng tuổi và là con trai nuôi của bác hàng xóm.

Một câu chuyện ấm áp và nhẹ nhàng. Bản thân mình đồng cảm với Mitsuomi, chỉ là bản thân mình sau bao lần trở về quê chẳng bao giờ thấy vui cả (bởi ai ở quê cũng đáng ghét.) Nhưng bên cạnh Mitsuomi có Yamato - người lúc nào cũng bên cạnh anh ấy và cho Mitsuomi một cái nhìn, cảm nhận về mọi thứ tại làng quê ấy.

Những chuyện mình từng hối hận nhiều vô kể. Nhưng... nếu không có những chuyện đó, thì có lẽ chẳng bao giờ mình có những suy nghĩ như kế nghiệp gia đình, hay là chậm rãi cảm nhận... mùi vị nồng của mơ muối. Hay là biết đến sự ấm áp... của gia đình, của những người trong làng. Và của cậu ấy.

リスタートはただいまのあとで [Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de] (5)

Mình khá ngạc nhiên khi câu chuyện chuyển sang POV của Yamato. Yamato một người xuyên suốt những phần đầu luôn tươi cười, nhưng đằng sau khuôn mặt tràn đầy niềm vui đó là một nỗi buồn, quá khứ của Yamato luôn ám ảnh anh ấy. Để rồi dần dần giữa hai con người mang theo một nỗi buồn đó đã đồng cảm và động viên nhau.

Khởi Đầu Mới Là Trở Về Nhà một câu chuyện nhẹ nhàng, hài hước và rất ấm áp.

    bl film-adaptation manga-manhua-manhwa

Dilushani Jayalath

1,000 reviews198 followers

August 20, 2021

I’m ugly sobbing right now. I did not expect such a short manga to make me feel so many emotions. This is the first time this has happened to me and I am still reeling from the shock, pleasant as it was. There was so much packed into the few pages and the impact of it is quite great. What really pulls me into stories like this is how they do not shy away from real life situations. It’s not always a bed of roses and the mangaka does not try to show it. But also love in its purest form isn’t always sad either. It’s something joyous. These kind of stories make me want to believe in love once again (that’s saying a lot as I believe love is cynical). The portrayal of humans in a realistic manner is definitely the strong point in the story. A part of me wants to see at least a small continuation of this but the shortness makes the impact strong. I’ve heard there is a live action and this really got me interested to watch it too.

moonlight☾ [semi-hiatus]

677 reviews1,393 followers

February 20, 2024

4.5 stars

they're so f*cking precious 😭

    2024-favorites 2024-reads favorite-banters-chemistry

Norah Una Sumner

859 reviews508 followers

February 24, 2022

This was such a sweet, at times really emotional and lovely written graphic novel! I loved the two main characters, their story and the way everything progressed little by little. I saw that there is a movie adaptation of this so I'm really interested to see it!

    2022 4-star-read comics-manga-graphic-novels

Lauren Lanz

770 reviews275 followers

April 7, 2023

Anything wholesome to its core gets an automatic 4+ stars from me. Loved the artwork!!

    4-stars manga


301 reviews15 followers

April 5, 2023

Cute gay fluff really DOES cure depression

grayi ♡

204 reviews26 followers

October 10, 2022

My heart is... So full. Maybe love is real guys, idk.
I want what they have.

    from-japan manga read-in-2022

Iman (hiatus: slump)

699 reviews197 followers

November 4, 2022

such cute story! thx Hugo for the rec :)

    friends-turn-lovers guilty-moments


156 reviews18 followers

May 4, 2021

I really enjoyed this! Both characters had contrasting mannerisms that worked well together. I'm also someone that really enjoys an adoption story and can relate to it so it's always fun to read.

    lgbtq manga-comics-webtoons


798 reviews83 followers

June 19, 2022

Help, this was so cute and wholesome! I loved that even though Mitsoumi and Yamato click at once, they take their relationship slowly. The latter part made me cry too.

    21st-century all-the-tears contemporary

aileen | ✾

430 reviews287 followers


December 18, 2022

A cute and wholesome story about new beginnings 🧡


1,103 reviews145 followers

January 21, 2022

I'm so angry at myself. I hate that I found this book a month ago, that first day I discovered the bl genre... BUT I DIDN'T READ IT! I was so into Seaside Stranger that time that I found it hard to let other works in. Augh, I totally hate myself!!

