Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09  · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (2024)

Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09 · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (1)

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09 · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (2)


TUE 700:

WED 830:

THU 830:

FRI 830:

SAT 900:


SUN 800:



• Please pray for those in need, including: Dan Krebs, Patricia Fuller, Lisa Ann Kozakowski, John LaRock Sr., Michael Cooper, Phil Rutledge, Kathy Cooley, Robin Fahmie, Karen Prins, Sandra Adams, Richard Pelkey, Tom Dawson, Pete Siebertz, Nicole Brcic, John Dziuban, Jim Stephensen, Mason Rutledge, Georgiana Bruen, Wayne DeForest, Ron Fuller, Ann Mary “Nancy” Phillips, Katie Hutton, Betsy & Charlie

Rodgers, Pam Wiitala, Chris Dreffs, Caroline Pribble, Emma Thompson, Howard Pease, Kelli Merlo, Shirley Dreffs, Bryan Eaton, Phillip Campbell Sr., Glenn Klecker, Paul Massimilla, Patricia Dawson, Lois Roth, Tony Ragazzo, Scott Simon, Mary Boudreaux, Clara Peterson, Marieke Carter

Please pray for those in the military, including: Adam Draves, Nathan Baker, Garette Moore,

Larry Workman, Daniel Scott Brown, Mark Richard, Philip Maxwell, Tony Phillips, Anthony Darket, Samuel Chase Johnson, William Godfrey, Bill Lott, Mike Nelson, Frank Snaith, Allan Fletcher, Noah Kranz, Chas & Holly Carter,

Pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Michael Kunitz: Byzantine Catholic Dcn. David Pellican: AOD

Margaux Magryte Fr. Tom Wasilewski Ordination Anniversary Mary Pellican Laura Weiler Xavier Eldersveld Olivia George George Hynes Parishioners Albert E. Freije Jr. Ryan Koenig

Octave of Pentecost

Continuing a tradition of several years, Old St. Patrick will once again offer Extraordinary Form Masses during the Octave of Pentecost (June 9-16). The Sunday Masses of the Octave (June 9 & June 16) will be at 12:30pm. The weekdays during the Octave will follow the normal Mass schedule (with the addition of a Monday Mass at 7pm).

Sunday, June 9th at 12:30 pm Monday, June 10th at 7:00 pm Tuesday, June 11th at 7:00 pm Wednesday, June 12th at 8:30 am

Extraordinary Form Traditional Latin Mass

Thursday, June 13th at 8:30 am Friday, June 14th at 8:30 am Saturday, June 15th at 9:00 am Sunday, June 16th at 12:30 pm

Thank You to our Choir Members! Mr. Jacob Visovatti has been providing many hours of choir directing and practice during this interim period as we seek to hire a new Music Director, the rest of the choir has continued to work hard thank you to Ann DeJak, Erika Tuttle and all the wonderful cantors!!!

Thank You Volunteers! Several of our parishioners have jumped in to help around our campus: Ethan Hayes has fixed

two statues in the choir loft: a cherub by the stairs and a Sacred Heart statute that needed repair. The Brighton, Cole and Scanlon families have been weeding and planting flowers in our garden areas, and Nancy Keough has been keeping our parish library dust free. If you would like to volunteer to help around the Church or parish center, please contact Debbie in the office.

Natural Family Planning Class Old St. Patrick will host a Regional Natural Family Planning class on

Tuesday, June 18, at 7pm in our parish hall. If you are interested contact Jenny Ingles from the Diocese at 517-342-2587.

Help With Parish Family Fun Days We would like to restart our parish wide family fun days, following the 10:30am Mass on the last Sunday of the month. We will need two families each fun day to help organize the event. Play days will begin June 30th, followed by July 28th, and August 25th. If you are interested in helping make these fun days happen, please contact Tom Merlo at (734)662-8141 ext.

Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09 · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (3)

Pilgrimage to Italy 2019 Fr. Tom and the students of St. Augustine’s Schola just returned from a two week pilgrimage in Italy. They visited many beauti-ful sites and were even privileged to sing for Cardinal Burke!

Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09 · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (4)