Because this manga is so wholesome!! Cocomi was saying that they're (not sure about their gender haha) not sure if they pulled it off and if they moved you in any way, well, I'm going to tell you here: You moved me. I adore this book so much. It's flawless. I just wished I pushed myself to read it sooner.

Yamato was a lonely soul who couldn't let anyone into his heart. But wore a smile to mask that loneliness. He always put in his gratefulness first. I just felt blue that he was abandoned as a baby. He reminded me of Anne so much. They're both strong characters.

Mitsuomi, on the other hand, was a spoiled kid. I love his character development. Moved me into tears when he mellowed out and when he confronted Harada. He also needed that closure, in order to free himself up. I felt proud when he opened up to his father about that business. Even though his father is kind of silent and cold as ice, even prickly (like him, before), you know he's well-loved.

They are polar opposites of each other. But that is why they fit each other perfectly. Because they create the balance. I'm jealous, I know.

The story build-up is simple, rather, it's healing, that's why it's "restart" in the first place. They did not put any unnecessary identity crisis and I love that. They just went with the flow.

That: It's just normal if I like that guy. That I'm not sick or anything. Yes, part of the society might gossip behind my back, but it's not a problem, some other people treat us the same.

I liked that it was put as simply as that. It's definitely an ice cream treat in the summer.

Both characters came to this certain town to restart their lives. And, I'm just happy that they found each other; and all regrets, problems, and any other conflict are solved. I hope what Yamato dreamt of will come true. It will definitely give me a huge smile on my face. Or bring me to non-stop tears of joy.

    boys-love countryside favorites

Tiash .

283 reviews113 followers

May 10, 2021

It's kawaii.... Though I think they did better job in film adaptation!

Melanie Rodriguez Sosa

125 reviews42 followers

November 7, 2021

Mitsuomi no se calla sus pensamientos, los expresa sin ningún tipo de tapujos y todo sumado a una mirada que da miedo. Es este carácter suyo el que hizo que lo despidiesen de su trabajo y que volviese a su pueblo natal con sus padres, luego que haber vivido más de una década en Tokio. Al regresar conoce a Yamato, alguien totalmente distinto a él, pero a pesar de sus diferencias ambos entablaran una amistad y quien sabe, tal vez algo más sucederá entre ellos.

Fue una lectura hermosa y cálida, no hubo momento en el que no sonriese o llorase. Me gusta la forma en que Cocomi cuenta la historia y la dirección que la da, que si bien es muy predecible, eso no quito que gritase en los momentos de afecto que se demostraban los personajes. El dibujo es bastante simple y lo común en los mangas de romance de esta época, así que no es lo mas impactante de la historia, pero es lindo.

Me gusto mucho el personaje de Mitsuomi porque no es el más convencional, se enfada muy rápido y es bastante explosivo, pero esto no está mal. Me gusta que él entiende su carácter y que no se reprime a si mismo sino que trata de mejorar en los pequeños aspectos que le afectaron en el pasado. Me pareció un cambio muy humano y real porque mantiene su esencia y además me mostro una faceta nueva.

“Tengo una montaña de cosas de las que arrepentirme. Pero…si no las tuviera…nunca habría llegado a conocer la calidez que desprende Yamato.”

Después esta Yamato, quien siempre está sonriendo y ayudando con el trabajo. Él es el que me hizo llorar más y también es quien hace que el tomo tenga una trama más seria. Me gustó mucho que le diesen su momento a su pasado para que se explicase su personalidad y me emocione con su desarrollo porque llega a comprenderse mejor a sí mismo y también se puede liberar un poco de su pasado.

“Estaba convencido de que, por mucho amor que me dieran…yo sería incapaz de devolverlo igual.”

Siento que lo único que le veo de negativo a este manga es que me faltaron un par de paginas más. No fue tanto para darle más sustento a la relación de los personajes porque esta fue en lo absoluto apresurada, fue un desarrollo totalmente natural y nada forzado, pero deseaba ver mas a profundidad como es que cada uno caía por el otro. Espero que esto lo muestren un poco más en el próximo volumen.