Before the memories of the trip to Italy grow dim, I’d like to recall some of the highlights and graces that God gave on this beautiful pilgrimage! The parents, chaperones, and children’s choir came to just over 60 people, we had to split and fly on two different planes to Rome! Our pilgrimage began in a homeschooler’s bus, driving to Toronto. I was blessed to travel with the Tabeling family (Ruth the mother, Ann and Grace twins, Jonathan and Martin), and Mrs Rosaria Park (our summer organist) was also in our van. Traveling with this group really brought it home what taking a trip with the whole family is like! (Just kidding!) Jonathan, who is 19yrs old and a student at Wyoming Catholic did the lion's share of the driving. In Toronto, we met up with other St. Augustine families and took an 8 hour flight to Paris, where we had to wait a couple hours for the transfer flight to Rome. Once in Rome, even though everyone was very tired, we got on a chartered bus for a 4 hour drive to Florence, our first stop! Florence, is a stunningly beautiful city! The river Arno flows through its center and there are sev-eral gorgeous bridges over it. The kids had a great time climbing up the Duomo (and later Giotto’s bell tower) which is the Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore (St. Mary of the Flowers) in the center of old town. They even gave an impromptu outdoor concert on the piazza, accompanied by a street musician! Florence, proved to be a city of flowers, we stayed at a convent hospitality house, where two of the sisters were from Poland! Nearby was the Assi Pizzeria restaurant where our whole group had wonderful Italian dinners with red wine! Another day in Florence, we visited the world-famous Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the powerful Medici family which once ruled Florence. We saw the gardens of the Medici family, which would give Central Park in NY a run for its money! We climbed the mountain to the monastery of San Maniato, the highest point in Florence. This is where an Armenian immigrant was martyred for his Christian faith in the early centuries. The choir gave a fantastic performance at Ognissanti church (All Saints) after which I was able to celebrate Mass for our group. After 3 days, we made our way to Rome by chartered bus, with a stop in Assisi. The hometown of St. Francis and St. Clare in the mountains did not disappoint! We were able to squeeze a Mass in at the Basilica of St. Clare, where we were given a very small chapel for a group of our size! We vener-ated the relics of St. Clare, made our way through winding streets to the Basilica of St. Francis, where deep underground is his tomb. This was the first time I was able to venerate the tomb of St. Francis. We also saw a 2nd class relic: his incredibly patched up and poor habit that he wore! All roads lead to Rome, it was late when we finally found the House of Fr. Minozzi, a hospitality house run by a religious congregation, in central Rome.This was very different from the convent house in Florence. We were close to the piazza navona and all the attractions of central Rome, along with the street noise and late night partiers! Rome was a great blessing, we saw so many things that it is hard to write them all out! The next day the kids gave a concert at the Pantheon, the oldest Ro-man structure, and a former pagan temple! It was Sunday, and the kids got to sing their beautiful sacred music for the regularly scheduled Mass which was in Italian. Concelebrating this Mass in the Pantheon, with an old Italian priest, and an adult server who was tremendously skilled at the thuri-


Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09 · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (5)

ble, was a moving experience for me! The Pantheon was cleared of the tourists, and only our group and the regular Italian parishioners remained. The priest wore the traditional Fiddleback chasuble used before Vatican II, and the Mass was reverent and beautiful. Afterwards I looked at the back al-tar and found relics of the Blessed Virgin Mary (hair or cloth) and St. Joseph. The kids did their best to sing after Mass, when the not so quiet crowds were let back in! Another day in Rome we visited the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. I spent most of this day with my sister and my oldest niece who flew in from Czech Republic to join us in Rome. Our last day in Rome was full of experiences! We saw the Holy Father at the general audience in St. Peter’s square. It was a surprise for all of us for St. Augustine Classical Homeschool Program to be announced to the Holy Father in English! It was wonderful to see the Roman Pontiff, the successor of St. Peter, up close and a reminder that the Church remains one, no matter who holds the office of St. Peter. Later that day we climbed the Scala Sancta, the marble steps that according to tradition Jesus climbed to his trial in Jerusalem. These marble steps, brought over from the Holy Land, are normal-ly covered with wood but were uncovered for renovations. We got to see the indents of thousands of pilgrims who climbed these same steps over the centuries! It was a penitential and holy experience! We visited the Lateran Basilica nearby, the cathedral church of the Holy Father. Finally we made our way to outskirts of Rome by bus, where we went underground into the Catacombs of St. Domitilla. There are over 10 miles of tunnels where Christens buried their dead. The catacombs began around the graves of two Roman soldiers, who were martyred for their faith. Everyone wanted to be buried near a martyr! Walking through these tunnels we got a feel for the early Christian faith, so focused on the resurrection! The Italy pilgrimage was a great grace for the whole group! Our youngest pilgrim was 6 years old and our oldest over 70! God provided many small miracles to assist our group, like the extra tickets that were just enough to get us all into the Vatican Museums and the Sistine chapel. Celebrating private Masses in side chapels of great churches, like St. Peter’s, was a treat for me! Thank you to Dr. Henry Russell and Lucia Campbell for organizing the pilgrimage and to all of you who supported and prayed for its success. I know the kids of St. Augustine will remember their trip for a long time! -Fr. Tom

Heart to Heart Apostolate A Heart to Heart Farewell Thursday, July 11, 2019 Join us for our final gathering as members and friends of Heart to Heart Apostolate. Al Kresta will lead our time of reflection on the past 20 years, with “Open mic” time for some of our past speakers. Mass at 6:30 P.M. at Christ the King Church Light reception and reflections in the Barn next to Christ the King Catholic Church. RSVP (734) 930-7497 [emailprotected]

Ave Summer Fest 2019 Wednesday, June 12, 6pm, at the Ann Arbor residence of Tom Mona-ghan, Founder-Ave Ma-ria University & Ave Ma-

ria School of Law. High School jun-iors & seniors and college seniors & post-graduates are invited to learn about the generous scholarships to Ave Maria University and Ave Ma-ria School of Law that are available to Michigan and Toledo residents. Enjoy summer picnic fare, a sundae bar, door prizes, and live music. Free, but registration required by Monday, June 10. To register, go to

Faithfully Departed Pray for the repose of the soul of: Shirley Randall. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May

the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09 · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (6)



SUNDAY 8:00/June 16 J. Hayes

SUNDAY 10:30/June 16 J. Hiester M. Lizzio M. Lizzio N. Perrydore


Knight of the Month Our Knight of the Month

for June is Michael Laird.