En conclusión desenlace de la historia fue hermoso, me parece que es un manga precioso y que releería muy seguido, ahora estoy muy emocionada por conseguir la secuela. Quiero seguir leyendo sobre Mitsuomi y Yamato.

Lai Reading

294 reviews472 followers

August 2, 2022

Ban đầu đọc tưởng nhạt mà đ��c xong thấy hay lắm ý, kiểu nhẹ nhàng mà ấm áp, soft kinh khủng. Bộ này không có plot twist gì đâu, kiểu đọc nhẹ nhàng chill chill thôi mà dễ thương lắm nheee

    book-in-2022 boylove healing


477 reviews718 followers

November 15, 2021

Nhiều khi đời đưa đẩy phải đổi cái thất nghiệp và chộn rộn chốn kinh kì lấy một chiếc tình yêu ươm vàng đồng quê nắng sớm lại may mắn và tốt lành hơn gấp bội. Đời khó đoán, nên cứ để con tim dẫn lối. Lúc va bộp bộp vào tim người ta, hẳn sẽ muốn vứt hết mà quay về.

Tui coi LA xong đọc truyện liền, đúp-bồ vậy thấy thiệt là ấm lòng ấm dạ.


3,623 reviews71 followers

November 30, 2021

This is simply sweet and lovely, my two favorite flavors of romance.

    lbgtq manga romance


934 reviews82 followers

February 17, 2022

finally reading some manga again, and this was the perfect one to start with! so warm and wholesome, it was a joy to read.



731 reviews16 followers

July 31, 2021

Beauty, of course, is experienced in many ways. In this gorgeous manga, beauty mysteriously emerges from the quotidian events of everyday life in rural Japan: visiting neighbors, sharing produce you grew in your garden, high school rivalries that stretch into adulthood, sprained ankles, laughter, simply spending time next to someone. Suddenly, as all of these normal, mundane experiences accumulate, through some magical juxtaposition that you can’t quite put your finger on, beauty and emotion shine through and overwhelm you.

This is exactly what I experienced reading “Restarting after Coming Back Home,” about Mitsuomi, a prickly, mouthy, 25 year old son who loses his job in Tokyo and goes back to live with his parents in rural Japan. Once there, he meets Yamato, a gentle giant of a man who’s also 25 and who was adopted by a nearby elderly couple when young. One day a laughing Yamato simply walks into Mitsuomi’s life and they become fast friends. Even on Mitsuomi’s bitterest and crankiest days, Yamato smiles and treasures his new friend’s emotional honesty. Yet Yamato seems to always keep his real, inner self at a distance from everyone, a fact that begins to trouble Mitsuomi after he realizes he’s falling for Yamato.

This isn’t an epic or melodramatic story, yet it’s riveting and intense as the relationship between the two young men takes root. Cocomi, wisely, chooses to focus on what really builds a relationship in this manga, eschewing the sensationalized titillation of naked skin and sex that’s so clearly a sales gimmick, aimed at a certain demographic, that it undermines our belief in the characters. Cocomi shows us what it feels like to simply be with someone, at their side, sharing experiences good and bad, and how, sometimes, love blossoms from this simplest of soils. Not that physical intimacy isn’t important, but it’s much harder to show the invisible connections that make up a living relationship, the way it resonates between two people, but Cocomi succeeds brilliantly.

Many of the pages have a glimmering radiance allowing the white of the page to dance through the artist’s compositions, which are often structured using light mid-tones with just a few darks. While his confident use of line clearly structures the space depicted in many panels, his line changes with the mood of the narrative and can also feel poignant, tenuous and ephemeral on some pages. Combined with the artist’s tendency to sprinkle in panels showing odd angles that keep us just off balance, making us pay close attention to each scene, there’s a sense of energy and motion throughout that speaks to the movement of the characters’ inner emotions and their evolution across chapters. The art on the page becomes the visual analog of these invisible emotions. Thus, artistic form, narrative development, and expressive intent meld perfectly in this jewel of a book.

I bought this in Japanese on a hunch, and read it on a scanlation site. I purchased it from either CD Japan or Manga Republic, I can’t remember, and read it on myreadingmanga.info; unfortunately, this scanlation site has explicit ads (most of which are simply stupid) but the translations are often decent and, having used it extensively to read manga purchased in Japanese in English, so far it hasn’t infected the old Kindle I’ve been using (I’m still not confident enough with the site to use my iPad Pro, though). This manga has also been made into a live action movie, which I’d love to see.

Seven Seas publishing is coming out with an official English translation later this year (which I’ve already pre-ordered; yes, I’ll have two copies but we have to support these artists and especially those who are gifted with the storytelling power of Cocomi). There’s a sequel that I’ve ordered in Japanese, too, that I’m so looking forward to called “Restart wa Onaka wo Sukasete (リスタートはおなかをすかせて)”.


Imanewreader ✨

718 reviews197 followers

April 27, 2023

to my past self : how dare you give it only 3 stars ?

it was so sweet and wholesome. i love every second of it. for the heartfelt discussions about being able to love and being adopted and simply the cute romance it's a win for me

edit - (bought the italian edition of this cutie) and well, still as adorable - just in italian-

Veronica Villar

401 reviews30 followers

February 8, 2022

5/5 estrellas

Una historia dulce de principio a fin. Me ha gustado mucho la relación de amistad entre Yamato y Mitsuomi y como ha ido evolucionando a lo largo del tomo.

Un BL que recomiendo mucho.

Relectura (8/2/2022)

    contemporary death family


Author22 books294 followers

November 10, 2021


¡Me ha gustado mucho! El dibujo es precioso y ellos son 💕💕💕. Pero es verdad que se me hace precipitado y que este formato en general ha podido resentir el potencial que tiene la historia.

    2021-reads english graphic-novels


439 reviews20 followers

June 16, 2022

Mitsuomi Kozuka ha perdido su empleo y debe volver al pueblo en el que viven sus padres. A sus 25 años no sabe lo que hará de su vida ni le importa demasiado. Hasta que conoce a Yamato, un chico de su edad que vive en el pueblo y que hará que su vida cambie por completo

La historia de Mitsuomi y Yamato se ha creado para que la leas y te deje el corazón blandito. Mitsuomi es orgulloso, sarcástico y poco dado a mostrar lo que siente, mientras que Yamato es cariñoso, atento y está agradecido por la vida que lleva ahora. Su amistad empieza a fraguarse poco a poco, en parte porque comparten edad y viven cerca, y por la curiosidad que sienten por el otro. Mientras sus vidas se entrelazan se nos muestran cosaa del pasado de ambos, que los llevaron a ser quienes son ahora.

La atención a los detalles, a las expresiones y gestos de ambos protagonistas se hace con cuidado, para que incluso en los silencios los conozcamos. Lo que se nos muestra del pueblo y sus alrededores le da ese aire de aislamiento del resto del mundo que ayuda a que nos centremos en ambos y ver el mismo escenario desde los ojos de cada uno.

Un BL maravilloso para iniciarse en este universo o para continuar en él, con 2 personajes bien creados y un Yamato que robará corazones.



513 reviews299 followers

July 27, 2022

Yo pensaba que me iba a guardar los mangas para cuando llegase a casa y no estando de vacaciones, pero está haciendo tanto calor en Madrid que el leer un libro se me está haciendo una tarea complicada.
La verdad es que este manga ha sido todo lo que esperaba. Una historia redonda, breve y absolutamente cuqui. Ha sido de estos casos en que no tengo ninguna queja. Los personajes son una maravilla, se complementan estupendamente, ambos tienen sus peculiaridades y el desarrollo es constante pero creíble. Me ha gustado, a destacar, que fuera especialmente fácil de sentirse identificado en temas como el paro, la vuelta al pueblo tras vivir en la gran ciudad, la familia y la relación con esta y la búsqueda de respuestas necesarias a nivel vital.

Ademas, acabo de ver que tiene una adaptación animada, así que podéis adivinar que buscare para ver a continuación.



337 reviews23 followers

February 28, 2022

rating this higher than i usually would but i’ve been reading a lot of bl lately that is very…unsavory lately so this was a nice reprieve


723 reviews17 followers

March 15, 2022

Historia, cuqui y mona.

    bl romántica


13.1k reviews402 followers

July 15, 2022

A cute manga about two men, a restart in the village they both live in, and more. Seriousness, a dash of humour, there is flirting, it was just perfect.