He is a Lector, an Extraor-

dinary Minister of Holy

Communion and takes

Communion to residents

at Regency Nursing

Home. As a third degree

Knight, Mike has been our Financial

Secretary for the past two years and has

done an outstanding job. He has been

involved in our Tootsie Roll Drives,

Beads and Brew Nights, Pancake Break-

fasts (buying all the food and supplies

and preparing food from 7am to 2pm)

and the Parish Fish Fry’s. Mike is always

helping out on all our projects where

ever he can. Mike and Darlene have five

adult children and six grandchildren.

Thank you Mike for your tireless efforts

to make our council better each year.

May God Bless You, Darlene and your


Join the Knights

Please contact Grand Knight, George

Pariseau at [emailprotected].

Parishioner of the Month: The Knights would like to

recognize and thank Nancy

Keough for all of her hard

work at our parish. Nancy

became a parishioner at

Old St. Patrick’s in 2012.

Soon after joining, she

started attending meetings

of the Ladies Society, helped with food

prep at the Lenten Fish Fries, and

worked at the church’s annual Rum-

mage Sale. For the last few years she

have coordinated the annual Family Life

Services Baby Bottle Drive at OSP. Nancy

also helps at the monthly Bingo games

held at the Regency Seniors Residence

in Whitmore Lake. At this time she is

leading our Ladies of St. Brigid Group

and coordinates the OSP’s Library.

Nancy stated - As my “sisters in faith”,

I am blessed beyond words to be a mem-

ber of our wonderful parish communi-

ty. Thank you Nancy and God Bless You

for all the time and effort you devote to

Old St. Patrick’s.



Reconciliation Tuesday 5:30PM - 6:40PM Saturday 2:30PM or by appointment; Don’t hesitate to call for an appointment!

Weekend Schedule for Holy Mass Saturday 4:00PM Sunday 8:00AM & 10:30AM

EF/TLM Latin Mass 2nd Sunday of Month 12:30pm

Weekday Schedule for Holy Mass First Saturday of the month 9:00AM Tuesday 7:00PM Wed. & Fri. 8:15AM School Year, 8:30AM Summer

Thur. 8:30AM

Eucharistic Adoration of Our Lord Tuesday 5:30PM– 6:45PM First Friday 7:00PM– Saturday 8:45AM

Baptisms Baptism Preparation classes as required by the

Diocese of Lansing may be scheduled to accom-

modate your family’s needs. Contact Dcn. Frank-

Joseph Papp, 734-426-1070 or email

[emailprotected] to arrange date, time and

location. Marriages Arrangements are to be made at least nine months prior to the wedding. Funerals Funeral arrangements are made by contacting the parish office. Parish Registration Contact the office for a registration form.

Office hours Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM Office: 734-662-8141 Emergency: 734-663-1851 Address: 5671 Whitmore Lake Rd, Ann Arbor, 48105 Website: E-mail: [emailprotected]

Pastor Fr. Thomas Wasilewski (#24) [emailprotected]

Deacon Dcn. Frank-Joseph Papp, [emailprotected] Dcn. Gary Perrydore, [emailprotected]

Parish Secretary Debbie Welch (#21) [emailprotected] DRE / Youth Minister Tom Merlo (#30) [emailprotected] Director of Music [emailprotected] Facilities/Maintenance Manager [emailprotected] Dog In Residence Chesterton AKA “Chester” see rectory Knights of Columbus Council 10963 George Pariseau [emailprotected] Ladies of St. Brigid Nancy Keough [emailprotected] Altar Server Coordinator Jennifer Holody [emailprotected] OSP Library [emailprotected] Prayer Requests [emailprotected]

Contributions: Weekend of June 2, 2019: $7,447.94 Bulletin announcements must be submitted in writing to [emailprotected] by Monday at noon and will be edited at the discretion of the editor or pastor.

SUNDAY, June 9


12:30 Pentecost Octave in EF Begins

MONDAY, June 10

7:00pm Pentecost Octave EF Mass

TUESDAY, June 11

7:00pm Pentecost Octave EF Mass


8:30 Pentecost Octave EF Mass

2:30 Mass @ Regency Home in W. L.


8:30 Pentecost Octave EF Mass

7:00 Choir Practice

FRIDAY, June 14

8:30 Pentecost Octave EF Mass


9:00 Pentecost Octave EF Mass

Copyright © 2015 HarperCollins Christian Publishing


Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09 · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (7)

Pentecost Sunday...2019/06/09  · Uffizi Gallery with masterpieces from artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Caravaggio among others! These were the “Offices” of the - [PDF Document] (2024)
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