I was looking for new German-translated manga to read when I found out about this manga, or well, I saw the second volume. XD Thankfully there is Goodreads and I found that out before I bought it.

In this sweet manga we meet Mitsuomi a guy who keeps being fired and then returns back to his home village. It has been a while since the last time he last was here and we see how he struggles with things. Because people have a certain image of him. Not just because of him being fired and then “running” back home, but also because of his face. We see how he struggles with things, but also see him trying to make amends. With his dad. Try to make him see that he is honest about wanted to take over the business. That he won’t screw this one up. That he is really eager to do something. To not just sit and relax. I instantly took a liking to Mitsuomi. I am sure he had his reasons for getting fired, and I was more than delighted that he helped out people and even wanted to do more than that. I was proud of the guy. And he definitely has help from someone named Yamato, who apparently while he was away was adopted by the old people next door.

I just loved how these two connected. How they instantly had a bond, how they talked (and later also talked about Yamato’s past), how they sought each other out. I loved how Yamato was teasing Mitsuomi at times for things, and I had a giggle at how Mitusomi reacted. It was very endearing. I loved seeing Mitsuomi fall in love. Slowly, but very certainly he got more and more interested in Yamato and I found myself rooting for them. Hoping that they would be able to confess their feelings.

I had a laugh though because Harada knew something was up between Mitsuomi and Yamato. XD

My heart broke though when at the restaurant Mitsuomi mentioned that this love isn’t easy. Not as easy as when the couple is man/woman.

I love love adore and love that at Chapter 4 we got to see things through Yamato’s eyes, and yes he remembers that kiss. Teehee. I loved finding out more about Yamato, about his past. From how he was as a kid, to his first time with his new parents (or I should say grandparents), to high school. I have been curious about the guy. He is always so bouncy and bubbly, but I knew that being a child without parents or at least a child in the foster-system meant he has been through a lot, I wanted to see how he really was. See a different side. I was also delighted that my hunch was correct, he was falling in love with Mitsuomi and I was just squeeing.

And Chapter 5 was wonderful as well because Yamato decides to find out more about his real family, about how he was found in Tokyo and I loved how he dragged Mitsuomi with him. Haha, OK, maybe he should have asked first, but this worked for me. I loved how Mitsuomi was at first WTF, but then when he knew the reason he was there for Yamato and I was just crying when they held hands. Finding comfort in each other. Aww!

And Chapter 6 was just pure perfection. It continues what happened in Chapter 5, but also had the boys talking. Finally a real talk about their feelings. About what was going between them. I was so happy, I was just crying for quite a bit of the chapter because it was just so heartbreaking (about his past) and sweet (the two guys). It was a wonderful ending!

But I am happy that the author added some extras to the volume. One in which grandma Kumai just died and Mitsuomi is back, which was also their first meeting.. though they didn’t know. XD And then a new years celebration which had me grinning and smiling!

The art in this volume was just fantastic! Cocomi has such a wonderful style, not just in backgrounds but also with faces and characters.

All in all, I need the second volume of this one, got to buy it soon! Eep! And I would recommend this one to all. It will make you laugh, cry, you will be shipping these two together, it is perfect for those of us who love small-town stories.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/

    5-twinkling-stars cover-love german-books

Jesús gran poder

91 reviews3 followers

August 22, 2021

Una trama interesante, emocional y tierna al mismo tiempo, no llega a profundizar mucho en los sentimientos pero nos da un esbozo de lo que ocurre o como se siente cada personaje.

La historia es fluida, bien conectada a través de los capítulos del tomo y gran acierto el capítulo donde el narrador cambia.

Los personajes protagonistas muy bien dibujados, bellos y con dos personalidades muy marcadas para dejar claro las diferencia entre ellos.

Una lectura hermosa para entretenerse!


Elizabeth Soto

255 reviews1 follower

August 24, 2020

Una historia soft con bastantes detalles del auto descubrimiento, sin escenas subidas de tono y con un desarrollo de personaje relacionado con la profundidad que toma la historia

リスタートはただいまのあとで [Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de] (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 6158

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.